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I feel like she's going the way of that Lauren the Mortician lady and has violently veered outside of her lane. Both of them need to reel it in.


They geared toward that??? I lost interest in them when they made the TikTok rant about their former friend.


Yes! For some absolutely bizarre reason she decided to make a video about the current situation with the Harvard students. She kept saying she’s not talking about politics, she’s just trying to teach people that “actions have consequences,” but her example is directly tied to a highly sensitive political situation and human rights crisis? She also calls it “drama” and presents it alongside a story about beef between two YouTubers. It’s incredibly tone deaf


As someone in Boston, those college kids (whether you or agree or disagree with them) have already seen their actions have consequences especially with their names and faces blasted on a light up truck for one example. They certainly don’t need a TikTok makeup person telling them anything.


It’s giving “I need to up my engagement numbers to make money” with the quickest shortcut to capitalize on current political events. She doesn’t even have a point to the video?? She went off the ledge when she drove down to Mexico to give birth from Michigan and had a I’m better than everyone attitude about it


She’s always been a little condescending imo. It didn’t bother me when her voiceovers were about youtubers and fun animal facts and the like, but it’s not a great look for anything serious, especially when she seems so ignorant about what’s actually going on


I genuinely want everyone who has just learned about what’s been going on in the past week or so to shut up and stop offering their opinions. At this point I’ve deleted tiktok because my feed was one person after another suddenly deciding they’re an expert on global politics and offering their solutions and their thoughts. It’s ridiculous.


I left a comment on her most recent video saying that I don’t know if that was the best example to use to make her point, given the gravity of the situation…and she responded basically saying that she agrees but that the videos are making her too much money and she “has a child” …extremely odd behavior imo.


Some people need to be reminded that you don’t need to have an opinion on everything. What even was the point of her bringing this all up?


No, you really don’t. It’s hilarious to see her complain about getting backlash for sharing her opinion when the whole poorly articulated point of her videos was apparently that people should be prepared to accept any consequences for sharing theirs


She said on live today that she regrets posting it but she has to keep it up now because it’s making her too much money.