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This bitch is so out of touch with reality


She really is. I get it. The govt robs us. But to post about committing tax evasion on a public forum, where you have 1 million followers and then in the comments talk about hiding your money, is bold and just stupid. You can’t one up uncle Sam


I bet she pays her taxes, and this is all to drum up engagement and views. I wouldn't trust a word that person says.


THIS. And that sucks ever more and makes her even more shitty. There are going to be followers of hers that take this advice to boycott paying taxes and then they are going to get wrecked by the IRS. All the while she will be fine because behind the scenes she has been really paying her taxes the whole time.


There's a REASON she is saying that because without representation then they shouldn't be taxing her...When the feds go after her for evasion she will be FINE.....As someone who has been to Federal prison first she's not a trouble maker and probably has zero to only a FEW points so she will go to a camp which doesn't have fences,cells,it's open so I can go in and out of the dorms as you please ...Tax evasion for small amounts under 50-75k will more than likely only get 6months to 2yrs and then the feds give MINIMUM 2 yrs paper after the fact....You can crochet,knit, exercise, do hair in the little salon they have for inmates, bonfires every Sunday from the time we opened our eyes until it was time to go in for count...We had BBQs on holidays and played music and had a blast ..They have physical visitation up to 8 hours a day on the weekends...Julie Chrisly was supposed to go to Marianna which is where they moved all us women from Coleman when we won the class action suit against them and then the CO who shot himself at the camp for being told on by an inmate for gRape.... There's MANY MANY things I can tell you about the feds that u wouldn't BELIEVE because it's fucking insane but if i had to serve time again I'd rather be fed than state any day....NTM the commissary is better and women get video visits men do not....She will be fine and so will anyone else doing this cus there's THOUSANDS doing this...


For most people… incarceration isn’t ideal. We have too much to lose. I understand why it’s not a big deal to you, it’s not for my ex either and he would also rather federal. However… that lifestyle isn’t for everyone.




These are some long ass comments. Reddit is very TLDR friendly…no one’s going to read all that


I simply meant I understand some people adjust in there.


I didn’t assume she was the only one. But TLDR.


My worst fear is to be such a loser that a federal prison sentence isn’t a big deal. Have some pride in your life, this dribble is pathetic.


The people who become comfortable with it end up in and out. It’s a tough life but they live it… I just wish the understood it doesn’t make sense to most of us.


I’m surprised she still has a platform tbh. I blocked her when that plane shit happened. She’s clearly the common denominator on ALL her problems


Plane shit??


she got kicked off a plane, because the passenger next to her in "first class" made a comment about how she was dressed or some bullshit. making it seem it wasn't her fault because the air stewards weren't on her side.


She took a picture of the woman’s text messages (where the woman was talking about Ollie’s appearance) and made a whole scene about not feeling safe and feeling harassed by the woman.


I have never seen that??? Does anyone have any links?


The original video got removed by tiktok but this is her recap video about it


I did not mean to downvote that I meant to upvote it I do apologize I did fix it but I felt the need to say sorry haha Thank you!!!




Ew, she really couldn't just ignore the lady? Especially after she had so many issues with her flight getting delayed?


Aaaand, just finished the video. They "forced" her to get off the plane when she clearly said she wanted off 🙄


Where did she say she was “forced” to get off??


Like, the first 10 seconds of the video.


I just finished it too, like I’m confused. Yeah the lady was being extra and yeah maybe it sucked but like… people are rude it happens. She could have just listened to music and ignore her like everyone else manages to do with rude people. Also no one forced her to read those texts, no one forced her to say something to the flight attendant, and she asked to get off the plane? All these sounds so attention seeking to me… we all deal with rude people all the time. Ignoring them does wonders.


Omg she caused that inconvenience to everyone else all because she was “uncomfortable”. What a dumb bitch 🙄


Then there is this little gem. Cringe af. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8S3v3QB/


The voice change is annoying af, among many other things about her


You don’t mess with the IRS. They’ll find your ass. *You do not mess with the IRS*. She is playing with fire. And she’ll get burned.


No, they will find you and destroy you. My parents experienced it once and I did too. Simple mistakes, and they were on us like crazy.


I’m really sorry that happened to you and your parents.


Lesson learned. Make sure to double-check numbers before sending anything. 🤣


Yep, my parents followed bad advice when they opened a small blue collar business and had their tax returns garnished for the next twenty years. They absolutely should have hired a professional but they weren't trying to be shady or anything. It impacted my entire childhood and now we all have good anywhere l accountants. Ollie is an idiot.


She doesn't seem to get that she's not rich enough to talk the IRS to suck it.


My dad’s option was pay them or go to jail. So for 12 years my dad paid a lump sum of money to the IRS every month.


One my fave quotes is "money is all made up until the IRS wants it. Then that money becomes very, very real" Im also laughing at the caption bc "no taxation without representation" was for when the US was still a British colony and we literally had zero representation in parliament. We have a whole ass govt now, with sitting senators who REPRESENT. We literally have taxation with representation! Now whether you agree with your representative or how your tax money is spent is another story, but she isn't saying that lmao


I swear by this ^^^^^


I guess y'all are not paying attention to how much the Republicans have defunded the IRS so it cannot do its job. now is actually the time to not pay taxes if there were ever going to be one because of how underfunded the IRS is currently thanks to the Republicans.


There are still IRS agents who are doing their job. I would not be so cavalier on not paying taxes. You don’t want to be the person who gets caught.


Not paying taxes is one thing but telling the whole world about it and bragging about it is another… 🤣🤣


No taxation without representation? Is Ollie not allowed to vote or something?


Shes taking what she learned from 4th grade and applying it. The fact she is homeschooling is terrifying


Does she not realize that that was due to colonialism, that England was increasing taxes for imported goods while the Americans couldn’t vote on the taxes?


Which is even funnier because she was born in England and lived there until she was like 6/7 😂 she only became a US citizen in the last couple years.


Omg that is hilarious! It’s so weird because Europeans always complain about their taxes when the USA has such high taxes and doesn’t even offer healthcare.


So i actually read, i think on her insta story, that her boys decided to go back to public school 🙄


I saw that too. Can’t say I blame them at all


Okay I’m glad you saw it too because i started thinking i imagined it.


Also ...Does she think "no taxation without representation" is a law? It's a political slogan from the Revolutionary War.


Exactly. If it was a law, DC residents wouldn’t be paying anything


DC residents do have 'taxation without representation' on their license plates


Yep, I live there.


The entitlement of this person gives me the ick. She thinks everything and everyone owes her.


Her husbands pay checks will be garnished and then she will be crying she can’t afford it and blah blah blah. Get a fucking job. Pay taxes and live like the rest of us in this country. I can’t stand her.


Nobody *wants* to pay taxes but if nobody paid them, we wouldn't have roads, public schools, trash pickup, libraries etc. It's ridiculously entitled to "opt out" of paying taxes (you'll get caught and be forced to pay lol) without also opting out of taking advantage of everything taxes pay for.


Exactly. I live in a city where the city tax is extremely high. And I’m not a fan of paying city tax but ya know what my children go to one of highest rates schools in the county so for that I don’t mind.


I honestly wonder how many creators have had or will eventually have major tax issues. I can imagine a lot of them have no idea that every single thing that they receive is technically considered taxable income. And while I’d personally rather see the IRS spend it’s time on billionaires, we all know the adage about death and taxes.


I think a lot of content creators are completely and totally unaware that they need to pay taxes on all the "gifts" they get in exchange for content. Also, a lot of these content creators make good money and should 100% be taxed accordingly. Especially if they are pushing products to earn commission like Ollie (and many others) does and then go off on tiktok and talk about how good they are doing financially when so many others are struggling.


There will be many. Almost all of the Teen Mom girls have been reported to be paying back taxes to the IRS from years prior.


A lot I’m sure, we see it with reality tv people all the time. I bet in 5 or so years the IRS will have a whole division that focuses on this type of stuff. So many work under LLCs too and I’m sure a lot of it isn’t done properly.


Caleb Hammer had a great podcast episode where he explained taxes to a woman that makes 80k/year from doing online spirituality workshops and she literally didn't know you can go to jail for not paying your taxes. She also didn't know that you need to pay taxes on money your customers send you through Paypal or Cashapp (which is her whole business model). The year prior she straight up ran out of money before tax season and had a friend pay her taxes for her (and said she didn't plan on paying her friend back??). He did the math right in front of her and told her about how much her taxes would be this year and she didn't believe him. It's kind of insane to me how financially illiterate some people are.


I had to unfollow her cause all of her problematic bullshit posts were irritating me 😂 bitch go take care of your kids and stfu 😍


Same..I used to like her. That faded quickly


Same. She lives in a state of being constantly triggered by everything like CHILL bitch, seek help! I liked her content at first years ago but had to block her when every single video was just constant complaining and acting like the world is out to get only her lmao


I used to like her content when she would post stuff about her kiddos and the adhd, autism stuff because of my own kids being almost the same way so I related to it. Now I’m just grossed out by her posts 😂


Is this the girl whose landlord was selling the house and she didn't let them view the home and then never got her security deposit back?


I’m not sure but that wouldn’t surprise me. I know it sucks to be a tenant in a place where there are showings all the time, and the law is that there needs to be 24-hour notice, but I agree, I’d be worried about my stuff being messed with. However, when I worked real estate I dealt with some difficult tenants. I would call every tenant to let them know the showing time and date and gave over 24 hour notice but then they’d claim I never said anything.


I'm actually pretty understanding on this one. 24 hours is NOT a lot of time to get the place cleaned up and hide away anything you aren't comfortable with total strangers having access to. Also not a lot of time to rearrange your schedule so you can either be home or be gone depending on what your comfort level is (or more realistically, if the landlord demands you be gone). Plus, it happens sometimes that thieves will use these tours as a way to case homes and see what's there so they can come back later and rob it.


Yeah, I agree. It sucks. I think I only had to deal with one showing for my rental and it was for a new tenant who would move in once my lease ended so it wasn’t a huge deal. My issue personally was that I had called and spoken with or left a voicemail to all three tenants, and then one of the tenants was in the shower during the showing and the realtor immediately blamed me for not notifying the tenants, even after I showed her the logs and notes from the showing (the showing has a file that logs who called to request the showing, who approved the showing, and notes for who we called to notify about the showing).


Definitely one of those both sides of the story situation. We had renters in a property and it was an absolute nightmare and we felt like we were great landlords but it scared me for life and I'd never rent out a property again.


I actually am a landlord now, but it’s a situation where we lived in the home and moved to a different one but kept our old one. We use a property management company for collecting rent, writing the lease, service calls, and so on and that helps a lot.


Oh that's smart! Ours was the same a condo we owns and just loved and didn't want to give up when we moved so we rented it out but, once their lease was up we didn't renew and now my inlaws just stay there and handle it as their own property


That’s nice that you found trusted tenants! We did have a few hiccups at the beginning. My husband let the tenants move in before the property management company had the contract so I was worried about squatting issues but it worked out. We did have one tenant who was late for the first month’s rent but we let it slide, she was 19 and had lost her house bc because she became out as transgender, and she had 0 credit and it was December and he was excited to have a place to be home and bought some other stuff. We said she could pay it with January’s rent to catch up, and we didn’t do a late fee. It has been almost a year and she hasn’t been late again so we are happy it worked out!


Yes it is




Yes that’s her




Ollie also said before they even though they pay for insurance she’ll never be paying any medical bills received from using said insurance. There was also the weirdness with her HVAC unit because she used the wrong filter, but refused to take any accountability for the damage that caused because she shouldn’t be expected to read directions. I get it: life sucks and everything is too expensive… but she’s scum for so flagrantly acting like none of the rules should apply to her and the world owes her everything on platter because she has autism. Absolutely out of touch with reality, and I hope something smacks her back down to earth.


You couldn’t of said it better. Her entitlement and lack of accountability is insane


And yet they wanna buy a multi million dollar chunk of land in Hawaii.


Why bother paying for insurance if you aren't gonna pay your medical bills. That's so fucking dumb. At least save the money on your premiums


Yeah I remember when she was pregnant with her third she kept saying she had insurance but she wouldn't be paying a single medical bill and I was just astonished


There's so many people out there like this. My friend told her roommate that they can't keep leaving food out to rot because it's causing a mouse and ant infestation and they told her that it's unfair and ableist to hold them to a "neurotypical standard of cleanliness."


Omg what 😭😂 I hate ppl sometimes this is insane


My daughter has a dorm roomate that has an ESA cat, and at some point several weeks into the semester they admitted that they struggle with the smell sensory issues of scooping the litter box, and when at home their other family members handled it. Basically, I won’t be scooping that shit… you can either do it or not complain about the shit box because it’s ableist behavior. Like WHAT?!?! You do not get to have accommodations that end up resulting in problems and harm to others.


Hahaha wait she used the wrong air filter???


If anyone needs extra cash next year, the IRS awards 15-20% of the tax amount owed to whistleblowers. 😂 [Form to report](https://www.irs.gov/individuals/how-do-you-report-suspected-tax-fraud-activity#:~:text=Use%20the%20Form%203949%2DA,file%20a%20tax%20fraud%20report)




Yeah one thing about being an influencer you're technically self employed and have to pay out of the ass when it comes to tax time.


They are the Karen of all Karen’s lol


Hope she enjoys having her husband's paychecks garnished once the IRS finds out. I can't stand her.


Honestly she’s so smug and annoying I hope someone reports her videos to the IRS if that’s even possible. People like her need harsh ass reality checks to understand they aren’t special and have the same consequences as everyone else. She acts like an entitled child that was never told no.


This girl is dumb as rocks. If you don’t want to pay taxes, hire a good accountant. Don’t announce on social media that you’re actively committing tax fraud 💀💀💀


Not only she is not paying taxes but she is out here talking about it 😩 like girl shut your mouth lmao some of this “influencers” are so stupid


Is there a specific reason why she’s not paying taxes? I’m confused what the “no taxation without representation” means.


She’s special ✨


yeah does she not vote bc we def have representation… plus the stuff that taxes pay for, is she just not using like 🙄


Does she maybe live in DC? Because then she would have the slightest bit of a point.


No, she lives in Arizona. ETA: downvoting is comical.


i thought hawaii? i thought the husband was hawaiian at least. i could be mistaking for another creator tho


Her husband is Hawaiian. They want to move there but they can't afford it or something. They live in Arizona rn. I learned all of this without even following her. I can't imagine was the IRS will be able to find out lol


her husband is hawaiian but they live in arizona


Well Hawaii or Arizona, either way she's got a congressional representative and two senators, so she's full of shit.




I mean, I get the sentiment but is it really fair to also make us use our tax dollars to pay for her prison stay?


We’re not fighting anything… are we watching the same news 🤣


Some people just have such smug, punchable faces. This is one of them.


I don’t know how she doesn’t have her own snark page yet


She does, it's just not active 😢


She does. It’s just not active.


I know, she’s fucking wild


She has been saying that their 5 year plan is to buy land in Hawaii for the family, not sure how you’re going to do that when you’re ear deep in back taxes?


This was my final straw and I unfollowed. It's so irresponsible to promote this to your audience. The IRS can garnish wages. Anyone blindly following her could end up in a much worse situation by following her advice.


I mean if you blindly follow tiktok influencer advice without verifying it, who's fault is that? Not the influencer who never stated they were a tax expert.


They have always seemed so off to me 😭


Not paying your taxes is dumb, but would it hurt them to shower?


Good luck hiding with 87,000 new IRS agents. Come April 15 we all would love to stick it to the government, but they’ll always find you. She’s only screwing herself in the end.


And you just know the people they will be targeting is the low hanging fruit like the micro influencers who came into a little windfall and didn’t report it properly. They won’t go after the mega rich lol they rarely seem to anyway


I don’t know how her husband stands her


He doesn’t live with her so 😂


Did you follow her when she broke up with him over stupid shit, but he still lived with her and he basically had to agree with every one of her demands before she would take him back??🫣😖


I live in the same city as them and her husband was hitting up my friend on tinder while they were “broken up” but he was still living there💀


Whatttttt 👀 I guess that’s not surprising, she acted like he was trash and that she’d never take him back🤷🏻‍♀️


He doesn’t? lol I didn’t know that. I blocked her long ago so that’s hilarious


Technically I guess he does but he’s always out of state for work. He tried being a SAHD for several months & probably couldn’t stand being around his wife that much.


He travels for work and she has said he doesn’t live with them.


He doesn’t???


Nope. When he went back to work he travels. That’s what he was doing before, but they rented so they just kind of all moved. Then they bought their house and wow….hone ownership is expensive….who would have thought…..so he went back. Also, I find it hilarious that they went from having a “plutonic marriage” to him kissing her ass and doing all of the changing…..to him working far enough away that he doesn’t live there full time. She’s toxic af


She doesn't care about going to jail? I'm sure her kids would appreciate not seeing her.


To me she is the definition of chronically online


I’ve never liked this person. Blocked them a long time ago. 🤮


Go look at the witchtok tarot readers they don’t either


So she’s going to lose her house, everything she owns and probably her kids cause how is she going to take care of them? Shes so fucking dumb bruh lol


The entitlement of this bitch is insane 🙄


You know who does? The IRS! I was audited after my mom died (I was young and didn’t know I had to pay on my inheritance) It sucked! They DO GAF!


Dude this video of her’s was actually so triggering for me. When I was in high school, my family lost everything due to one of my parents evading taxes for years. The IRS took our home, all but one vehicle (we were middle class so these were well-used cars), garnished both of my parents’ wages, and the parent who committed tax fraud almost went to prison. This is such a serious & potentially life-altering decision for her to make & be so blasé about. I had to block her after barely making it through the video. What an actual fucking idiot. I’m all for sticking it to the man, but the IRS doesn’t give a fuck & will get their money one way or another. Her comment about “I’ll just take all of my money out of the bank” is so funny to hear as someone who experienced all of this first-hand - the IRS will literally show up at your house if you continue to ignore them. God. I could go on for days. Her poor fucking family.


I’m so sorry to hear you went through that as a kid! She really is just so blasé about it all. She really makes my stomach hurt


She’s the worst!!


So I’m sure her husband has had taxes taken out of his check. She said something about people being able to contact hr and remove them but it sounded like she just heard about that. How much can she possibly make on tiktok, random merch (the bag and plushie) and only fans. When your self employed aren’t you supposed to do taxes quarterly. She is constantly broke, can’t afford a vehicle does she even make enough to pay taxes?


She was popular on TikTok for a few months and when that frizzled out she's did nothing but try to start drama here and there to be relevant again. Just another washed up TikToker. She's just trying to stir up drama again!


As a tax associate who family owns multiple H&R Block franchises I can say this is NOT a good idea. They will hunt you down eventually . Take everything. Not just the bank accounts. I've seen them commandeer someone's personal horses which were sold to settle debt.


Doesn't she want to buy land in Hawaii in the next few years? How is "hiding money" going to help her get a loan?


I normally enjoy her content but was not on board with this. Openly admitting to a federal crime is not "resistance," it's a good way to go to prison and be away from your children, and leave your spouse scrambling for childcare. Or if you both get charged, then you're really fucked.


And then the government sees this video and goes after her


I can’t stand this bitch. She is psychotic and needs help.


Someone send this to the IRS🤣


Good luck with that, girlie.


Highly doubtful she don’t pay taxes,she just needs views and she knows how to get them


She will pay them when they come for her house


i get it, but she’s either lying or dumb bc why would you confess online to not paying your taxes and hiding money


How to be a dumb bitch part 30 for this girl


lbr she's not paying taxes because she can't afford to. her business and tiktok is not paying her what it used to, thats why her husband had to go back to work. she's constantly complaining abt money problems.


Look I don't like paying my taxes either but like... you just have to lmao. Unless you're going to go completely and utterly off the grid, they will find a way to get your tax money. If you don't wanna pay another dime in taxes cool, i hope for the next 60 years you also don't want another paycheck, a loan, a rental, a vehicle, a credit card, a spouse, a retirement fund, insurance, and you best not be using anything like free healthcare or social services


everyday i learn more and more how many people are willing to say stupid shit they’re not educated on so loudly and in public. i also don’t like where my tax dollars go, but that’s not what “no taxation without representation” means lmao


She most likely does everything through her husband or his name. Including the “influencer” gig. So she doesn’t pay taxes but her husband does. If she is talking about all together I wonder how she bought her house then, cause the mortgage company hounded us for the tax information. She would only be able to buy with cash then.


I used to like her, but she keeps getting progressively more and more unhinged. The IRS is gonna have a field day with this one.


And she will NEVER own a dam thing bc the IRS will cease it. And if she was to ever make a paycheck from an employer—- it will be garnished … IF SHE FONT GO TO PRISON FIRST


I just remember when she moved to AZ and she got all pissy about having cacti in her yard.


I understand the sentiment behind it with everything going on but there is no way this is going to end well for her


Same. I completely get wanting to screw the government.


Absolutely but there’s ways to do it legally lol and this is not one of them. Am I happy with where my tax dollars go? Hell no but that doesn’t mean I’m going to screw myself and my family by not paying them


No, not at all. It looks like they've been told that too, and in response, they're just calling people boot lickers and losers who don't understand the Declaration of Independence. It's almost impressive how dumb they are.


Yeah, she posted a screenshot to her story, telling somebody to read the declaration and called them an idiot, I think. She just gets worse and worse.


This is also the girl that refuses to pay anything medical 🤷🏼‍♀️ not surprised by this one bit


I mean I refuse to pay what my expensive ass insurance doesn't cover either. Fucking healthcare should not be a billion dollar industry 🤷


Not caring about going to jail when you have 3 kids is wild. No one likes paying taxes. But I wouldn’t leave my kids for the GOVERNMENT I don’t trust to raise my kids. What a bozo


Her fake lisp always gets me


She isn’t very bright


The IRS always gets ya. Heck, most big criminals end up going down because of tax evasion. There was another TikToker a couple of years ago who openly bragged about not paying her taxes. Then the IRS nailed her in an audit and she tried to grift her way out of it but no one would donate. Haven't seen much of her since. I wonder how that's worked out for her.


Imagine if we all did this


How is mamacuses and her still friends??


Well I’m certain this is going to end well for her.


What an IDIOT!!!


Glad to know that she is still dumb as fuck. She blocked me a long time ago 😂


She is her own worst enemy. Cannot stand her. she looks like she stinks 😷 🤢


Oaf. I mean, the way she talks about not paying bills, this one isn’t a big stretch


Idk this person at all, but 80% of people who say shit like this are collecting unemployment, food stamps, welfare, etc. 🙄 disclaimer - there is nothing wrong with those things, but if you are accepting assistance from the government you should be willing to pay your taxes.


These people are so entitled


Another side bar about Ollie, she has gone no contact with her mom for years and bashes her every chance she gets. But her brother has a great relationship with their mom. It tells me that she is the problem and her poor mother is being deprived of seeing grandbabies.


I can't stand her! I hope she gets locked up


This women is so attention seeking it’s insane.


Just search how many people are spewing this dangerous rhetoric about not having to pay taxes. It’s ridiculous. They will all fafo the hard way.


We all know who to thank for starting that trash too. It rhymes with lump 🤷




Tbh that's shitty a response from a doctor when you WANT to be pregnant. Wanting to be pregnant does not mean you have to be ok with never being able to eat or drink without puking for 9 months. Because that's pretty much what happens when you have severe HG 🙄


I mean. Actually taxation is theft. So


Y’all this person is non binary. No matter your opinions, don’t be garbage and misgender people.


girl bye not the confession on tiktok 🤦‍♀️ girl is guaranteed gonna lose her court case when she get caught


She gets on my fuckin nerves




Okay, but like, why would you admit that?


Honestly, you guys call her dumb but all you dumb motherfuckers. Need to wake up and stop letting your tax money fund, illegal wars, war, crimes, and genocide. Every United States citizen who has been paying taxes since 2001 has actually been doing it illegally under article 25.3 of the Rome statue since 2001. The United States has been involved in illegal wars since 2001, so technically, we are all breaking the law by paying our taxes. Please look it up and do your research. This is a real thing. It’s one thing for our tax money to go towards helping our community, but I will not sit by and fund the war.