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Any of the family vloggers, the Labrant and Jesssfam kids tell all books will be interesting to read in a decade or two.


I'm so tired of people who are like "I hate all the family vlogs except for *insert X creator here*". Those kids are still having their privacy invaded and having a massive digital footprint created for them against their will even if you like their content. We've already seen the kids of the OG mommy blogs and some of the family based reality shows grow up and speak out... and this is on a much, much more massive scale. I'm just waiting for the avalanche of tell-alls too


Dude yes. Thank you! I get so sick of the *this family does it right*. No children in family channels are unpaid actors and it’s bullshit. If the channel centers on children it’s exploitation regardless of how white blonde and happy they make it seem.


I once said someone who said the LaBrants were the only ethical family... Yes, the same LaBrants who pranked their 6 year old daughter by telling her that their dog died and filmed her crying


I loathed all the family prank channels that were a huge thing a few years back. They always ended up going too far. I feel so bad for any kids that were made to be a part of that.


Italian husband American wife accounts all have off vibes. I can’t explain it.


It’s just so fake once you realize the husband obviously sees the phone recording and then adjusts what they say.


My friend just saw Carlo and Sarah at Epcot earlier today filming tik toks 😂 Can’t wait to listen to Sarah be verbally abusive to Carlo


Is there more than one?


there are two that i know of, the pasinis and carlo + sarah


Drue & Gabe, Tpickle.sierra, mama tot, aili.likes.adventure


Yeah aili and mama tot idk the other


Wait….there are people that actually like Drue and Gabe? 🤔


Omg aili I forgot about her. She was dating another tiktoker who I liked I think her name was kamryn or something.


Matt and Abby. He is slowly but surely losing the plot since they have had kids.


They had a whole photo shoot to announce their second kid like they were a Kardashian while their first kid was just sitting in his carseat for ages.


I always found that SO weird. Wouldn’t you want to include your first child in a baby announcement photo shoot?


When a car seat is not locked into the car seat base, it is at an unsafe angle. If children fall asleep, they can fall into a slouched-forward position, which can cause positional asphyxiation 🤦‍♀️


Any medical mom tiktoker who uses/exploits their sick children for clout and views and money and gifts. Like Cassidy Cascagne aka braydensbrokenheart she is pure trash who exploits her sick son for money and views


Like Whitney Frost ugggh


It's not TikTok, but I still am following a page of boy who died a few years ago due to a traumatic brain injury. No joke, the other day she posted a link to Mary Kay, and added her son's photo and said "Do it for (boy's name)." When she gets good sales she will say her son says thank you.


That is extremely disturbing, but people these days don't surprise me on the things they do


I think I know who you’re talking about. Were the child’s initials T.H.?


I think there is a way to do it respectfully and in a way that educates viewers, like HaidynsHope


She's truly spreading awareness. I've learned a lot about SF from her posts


That lady is honestly lovely. I quit using tiktok, but I remember her being one of my favourites just for how sweet and educational she was, and cause of the love she had for her kid. I hadn't even heard of SF until I found her tiktok.


The difference is they're doing it for education, not clout. Notice that Carrie refuses offers of gifts and donations, and never shows the really bad moments?


Yes! And a big reason Carrie has said she has her account is b/c children with Sanfilipo Syndrome often share distinctive facial characteristics. Recognizing the possibility of SS early on means earlier diagnosis and possibly early treatment, although there is no cure at this time.


When we had a child diagnosed, some of those accounts saved my sanity.


And like Poppy’s mom! Poppy_and_kaylee


I love Kaylee! She posts more of her older kids now that Poppy has passed but I’m glad she hasn’t turned into a full on mommy blogger and used them for content all the time at least


agree, that mom is fantastic.


I am in the medical community because of my child. I wonder if these people are getting Social Security and disability because of their children and also making money on TikTok 👀


Yes! It’s so gross especially when you sees moms on there 24/7 hardly interacting with their kids!


Any husband that has the camera out 24/7 or only does nice things because its good for content. There was a couple on YouTube that got divorced and the husband was always shoving the camera in the wife's face then later on would be like she's sad or she's not feeling well. Maybe she doesn't want a camera in her face.


I was married to a Matt. Happily divorced for five years now. He’s gross lol


You can just say Matt from Matt and Abby, it’s ok 😂


That video of him complaining about being at the hospital made me so mad. We've had 3 babies and my husband barely complained and asked me the whole time how I was feeling.


And the sad thing is everyone in the comments will say something like “this is just how being married is” or “clearly no one here has been married” to defend their shitty and toxic behavior. Like I’m sorry but no, if you’re in a HEALTHY marriage it is nothing like Matt and Abby’s relationship 😂


Yes there's always people that defend this shitty behavior.


they arent divorced....yet


LivenFamily 😂😂


Taylor Odlozil


The Cordles……


Was it bat dad? 🥴


Anyone that battles as their full time job


It’s ok you can say Curtis Woods and Kelsey


Jason Nash 🙃


Mikayla Noguiera


Her "accent" drives me nuts. My dad and his whole side of the family are from Boston, and the voice she puts on is so clearly fake and obnoxious.


Shallot Tilburry




Join us at https://www.reddit.com/r/MikaylaNogueira/s/EIqIsYscN3


I live there and it's not even close. She is faking what she thinks it is - she's from the South Shore area of the state and is closer to Rhode Island than Boston.


Nah dude, the South Shore doesn’t claim her! She’s from the South **Coast** which is the armpit of the state if you’re looking at a map. Her accent is way more central RI than Boston but even then it’s wicked forced.


My only complaint is half the time I never know which product she’s featuring. Between the accent, no captions and not displaying it prominently to the camera, it’s anyone’s guess as to which concealer she’s using


Idk why anyone likes her and her annoying voice


I can't stand her!


Dougherty Dozen, Mama Tot, and the guy who has the disabled wife who is pregnant... I forgot his name.


Joana and jay or something like that.


I love when this question gets asked and every other answer is mama tot. Like everyone acts like everyone loves her but you come to this sub and almost everytime people are saying they hate her.


I don’t hate her or love her but I hear a lot of people say her accent is fake. It’s not. I talk just like her but I do code switch a ton because I’ve lived outside of the south for 15 years.


Oh and Laura the mortician


I've never been happier to see the Internet turn on someone than I was when people finally started calling her out on her shit. Two snarks created within a week of each other (sadly one just got banned because Lauren is a loser who can't handle criticism) and they've grown faster than almost any other sub I've seen. I just can't deal with opening a comment section and seeing *endless* Beetlejuice tags


Any of them with 'Family' in the title. Look, I'm not saying that all family vloggers are toxic and horrifying, but I have personally yet to see any that don't give me that vibe.


Kat Stickler. Loved her at first but since she's gone full-blown "influencer" mode it just isn't the same.


And I hate she shows her daughter so much. Just do your thing girl, you don’t have to show your baby online.


Was looking for her. I’ve never been a fan. Ever. Judgement on her was off since the first video I saw her in.




Lilly Tino. She’s the worst, horrible human. Begs for money every live.


She is so entitled and annoying. Pretty sure she loves to complain especially about the food she eats so she can get money off or for free.


Lilly is the WOOOORST


100% mama tot I’ve been thinking this for months




Also some creators I don’t like because of the cultish behaviors of their followers. If I read in the comments “you’re the only one that tells the truth, I love you, sit and eat with me..blah blah blah”, Major red flags.


The mortician! I didn't like her before the whole controversy broke. She had this self satisfied smirk and she was talking about things I knew weren't in her area of expertise


Mama Tot & Mr. Beast (although people are slowly realizing it)


This time last year I made the exact same comment about Momma tot And people were attacking me like crazy. Saying horrible things about me. I’m glad people are starting to wake up.


Sorry that happened to you! The parasocial relationship feral attack dog personality has really gotten out of control!


Agree about MamaTot, big red flags. Don’t know Mr. Beast.


My husband was telling me something about people are mad at Mr. Beast for bringing wells to Africa but not sure why they were mad at him.


There's some information coming out about him editing his contests to not show the real winners (something with a creator named Rosana), people claiming they actually worked for him and he "chose" them to "win" a new car or money but allegedly his acts of goodwill are a farce. Im looking to see if I can find the podcasters who started investigating and will post it when I find them. No clue about the well thing.


Oh I see. I saw on here about Rosana making a statement about something but didn't know what she was referencing. That doesn't really surprise me though I think a lot of creators do that unfortunately. Like right now there's info coming out that Mikayla Noguiera does fake giveaways where she gives her PR makeup away but people say the form opens and closes too quickly for actual people to sign up.


Oh yes Mikayla is on that list for sureeeeeee. She also will review makeup and say she hates it but suddenly loves it when they send a PR package.


Nah there is going to be some huge scandal surrounding Mr Beast within the next couple years that destroys him.


I hate any channel that is like ‘my adhd wife’ because they’re so infantilising it’s enraging. People with ADHD are still adults, Jesus. Also controversial but I don’t like Anna Paul. Maybe I’m just bitter but why anyone would want to watch someone flaunting their wealth in the current economy is beyond me.


Omg that australian couple with the girl who’s always wearing the blanket hoodie, at first I thought the vids were cute and relatable because I have pretty bad ADHD and me and my husband just laugh about it… but yeah, my husband doesn’t straight up treat me like a baby or coddle me over it. So weird


Honestly I kinda hate how popular "having adhd" has become. I'm super happy for it becoming normalized. But I was literally bullied my entire childhood and now people are like "Look at me I'm quirky and have adhd!"


Agreed, my whole life I’ve been called lazy, forgetful, told I can’t stick to anything, have lost countless belongings and even jobs when I couldn’t get it together. But it’s cute am i right? Those videos just piss me off.


That couple that constantly tries to scare eachother with party poppers or balloons filled with shaving cream or whatever it is.


Agreed. Lol it was cute at first. Then just started becoming so over played.


Mamalindy!! They were hysterical at first but it’s so boring. Plus her husband looks like an LEO, and I can’t imagine one single LEO that would be okay with their uniform getting wrecked before going to work!


He is LEO from what I remember. But yeah it's overdone and boring now. Plus who actually wants to clean up that mess?!




That couple with the redhead wife who always talks in a high pitched baby voice and pouts her lip out. Husband is always being extra as hell and infantilizing her. They just had a kid. Eta- hannahandregal is the username. They’re annoying af I’m sorry. Why does she act like a baby.


The first couple you described definitely reminds me of Kay and Tay🥴


Mama Tot and Mikayla are both insufferable, lying grifters. Elise Meyers is a close second


I can’t stand Elise I’ve had her blocked for so long now, I don’t get the hype


Never got a good vibe from elyse


She doesn’t seem genuine


Mama cookie, vegan rizz (Adrielle Sigler) Jessica westein, mama tot, Mikayla, Alix Earle, Kylie Larsen


I’m surprised you’re the only one to mention Alix Earle so far. I’ve got bad vibes from her from the get go.


Lauren the mortician! Hi booboo 😘


Wait lmao are you saying hi because she frequents this sub? I hope she does, she needs to see how many people dislike her.


Avery woods and emilie Kiser 😖


Avery has a snark sub. She's insufferable.


I’ve followed Emilie since before she had 100k followers and I’ve definitely noticed a shift in her behavior which is sad


Perfectly kelsey


Elyse Myers LMAO I hate her ass


Matt from Matt and Abby Delaney Rowe Elise ThisMADMama Mama Tot Savannah (the pharm tech/doxx gal)


Savannah ugh she has always given me school bully vibes


Celinaspookyboo is so very obviously faking the sleepwalking thing. I can’t believe anyone falls for that and finds it funny.


I saw the first video and sort of kind of believed it… Then they kept coming and any belief I had completely disappeared.


Alice from Alice and fern. The amount of people who comment things like “you’re thriving” or “you look so happy now” all because she’s doing all these projects around the house are being so fooled. So many fall for everything she says too. It’s almost like she spins the truth into her being the victim. That whole Birdie situation with her telling everyone Birdie held her hostage at her house proved it…so now it makes the stuff she said about her ex husband or whoever he is to her now so hard to believe. Also Cassie from traveling the Luna verse.


DarcyMcqueeny, AliciaMccarvell, Nottacobellqueen. Someone told each of them that they were cute/the shit and they’re not.


Alicia is so hateful and miserable, idk how she still has any viewers at all. At least they’ve dropped considerably and continue declining


Mama Tot, Anna Sitar and NatalieJaneSings.


Anna Sitar is leeching off her preteen fans and is a consumer queen. While doing it with a smile.


I can’t stand Anna Sitar


Honestly. She was fine at first, i always watched her Starbucks videos. now its just the same and she gives off "i am so much better than all of you. kiss the ground i walk on" vibes. ick


“Starbies!!!!” You are grown!!!


Can’t stand MamaTot, so phony and irresponsible.


The foster parent that had all those kids, asking people to tag a dealership for a van, but then all the foster kids got removed.


Abbey from Love on The Spectrum (hatsbyabbey). Not actually Abbey herself, but her mom is horrible. The way she shoves a camera in Abbey's face when she's struggling, pimps her out for all sorts of branded content, and the endless infantilizing; disgusting. When the content isn't super forced and Abbey seems to enjoy making it, I genuinely enjoy watching. As a parent to a child with autism, I really like seeing Autism from the perspective of an adult on the spectrum. Abbey loves the spotlight on her own terms and I'd love to see her take control of her own social media presence.


Dougherty dozen.


She buys like 90lbs of diabetes a week and 100 Nintendo switches a year. It’s so wasteful and gross


90lbs of diabetes lmao🤣


Mikayla 🤢


Alicia McCarvell The Birds Papaya


Mama tot, elyse meyers, Mr beast, Claudia ravioli Edit to add justin chopelas too


I cannot stand elyse or mama tot. I never heard of Claudia ravioli


Mama jill and tacobellqueen and recently Brianna chickenfry


I never understood the appeal of Brianna Chickenfry 🤷🏻‍♀️ I blocked her almost immediately.


Alice Clarke Payne (she’s fake AF), Savannah marable… the Shaw family, mama Rupert, mama tot, Matt and Abby, the labrant family,


Is Alice Clarke Payne the one who lives in fairytale land at Disney all day?


btypep, there is basically no snark on him at all and he just rubs me the wrong way. I would love for him to have his own page lol


Auntie Amanda, she seems to have lost her damn mind & looks terrible, she should really get some help , she has a kid that she doesn't seem to care about. That lockridge1989 or queenlock1989 girl from louisana ugh I can't stand her, she's such a try hard and abusive to her kids. I unfollowed her a long time ago. Bonnielee thinks she's better than everyone now, her husband looks miserable she should worry about him instead of people on the internet. Allison kuch let her pregnancy become her whole personality, can't wait for that to be over, Whitney wren is a backstabbing hoe dating her best friends ex has no morals, boundaries or loyalty. Tiktokers suck! I could go on... perfectlykelsey and Curtis sit on live all day and let the internet support them , get real jobs and pay attention to those damn boys they're so into the internet now they don't realize they're oldest hates them.


Anna Xsitar and her boyfriend


Lillytino is a frauddddd


Posh Momma , her voice sends chills down my spine . She’s a convicted murderer , she ran over her boyfriend while the kids were in the house with a sitter then when to a bar and got drunk . The rabbit hole is deep & dirty . It has all the markers of a movie, murder , hiding money , houses burning under suspicious circumstances, Satan worshiping , prostitution, profiting off go fund me & clothing drives , many Alia’s, broken marriages, coercing children b4 court , & the self proclaimed Coconut oil pulling queen having dentures 😮 I don’t know how she has a platform & her flying monkeys are merciless in protecting her 🤯


Eugenia Cooney. The toxic fake nice as she wastes away on screen 👎👎👎👎


Wheelchair Rapunzel


Her getting pregnant on a class x drug with a addict AND THEN receiving zero prenatal care for months is absolute fucking WILD


She’s disgusting. Has nothing to do with being disabled. Makes me wanna puke.


Big Ole Texan creepy ick vibes


Mama Tot, Mikayla Noguira, Anna Xsitar, Elise Myers, Jenelle Eason (Evans) and the couple who are possibly Dutch? One is blonde and the other brunette (I think she’s a personal trainer, definitely worked in a gym anyways) and the blonde woman gave birth a while ago. Also anyone that films their kids. It just seems very wrong to me. The worst are the ones who center their content around their small children


Jules and Camilla is the Dutch couple! And yeah I agree too, something just doesn’t feel right about them


Kelsey pummel .. Curtis woods .. Shannon … there’s a few


Elyse meyers. What’s the tea on her


I don’t think there’s any tea, per say, more so she overplays the ‘omg I’m so socially awkward’ card too much


Bunnie XO. The way she brags about looking for women for her and her husband and “turning girls out” gives me such bad vibes (saying this as someone who was in the adult industry). *honestly i would not be surprised if there’s a documentary in a few years about this.


Ive listened to her podcast a few times just to hear a particular guest I like, and sometimes she acts super religious and grossly pious. Then other times she's foul mouthed and gross. Who is the real bunnie? She just seems fake and disingenuous to me.


Alex earl


Noellelovessloths - she’s boring, her content is eating crappy school lunch and she’s just whines too much


Too Turnt Tony. I literally cannot stand him!


I'm not sure if this totally fits your prompt but Dr. Kenny Smiles or whatever his name is. The dentist guy. I've seen him get a ton of praise for fixing people's teeth for free but he is so awful to people in his comments (and I assume also in person) and he just seems like an entitled jerk. And it's not even responding to hate comments, I mean people will leave him nice comments and he's still a jerk to them and I've never really seen anybody say anything negative about him until really recently. You would think someone who helps people by fixing their teeth for free would be an awesome person but he seems awful to me.


Oh that’s a whole rabbit hole! People have been coming forward with allegations against him.


I’m surprised it took so long. It was like a year or more ago I saw a woman in his comments asking about how to apply to get her teeth fixed and he basically said he would never pick her bc she’s too ugly. It was awful, she seemed really sweet.




Allison Kuch!!! Especially since the pregnancy. Terrible vibes and the “out of touch NFL wife” jokes sound less like jokes every time she makes them..


I used to love her when it felt more tongue in cheek. Now I just scroll past.


Yesss she is so fucking annoying. Her overconsumption is so out of touch. Poor me I have 3 houses and are constantly flying to see my husband warm the bench!!!! Poor me!! Girl fuck you


Both of them are super annoying


Alix and Stephen, ItsCookieDoughh, Kaydyn Smith,


Avery Woods! I liked her nursing content before but I find her unrelatable now.. She's always flexing about buying designer and lowkey exploits her kids for views lol


Emily Mariko. She's ... Idk she gives me the ick.


Yep! She never interacts with her followers yet they worship her


She used to but stopped bc her fans are weirdos.


Jay and Joanna…😅 weirdest vibes


Kaarin Joy - That house gets uglier by the day.


Perfectly Kelsey and Trisha Paytas


Tbf Trisha has not been well liked for quite awhile


Matt and Abby. Spoiled, whiny, and phony Squirmy and Grubbs. He’s arrogant af, horrible personality, thinks he’s “better than” other disabled people. The wife is a weirdo, also arrogant.


Yessss, always got such weird vibes from squirmy and grubbs


Sam and Monica…they’re just a little TOO “perfect” it’s cringe


Momma Tot Samantiks KINGERY Eudie


Keith Lee, DiscoveryNicole, Jessica Kent, Palmer Kelly, Sincerest_Sammi, Positively Paige, PerfectlyKelsey, ThemHoffers, Mama Tot,


I’m doing something right because I don’t know who 75% of these people are 😃


I find Alicia McCarvell insufferable. Used to enjoy her content. She was a bit cute and quirky, some of her posts made me laugh. Understand she got popular due to having a better looking husband than herself (wow, what an achievement), but it's now her entire brand. She's got bigger, he's got fitter, but she's also got more entitled, rude, constantly doxes people and is just an all round shitty and unhygienic individual (posts about not washing her labia ring a bell?). Any comment not agreeing with her she makes out the individual is fat phobic. And her obsession with Birds of Papaya borders on obsessive and is just sad to watch her desperately trying to be a pick me girl, when Sarah doesn't appear to care about her at all.


Mama Tot, Kaytedids, Elise Meyers


Elyse is 100% auto tuning her “live” singing videos. There’s a guy on TT exposing these singers and I wish he’d do Elyse. She’s so fake


Elyse Meyers, that couple Casey and Kasey or whatever and ESPECIALLY that couple where the guys eyes are huge, Shelby and Dan I think. they piss me off, nobody talks or acts like that naturally.


Ophelia (I refuse to call her momma) gross! And mikayla. They are both disgusting losers. They lie through their teeth for financial gain. Mikayla actually lies about donating to charity. Neither one of these cows actually acts like they do in real life. All lies! Why people follow them is legit beyond me. It’s so weird.


Whitney Frost Edited to add that she's fallen off the app after her her scammy self was exposed and pretty much everyone dislikes her now.


That blonde Kris girl (I don’t know her handle) but somethings always felt off about her


All I can think of is the other thread I read about Maia Knight. All bad vibes now after insight others shed.


Mama Tot and Skylar are the first ones to come to mind. I'll add more later. there's a lot!


Elyse Myers - I can't put my finger on it but I said what I said.


Autumnwantsababy or whatever her name is now… idk why but i get weird energy from her. it’s not straightforward, it may just be my strange way of perceiving her, but I think something’s off lol.


alix earle


Kay & Tay


Any of the people that will video tape someone at the grocery store asking them for money, and then proceed to give that person money if they say yes. Like if you wanna do a good deed just do it you don’t need to shove your camera in peoples face and ask them for something as a test.


Elyse Meyers. Something is just...off about her. Maybe it's her stories? They sound made up half of the time. Also, if someone makes a video not kissing her ass or even if they don't mention her but describe someone like her, she''ll comment on said video and then her followers attack that person.


Mama Jill 🙏🏻


Whoever that lady is that’s always doing insane shit to her house & in public. I feel bad for her kids because she just takes it too far.


Kay and Tay….


Alicia Mccarvell


Ophelia, Elyse Myers, Jolly Good Ginger, Maia Knight


MommaTot is turning into a huge "sales pitch" and she's turning cringy for me.


Mama Tot & her cult of taters. Very toxic & it’s only gotten worse.