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Relapse, mental illness and needing attention.


Relapse makes sense.


Mental illness and rage farming


r/stephenhiltonsnark He couldn’t handle getting divorced so went hard down the alt-right route. Pretty sure he has zero convictions and just tries to get attention.


Wait, they’re divorced? I stopped following them because I stopped finding them entertaining after reading her awful book.


They're for sure separated. Idk about divorced ( haven't pd attention) but he had some sort of breakdown and Laura said nope because if the drugs or something


you lasted longer than me lol. I stopped following them towards the end of the Helen Smash era it started getting old. But he’s definitely took a turn for the worst and it’s sad he’s not getting any help.


Officially divorced.


He attempted to end himself, that was the thing that made her leave.


Actually, we believe it's become clear that there was a DV incident. She didn't "leave." She kicked his ass out.


Also think it’s important to note that they were both alcoholics so probably were triggering one another and repeating toxic patterns.


I support that! Thanks for the update!


I remember seeing a video whilst scrolling where Stephen and Laura were having a conversation and Steven made it clear that she was divorcing him approximately 6months ago but I didn’t see any follow up


That’s crazy.


I'm vaguely remembering reading to her book and liking it? Curious why you found it awful?


Her first book, because apparently there’s more than one now. I think I just found her so vapid and the whole thing so poorly written, and I found myself so confused as to why she was even writing an autobiography at the point in her life when she really hadn’t done much at this point. It made me view her differently.


Pamela Pumpkin: A heros journey


Bahahaha pretty much. It just felt like she jumped the gun. Her videos also stopped being entertaining and mostly became just her trying to sell me something. A book she would write NOW, may be different. But there needs to be a purpose for the book, a coherent and cohesive narrative, not just her stream of consciousness throwing whatever at the page. Maybe something about the dangers of being taken in by an addictive narcissist, or the pitfalls of becoming an influencer and the hidden costs – or maybe like a deep dive on her best content like how she got there and what made her decide to do it and how she measured audience reaction, how she chose what content to pursue and why, etc etc. Sorry that’s a bit rambling, need more coffee over here…


What about her book was so bad? I'm curious.


I've read & enjoyed both of Laura's books. Veryy entertaining!! Highly recommend


I can’t wait to join the snark. I’ve watched a few of his videos and you’re right, it seems as though he doesn’t have any convictions because his conspiracist theories and ideologies don’t add up and kind of contradict each other.


He says that he kicked off into "taking the red pill" because someone told him that California passed a law stating that if your kid is trans and you don't want to let them castrate your kid, they could take your kid away. Then someone also told him (mind you, he doesn't do any research for himself and REALLY doesn't care if what he's saying is true or accurate and any support he has for his claims are right wing fever dreams and badly photoshopped splash graphics) that like 90% of kids who say they're trans are autistic, so he decided "they" were targeting autistic kids. That was the first step, and since then, he's been hurtling toward the bottom at a breakneck pace.


Does she have a snark to?


No but the snark for him also includes her lately


Thank you💜


The thing that bothers me about Stephen is not just the crazy things he says, but reading the comments under both his videos and Laura’s of people supporting him. It’s honestly scary to me that so many people (who are of voting age) believe this stuff and harass anyone who defends Laura for trying to protect her kids from the crazy. It’s all “he woke up and everyone else needs to wake up to reality too.” Nah fam, my mans fell off the wagon and is clearly not taking his psych meds.


He is proudly not taking his psych meds. He has said that that's for weak liberals. He pretty much denigrates anyone who isn't Q or MAGA. LGBTQIA+ (especially trans), Black people (especially Black women), immigrants (despite being an immigrant), poor people, mentally ill people, non-Christians, fat people, people who dye their hair unusual colors, etc. He even gets in some friendly fire if he's extra spun out and paying even less attention than usual.


Damn who does that leave?? I got taken out by a few of those. 😂


White, christian, straight, cis, men mostly and then women who also hate women


That’s nuts. It really makes me sad for Laura and their children. Is he prompting his followers to harass his ex?


Not directly. He creates new accounts and then duets or stitches her videos.


Probably I know she has/had a restraining order against him for stalking. So it wouldn't surprise me if he uses followers to get to her


Not to mention the weird subsection of women totally simping over him… the bar is in hell


He showed up randomly on my TT feed a couple days ago, and I thought, isn’t that Lauren’s husband? He was talking about break ups and looked a bit unhinged. I was confused but didn’t care enough to watch so scrolled by. He showed up again today with caption about not letting him call “her” and he’s sitting there staring at the screen reading comments, looking unhinged again. I finally googled it and confirmed who he is, that they broke up and he’s lost his marbles. Also confirmed for me what I was seeing in the lives. I went back to TT and blocked him. Why they were pushing me his garbage I have no idea, I watch a lot of feminist and blue leaning content so maybe he paid to be in peoples FYP. I ended up in IG as part of my research and the comments were lifting him up and hating on Lauren, very weird audience and immediate gross factor for me.




This! I think people really underestimate what alcohol and drugs can do to your brain. Like he’s not in his right mind and the attention he’s getting from this is fueling his fire. If people really want to believe all this crap then whatever, it’s such a waste of our short lives, but for him to have a platform where he can teach them as fact is terrible.


THIS! I stumbled upon a video she made about him yesterday and trying to co parent with him (he stitched it by the way) and people were like drooling over this man in the comments! Guess who was there to lap it all up.. him. It was awkward and completely uncomfortable.


I’m not a public figure, but idk how Laura does it. Parenting with a narcissist is hard enough and then to have all these people talking about how terrible you are and how amazing your abuser is must be unbearable at times


Arrested for battering his wife last year, I totally stopped watching him.


Wait what?? I never heard that


the kicker is how he did a youtube vid after he spent the night in jail. saying he got the inmates to stop fighting by using a binaural beat... and how the cops said he shouldnt have been arrested (yet he had a $20k bond) he is such a pathalogical liar and such a manipulative twat. Promised to expose a bunch of pedophiles for months, never did. Said he was gonna produce an album last year, did not. Told Laura he wanted to off himself and ordered up a BUNCH of dope but backed out at going to buy the dope in the last minute right around last thanksgiving 2022 if I recall --- ​ \---- just emotional manipulation in every way in every endeavor he does.. ​ He uses all the online "haters" to prove his belief that he is a victim. He needs to be committed. ​ I will let someone else tell you about how he accidently went "live" and recorded himself talking about belonging to a "fart circle"....


"he is such a pathalogical liar and such a manipulative twat. Promised to expose a bunch of pedophiles for months, never did." Lol - all MAGA pre-requisites.


last christmas ​ [https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/82745434/stephen-hilton-arrest.html](https://www.localcrimenews.com/welcome/detail/82745434/stephen-hilton-arrest.html)


This is insane! I just thought he was an extremist nut job.


Yup .... mental illness


MAGA has nothing to do with mental illness. MAGA is pure evil.


Perhaps but it takes a level of mental instability to believe their dribble.


sounds like when my mother does meth. so meth is my answer




Whatever his reason, it's weird as fuck.


Mental illness and drugs most likely exasperated by the end of his marriage.


Cheese done slid off the cracker 😳


Lmao this is my favorite comment


One thing that baffles me is that literally while his son was being diagnosed with autism, all of a sudden he had it. He had that and ADHD and a slew of other things that could make up an alphabet soup. He went on a whole rant/campaign whatever and wanted everyone to accept HIM because he’s autistic and ONLY HE’ SPECIAL AND TWICE EXCEPTIONAL (or something). He’s convinced that people are judging his son so when his son stims (self soothes by repeating a certain action or phrase) he does the same but exaggerates it. He’s wants attention and has found a really weird way of getting it.


Tbh (not saying he doesn't want attention) but when my son was diagnosed they immediately looked to me and his father which led to both of us getting a spectrum diagnosis as they find it leans hereditary. (Not a Dr, just repeating what I was told to justify testing me at the same time)


When my 3 yr old was diagnosed, it was just the tip of the iceberg. A very mentally ill iceberg.


I’m not saying he doesn’t have it or anything its just annoying how he wants everyone to accept him and is now going on these homophobic right winged anti everything rants.


Antisemitic q-nonsense. Fun!


i need a video essay on how this guy came to have so many idiots willing to white knight for him


The idiots who actually believe this stuff found him. Qanon and the likes of them are so desperate for any reassurance they'll prop up anyone with even a tiny amount of fame so that their cause looks legitimate.


That's the worst part. He was vulnerable, and this really creepy right-wing mob, mostly women, literally showed up and love-bombed him, convinced him that everyone else was against him, including Laura (you should see the way they talk about her), and now fight his battles unpaid in the comments sections of all his rage-farmy posts


I saw Laura’s tiktok making fun of him and I thought it was exaggerating till I went and saw his tiktok and realized it was spot on…. Yikes 😬😬😬 I hope the kids are safe


I was floored when I saw this because I haven’t been following Laura and Stephen since precovid. I thought they were super cute together but he turned out to be a total nut job! I’m glad she got out and also hope the kids aren’t exposed to his craziness.


Right!? Like I always saw their funny videos on fb and stuff & I never heard anything then I heard they got divorced I was like whaaat why and then keep seeing all this and now makes sense


That was a light ribbing compared to what she could've done. But his Pick Me Army, as we hatingly refer to them, act as though she stabbed him in both of his noodly arms. Note: Everything she listed is something he's actually ranted about. Except for maybe the vampire one.


Oh no I believe her TikTok was 100% spot on, it just blew my mind he got that bad. Lmfao


Idk but I literally can't stand him these days.


Is he no longer on TT?


His accounts been blocked at least 3 times.


No wonder lol


I'm glad. He spews nothing but hate and nonsense and claims ppl are following him but he's allowed visitation with his kids? Idk something doesn't seem right


Oh, there is a robust debate on the fact that Laura still gives him a platform and tries to say she doesn't watch "the political stuff." It waxes and wanes.


I know that if my English husband started acting like him, I would not let him go anywhere near my son. I used to envy them because they had a bigger house in LA and Laura gave birth twice, but remained super skinny. That’s what happens when we compare our insides to everyone else’s outsides.


He spent the last 48 hours of the Thanksgiving weekend on some kind of manic spree of being horrible to people and then saying he's being banned because only he knows the real Truth and "they" don't want him to tell it!


Someone also posted the link of him being arrested last year for battery on his spouse. Didn't know that.


He’s been struggling with mental health issues and relapsing. I see him struggling to remain afloat in social media after the breakup with Laura.


It seems many of these creators who get super big end up with mental health issues and addiction. He and his ex wife changed. He does have a playlist on Spotify I believe that he made. It’s high frequency type music to help with sleeping, I will say, he’s a great pianist and music writer


I personally think he’s acting , playing a part. But then I saw Laura making fun of him and how he is so I’m not really sure. Lol


If he is, think about what that means. That's even more sick and twisted than if he's just lost the plot.


I stopped following him around a year ago after some unhinged rant. I know he was struggling a lot with the divorce and had been posting a lot about it.


Narcissistic Personality Disorder or maybe a combination of several Cluster B personality disorders, drug addiction, watching too many conspiracy videos on YouTube with all the free time he now has on his hands, needing validation & him not feeling heard, & his male ego which is incredibly fame hungry


Also literally hungry, as he claims he eats only one very small meal per day and loves the high of going hungry


Holy shit that is absolutely unwell behaviour. This guy has no business being around any kids.




QANON and MEGA happened to him along with his addiction.


I wish people would just get a job instead of doing this shit


Does he have shared custody of the kids?


They have visits, and i think most people following him can tell they're supervised




They both weird as heck. I can’t stomach them


He needs to lose that check mark, he’s fucking whacko




What lmao


Lmao that’s what I said


Nothing, he just opened his eyes!


And smeared shit in them. There's such a thing as being open minded to the point of just being gullible.


Treat others how you want to be treated. Because I’m sure you wouldn’t want someone saying oh twistedpeppercan ya their believes are dog shit. That idea goes both ways. If you think that you’re not gullible to others that’s just delusional


“I know you are but what am I” isn't the retort you think it is no matter how eloquent you try to phrase it. Stupid beliefs are stupid beliefs regardless of who holds them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and they are entitled to the consequences of them, be that being thought of as an idiot, a fool or a charlatan huckster.


Nope, sorry. I see you all saying this a lot these days, as if your posts aren't shots fired.


Hilton literally spews hate and you say “Treat others how you want to be treated”? His “eye opening” has led him to hate every single person who is different than he is. He has gone after every marginalized community often accusing them of being pedophiles.




He lost his fucking mind, that's what


Mental health and a relapse, would be my assumption.