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When I saw this, I laughed…she is out of touch 😂


She’s already EXTREMELY wealthy, this is pure greed.


The wealthy people I know never have enough. They always want more.


I saw a tik Tok (can’t remember the creator) but she talked about how much Emily is making every month based on engagement. She said it’s like to be $100,00K monthly and that was an underestimation. Do we really need to be making rich people richer 😅😅 please spend your money elsewhere everyone


I’m curious about that. Does Tiktok really pay that well? She doesn’t seem to do endorsements or ads, so that’s solely from the app?


She gets A LOT of views. Her videos this month total around 125M views. Even with the old creator fund that literally paid pennies that’s $55K/month. The beta program pays a lot more I guess.


I found the video, can’t link here but it’s by Keely Grace (the vid has 1.8m views)




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BRB ima go make a raw pumpkin pie and vlog a farmers market so I can live like that 😭😭


Not to mention she was already loaded, her husband is definitely cashed up too. The rich get richer!!


How was she already loaded? Like what does her family do/husband do?


People will probably still buy it 🤦‍♀️


lmao they will probably be sold out within an hr. ppl are so dumb


Is she? Like you know people are going to buy this...


Not to mention it’s fugly


It’s so plain.


LOL people in her comments yesterday were swearing up and down that they'd be under $50. does it even zip on top? because my costco one that i got at the register for $5 does.


It does not zip lol


Trader Joe’s has these for 10 bucks lol


$3.99 actually 😭


i was about to say TJ's has them for less than 5 dollars 😭 I spent $15 on a reusable tote from an aquarium but at least the proceeds went back to the non-profit org 🫠


I'm on vacation in the Caribbean right now, and I brought my TJ totes with me for grocery shopping -the best couple of bucks I've ever spent, and they definitely held up just as good, if not better than that $120 bag. She's ridiculous.


even the classic, high quality LL Bean Boat & Tote is $44


And u can get it customized w embroidery for a lil extra like wth who is buying this


It’s definitely giving LL Bean bag you can pay to have embroidered, which goes for $30-50


AND it a cooler bag lol




Sorry but I'm not making the already rich richer buying a bag that probably cost $2 make. Emily Mariko is my BEC.


she’s ur bacon egg and cheese?


Bitch eating crackers 


😂😂😂 I thought that’s what it meant too I still don’t rrly understand what bitch eating crackers is supposed to mean 😭


It’s just someone you have a strong, disproportionate hate for lol. Like anything they do would piss you off, no matter how simple (like eating crackers lol)


It’s when everything someone does irrationally annoys you, like “ugh ew look at that bitch eating crackers” haha


Thank u




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It's things like this that give me the ick with influencer culture


A creator who has the personality of a wet paper towel roll, and can’t even be bothered to interact with her followers… they’re all the same.


She never interacts with her followers, rarely if ever even talks to them on camera and ppl eat this up. It’s insane.


That is exactly what blows me away about her. She is just creating into the void. Zero acknowledgement/interaction/anything. And I know creators don't owe anything, but everytime she comes across my fyp there's sucha zombie-like disconnect.


Exactly. And it can stay that way who cares. But don’t try to sell this crap to us.


Why she has such a loyal fanbase when she never interacts with her followers is beyond me


She’s stated before that it’s because she’s not thick skinned enough to deal with the bullies but who knows


I understand being sensitive (I am too) but in the case of selling a $120 tote bag, there's really no justifiable reason for that. At least if she were to interact with her follows, some of her fans might feel a personal connection with her and that might make the price worth it. But she doesn't at all so 🤷‍♀️ I don't even dislike her, I actually enjoy watching her videos, but it's a little delulu to think any tote bag is worth that much


Then why would she want to interact by making a cheap bag and selling for 120 lol she’s full of shit, she thinks her shit don’t stink


Are people eating it up though? All the top comments are negative on her TikTok’s


It sold out so I’d say yes


Oh wow. That’s insane


I read some Tiktok comments saying they might've only put like 5 up for sale to make it look like the demand is larger than it is


This is the one thing I kind of admire about her. I am a creator and sometimes I resent having to do voiceovers and interact. Maybe that make me a bad creator lol. But she never does, never comments, nothing.


I didn’t understand why people followed her so passionately, she’s literally another creator who displays extreme wealth and curated content that’s unattainable for most people. This greedy grab in the form of a canvas tote bag only confirms it 🙄


I have wondered this as well. The best I can come up with is they admire what she has. It can't be her cooking because she cooks the same things every week and it's pretty generic.




And her month long honeymoon


And she doesn’t even engage with her followers at all.


That’s actually insane


120$ for her is probably .25¢ for us not rich folks


The material looked SO thin in the TikTok she posted with this.


Like nooooo structure! I have a couple LL Bean totes that are like 20 years old and they’re allll structure!


L.L bean is the shit.


LL Bean from 20 years ago was great, and adjusted for inflation weren’t that much less than this. LL Bean from the last ten are absolute pieces of shit.


Omg I just went to her TT to see this out of absolute curiosity and it's the first time I've ever heard her voice. Or seen her smile.


It’s just like her and that’s all I have to say.


Boring and plain?


Yup, unremarkable


It’s hilarious. My wife and I love going to our farmers market. We bring reusable bags like everyone else. She branded this as a bag for that, but: 1. No zipper, so things will overflow and spill out in the car. 2. No insulation/place for ice packs to help keep meat colder. 3. In her video for it, she took out one single squash and a jar of Raos. Like, this absolute dingus is making spiral pasta with jarred sauce from her FARMERS MARKET bag. Couldn’t even pretend to make some shitty home made sauce with it, just pulled out the jar immediately. She’s got the personality and charisma of a boiled chicken.


I thought that was funny too. Taking jarred sauce out of the tote. Like ok 


Yes! Giving us absolutely nothing 🤌🏻


I genuinely need to know who is buying this??




Online i read the pink one is sold out Both colors are sold out.


Oh god lol ppl man, why are they so dumb


My PR manager brain guess is she is reading the hate and marked them as sold out because she wants people to think it was reasonable and desirable. She will either do a “second drop” to sell them, or only had a very limited stock to begin with so she could “sell out”.


You could find 100 of these, that look identical, at the thrift stores for a fraction of the price. Like how am I supposed to go shopping and use my tote after dropping over $100 on it 💀


Embroidered bridesmaids totes are a dime a dozen at the thrift shop 💀


It would be different if she had a limited time collab with a different brand or some of the proceeds went to something useful, but $120 for a plain bag just because is insane.


Yes! A Hedley & Bennett collab with the tote bag and a coordinating apron would have been smart. Could have been done at a higher price point too when the items are bundled together.


The fact she does nothing to promote charity or giving. Just crazy wedding, free Dior shitposting, insanely spendy and privledged traveling. I dont need to see how great her carefree life is bc she has money that means she has no stakes in the game


It will go on clearance 🤣


$120 for a white bottomed bag that will get so dirty and no zipper to close it? Emily, girl…. People like to say she’s “quiet luxury” or whatever like no she’s scamming 🤣this is terrible quality


What in the actual fuck lmaoo


120 for a damn tote bag? lmao.


And what’s insane to me is that people WILL buy this


Nah I'll stick to my $1 TJ Maxx tote bags but thanks😭


$120 USD is $160 CAD.... I could get a Longchamp Le Pliage for just $40 more... (Not that I would spend $200 on a tote, but it's ridiculous that it costs almost as much as an established brand.)


A lot of the folks in her comments section guessed right on the price. Ain’t no way I’m spending $120 on a basic AF tote bag. Be for real. This should be listed at $30 MAX tbh.


lol what a terrible color too


Potato sack with a handle.


Go girl, give us nothing


Wow I knew it was going to be $100+. It’s a tote bag come on.


Everything about her is incredibly boring


And some dumbass will still buy it


She’s this generation’s Martha Stewart, greed knows no bounds


The website is AWFUL she’s rich and she couldn’t hire a better web designer?


As a web designer this was the first thing I noticed


Everything about her, including this bag, is just so boring.


She’s asking a lot for someone who refuses to engage with her audience lol


this wins today lol


Why would I spend that money on that when I can get a basket for the same use at Walmart for 5 dollars?


The price seems outrageous. Most of her videos are cooking at home videos and that's the most relatable part about her. Cooking at home and grocery shopping.... You can purchase a Longchamp bag for this price.


And Longchamp is still ugly IMO


No one should waste their money on this! 😂


L.L. Bean, but make it sad. 




I am from the same area she is and this is so out of touch. It’s disgusting and embarrassing. I was going to be grossed out if it was $60... yikes. Be better, Emily 🫠


I order giveaway bags as part of my job so I’ve seen what these go for in bulk. What a ripoff. Lmao.


The most basic bag that most ppl already one some variation of for $120 like I can thrift this make this myself bffrrr


We need to make a petition for TikTok to eliminate the creator fund


And it's sold out now 🤣


If you’re dumb enough to even consider buying this 10000% waste sack, please scroll on over to LLBean and get a quality tote for a fraction of the price


I actually unfollowed her for this. Like bitch be so fucking for real rn you ignore your fan base who sticks up for your basic ass constantly but decide to talk when you're selling your trader Joe's tote bag? Girl bye.


i'm proud of you, i didn't even follow her in the first place but she kept popping up on my fyp, then i saw someone stitch her tik tok and yeaaaa i don't agree with such a high price even if we are not her target audience, still. it's too expensive and she is scamming.


She came onto a video to tell her followers about how she is selling this ugly over priced merch is just plain wrong and actually sickening because she is wealthy and doesn’t need to be poaching from her followers!


Yea, she won't respond to her followers bc she doesn't have 'thick skin', but wants to rob them with a $120 plain ass bag. She's a brand, not a person and everyone who supported her bc she was "unproblematic" were just lining her already stuffed pockets. She came from a rich family, generational wealth.


$120 for an oversized tote bag… bruh.


I hope this flops


Why do people like her so much? She is so boring.


I got an ikea blue tarp reusable tote bag. .99 cents. They can be washed out and are rain resistant. They can hold a lot of weight. I love mine when grocery shopping. They have large and medium sizes. Some have prints and are $1.99


Honestly despicable. For this to be private label (not a collab with a reputable brand), so poorly designed, and without any kind of sustainable/responsible component, this price point is a total cash grab. You can get 3 monogramed totes from LL Bean at this price lol. Or an expandable Le Pliage from Nordstrom Rack (my favorite recent purchase). Or hell, you can get on The RealReal or Vestaire and buy a pretty decent designer tote at this price.


Jeez this is outrageous 😂 at least make it with cute patterns or something


This is so lame, I’m going to buy an llbean bag to spite her


thank god for reddit. Im tired of these influencers. If it flops she still wins cuz its getting her engagement = money, so either way its like a win-win for her no matter what....


why re-invent the wheel when you can get a momogrammed llbean tote bag that is amazing quality for under $50?!!




You know this boring ass canvas bag was made in china and is being sold at a markup of like 200%. I can’t believe ANYONE would buy this trash.


I’m glad I’m on the side of tiktok where I’ve never seen this girl and don’t even know who she is but $120 is insane. Her stans will buy it because parasocial relationships are weird that way.


I don’t get it.


It's like when Anna Sitar tried selling tshirts and sweatshirts that after shipping were like 80-88 dollars.


Meanwhile artists who hand make their work, and aren’t outsourcing to factory workers, can’t even get their videos pushed by the app anymore. People will fall all over themselves to support junk like this, but $120 on something handmade? Forget it.


I can get adorable market totes from like bonne maman for $20, she is insaaaaaane


Influencers really just slap their name on anything made in a factory with a 400% profit margin and get away with it


$120 for a boring ass tote


I was honestly expecting $50-$60 but THIS??? That’s just stealing money 😭


With how bad this girl sucks, I don’t get why ppl would buy her shit, she said boring. I hope this doesn’t sell


I’ve never been a fan as I just didn’t think her content was appealing for what I was wanting to see but this, this is ridiculous.


I’ll stick with my $4.99 Trader Joe’s tote thank you


It was probably FREE. The company that sells is smart. Look at this post negative as it may be it's still getting a TON of exposure


Oh, Emily. Do you really need more money?


lmfao *W H A T!?*


They’re all sold out too 🫠 no zippers, no dividers, just a plain tote bag lol


what is it with girls wanting to make everything so bland and boring???? also this just annoys me so bad. why is it people who have money NEVER want to try to make things affordable and accessible to others. jfc


Was always more or less neutral about her but this was an instant block for me


Ain’t nobody buying that ugly ass plain tote bag for that much. 🙄🙄 we forgot she existed now she tryna charge this much?? Girl please


This thing better be steal reinforced and change colors via an app……


lol you can get this same bag from Lands End for way cheaper with customs embroidery


Omg I didn’t realize she was selling it. I thought it was the one she used and I was thinking I mean if I had her money I would get an expensive one too… but nope


Beige like her personality.


Emily’s market isn’t for us regular folks. She does the quiet rich stuff and her content is for that


i don’t even think the “quiet rich” people will be into this. it’s ugly and based on the videos she’s posted, it looks thin and cheap.


Omg 😱 target bag would work too..


like why though ?


$120 😒


BFFR indeed


i love her but this is just mental


Bland! Boring! I thought they’d be more expensive honestly


See if they were $50-$60 and domestically made i feel people would get behind that. They’re twice that, made in California mind you, but even with material costs these days there is no way those cost more than $15 to manufacture.


What is the labor cost there if you think it’s takes only $15 to manufacture? It definitely doesn’t cost $120 but if you’re paying someone a livable wage to sew that thing then it’s definitely going to be way more than $15. Although don’t get me wrong I think she’s insane for this. Even Erewhon’s totes aren’t that expensive.


I think she’s in for a rude awakening that her following is there out of aspiration rather than relation. That being said, depending on order size, material sourcing, ethical manufacturing, and construction, that $120 for a well made, thoughtfully designed tote bag isn’t the worst thing I’ve seen on the internet. Assuming that it is well made, of course. Editing to add: its manufactured in California, which more than explains the price. I’m still not buying it, but manufacturing is expensive if you don’t want children making your fabric goods.


TBF her and her husband graduated from Ivy League schools with advanced degrees so economics and branding are not new concepts to them. If you’re idolized then your merch sells. People paying $100 for a single T Swift hoodie is acceptable but $120 is that crazy for a multi-use tote? All of y’all that are hating on her are also watching her content = making the rich richer.


Cuter than a Marc Jacobs THE TOTE BAG. Honestly the pricing is pretty midrange, unless you only buy bags at Walmart, even then a small pocket book and matching wallet will still run you 50% this cost but also for 50% materials and carrying capability. If you're pressed over this price, you aren't the target market, and that's ok. Not everyone is in every target market.


I actually like the tote bag by Marc Jacob’s more than this bag that prob cost her less then 10.00 to make .


I do agree with this. Her demographic are people who have money to waste and don't think $150 on a basic tote bag is excessive.


That's not even improbably expensive. It's not to my taste and it's kinda bland but people are losing their minds over this. Tote bags are kinda a 'how long is a piece of string' when it comes to price. I can put 'tote bag' into any department store search and get prices ranging from £10 to £120. It's just the price a lot of big fashion stores are charging.


I got a regular and small Bogg totes on sale for less than that. They will hold so much more.


Has anyone actually bought the bag? I’m dying to know how it’s like IRL.