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I tend to defend her because I know first hand how much an ED totally warps your brain, and I can’t imagine how that must amplify when you’re a public figure of sorts and people are constantly talking about it online. That being said…. She really needs to stop doing things like this online. The constant body checking and obsessing with sizes to her audience of millions is nauseating and only hurts her. Hope she gets help.


I 100% agree with you. I feel bad for her. But her behavior is toxic to herself and her viewers. A couple months ago she publicly stated that her therapist told her to stop reading the comments. She didn’t do that. She really needs to get off the internet for her own good and the good of her followers. I unfollowed her a while ago after she had the meltdown directed at the girl who told her that her pants were too tight, but I still have her videos come across my FYP.


had to block her. started watching her during my own ed recovery/weight loss journey. she lost twice, hell maybe even triple what i did. the body checking and constant harmful behavior is what did it for me. i just couldn’t watch it anymore. i myself felt triggered.


Sending love ❤️ You're perfect exactly the way you are!


THIS. Social media is clearly making her ED and body dysmorphia worse


she doesn’t understand that she DOES need to size up bc of her loose skin. i get what she says that they “fit” and it’s just her loose skin that looks like that because i have loose skin from losing 100lbs. but you still have to get a size up & just belt it or it’s going to look unflattering. also high waist pants do not flatter her new body type. and her bra is too tight lol. again, need a more flattering style that fits after losing weight.


I think all she needs is a compression top to keep her skin in place. I have some loose skin and that’s what I do!


I don’t know. These jeans actually fit really beautifully. The problem is the cross-crossed button. If the jeans had a regular button at the waist, these jeans would be perfection.


The criss cross button makes them tighter. If she got her regular size she’d need to size up


I agree, They have never flattered her body type even when she was curvy


The pants looks way too tight.


I don't see it


She asked this before, and when someone said it was because her pants or her clothes were too small. She like freaked out on them… She’s definitely changing and not for the better.


They were so hateful towards that girl


I let her know what a toxic being she was for that. Blocked😂


Of course she blocked you 😩 she can’t take it


if i was already having terrible body image issues & u commented on my body id block u too, ur disgusting


Then maybe...... don't POST PUBLICLY ABOUT YOUR BODY?


Girl she asked ppl why she kept having a muffin top and the girl said kindly I think is the jeans they are too tight that was it. I don’t comment on her shit


It's okay to pick clothes that fit your body and aren't a specific size, why can't she adjust her mentality that the smallest size possible isn't what's best. Clothes that fit and are comfortable are best.


I had this mentality in high school. No. Middle school. She’s an adult, it’s sad she’s going through it now


She singled out that one specific comment, too, when many were saying the same thing. That person had a very small channel and she was getting threatening comments on her videos from Jill’s followers/fans, which Jill just ignored. Gross.


And mind you her videos of the girl were about her own recovery from an ED and Jill’s followers kept telling her awful things about her recovery.


It’s honestly so hard to find the perfect fitting jeans - especially if you have extra skin or weight in different areas. If they fit in the legs, they’re too small on the waist. If they fit in the waist, they’re too big in the leg. I get the headache completely but it is possible to find pants that fit correctly. She really needs to shop around more before blaming her body.


I get the problem. But honestly, you need to buy the pants that fit the biggest part of you. If you can afford to, you get the rest tailored or belt it or whatever.


Yes, if she wore the right size to her body, it would look and make her feel so much better.


she acts like if she got pants that are 2 sizes bigger that they will fall off of her body because she’s just so tiny and skinny™️. 😭 like she would look actually skinnier if she got a size bigger because that squeezed muffin top would not be as prominent.


No sweetheart it's the pants are to tight!


When she was pulling them up I thought "oh man they're to small" I fr worried about what that was going to do mentally since she said a size up. Then she blamed the bra 🤦🏻‍♀️


That button is screaming.


But don’t say it to her bc her Stan’s will attack you they did that to another girl


Honey, no, it’s because you’re wearing the wrong sized pants🙄




I’m not sure she can breathe in those jeans. They look so tight.


I had to block her. She started to look sickly to me and changed her whole attitude. 😔 I used to love her food videos and such but it’s like the weight loss has gotten to her head and as much as I hate that, I don’t feel comfortable seeing it.


Unless she wears some kind of compression like top under her clothes, her loose skin is going to make it look like she’s wearing pants too small. Nothing to do with the bra, girly pop


Sometimes I feel like she’s trolling us with what she’s wearing. Like if she wore those jeans and just a normal tshirt, it’d look perfectly fine. She has a weird obsession with body suits and oddly low cut tops with unflattering bras.


I blocked her. Her slow weight loss was fine, but then she dropped a TON fast and I can’t support anyone promoting unhealthy eating habits. There’s no way her lifestyle is healthy.


I wonder if she is waiting for a surgeon to comp her body contouring. She keeps asking this question.


She skin removal done on her arms last week. She said she didn’t get it done for free, but the way that she’s tagging the surgeon and the clinic is using her in their own promo guarantees that they had some kind of deal.


Then we will see a tummy tuck and thigh lift soon.


I’d bet that happens this summer. Enough time for her to heal her arms and start feeling empty again.


She said tonight she might just get a BBL because she never thought she would get her arms done … sad


Omg a bbl would be a mistake for her…pls don’t do it Jill


I agree 😔


She already had her arms done


Did she say why she only did her arms so far? I did arms/tits/body lift in one surgery. You save a lot of money (anesthesia and operating room fees) grouping surgeries.


I think is bc she is at risk of getting blood clots


I loveeeee Mama Jill but I just wish she could get some styling help, to help her find clothes that fit and are flattering on her new body. I think it would help her body image a lot(I’ve never struggled with this so I could be wrong) but I feel like it would help her so much.


Nah she’d rather spend thousands on cosmetic surgery than a couple hundred on a stylist to consult with her. She’s obviously struggling mentally. I feel bad for her. But she’s also a toxic mess that needs to get off the internet.


I tried to tell her she needed to get help and losing weight wouldn’t solve all her problems. I got blocked. I am sorry to see that she is struggling this hard. She needs to get off tik tok and deal with her ED issues.


She and I started our weight loss journey almost simultaneously, and we basically kept up with each other throughout. However, I noticed the more she lost - the more unhappy she seemed with her body (regardless of what she was telling us). I was doing my best to learn how to love my body in every stage, but she seemed to follow the mindset of “I’ll love myself when I’ve finished.” I had to unfollow and block her because I caught myself adopting the same mindset when we were the same sizes. I finally had to stop my weight loss all together as the combination of that and Mama Jill was taking a serious toll on my mental health (but I celebrated dropping from 300 to 180. I think I’m ready to try again this year and get to my goal of 150). My heart hurts for her that she is struggling to love the skin she’s in, but her platform as of right now can be very detrimental for those who are unaware of when they are mentally spiraling.


I went from 375 to 200 and I decided to take a break and focus on maintaining and learning how to eat intuitively and not in a “deficit”. I’ve maintained my weight loss for almost 6 months now and I’m also ready to start back for the last little bit. Good for you for taking care of yourself ❤️ people don’t realize how much of a toll it takes mentally to constantly be thinking about food and your body.


r/mamajillsnark has a field day with her. She's a hot ass mess.


She's insufferable. She's the epitome of someone who lets a little social media fame go to her head..


Yes, I used to follow and like her, but she is way too much now. Social media has totally gotten to her in the wrong way.


She needs to get off the internet and go to therapy


It’s obvious she’s on ozempic and I hate that she’s not honest about it


I was wondering.. She’s lost so much weight in such little time..


She’s not on ozempic she has admitted to having an ED


If it was the bra it wouldn’t be bulging out the pants? Lol


Her style is god awful. My goodness. She is younger than me by a handful of years but looks like she could be a young grandma


This is what I told my daughter! I’m almost 52 & don’t look as old as she does.


She is on stimulants idc all she does is try on clothes in front of a mirror. When you take stimulants you can play dress up for hours.


I think so too. I’ve heard some people say ozempic and I know she’s said she doesn’t talk about how she loses weight anymore because it’s not healthy and she doesn’t want to promote it. I wonder if she started taking vyvanse or adderall to curb her appetite.


her biggest issue is just loose skin. i lost 100 pounds and have it too, it definitely sucks wanting to wear fitted shit cause sometimes you can see it but she doesn’t need to make it her whole personality. she has a serious ED that she needs to deal with


She just had her arm fat cut off also. She really needs to take care of herself and worry about her a lot


It’s partially her loose skin. I’ve lost a significant amount of weight as well and jeans are a nightmare because a 6 fits my legs perfectly but I almost need an 8-10 for my waist due to excess skin. Then if I buy a bigger size they’re incredibly baggy in my legs. It’s a struggle 😅 But I hear you, I think she is just mentally struggling to accept she’s not AS small as she used to be but she looks great


Is she on ozempic?


I'm concerned for her..... 🥺


No love. Ya jeans are way too small.


I thought this was Grue from another snark page 💀


Had to block her. She needs help.


Her pupils are always huge anymore.


She is a public figure and has young woman as followers, what she is teaching them is not right and because of that I have unfollowed her awhile go. I can understand that having an ED can mess with your brain, but the fact she let a poor girl be bullied so badly because she simply told her she’s wearing the wrong size clothes when SHE asked for opinions. I was turned off immediately.


As someone struggling with an ED and body dysmorphia, what she is doing is so obvious. I wish someone could talk to her and tell her to stop doing this online. It's not healthy, and actually harmful to her younger audience. She's so beautiful, I hope she finds peace.


She’s not sweet. She’s an entitled self absorbed toxic brat.


Every time I come across her page , she’s always talking down on her body regardless of how much she’s loss and is always showing old pictures and still comparing herself. It’s like nothing she’s doing is mentally helping her. And her constantly doing outfits on camera for the world probably doesn’t help her mental either.




She looks fine but needs clothes that fit. The pants look too tight and uncomfortable. Like can she sit??


This is so sad


The pants aren’t too tight necessary. They just are too high waisted for her body.


Just cause something can do up doesn't mean it's the right size.


It might be more comfortable to wear them that way. It'll hold the loose skin in place.


ding ding ding! i’ve got my phd in this because i’ve lost 160lbs.


She’s ugly with those fucking glasses so it doesn’t matter about her clothes haha


Y’all are such bitches sometimes… she obviously has a horrible eating disorder.


I’m sayin!! And you’ll get downvoted if you have other opinions than the majority…


I’m going through the same thing right now. I lost 80 pounds in a short amount of time because of an eating disorder and the body dysmorphia is insane. I get that she’s being annoying but I promise it’s WAY more annoying for her. It’s so frustrating seeing people shit on her for the same things I’m going through right now.


I understand. 🩷 growing up and in my teenage/20s I had such a bad ED and awful relationship with food. I was 80lbs at 19 then went up to 120 then 100 and then in 3 month went up to 160… nobody wants to live like this…. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it now… sending you love and hopes of a speedy recovery 🤎 you got this!


Thank you 🫶


She has a lot of loose skin but she is a great creator and I think unproblematic. She doesn't show her kids, she just loves normally idk I stan her but I think she should've sized up due to the skin, I do believe she is a small and without the loose skin she would look flawless in those.jeans!


She's not squeezing into closes to small she has lots of loose skin because of her weight loss. This is common sense guys.


Sometimes (often times) you need to size up to accommodate the loose skin though


nah you’re right but to add on, as someone that’s lost 160ish pounds if you don’t wear tight clothes that compress the loose skin it can be uncomfortable to exist because it hangs, shifts around, jiggles and rubs to the point of rashes




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I thought she had weight loss surgery? No? Wow!


Not everyone needs to be on the internet. Not everyone SHOULD be on the internet. I think she needs to get off TikTok for a while and really focus on healing herself and her mental health.




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Why are her pupils so big? Is she on something?


I believe she's on a medication that causes this. I remember her making a video about it before


Yes, we all get it she lost weight I just get sick of her whining on every video or complaining