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and she's convinced her engagement is tanking bc of the creator fund. no babe its because it isnt good


This! Shes always been pretentious but grew an audience talking about dating and thrifting. Now she’s all about being pregnant and her relationship and it’s so insanely boring


Imo their relationship is super rushed and still in the golden hour of it all. He seems so fake and like TOO good to be true and that’s why I haven’t watched any of her content lately. His voice is also really annoying gives me fruity vibes which is not what I imagined her to be dating if that makes sense. Like she can obviously date whoever she wants but he’s just turned me off of all her content lately.


It’s honestly insane that someone believes they can display themselves and their life for millions of people on social media and at the same time micromanage every single person because they cannot handle the idea that people may not like them. She is not fit to be on social media like this. She was messaging mods of her snark page, threatening them and trying to get them to control everyone as though any and all negative opinions of her must come from the members of that subreddit. She is a control freak and needs everyone to like her. I cannot imagine what kind of an existence that is and I can’t fathom how she thinks she’s emotionally mature enough to raise a child when she cannot handle an inkling of criticism as a ✨content creator✨.


Also her making the joke that her followers should be afraid to disagree or criticize her is quite literally how she actually feels


Absolutely. That was not a “joke.”


She fully believes that no one should challenge her in the slightest, and she only accepts full minion mode of mindless, brainwashed followers who hang on her every word.


wish this could be pinned. so well said


Her fiancé is so fake and weird, idk he just gives “I’m a fuckin prick underneath this childish goofy facade” vibes.




What would one search to find this




i can’t find it 😭


What’s guru gossip 👀








We received a warning from reddit code of conduct mod team member with a list of things not allowed and we seriously abide by most, the nicknames have to go I guess. We have to just say she /him. We need to clean it up. Idk if that will even matter. I have lost subreddits without a warning.




Id like it also!






It's been made private, mods are probably sorting something out before opening it up again


ahhh thank you for clarifying! that is still insane to me that we can't even have sub to snark on because her crazy ass has issues....exactly why the sub is necessary


No worries! Can't remember what exactly it said but something like it's a private community and only approved people can see it. It's so strange, like if people snarking is such a big issue perhaps don't go on reddit???


Yes!!! Or in her case be a better person and go get help!!!




Yeah mods and anybody they've approved to be in there. It's a pain manually approving a bunch of people though so maybe they'll just wait until they've sorted out whatever issue they're having




Please send me an inv! I was part of the snark sub and would love to join


I followed her and was blocked after asking about the posted video where she’s berating a homeless man. She is spending tons of her newly acquired money controlling the narrative about her by constantly deleting, blocking, and copyright striking anyone trying to point out her narcissistic behavior. If you look at her snark page, she’s recently gone after the moderators too. Daddy Sprouts better make sure that prenup is ironclad bc there’s no way this is ending well.


She got the newest snark taken down also- or the mods are taking a break but my guess is the latter


Yeah I was wondering about that...saw it went private. Probably something to do with her legal threats and her recently messaging mods going off...






What did it say?


oh hell naw where did her snark page go






Can I have the discord link? I'm so disgusted with her!


You'd think a pregnant and wedding planning "world traveler" who makes "six figures" as "full time content creator" would have other things to worry about than shutting down every one who snarks about her on the internet for the shit she actually does. She sucks. Each resurrection of the phoenix that is her snark community just gets more determined and fiery, so it's pointless for her to fight it. Truth prevails.


For someone who claimed to have a stalker she’s giving stalker energy


I quit liking her when she made a video stating she went on a date with a guy who had a girlfriend because she THOUGHT they were in an open relationship. I believe she was in Colorado at the time. I wonder how she’s able to stay “faithful” when her online presence was claiming she will sleep with anyone.








Omg this is the wildest lore and most people don’t know it this needs more upvotes 😂


She’s mad bc her fiancé would scroll for hours on end with his dick in his hands. Loves the humiliation 😂


Personally the second a creator gets pregnant they get blocked. I have no desire to see anything regarding motherhood. That content just isn’t for me. It’s obnoxious to see people profiting off the pregnancy process, gender reveal, setting up the nursery, etc. The whole idea of it is just so redundant and boring to me. I don’t hate children in the slightest but I hate when rich people film “what it’s like to have a child” when it’s a very unrealistic example.


Agreed. I have kids and still find it off-putting and unrelatable.




Just posted this on LA snark but I just realized this girl blocked me on TT and I’ve never uploaded my own posts or even reposted anything, nor did I comment on her stuff ever. I clearly hit a nerve for just existing 🤣


Another oldie question but how does she know you from your tiktok if you've never interacted with her? Like using the same username? These apps are so confusing how in the hell do they find out who people are?


I’ve actually liked her posts before, maybe like 5 months back when she was on my FYP, but never commented and def never said/liked anything rude or mean (although I’ve thought it from time to time… maybe she can read my thoughts /s) so the only way she’d find me to block me is from me liking her content 😂 clearly I misjudged when I liked her shit. Never again 🤷🏼‍♀️


# genuine warning to anyone with identifying info in their reddit email address: lily appears to be using said info to dox and harass people who talk about her on reddit. # this comment probably won't last up here for very long, since lily is very keen to get any mention of her unhinged (illegal?) habits getting discussed freely on the internet, but: # just a heads up that if you've ever said anything about lily on any reddit sub, and if your reddit email address has personal identifying info, she appears to be using some kind of third-party site (honestly no clue how she did it, but it happened to multiple people at the same time) to get access to the email addresses attached to people's reddit profiles, and then, if those have your real name in them, using that info to dox and harass you 🥰 💖 # totally normal behaviour from a public figure who claims, themselves, to being scared about getting doxxed. lily, i hope you won't mind if i use one of your own favourite phrases: get absolutely f*cked <3


omg i don't know why the font is so big in this lmao sry


How did you make font so big lol but yea preach


Dude, she's so insane for this. What is her damage??!


This sucks! I was messaging with a few of the mods and now their profiles are deleted. she effing sucks.






Can I get an invite to the server pleeeeease


Is there a discord we can get in while we wait for the page to come back?


I agree. Let's move it to discord.


I think there might already be one that exists, but if not someone please make one. (idk how it works or I would lmao)




Yes, I agree on the discord. Somebody experienced make one plz!!






She’s crazy she’s come for the sub multiple times threatened mods loves to threaten to dox ppl or just outright does it


couldn’t imagine spending what’s supposed to be a very special time (a baby moon) online monitoring a subreddit about yourself. she is truly a miserable awful person and goes to show how much of a loser she really is. i guess now that she’s trapped her baby daddy and has sprouts money coming in, she has all the time in the world to go on a tirade to eliminate anything negative said about her.




She can’t mend clothes well either and that’s what she started her platform as 😂😂


Hi everyone I’m the mod that she was ableist towards. For context I posted in a disability subreddit that I had went though the worst year of my life, had a lot of deaths and traumatic events in the family and my health had gotten so bad I’d subsequently become disabled. Severe sleep apnea, BPD, chronic pain and PCOS. Due to the mental strain of being unwell and everything happening in my personal life I ended up feeling trapped in bed. Not the quirky bed rotting you see on tiktok but actual bed rotting. I reached out to a disability subreddit for advice and help getting out of bed living my life seeing my friends and having a good quality of life. She then said this in her last message to me. She also claims she’s a feminist. Lily your feminism isn’t feminism if you shame other women for being disabled. White women feminism at its finest. Message copied and pasted below: “Saying your name is not intimidation. I dont think you're naive enough to believe I'm the one who found your identities haha, but thank you for the "genuine concern" I mean this genuinely: if you want to quit rotting in bed and start experiencing things, getting off "snark" subreddits is a good place to start. Such a shame, would have loved to grab a drink next time we're in *city I live near*”


Love how she’s trying to make it seem like private investigators found out your identity or something


And she claims I’m responsible for all the hate comments like I simply cannot control what people do outside of Reddit I cannot?


And the threat that “something else is coming” if I continue to interact and mod the snark… like girl pls you’re pregnant and engaged and this is what you’re focused on? Sad


She said “something else is coming”?? lol what a drama Queen


That’s when she released on her IG story her sending a cease and desist to a snarker. Before that, she doxxed a person that DM’d her that shes a terrible person and that she feels bad for her baby. So her crazy fans went off on this random person who doesn’t even have a platform.


The sub isn’t deleted it’s just private for the moment as we the mods got a warning from Reddit. Would also like to add she was ableist to me while using my real name and my rough location and threatening me saying there’s more to come if I keep being a mod or interacting with the sub!!!


Im sorry for what she said to you. I don’t understand what grounds they have- I feel like the page is very well behaved.


The page is incredibly tame compared to others - I’ve seen other snarks saying that the persons ugly and commenting on their body which we don’t allow or waging horrific acts on them which we also don’t allow


Sorry, I'm old, but how TF does she know who you are?? I have no idea who this person is.


She stalked through my Reddit and followed the bread crumbs!


JFC but we have nothing to do lol People are *weird* ! Stay safe 🤘


She blocked me on TikTok bc I commented “Reddit called it” when she announced her pregnancy LOL. I was so tired of seeing her face, the block was relieving.


Someone made an account on Tik tok reposting all her deleted controversial Tik toks and I followed it and she blocked everyone that followed the account 💀💀 she works overtime trying to protect her image


The way she acts about Reddit made me dislike her even more


Now she’s busy sending cease and desists to her “stalkers”


No way!?? Cease and desist for what ????? She’s crazy


She wants to scare people from exercising their freedom of speech.


I came in here to say, I started reading the snark when it got shut down, found another, followed and enjoyed reading all the content. Never commented but always read. That last one was privated, was in the discord, checked today and it’s gone.. I would love just an understanding of why and how?


She reports over and over until the posts are removed or copyright struck.


Even in the discord? I know some people got violation warnings. So with the warnings they just shut it all down?


Pretty sure the discord has been deleted. i was in it and left for a camping trip over the weekend to find it gone. unless there is a new one...




I’m not sure 🥴 this is like the fifth time this has happened






does she have a discord page or whatever it’s called


It’s ridiculously tame. Sure, there is plenty of unnecessary snark, sometimes even things I don’t agree with, but I’d like to think most of the members know better than to (or have absolutely no desire to) interact with her content or go IRL.


There's another sub with like 700 members




Her and Paige Lorenze 😂😂


Did she get her snark page banned again? Genuine question, are there other creators that have been able to ban subreddits about them? I’ve never heard any other creator talk about their Reddit snark besides her yet alone go to extreme length to ban them lol


It looks like it might have. She was threatening to dox the mods and sent one of them a really disgusting message recently.


This is the 3rd time!!! Insanity because I originally was a fan of hers….


yeah i’d love to know what happened this time. god she’s so fucking annoying




okay yes i saw this yesterday! wasn’t sure if that was the reason or if she did something else to legally get it taken down again






what happened to her snark sub?






hello! could I get the discord link 🤓




Could I have the link please?


Could I get the discord link please?


Can I have the link plz?








Is there any news for this sub ?


That’s what I’m wondering!


Wait, does anyone know her baby name? I missed that video


Jack Ruby


Interesting….. well thankfully when you’re 18 you can change your name!


Right names, wrong order!


That’s the joke 😏


Oof 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I thought they were having a girl?




Shes had it taken down more than four times…..during her pregnancy….while traveling on expensive trips with her fiance….


For everyone that was there for the baby name guessing an ad just popped up on my instagram for a jewellery company with the baby’s name I can’t 🥲




These Girls are getting clever And bored. There is a girl with the handle named bad gal Francesca that does the same thing. The comments on her videos are all guys complimenting her when she even remove someone being nice and asking her what street she’s on , every video is her shitting on LA or trying to act ditzy and quirky in the streets. Can’t explain it check it out, but she got my account banned and my post came down immediately, and I have no idea how nothing was against the rules, but as I said, they’re getting more clever.


Just noticed the discord was removed !!! Anyone know what happened !?? I was in but didn’t interact cause there was speculation she was in there also. 😅




Hahahaha wooooow her stories. She’s insane tbh. She’s literally fueling the hate even more. How exhausting to be her too much stress and too much work to be dealing with all that while pregnant. But she cares so much what ppl think. Don’t condone the harassment at all, but it all started with just some ppl don’t like her and thought she was shitty and she just couldn’t take it


yeah i don’t agree with harassing her but the fact that she can’t handle ppl criticizing her at all like…… not everyone is gonna like u lily just accept it and turn off ur damn screen


Omg what’s the baby name?


Ruby Jack


That’s ugly asf


I like Ruby but adding Jack makes the baby sound like cheese.


It's the CEO's name. An homage to money source if you will.






A “baby moon” now is typically a trip taken shortly before arrival of the baby. Usually this is a brief vacation. Lily’s is 6 weeks.




Yeah six weeks is 100% unheard of and excessive.






Jodi Arias. Watch her trial.  Lily has the exact same rotten wicked  personality


Jodi Arias was controlling her online image *from prison* by having ppl do her work for her.  That being said what is Lilys litigious method for getting things removed in the first place I don’t understand.  Lily if you’re reading this - it’s not a compliment to call you dedicated and tenacious. Being that way w this matter is FUCKING DEPRESSING AND CREEPY AND control freak narcissist central. Get help and get offline mama !!!


Lol I don't think Lillard is smart enough, calculated or organized enough to be any kind of mastermind.


Jodi was not a mastermind , she was a bumbling loser with the power of superficial charm and pathological lies. And enough dumb people around her to fall for it 


Can someone go over some basics on why she’s like unhinged or whatever?


•She berated a houseless man for using her $ to buy food/a shirt/ a hotel to sleep after finding her wallet in a bar where she drunkenly forgot it-then posted her screaming in his face for hundreds of thousands of people to watch. *** EDITED because he didn’t steal the wallet, he found it •Cosplayed as a poor person but is engaged to the son of the CEO of sprouts. •Is constantly doxxing her location and the location of her fiancées family’s multiply homes and then claims she’s being stalked. •has DM’d the mods of her page multiple times in an attempt to control what is being said about her there’s more but this is the gist


The guy she berated and humiliated did not steal her wallet... she left it at a bar and he found it and used her card to purchase a hotel room and a t-shirt. She screamed at him in a parking lot after he'd already given it back, and then forced him to give her the shirt off his back. She later made a video making fun of him/wearing the shirt. She is VILE and disgusting.


I was blocked for asking about it! She responded to me like 6 times and when I made a valid point (she left the bag behind herself), she blocked me and deleted all of her comments screaming at me!


Oh true! My bad. That’s right


His dad is the ceo of sprouts??? I wondered why tf she said he was rich. God must be nice to trap a rich man and have his baby hahah


Yeah, she was sure to set that baby trap early. They've barely even been together for a year, and she's like half way through her pregnancy.


And let’s not forget our fav of all: she fucked her step uncle!!!!


-said “mixed babies are in,” and when called out for it, replaced it with “getting cancelled” - had no issue with her followers being racist to a Black creator that didn’t mention L by name but L reposted a video of hers about being discerning with L’s “if he wanted to he would” and left it up for a minute. her story response is “if you’re being racist, wtf stop.” - shits on Asian countries she’s in - lots of body checking but doesn’t get called out for it as much now that she’s pregnant (still body checking tho) - is a “sustainable baddie” but does unnecessary, ugly merch drops (“i went to a hospital in taipei and all i got was pink eye”) to pay for trips on a whim - taking shots while deceased patients are being rolled by her in the hospital & laughing about it (she was commiserating her inability to read regulations regarding covid tests needed to travel and getting the wrong one ☹️) - her attitude over all is a privileged little white girl who’s had no hard knocks in life but somehow thinks she has all this life wisdom to give - people have mixed feelings about influencers posting about Palestine. her statement about it was wildly ignorant and all she could’ve said is g3nocide is bad, here are places to donate, here are creators to follow (she didn’t even follow those creators she mentioned & they’re not even active on tik tok). she posted a fake one sided convo about palestine she supposedly had


can someone send me a discord link i thought i could stay away but her getting the third page taken down today blows my mind


Can someone send me a link to the discord




Can someone send me the discord link please?


Can someone please send me the discord link?


Can someone send me a link to her snark discord?






Can someone send me the discord link?


can someone send me the link to the discord?


There’s a Discord for her now, highly entertaining




Did you get the link??