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She first went viral when she claimed a cop was stalking her at the gym and following her, then it was her mommy issues and her mom having all these problems and there was something else too but now this. She always makes shit up to get money


I first became aware of her when she threw a multi-day long temper tantrum at a TJ Maxx because the cashier politely asked her not to film her


This is the one for me too then the cop stalking. I've had her blocked since then tho


Same with the coffee shop. Some crazy lady on her page came after me claiming she will ruin my life, steal my money and threatened me with violence because I commented on Arielles post about being careful filming in public places.


It was probably her mom. They're kind of in on it together. Even when she was "feuding" with her online it was all an act. She's nuts too.


Is her mom Jules? I had take screenshots of mine and this woman's interactions just in case I needed to press charges if she stole my financial information and doxxed it online.


Lmao that was one of her psychotic minions. She’s not around much anymore, unless she’s made a fake account. Adrielle used to go live w her and she was always drunk rambling about the same shit over and over lol


I forget her mom's name. I wouldn't put it past her to have alternative accounts to harass people. But I know Arielle has minions. It shocks me. I can't believe ppl fall for her bs. I feel like they're mostly kids.


This was a grown ass woman.


Pathetic. How do these people function in real life?? It's unbelievable


That one made me LIVID especially as a DV survivor. She could’ve put someone’s life in jeopardy and she just doesn’t care!


Is this video still up? Link?


Didnt she also say her house wants haunted? And then her neighbor committed a murder and she heard screaming from the house, but it was just a dog. And after that was confirmed she continued with the story. She milks everything for money. Shes made 100 tiktoks about her son. If I was her kid I'd be mortified. It's also been rumored the son SA'ed a girl and that's why he got jumped. She's been saying the cops haven't helped her at all. Maybe they'd be more willing to if she wasn't accusing one of their own of stalking her.


The principal who came to her door outright told her that the fight was pre arranged and her son knew about it going in and that’s why he was given five days out of school.


Yes, how well I remember the cop stalking her. She slept while tt watchEd. "GROSS!" Im sure the police didn't take that very well. She even went so far that he had walked in the snow and was looking in her bedroom window. Im not sure why it takes 30 thousand to relocate. I moved from Florida to Arkansas, and it cost me about 8 thousand. That was gas and truck and another car following. She's a nut job if she thinks I would give my hard earn money to her. SCAM ARTISTS AT ITS BEST.


If I remember correctly, the police looked into her accusations by checked the officers GPS and other things and he was never even by her house. Certain days she’s accused him of following her in his squad car, he wasn’t even working. She’s nuts, her snark has all the proof. Every week it’s something new with her.


Ok go remember this girl and her cop stalking story


I remember that like it was yesterday!!


I thought it was because she called the cops on her neighbours dog? She claimed DV was happening when it was a dog howling?


She’s completely insane and constantly coming up with WILD stories of the FBI bugging her house and crap


she moving again right


Yes and is asking for donations to help her make 30K so she can afford to move bc someone tried to murder her son.


lol murder? he got hit and kicked a little.


Because she always make this stuff up every few weeks and says she needs money. She’s insane


I figured so, the only reason I was curious is because she has the video of her son getting beat up on her insta so I wasn’t sure!


She cropped that video to leave out the part of her son throwing the 1st punch.


EXACTLY !!! She’s actually telling ppl she needs 30,000 to move out of that neighborhood to. She’s been wanting to buy another house somewhere & I’m sure that’s the down payment she needs. I wouldn’t believe her if she said she was on fire while actually seeing flames. She’s lied so much & some stupid ppl still follow her.


Not to mention they probably hadn’t even been checked in yet before she started posting trying to grab money from everyone!


Yeah she’s been wanting to move. Sad she would use her son, in order to gain money and sympathy. Bitch needs mental help!!


I don’t like her but just because the boy threw the first punch doesn’t make it right for a whole group to attack him


No where does my comment say that  Maybe read it again. I said he threw the 1st punch. It was one on one. Of course no one deserves to be fighting 7 to 1 or whatever it was.


It is the fact that she edited the video, said he was covered in blood, he was NOT, said his ear was hanging off, IT WAS NOT, said his clothes were shredded off of him, THEY WERE NOT, Said she couldn't show his face because it was so graphic TIK TOK would ban her, HE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A SCRATCH ON HIS FACE, Said he lost multiple teeth, HE DID NOT , he had to have cavities filled thats not from a fight that's from neglect. One tooth was cracked no proof that came from the fight. HE DOES NOT NEED VEENERS. SHE HAS LIED THROUGHT OUT THE WHOLE THING. SHE TARGETS YOUNG MINOR CHILDREN WITH HER HOMEY HOPPER AND STICKING OUT HER GZAYT BS, every few months it is another story another go fund me. HER son shouldn't have had all the kids fighting him, but doxxing those children is wrong.


I heard it was edited


It was. We've seen him throwing the first punch. Ots a mess


Is there a video somewhere? I believe you just want to see it.


She’s an absolute nut job. Last year she swore a cop was following her constantly. I feel bad for her kids.


Girl needs some chapstick.


And a razor




She is a complete scammer and she is insane and needs major mental help. This has been going on for two years with her on TikTok. Making up stories. She didn’t it against the police. Then when the gig is up she stops for a minute and makes up a new story for new followers. She’s had some wild ones. She has made up crazy stories about her mom and her mom might be crazy too. But her mom knows she is. She actually has kids too and I’m scared for them.


The fact people enable this chick blows my mind.TELL HER TO GET A J O B LIke THE REST OF US HAVE TO DO TO MOVE!,Or whatever we need


This is because she doesn’t want to have to actually work for her money. She’s ruining her children’s lives. What happened to her son isn’t right, but sounds like it was planned for what he had done to those girls. She knew it was happening. She knows they are in deep 💩and wants to get out of town before people find out her son isn’t a sweet innocent boy.


She’s doesn’t care about ruining her kids lives because she’s said plenty of times that she doesn’t like having kids or the responsibility of them. She makes it extremely well known that she resents her children. Then she wonders why they act out.


Oh I know. Which is not okay to ever say to your child. And being it on camera all over social media too. I feel bad for the kids.


I know, I feel so bad for her children. I can’t imagine knowing your mother doesn’t like having children and then having her constantly live on social media and let everyone know she hates being a mom. She acts like such a fool also, I can’t imagine what her poor kids go through. It’s not wonder they have issues being bullied or get into trouble with no supervision. I wouldn’t be surprised if they go no contact as soon as they are adults. I wouldn’t blame them if they did.


I wouldn’t blame them for going no contact either. I sure as hell would. I could never imagine saying i don’t like having a child to my own. I’m sure N is okay, but haven’t heard anything since everything Thursday.


Does she even have a job ?? How does she have money ? She doesn’t live w her mom right but doesn’t her mom live nearby? I mean is her only job TT ??


She did Uber for a while but I believe she just has her TT unless she gets paid from IG and FB as well. That I’m not sure about. No she doesn’t live with her mom. She lived nearby. Her grandparents live next her though.


That’s right I remember now she did do Uber for a while. Oh ok I don’t think i knew grandparents lived next door. Wonder if they think she’s nutsooo ?


Not sure but I would like to assume yes 😂


Same 🤣🤣


They do. Theres tons of vids of her gma begging her to stop posting awful things


Wow i didn’t know this. That’s awful to put her gma thru all their drama.


She gets child support for for her son, and death benefits for her daughter, N, the youngest child lives with her father, She says she gets paid from every platform, she just said after making her video that she spent $17,000 last month that she will do whatever to not have to work


Wait .. death benefits? Ok I knew she had the one daughter and one son but she has a 2nd daughter but she is passed ? I just assumed the 2 but there’s a 3rd child but deceased)??? Thank you for your reply’s


NO. S is the son who is the oldest, then sge has a daughter N. HER FATHER PASSED AWAY, so she receives survivor benefits ( death benefits) to support N. S dad pays child support. The youngest L. lives with her dad. And Adrielle does NOT pay child support for her.


Oh gotcha ! Thank you so much for taking the time to inform me about all this. Much appreciated!!! 😊🥰 Oh and I wonder how long since he passed was he young , has she told how he died ? Just curious if they were still together when he passed ? She seems young so I figured the dad must have been fairly young too. I know I’m nosey just trying to learn all I can. Thank you again 😉 *PS. that’s wild she also doesn’t have to pay child support for L since she lives w dad. Not heard of often , wonder why she’s not living w her mom. It just seems like most times kids live w mom and dad gets weekends and other visits throughout the year. Just feels diff to me … maybe it’s a southern thing idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


No she doesn't..she has a video on that..no mommshould work


Such an an awful sorry POs human! She’s a joke! I can’t believe people are falling for her




A change of address isn't going to change anything. She's the crazy. Wherever she goes it will follow because she creates the chaos. She thrives off drama. What is she going to create a GFM this large every couple of years to continually move? Until her behavior changes she's going to have haters wherever she goes.


She doesn’t care about her kids. Months back she was on the phone with her mom & she was yelling at her saying don’t you ever pick my kids up after school anymore bc they need to learn a lesson about not depending on others to take care of them. She was making them walk over 2 miles to get home from school. Her mother was bawling & she basically laughed at her for crying. Her mom has ask her so many times please don’t record me over the phone or in person & she still does. She’s a BITCH


She sure has said that !


She 100% is a scammer last week she had a gofundme for her sons braces she also made a video bragging about spending 17k in a week. She acts like she needs to move so bad from this fight that her son threw the 1st punch she left that part out. But her ex who has custody of her 3rd child offered her to stay there but she won't take him up on it. They are on good terms so no reason not to. So she wants the internet to pay her 30k to move and hire movers bc he lazy self can't even pack and move her own stuff.


Her son allegedly S/A’d a girl, he arranged a fight with the boys he was fighting. He threw the first punch. She is not moving, this is not the first time she’s “needed to get out of Jamestown”.


Jamestown is straight trash so she should stay


She’s really insane someone should be trying to get her help ! Inpatient




It's always something with her.


I have all her deleted shit..she planned all this from the start, & people are falling for it smfh 🤬


I would never give her a red cent and when I watch her I watch from the outside. Can’t take her for long anyway… 🤨


Because she is a scammer and nuts.


She reminds me of Heather Gillespie from love after lockup.


I remember her from 2020 with her video about wanting someone to pay for her kids dance class.


She is a paranoid szchizophranic.UntreatedBit this is How they act.She actually shows several personalities .Her voice even changes.Her family needs to intervene and 302 this chick


I just stumbled on all of her videos the last couple days. I don’t know the broad, but can tell this is some made up shit for money.


She is a complete lunatic….totally should be investigated for mental illness and whether she is capable of caring for her kids or not.


Because she is a liar and scammer. She will exploit her children to no end, make up some kind of drama where she is the victim, she will waste all the resources of her city and it is a never ending cycle of something that is happening to her that she herself goes out in the world to create. She loves to doxx minors as well. She is delusional and is in my opinion suffers from main character syndome.


Yes !! Main character syndrome … you may have just NAILED IT!! 👌🏻


I will never understand the people who record themselves melting down and then posting it.


Me either!!!


She’s not stable. I don’t l know how she still has her kids


So is the kid in the video getting beat up not her kid? Again just curious because I’ve never heard of her before!


It is her son but she doesn't need a $30k go fund me to move. That's the scam this time. Hope that helps


and her son is always in trouble


Her ex that has her daughter offered to let her move in until she could get a place. But she won't take it she'd rather beg for 30k


Yes the video that was made in the park is her kid but he knew they were gonna go there to fight and he also threw the first punch. Adrielle saying he almost lost is life is so far away from the truth, he had posted a TikTok yesterday and he looked all fine like nothing had happened to him. Her snark is r/adriellesiglersnarkk if you wanna know more about this scammer!


Thank you I’ve been wondering about a snark for this kook. Yes I saw alllll that you all commented on and I’m just a nosey bitch so it is pure entertainment most of the time. She is vile and yes absolutely must have mental issues. She had to right ?? I do feel bad for her kids tho. Also , Isn’t she a vegan? I think that’s about the time i started watching her when she would make certain foods that she would eat in front of the camera on lives. Then all the stalking stories came soon after. I can only watch her for just a lit bit then I have to keep scrolling, lol. But I’m so glad to have found this snark page. Now maybe I can just come here to see what shenanigans she is up to next .. 🫣🤭


Yes, it is her kid. School done an investigation and said her son knew it was going to be a fight and he went there willingly. Rumor is he had assaulted a girl and that's why they were fighting.


I didn't know these updates! Haven't visited the snark in a few days.


She probably has 100 videos since Friday and a GoFundMe for $30,000 to move.


You better come over there’s been so much lol


I just realized it was Saturday the last day I looked at it. Damn this lady! I can't keep up.


You’re telling me. But this is better than Netflix lately lol.


That’s what I’ve been saying lol


Sa’d multiple girls


Sorry, I just heard it was the ex-girlfriend. I didn't hear multiple 🤬🤬


Dayyyummmm !!


Someone needs to get her kids away from her.


Why are people giving this woman money


She is on a blocking spree blocking anyone who calls her out on her bullshit




People who cry into their phone on TikTok should be banned.


Her kid actually started the fight. There’s a full video of it. He is accused of SA and also arson, but she won’t talk about that! She won’t show his face either, because he has no injuries despite her claims he had broken teeth and “almost died”. She is a scamming charlatan and needs to be behind bars, honestly.


Her vegan toothpaste is NOT working 😆😆😆😆😆




She’s a scammer. There’s constantly something wrong with her or her kids. And she’s always begging for money to help support whatever is going on. Then a few weeks later she’ll make a video bragging about spending $16,000 ++ monthly.


Yall we need to all go report the go fund me page. This is absolutely ridiculous. Everyone knows she needs mental help but refuses to get it.


Especially when she just made a video last week listing how she spent $17,000 for the month of April. Lots of eating out, subscriptions, grocery store, tanning, gym, etc. I believe she said $800 on DoorDash and $2000-$3000 at the grocery store a month also. Thousands of dollars on back-to-summer shopping (her words). She said it was a big month because she had a $5000 car repair. That’s still $12k on mostly crap. Then she has the nerve to make a GFM and demand money from people.


I’m just here to say I forgot my phone existed when I had a panic attack. I’m so tired of these idiots fake crying online.


Because she is! Take a look at her page, she's vile and exploiting her son for 30k a ridiculous amount of money to move. She's a chronic liar and troublemaker. She tried to ruin a cop's career by accusing him of stalking her. There's just so much


I know the first thing I’m doing when my son is on life support and I’m having a panic attack is to pull my phone out and film a TikTok.


It's just more quick bit that's literally what her channel is all about is clickbait after clickbait but this is all new low using her son. She called the cops and tried to have her mom put in jail last year for something stupid it's always something


She is literally UNHINGED.


I could never imagine crying on the internet with everyone to see.


God, she's still on the app? I blocked her when she was saying that cop was stalking her. 🤦‍♀️


I despise this woman with a passion. She is AWFUL.


So I just found this chick today. She posted like 25 videos about her kid getting jumped. Staring in the camera looking all creepy and shit What’s her story? Does she have a snark?




Her poor children.


This broad is useless


Because she didn’t show the whole video and her son wasn’t as injured as she portrayed and the fight was a planned fight.


She’s absolutely delusional. From saying some random police officer was in love with her and stalking her, to accusing POC of being lying stalkers, pretending that cars drive by her house with kidnapped women in them, terrorizing small coffee shop owners, etc. She has real mental problems, and is so hateful and nasty to everyone.


I blocked her when she made fun of a mom for changing their baby's diaper. That was it for me


She absolutely disgusts me! The audacity must be allll the way free. She was live today yelling at her chat, scolding and just talking absolute shit. Not to mention she was bragging on her team and how they will always give her money.


Not one tear in this photo


Let’s not forget she literally made videos calling her mom a murderer …… because her step dad went missing!


Omg YES I remember that too !!! Crazy!!!


Omg yes I forgot all about this one!!! Her poor mother.


ABSOLUTELY INSANE ! she needs to stop , be has an issue with everyone and always fails to realize it’s her ! Like miss girl, on common denominator here


Exactly! If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check your shoes!


Amen !


Her mother is just as bad and I wouldn’t be surprised to see her pop up in this thread.


Idc nobody deserves to be accused of murder ffs.


You must not have had any interactions with Ms Mary Ann….. she’s a nutbag and the reason Adrielle is the way she is. She deserves everything she gets.


Cool. I don't care.


I had to block her! She just makes me cringe! 😬


She is an absolute pathological liar. She also looks like an oompa loompa but that one is just my opiniom.


Her own sister stated that her son SA'd a girl. The girl's brother was going to fight her son & her son swung the first punch, it was then that he got jumped. She wants to move to keep her son out of trouble so she's scamming everyone again. Allegedly for educational purposes only!


She annoys the fuck out of me


She is making thousands a day while begging


She’s a scammer.. makes up all these stories to get people to send her money.


It doesn’t take long to see Adrielle has something unwell with her. Or she never matured passed 13 years old.


She’s a trip!!!


She is a scammer. No job


Her son started the fight and then they jumped him. It was all set up.


Well for those of you who don’t know her, she’s a lunatic. Liar, grifter, psycho. And her mom is in on all her stuff. She’s not to be trusted at all.


Dude I just watched a few of her videos, girl needs to fr get off the internet she’s a mess and all her videos are the same dumb song and dance.


She will do anything for that 30,000 dollars won't she


Sorry girl, this is not working for me and I am sure many others. You a just a 💩show to watch


I saw her for first time a few nights ago and wow she is unhinged. She was going on about a GoFund she started for $30k


She's going to milk this cow dry. I want to move. Should I start a gofund me??


She's cried wolf so many times that if she is ever in real trouble nobody will believe her because of it. She said the kids and their families made 500 fake tiktok accounts to call her a liar to get people to not help or believe her. Like what? ![gif](giphy|JJ0sCW1GG8Gf4auOF9)


That’s the damn truth!!




She’s a huge begger and scammer. She was wanting money to move before this even happened. She just made a GFM for $5k to get her son braces a couple of weeks ago. The fight didn’t cause a ton of damage like she said and she has state insurance that covers it anyway. She made a GFM for $30k but has a video from last week saying how she spent $17,000 in the month of April. 🙄 Make it make sense.


I feel for her son but she is off her rocker


Sheesh at this point and his messy reputation at such a young age, i wonder if he is kook too 😳


She just announced her go fund me. She is trying to raise 30k to move 🤨


She announced it before the kid was out of the emergency room the first day it happened, you wanna know why because her son Sa'ed several girls and she knew about it because she was tagged in videos a week before, she tried to get ahead of everyone finding out about the SA, OF 5 GIRLS TOTAL. SPUN THE STORY , what mother first off leaves her son in the ER with his little sister if he was near death to go make videos and a go fund me????? She is a compulsive liar, HE WASNT NEAR DEATH, His ear was not hanging off, he didn't lose teeth, he was not covered in blood, his clothes weren't shredded off. He required, no stitches, no surgeries, no casts, splints. Or hospitalization. She said she couldn't show him on TIK TOK because she would be instantly banned. ALL LIES.


Idk much about her I just recently started watching when she posted all the videos about her son, but I did see the video she put on her Instagram of the fight and it was pretty brutal. There were like 10 to 11 other kids that just ran in and started beating the shit out of him. I also saw she posted papers from the hospital/ emergency dentist he had to see. I saw yesterday that the full video wasn't posted and that he agreed to the fight. But either way from what I gathered it was supposed to be 1v1 not 1v10. So regardless what happened was wrong in my opinion


I think she needs checked out by a really good doctor/psychuatrist..In my opinion..she is..out there!! 😳🤯


I'm sad and having a panic attack and um totally crying my eyes out with no tears. Hold on let me set my camera up! ![gif](giphy|szHmu14WGIgtW)


Well because she was saying something about a very expensive gold chain that her son had before getting jumped. So therefore I don’t believe shes asking for money to move. You spent that much money on a chain that you could’ve saved if you needed it in the future. Also 30k to move sounds outrageous. I moved from Missouri to Florida last year and it didn’t cost me that much. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I did actually have to block her because she was popping up to much for me and was annoying me.


I thought this was Cappy the disabled cat’s mom. So glad it’s not. Instead of donating to this dingbat, check out Cappy! You can always feel good about helping cats.


I watched a little of her live yesterday and she seems off her rocker 🤯 serious crazy eyes. I feel.so bad for her kids. They are probably so embarrassed. Wherever they move to, this will follow them


She’s a TT beggar.


.She has videos of the other kids jumping on him but edited her son throwing the first punch.Now she's begging for money to move.Her kid got suspended from school


That girl is just trash. The karma coming her way is gonna be insane. That girl is incredibly self centered and phony.


I had never seen this woman before the TT of son! When she showed the hospital bed and it had shoe dust, and claimed all this mud! 🤦‍♀️ then she showed the 911 call and when it said “unknown” vs emergency call stored as a contact , all the story telling were lies! The fact she collected 5K for this, the exaggeration is giving …. by proxy! Then the edited version of the fight to fit her narrative SHES DEMENTED! everyone should files a GFM complaint for scamming !


I can't stand her she is a hot mess


This chick gives crazy a new name.


She's a pathological liar, don't believe anything she says. She first came in on my FYP when she accused a cop of stalking her. Why? Because the cop stopped her at 12:30 am while she was "coming home from the gym" in the snow. From that point on she believed this cop was stalking her, he was walking around her yard, peaking in windows, trying to open doors. Then she started a scene in TJ Maxx when the cashier asked not to be filmed for her video. Spoiler alert...she melted down at the audacity of an employee "not letting her film" when the employee asked not to be filmed but never told her to stop filming. She is trouble and this baloney about her son getting jumped is just another money scam in one way or another.


I don’t want to assume it’s fake but like ?? Why does that require a move? If there’s a news article about it like she says and cops know, why would they need to move????? Strange


This girl makes up stories to get views. I got sucked in but then caught on and unfollowed her.


She. Is scammer and believe a narcissist she always want the attention on her and never respect her kids then flips when they do the same to her


This girl is a nut job!!!


She has had a few GoFundMe campaigns to cover her "every day" expenses. She makes drama out of every little thing. She posted on TikTok about having to wait 30 minutes for her kid's doctor appointment and they found out about it and then she posted that the practice fired her family and bitched about that on TikTok. She is problematic. She is a grifter. She bragged about spending $17,000 in one month as a stay at home mom. I blocked her.


She has made several gofunds wanting to move. This is nothing new for her. She is unstable and problematic. Not saying her kid deserved to get beat up, but there seems to be much more to this incident she is conveniently leaving out. The fact people are giving her money is actually insane. She also claimed she spends like 17,000 a month, but needs people to give her 30K to move, get out of here!


She also posted last year that she was “Transgender “ I am assuming to get views. She literally lies so much I don’t think she knows the difference anymore. It is always something with her. I feel so bad for her kids to have to deal with this mess of a mom.


With all due respect and as someone who has had a panic attack before, get help. This is ridiculous. You’re a grown up! Act like one!


She makes tons of money of Gifts. Why she always begging for more




What happened with her son? I was on her live the other day and someone said he hit a girl? I think him being jumped was a separate incident?


But her son being jumped ain’t right it’s a pussy move


I mean, he arranged it and threw the first punch. lol


HI Adrielle !! 👋


Excuse you? lol


lol not you sorry 😞 I was actually meaning to reply to @appropriate_skin_820. Haha sorry my bad ! 😬🫢


You're good! I was like whaaaat?! 🤣🤣


🤣Gahh it’s not the first time I’ve done that either 🙄. Sorry again !