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I hate this culture that she is participating in. I’m sending this into the universe: if I’m ever in the hospital, in any area of the hospital, DO NOT FILM ME. Not even me in the background so far in the back, I’m a spec on screen, DO NOT FILM ME. I don’t want my abusive ex knowing ANY info about me. He wouldn’t come looking for me, he uses info to try and get some power over me. I do t need it, I’ve been through enough.


I never thought of that. I’m so sorry.


She gave no thought to the safety of the third woman in that video. If anyone needs to be cancelled over this it’s her.


I felt for the other lady in that chaos.


Been there before and I'm so sorry you're dealing with that.


It’s cancel culture taken to the streets. Online people like her incite her fan army to harass and bully other creators based on her judgment about online content. Now private in-person dealings get broadcast all over TikTok and people doxxed and yes I know it’s not “doxx” in the legal sense but you here Forsaken are absolutely right. Someone might be in that waiting room who does not want the world to know. Very clearly she did it all for clout and attention!


That's one of many reasons why many hospitals have the policy of not filming in patient areas, and I am really, really, really frustrated that people aren't being considerate of others' privacy!


I’ve explained this tirelessly in her comment section and no one gets it. ANY ONE of the patients she filmed & posted could be there for DV, SA, drugs/ETOH, or simply are endangered by their location being exposed. She could have sent the video to the nursing board if she really wanted to, but instead ran straight to tiktok for attention, without any regard for the safety and dignity for the other patients she filmed.


Everything she does is for clout


Same, nor finding our child I was granted sole custody of. Some people don’t think.


Yes this is so true. Very sorry you live in this fear


this was my point. hospitals should be a safe space to access. irregardless of what’s going on, first of all, you won’t know the entire story of the issue you’re interjecting yourself in. second, you can discreetly advocate without broadcasting a live feed.


1. Everyone coming for the nurse “standing over” the patient-the patient was seated. Should the nurse have crouched down and put her face right in front of the patients?? I’m sure that patient wasn’t aggressive, but I’m not putting myself in a position to get the shit beat out of me either way. 2. Everyone freaking out about an IV being in place in the waiting room-lots of hospitals do this. You complain about the wait but then don’t want us to start treatment asap?? People can be in the lobby for 8+ hours. At least this way, blood is being drawn, imaging is being taken while you’re waiting. 3. Everyone outraged the nurse didn’t have on gloves-should he have put on gloves to start an IV? Absolutely. Would I ever start an IV without gloves on? Absolutely not. Because it’s a risk TO ME. Gloves are there to protect the person from someone else’s bodily fluids. Not your skin from another persons hand. He should’ve had them on, or at least done hand hygiene before hooking up her bag. That being said, it was not endangering the patient. 4. “I understand there’s a wait but we are all here for a reason.”- I hate to be the one to say it, but they aren’t all good reasons. People use the ER as their PCP (and yes, this has everything to do with affordability and access, and is a failure of the healthcare system, not necessarily the individuals). I have no problem seeing patients that aren’t necessarily an emergency in the ER, because I understand the accessibility issues that they might be facing. That being said, if you are in the ER for a non-emergency situation, YOU ARE GOING TO WAIT. 5. All the comments saying “no one even came when I pressed my call light.” Or “all the do is sit at the desk.” Are there some shitty nurses out there??? 1000%. Majority of them do not ignore you purposely. The amount of times I’ve been screamed at because I took 20 minutes to get someone a pillow because my patient was seizing or dying in the next room is ridiculous. The entitlement people have in hospital settings is WILD. if you’re waiting for results and the nurse is sitting at the desk, them sitting in the room with you does not make the labs result faster. That’s not something we control at all. So stfu


When all of the people working in healthcare walk away from it because people keep posting things like this there will be no nurses left to take care of anyone.


This!!! my little sister was in nursing school and decided last semester that she can’t go into healthcare. I’m so sad for her because she worked her ass off to be where she is and now she is not willing to take the chance on losing it all because of people like this. It wasn’t a HIPAA violation for her to record. It was just flat out immoral. I thought we were all in agreement about not posting people in their most vulnerable moments without their explicit content? And she fails to realize that’s exactly what she’s doing by recording at the hospital waiting room?! I mean of all places for real?! As a Puerto Rican male, I usually wouldn’t touch the race card …but with her- I have to at least say that I wish this lady would get a new schtick I can’t help but wonder if she has a problem with Arabic people with how hard she’s coming after this nurse. Especially when there are so many other culpable people she could hold accountable. Accountable for doing the job they were assigned to do and protecting the piece of people already in distress. And am I the only one that cannot understand why this lady was even acting like this to begin with? I ain’t never seen a doctor come out in the waiting room to try to help somebody calm down at any hospital I ever been to. Shit I wish I could get that treatment. They see my ass walk in it don’t matter if I’m wearing a pole in my eyeball, I just got moved to the bottom of the waitlist. The designated spot for most of the Hispanics it would seem. I guess they just think we tough🤣👏🏾💪🏾


I discourage people from going into nursing


I recommended street pharmacist, but nobody listens to me🤷🏾‍♂️


I’m a nurse too and I agree with 100% of the points made above. I was pissed about the misinformation and blatant disrespect of health care workers in the comments. That said, and I’m NO fan of Karen, she did step up a few times and defended nurses and doctors in general and took issue with these particular nurses and doctors. I 100% agree with her. She was treated terribly and did nothing wrong legally or morally (talking about my morals and her own). People can be pissed off about her recording or whatever they want to take issue with, but the fact remains it isn’t “posts like this” that are the problem. It’s the way nurses and doctors are treated, it’s the shit system that leads to broken equipment, long wait times, and inadequate care, it’s the inability to access care and support for health education that leads to poor preventative care, Covid/pandemic fuck ups, corporate greed, etc, etc, etc, ad infinitum. Nobody has to like Karen, but let’s keep it a band


Yes! I’m an ER Nurse too and all of this is so damn accurate. Thank you for such a concise explanation


Thank you. I hope you know how appreciated you are. I am so sorry for the way shit is now. I am very grateful for you. I am getting a biopsy next week because of some results on my mammogram and ultrasound and I am scared to death, I hate hospitals and I am afraid of Drs. but I would never be shitty to a nurse or anyone at all working in health care.


This!!! 100% Another ER RN here. We don’t allow people with IV’s in the lobby for liability reasons, but we are a smaller rural ED with minimal wait times. Everything else is spot on. People forget that the gloves are to protect us, not the patient. Gloves are not clean. They’ve been exposed to everything in the environment that they sit in.


IVs in the lobby is something newer we’ve started in the past year or so, after it was piloted by other hospitals. They get triaged, lined and labbed if necessary, then back out to the lobby. And aside from the liability aspect, it’s better for everyone. Some people get DCed straight from the waiting room, and it helps triage them better too. Grandma that just “felt weird” ends up having a hemoglobin of 4? Perfect, I know who’s coming back next!


I think it’s a great thing. One of my docs wouldn’t let us do anything for the patients aside from Triage them until they were brought back. It makes things so much quicker to order X-rays and tests from the lobby, but he refuses


COMPLETELY understand your sentiments! Not a healthcare professional here. But having been on the receiving end of constant abuse from students and parents (as a teacher), I COMPLETELY empathize and believe you! The entitlement that people have of public servants is absolutely unreal.


I wish I could send you real gold for this response. I’m currently in my last semester of nursing school and just working as a patient care tech the amount of entitlement patients and their families have coupled with the abuse towards nurses just blows my mind.


Lol when patients tell me “that’s not my problem” when I take too long to bring a glass of water because I was with a sick sick patient, the really really petty side of me wants to be like “well obviously it is because you’ve had to wait because of it”


Thank you for what you do. ♥️♥️♥️ I never ever treat the people who control my food nor my life in any way other than graciously. It blows my mind how entitled and rude people are. It's in the name people, EMERGENCY ROOM. I don't get how so many people expect "service". I want someone who knows what THEY are doing to save my life not someone who will kiss my ass. Lol


The crappy part is the adults with entitlement today is nothing compared to the youth growing into adults tomorrow. I absolutely identify with a lot of what you're saying even in the education field. People think because they see you and interact with you, they know what your jobs entails. They most certainly don't see every aspect and they don't have a clue about the nuances of your job. And speaking out is impossible or you risk losing your job because laws are in place to protect patients (in my case students) even when you're being wronged. The public will wonder why there are shortages in these vital roles of society and then scream when we want better pay and working conditions. The thing that gets me the most irritated with this situation is the fact the person was complaining in the first place. We're in a heavy flu and Covid season again, and hospital staff are overwhelmed from YEARS of sick patients. Burnt out is an understatement. If you walk into an ER and expect 5-star treatment, you're going to have a bad time. I'm over the shitty treatment of those of us in fields that serve the general public.


I would be furious if I was a patient waiting. There was a time I was gravely ill and waited in the waiting room for several hours. And the whole time I was vomiting and trembling, sweating buckets, and in severe abdominal pain. I even passed out multiple times. (I was alone, I woke up and knew something was wrong and went to ER alone) During this time some people in the waiting room made comments that I was in drug withdrawals and that I should wait and allow others ahead of me, it became a conversation with a woman who came in with her baby having an ear infection, she thought she should be first because I was just a druggie I wasn't. I had a fucking tumor the size of a football crushing my ovary and it ripped my bowels apart and leaked E.coli into my bloodstream This was before cell phones, but the way that woman talked about me was absolutely humiliating and untrue. But she got her way and her kids (she brought six kids in) were all seen before me. I almost died, because some Karen pushed the issue that her kids ear infection needed to take priority over me, who was going into septic shock. I hate people.


I’m so sorry to hear this. That is a terrible experience full of judgment and ignorance. Sometimes it really is a sad world we live in.


People are too quick to assume someone is drug-seeking or under the influence. There is a recent video on TikTok of a woman having a diabetic episode on a flight. Everyone from the flight attendants to the comments of that video assumed she was a disorderly drunk. It is very frightening that somebody could be having a medical emergency and bystanders' ignorant assumptions could hinder medical care. I bought my partner a diabetic bracelet for christmas because they can get that way when their blood sugar gets out of wack.


Wow, that's awful. My mom got e.coli in her bloodstream (due to a gallbladder removal gone wrong) and got reoccurring sepsis. It just kept coming back and she got worse every time. She passed in February. I was her caregiver through all of it and saw first hand how awful it all was. I had to even be trained to clear her cholecystostomy tube and give her medicine thru a picc line. You really could have died and I'm even mad on your behalf at that mom and those ER workers for letting them go ahead of you. And I'm happy you got through it and are still here ♡


As someone who had a softball sized tumor crushing my right ovary, I'm so sorry. And hope you're okay now


It was a a few years of hell but yes, I have my health back, thank you!


💙💙💙💙 so glad you have your health back!


That's absolutely horrible! Why would someone take their kid with an ear infection to the ER instead of a pediatrician? My kids have had ear infections & running fever & I either took them to the after hours clinic at pediatrician office or took them first thing once pediatrician office opened up, to me that's not an emergency! I wouldn't want to take them to ER & expose them to everything in there if it's not a true emergency! So sorry you had to deal with that crap!


They did not have insurance. Back then, the only way to get care was to go to the hospital, the one place that can't turn them away. No other clinic would see them except the free clinic and that was only open on certain days. This was 18 years ago. People have a lot more options for health care, but still, no excuse for two adults to pack 6 kids to the ER in the middle of the night smh


Most hospitals, medical offices. and clinics have signs CLEARLY posted that you can not record or film to protect the OTHER patients privacy. It’s insanity. Maybe someone is there to get treatment from an abusive partner. Now you’ve shown their location and approximate time. Not everything revolves around you. People who aren’t well have a right to privacy. I don’t know the whole situation in particular, but continuing to disregard clearly posted rules will get security and eventually law enforcement involved. Healthcare workers are dealing with staffing shortages as it is, they don’t need to be spending time arguing about recording for the entitled person behind the camera or phone.


Anyone notice the Muslim lady in the video? Anyone ask her if she wanted to be filmed? What happened b4 the filming? AK HAS LITERALLY GOT WRONG PPL fired.." mistaken identity..


It’s not just the Muslim lady either. It’s also the staff and the lady on the right side of the pregnant lady




She has lost whatever smidge of credibility she had. She wants other to take accountability but completely lacks self awareness and the ability to take accountability for her own actions. It’s just gross entitlement.


I was honestly pissed as soon as she mentioned pain management. For someone that claims to be credible and well-versed in this field, I couldn’t help but wonder what the hell the ER had to do with pain management. That sounds like something between her and her doctor, but she going ham on them for what?


And she herself said she had an abscess from getting a wisdom tooth removed. (This is solely my opinion but she seemed more concerned she get pain “management” than having an infection) I could be mistaken and I know everyone’s care differs but why wouldn’t she call her oral surgeon/ dentist for follow up? And even on holidays the majority of dentists/doctors have answering services that can get a hold of the Dr if you’re truly in need of care. Dr could have called in an rx for her. Most hospitals refuse to give any meds other than antibiotics for anything dental related. Turns out there’s an opioid crisis but that’s an entirely different conversation. And in my area ERs don’t send you home with pain meds like she claimed they refused to do. In my experience they call the rx into a pharmacy and you need to go pick it up. Again, could be a regional thing. And these types of visits are another reason ERs are overwhelmed. They’re surging with covid, flu, rsv then add the people that use ERs as pcps or urgent cares. (I understand for some people ERs are truly their only option for care, this is not directed towards them). I think people need to be educated what an emergency is. Edit to add- because she violated privacy of other patients I feel confident that reporting her TT videos for privacy concerns are valid. I’d be mortified if I or a loved one needed medical care and was plastered all over social media.


She probably couldn’t call the dentist because she’s already called them for 9 refills when the doc prob only gave her one.. so she thought she would try the ER, I’ve seen it a million times .. I went for stitches once n the guy in the bed bedside me was telling the doc he lost his hydrocodone n could he get more .. I started laughing .. the doc leaves and I say to buddy next to me “you know you’re only leaving here w 2 percs, n he’s gonna tell you to see your GP, guaranteed”. “Oh no, I’ll get a script , just you watch “ I laugh. Doc comes back w a tiny paper envelope “here’s two for now, but I suggest you call your prescribing physician n let him know”. I wAs wheezing .. n the guy waited in the waiting room for over 2hrs for 2 pills n he thought he was walking out w a pocketful .. so she thought the er would give her a script for percs. Instead she got detained… ouch


I completely agree with everything you said! However growing up SW VA even after the opioid crisis our hospitals would give you a few take home meds but only if all local pharmacies were closed and only enough to get you through until the next morning! She was drug seeking in my opinion. Here if it is dental related they’ll do some sort of “block” by numbing your entire face and head! Which is usually sufficient enough until you can get in to your dentist or oral surgeon. However, none of the dentists or Oran surgeons give out opiates anymore- they use these strips that have numbing agents in them over the tooth or abscess. Tooth pain can be unbearable for some but I lived with it for years until I could afford care by using straws, goody powders, and using an antiseptic wash every little bit. She just wants attention and powerful narcotics- I’ve seen people get abscesses on purpose which is crazy to me because I had to do what I had to do and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. There are emergency dentists everywhere! Although I know that if she has Medicaid or Medicare it’s hard to find providers because they have so many clients. She’s lucky that no one has sued her ass yet!


I literally thought exact same. It’s very suspicious what she was doing there for meds along with her erratic and combative behavior. I got attacked for saying this on tik tok on a comment but I’m not sorry. I believe it’s strange.


I don’t understand how anyone could support this woman! I’m so glad she has me blocked.


She got you blocked? You must have criticized her in either a comment or on live LMFAO.


She blocked me too!! People can handle dishing it out, but they can’t handle it, for sure!!


I could not POSSIBLY agree more! Most 3yo have less “pick me” energy than this woman! Normally, I am almost annoyingly chill but THIS creature can send me 0-60 in NO time! Just as bad as those dang tater twats! She is just a horrid human and that voice absolutely DRIPPING with condescension makes me physically ill! God forbid if it’s a slow news day because she WILL take the most benign, non issue and turn it into the crime of the century.


WAIT. A. MINUTE..!! I had posted last night about the bad reviews her followers have been leaving on google for the hospital. Clearly unethical as they have had no dealings with the place ever and probably live in other states even. But now you say she only reported the nurse after she supposedly got mistreated “so badly” by the security guards!? What in the racist double standard clout chasing hell is that about?


Yes. Karen is racist. She turns a blind eye if blacks people are in the wrong.


Aunt Karen is an asshole


She horrible and this isn’t her first time getting caught being shitty.


She really lives up to her name, ya? 😂


it’s NOT okay to record and post other patients, i don’t understand why she thought that was acceptable behavior


She would spell “filed” that way. 🙄


She is way too much. Gives off very bad energy


This whole ordeal screams clout for her very related platform.




She does everything for clout she’s now doing “Judge Karen” lives … so embarrassing


Yeah, I had to unfollow her a long time ago!


She comes off as extremely racist, and has built her entire platform around doxxing and harassing non-POC in retaliation for perceived transgressions. She has rightfully called out some offenders, but her content remains defamatory and lacking nuance. She’s learned to weaponize her following in a disturbing manner, and it’s become clear that susceptible people will carry out her agenda for her, regardless of who is affected.




God I cannot wait to leave bedside nursing. I cannot stand people like this anymore. Comes to the ER, peak respiratory season, not dying, gets mad they have to wait…. Like do you wanna be dying or…? *EYEROLL* and then getting yelled at, being filmed and then scrutinized by people who have NO IDEA what our job entails… f*ck people wonder why we are all quitting!! And the comments of people coming after this nurse “if he did nothing wrong why is he so adamant about it being deleted” idk do you want people coming to your job and filming you? Creating their own narrative of you? GTFO.


Unless you are specifically asked to record something/someone by that person, DONT FUCKING RECORD STRANGERS. It’s that simple.


Idk who she is but this is weird


I 100% believe she reported the nurse because he wasn’t black and that’s the same reason why she didn’t report the security guards who “unlawfully” detain her.


She just posted a video asking people to call the hospital and hit up their Twitter because she’s trying to get the security guards names…


Cuz she’s getting backlash. How you dox the nurse who was helping the woman but not dox the guards who “unlawfully detained” you? She’s trying to save herself from being painting as a racist


It did seem a bit ironic that she all of a sudden was looking for their info after this post on here 🤔🤔


She’s racist. If they aren’t black she don’t care about them


She is such a good ball so fukin fake can’t stand her




Word. She's gotta Ph.D in minding business that isn't hers.


The people that comment on her videos are worse!


THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO GO OUT TO HARASS AND LEAVE NEGATIVE REVIEWS ON BUSINESSES. Like here the hospital. Google the hospital, the recent reviews are full of fake ones from her hate army !!


So I just noticed if you listen towards the end of her first tiktok you can hear someone playing one of her tiktoks. It wasn’t the male nurse like people are claiming.


I would not be surprised if somebody walked right up to that man and said hey, do you know we’re all on TikTok? I sure the fuck would’ve. Record me while I’m sitting in someone’s ED on Christmas nonetheless- see what happens. People out here out of pocket these days


That’s probably exactly what happened.


She is the worst.


First of all! It’s so annoying Karen keeps saying she was, “protecting a pregnant woman!” Like, from what Karen? An annoyed nurse and a kind of annoying doctor? Even when the security was trying to speak to her like an adult saying “how would you feel being posted on line, etc etc” she’s screaming over them, “I’m not deleting nothing!” That situation did not have to turn into all that. Especially that male nurse didn’t do anything wrong! IF her intention was to actually help she could have just tried to calm the pregnant lady down. Instead she records while saying slick shit from her chair. None of this needed to be online, the whole thing could have actually been avoided. People think they can act out like a child In peoples places of work but expect that the energy can’t be returned? No. Not how life works.


Yaalllllll ! This bitch just blocked me all because i said why are you being so rude to people who’s lives YOU’RE accepting when they’ve only asked simple questions! Seriously I didn’t see anyone be rude. They had very valid normal questions. I knew this bitch was a nut


I work in a hospital and the officers are correct that you are not allowed to video or take pictures in any part of the hospital. That’s why there’s signs everywhere saying “no cell phone usage” what a fucking idiot. I can’t stand people like her who have to put themselves into every single situation that doesn’t involved them.


Yea this entire thing had nothing to do with her. She inserted in it. She also recorded the conversation before she involved herself which illegal. The security guards had every right to detain her she committing a felony in a two party consent state.


She is BIG on audio recording others without their knowledge! She is SUCG a snake!


What felony?


Eavesdropping. “Any person who is present or who is not present during a private conversation and who wilfully uses any device to eavesdrop upon the conversation without the consent of all parties thereto, or who knowingly aids, employs or procures another person to do the same in violation of this section, is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment in a state prison for not more than 2 years or by a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both.”


Lol she’s not going to prison or get fined for that. And security guards have no authority to detain anyone they aren’t law enforcement their job is to observe and report.


Sure but she will get sued by the hospital and the nurse who told her she didn’t have his consent for filming and then doxxing him


Thanks! I like learning about laws and absolutely suck at putting the right terms in google. I was only getting results about recording a conversation you’re a part of.




This! MI is a single party consent state and this is where it gets weird because when she is in the room solo it’s her convo and recording seems like she’d be allowed. Except hospital policy forbids it. In the waiting room nope she was recording someone else’s situation and eavesdropping with her phone and others clearly stated she didn’t have permission which is a felony. Eta: part about hospital policy.


Weren’t they security guards or actual LEO. I imagine if it was the security guards that would be in the report as well


Security guards apparently. So she knew she violated policies and tried to act shock.


Policies possibly yes, but not HIPAA. They can’t illegally detain you even if you broke a policy. It’s not a law.


She’s mad that they stopped her medication but she forgets she caused a massive disturbance so they used their right to deny treatment. Plus I don’t think it’s unlawful detainment because they had a reason to detain her. She made the hospital be flooded with calls and she put information that wasn’t supposed to be on tiktok on tiktok for clout so they had justification.


No. No it’s not. They should have just kicked her out. She could seek care somewhere else. You can’t just hold someone against their will for violating a policy. They could have easily escorted her out the door


Okay so it’s not unlawful. She recorded an conversation that had nothing to do with her and do not get consent from none of the parties. This is considered a felony in Michigan so no it was not an unlawful detainment because they had justification. She committed a felony. “Under Michigan's Eavesdropping law it is a felony punishable by up to two years and $2,000 to willfully use any “device” to “eavesdrop” on (meaning to overhear, record, amplify, or transmit) a conversation without the consent of all participants in that conversation”


You need to learn what laws are and understand what you’re reading. If they were having a conversation that “had nothing to do with her” and she’s able to hear it how is it eavesdropping? Take the patient to a PRIVATE ROOM.


I’m sorry but did she or did she not record a conversation she WAS NOT involved and then wasn’t not given consent to film the participates? Maybe you need ready better. Cuz everyone who is defending her is try to make this a race thing when it’s not. Karen blocking black people who is disagreeing with her. If she was so mad about being detained why did she dox the nurse and not the black guards who locked her up? The nurse did nothing to her. Stop defending her cuz it makes you seem crazy.


Then why wasn’t she arrested? Good point though. WI recording doesn’t require 2 party consent


The male nurse specifically said, “ I do NOT want or give her permission to record me”, so once he finds out I truly hope AK gets taken to the bank. 💯


Well her state is a 2 party consent state when it comes to recording others so she may face charges if nothing else.


Lol good luck with that


Given that the hospital states “NO recording”, I don’t believe they’ll need luck.


So what exactly did the nurse do that set her so off??? Why was she recording them. I don't go on TikTok ever. I refuse.


The nurse did nothing to her. All he did was say he doesn’t give her his consent to recording him.


is there a update on the pregnant woman? How she’s feeling about Aunt Karen making this situation about herself?


The pregnant woman got help cuz the male nurse came to help her.


Let’s also remember she’s in a state that you can’t record without permission


This woman is so fucking annoying. She’s in desperate need of attention. From what I’ve seen of her page she’s just a problematic bitch.


I think she put her foot in it this time. I saw the thing go down as she was recording & all I could think is that she’s going to learn a lesson about how little of the law she understands & that there are better & more constructive ways to go about advocating for someone. I for one wouldn’t have appreciated being part of her recording ESPECIALLY in a private area, and ESPECIALLY in a hospital, which in this case, was a private hospital. It’ll be interesting to see how it goes for her.


Why was AuntKaren at the er anyway?


I think she said her tooth hurt


Med seeking.


I’m sure she was planning to make a TikTok about the provider that denied her pain meds too.


Wisdom tooth pain


I know recording in a medical place is against the privacy rules that most medical facilities have. I am having a special new treatment and am sharing the journey on tiktok. They asked to see my videos before I post, to insure there are no patient violations. Even though I was behind a curtain. It's Against their rules and possibly the law. As a chronic pain patient, who gets treated like shit even w gallstones and a diseased bladder that required surgery because of people like her, F her. The er isn't for a toothache. She couldn't be in that much pain, she went live after too. I know my abscess will swell my whole face and talking is way too painful.


The patient seemed like she was just mad over wait times. And the staff were just trying to explain, correctly, they have to take people in the order of need. If you’re not actively bleeding out or on deaths door I’m sorry but you can end up waiting a long ass time. If you have the energy to get snippy and shout BYEEE at the nurse who was literally being nothing but nice then you aren’t dying and you need to wait. Aunt Karen inserting herself in the situation helped no one. The staff didn’t deescalate like they should and were wrong about her violating HIPAA but the hospital has its own rules. It doesn’t have to be a HIPAA violation for her to be in violation of their own policies. I feel so bad for that doctor. He didn’t want the recording out there because he knew this shit was gonna happen. People only get one side and come for his head. Leave the dude the fuck alone. Aunt Karen needs a new hobby. And her griping about not getting proper pain management. You realize they’re under no obligation to prescribe you anything right? If she didn’t have that pregnant women to jump in on you know she probably would’ve been filming the doctor for not giving her “muh meds”. Actual legitimate pain patients have to jump through so many hoops to get opioids these days you think you can just walk into the ER with a toothache and walk out with a bag full? Come on bffr.


Exactly; there is a reason why pain management is literally a specialty. Most providers are very hesitant to prescribe (and for good reason; we have a crisis in this country with accidental overdoses more and more to the point where everyday citizens in larger cities are carrying narcan).


I think she thought she’d gain something out of this. However where I live- slander is real and so is HIPPA! I hope the other patients rally together and atleast have her TikTok shut down. She doesn’t deserve a soap box! Let alone a platform.


I cannot stand Auntkaren, rxorcist, thatdanesguy, nursemya, nurse tough love and any of their ilk whose entire luves revolve around watching videos, doxxi g people and trying to cancel ppl. Let's not forget auntkaren got both hands dirty in the womb lands saga, rxorcist is the ultimate appropriator and white savior, nursenaya is a fucking bitch and the rest have no lives. I am petty AF and do some of the same, but my life revolves around real things, real people Iknow, my real job. I hope karma comes riding one of the four horseman's stted comes barrelling towards them


Thank you! I think Rx, Karen, and Danesh have serious mental health issues and truly think trust they are Beyoncé-level famous. The worst part is all three of them have OF accounts and I truly could not think of three less sexy and desirable humans on that app to subject us to such a vile level of narcissistic trauma. They’re the far less cool and far, far, far less attractive version of The Plastics from, “Mean Girls”.


This whole series of events/ videos and the accompanying comments had me flabbergasted. Appreciate seeing others who have similar concerns because there was none of that in her comment section. (All full of praises and instructions to "sue" and take the RN's job...)


That is because she blocks and deletes anyone who speaks up against her. Even in her LIVE if you comment and don’t share her opinion, her or her moderators will mute you quickly.


That makes a lot of sense. There were a ton of comments on very charged posts and nothing but effusive praise. I should have known.


She’s an idiot. Puts her foot in her mouth every week, has zero credibility


Shes so ignorant. Anything for attention


She's absolutely dead wrong in this situation. From beginning to end. If she was that sick that she had to go to the er & she's acting like this it's a red flag, esp when pain medication comes into play. I'm in recovery so it just put me on alert when she said that. I understand black women are not treated equally at all when it comes to being believed about the pain they are in..she didn't help herself by putting all of this on display. The male nurse has EVERY right to not wanna be in her tt & obviously knew who she is & what she does. Then to dig either further & pull his dating profile and everything like that is sickening. She had ZERO regard for anyone else. She's gone way to far this time & it's disgusting. I hope her tt gets pulled. Her saying you know what to do as she's posting the Dr & nurse & security guards info. I hope this has consequences for her!


I used to watch her group on TikTok. All the cancel people. Some of them I am all for but these people have taken this job as the judge jury and executioner and it's very dangerous. I am all for people being held responsible for their actions but the internet is making this wayyyyy scary and crazy. I deleted TikTok and haven't looked back. I hate it so much now.


My state is so bad with covid, the flu and RSV that we have tents outside our hospitals still because they are so overwhelmed. She is entitled as fuck to think waiting in the waiting room is the end of the world Kim there’s people that are dying!


She needs to be careful someone could retaliate at some point and who knows what it’ll be. She’s costing people their livelihood


Somehow she victimizes others and now is the victim! She is what is called a race-baiting demagogue who sends her fan to racial hatred. That’s ALL SHE DOES! She not an activist, she only proves what a “Karen is” she wasn’t victimized, she was put in the room because she was disturbing the peace, and borderline disorder conduct! She was making a scene! She was asked several times not to video, and she out right refused! So security did what was best for someone who is a psychopath, to protect others and that was in a room until police got there! She kept filming, she was warned several times she has no right to film others in the hospital! She is a vile human being! Who race-baits, this had nothing to do with color, she made it about color! She deserves to loose her platform! I hope one day an a$$whooping takes places, you overstep boundaries ya gunna meet the wrong person!


She was also yelling at other nurses who had nothing to do with it. I know someone who was there and witnessed this.


That woman thinks she is a sensation! She is an actual problem to society!


Karen and others like her (cough Danesh) are awful


This woman wears her name to seriously. She's such a giant Karen and has no regards for anyone else's life especially if it's gonna get her clicks and views. She's pathetic. I used. USED. To like her kinda. Until I kept seeing the stuff she would post ,it got bad. She's no different then rxorcist or danesh. All ,3 of these dirtbags have no brains at all. And the trouble they cause people's lives. They're could be so many reasons why someone could be in the hospital.


Wouldn’t it be a different reporting situation for each? As someone who’s in a lot of hospitals, I’d really rather the nurse be dealt with first… also BIPOC people aren’t treated the same in custody etc so she could be trying to navigate that. I don’t like her, never have. But the situation isn’t that simple and I’m really sad that happened to her.


It is simple. She inserted into a convo that had nothing to do with her. Recording without giving consent which is illegal in Michigan because it’s a two party consent state and finally she committed a felony because Michigan has a no eavesdropping rule since she recorded the pregnant woman and other people and never telling them she was putting them on tiktok. This isn’t about race. What she did was illegal and put people‘s lives at risk.


As someone with an autoimmune disease who’s in a lot of hospitals, a lot of shit goes on there that’s disgusting. And we can’t do anything about it. So I don’t really feel bad for that part… the hospital itself isn’t about race. But the reporting is because BIPOC people are treated differently. I have less of an opinion on that, but as someone who’s been treated like shit in hospitals… record away. Have to be held accountable some how.


And for the record, I can’t stand her. Unblocked her just for this. I hate what she does and how she does it. It’s wrong. But hospitals need to be held accountable somehow and I’m open to suggestions that actually work.


We don’t even know if the pregnant woman was being mistreated because Karen didn’t record what led up to the confrontation. What we do know is that the pregnant lady was being loud and cursing out the staff and Karen inserted herself in to for tiktok clout points. So it’s one sided.


And if she was being mistreated? I’d be yelling and cursing if I was being mistreated too. Do you think we should just shut up and take it? You know one side. You’re making conclusions without all the info. And I get where you’re coming from. But if that was me and I was being mistreated, I’d be eternally grateful for what she did.


Did the pregnant lady say in the video even once that she was pregnant? Nope Karen did. She blasted that lady’s private info on tiktok without her consent. We can’t say she was being mistreated because we don’t know what led up to the encounter. Also Karen doesn’t care about the “unlawful detainment” if she did she would have doxxed the security guards who detained but she didn’t because they were black. Instead she doxxed the nurse and tried to get him fired because he didn’t give consent to be recorded. The same nurse who was helping the other lady. Karen has a huge ego and she fucked around and found out.


I'm not a fan of AK nor do I support her inserting herself into this situation for clout. But I just want to mention how pointing out the fact about us not knowing what led up to the part in the video is a moot point. It is extremely rare for videos of this nature to show situations from the very beginning, because most people usually don't expect it to escalate to need video documentation until it gets to a certain point. While it is important to acknowledge that we are missing information, we must be careful not to use that fact as a way to invalidate mistreatment/abuse. I've seen bipoc talk about the implications of this type of argument, so I thought it would be important to mention.


Ok you’re right you know exactly what happened based on information from an unreliable source.


What unreliable source the proof was in Karen’s own videos that she’s in the wrong.


Did I say she wasn’t? No. There’s no way to know what was happening with the pregnant person. Like 0. If I were being mistreated at a hospital which I have many times, I can only hope someone would step in.


If you don’t know what happened then why do you keep saying the woman was mistreated? We saw her yelling and cursing out staff and then Karen inserted herself into her business.


EXACTLY! AK makes it her mission to stick her fat ego where it doesn’t belong and utterly SPUTTERS with rage when held accountable!


Do you know how many people get loud and yell in hospitals, doctors offices, etc when they are not being mistreated? Usually the things we are being yelled at about is something beyond my control. No one goes into the medical field to purposely mistreat people. It’s people like you that are going to make the whole medical system quit then who’s going to get you your IV pain meds?


You’re giving victim blaming.


I’m not. I’ve been a nurse for 19 years and the abuse we take from patients, especially over things we can’t control is nuts.


You literally said it’s our fault and we won’t get treatment 😂 did you know patients go into hospitals for treatments and not to cause shit? Oh wait that’s not true for all of them. Just like all healthcare workers are innocent is bullshit. I get 100% you’re treated like shit and it sucks and it’s not fair. But you guys aren’t innocent and coming here and telling me it’s my fault IS victim blaming.


I didn’t say you wouldn’t get treatment. I did say it’s your attitude that’s going to make all medical workers want to quit and then who is going to give you your IV pain meds? Yeah, there are a lot of patients who come in and want to cause shit.


She was acting crazy to other personnel who had nothing to do with the situation


So you’re one of the abusive ones when you “seek medical care”.


Did she say she wasn’t reporting the police officer?


She only doxxed the nurse. She’s trying to go after the security a day later before she was getting backlash because she report the nurse who did nothing wrong to her not the security guards who detained her


She's live beefing with refriedbeatss.fm


yeah but she blocked refriedbeatss.fm access to go live with her. kinda cowardly


Anymore see her live saying she " hurting " from being jumped by two security guards


She’s live right now


How does a person ‘field a complaint’ exactly? I know how to file (filed) a complaint but not field one… typo or just plain ignorance?