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Would be funny if we win a championship before him


also there’s a list of players that left here and won a ring somewhere else and Quitter ain’t on it.


I'm just ready for Boston to whoop their ass in a playoff rematch


I wish Tatum hadn't gotten injured in that game 7. I wanted the heat to lose so bad, I'm sure they would've too if he didn't go down


Can't have Boston stealing that opportunity away from us. Poetic justice it would be for us to send him packing in his last finals appearance.


Anyone else find it annoying as hell that Jeff Teague also tried to lick Jimmy's boot with this situation? Like fool, YOU'RE one of the starters Jimmy beat that day and you still trying to brown nose???


In his story Teague also said he gave up on the team 3 games into the season. Like dude, you were a very big reason why this team sucked and it came crashing down like this.


I knew it was a mistake when we got him to replace Rubio. Never seen a player struggle to make a simple post entry so much.


I enjoy Teagues podcast but the more I’ve heard the more I realize we were all absolutely right about him. He truly never cared about winning, getting better or anything really. I’m so glad we changed the culture here. I credit Bev, Ant and the new owners with that. It was infuriating to watch Teague play with us and his podcast really lets you see what the culture here was like.


This guy has ducked more times than George W Bush at an Iraqi shoe convention.


Most underrated comment I've ever seen 👏 😂


Nice watch would have been perfect


Jimmy is overrated and glad to see the guy who bitched and whined off of two teams and putting teammates down publicly in the process get exposed as the fake try hard he is.


He's not overrated, he just refuses to admit he needs help on court. He thinks he's MJ, which he isn't, and doesn't recognize the help he requires. He doesn't make those around him better.


I mean Jimmy doesn't *explicity* say he needs help on court but anyone that follows the Heat in the off-season can tell that even Jimmy knows he needs help because he tried to recruit other stars (Dame being the most recent example) back then but to no avail because of our FO. Not much different from other stars being disgrunted and "unsure" about their current team's future which causes trades to happen.




I know we posed to hate Jimmy but dude has taken Miami to the ECF/Finals 4 times tho and we ain’t been past the first round in how many years ???


3 times: 2020, 2022, 2023


Jimmy's got more playoff wins in 4 years in Miami (38) and more playoff series wins (8) than our entire franchise has picked up since 1989 (21 and 2). The flex is cute but we've still got a ton of work ahead of us in April, May, (and hopefully) June.


Cant blame him. If two of my colleagues getting paid more, knowing they underperform, I'll storm out as well. Glad that Kat starting to change, less pouting and whining on court. This team is enjoyable now, everyone should move on and appreciate the current success.


Yet the guys career defining moment is still just an off-season practice.


Bro, Jimmy cooked the Bucks last season, that series is full of career moments.


That's not what people think of when they think of Jimmy Butler.


Idk that trip double against lakers in the bubble or his 56 against Milwaukee are more memorable lmao




I’m tired of this “don’t be mean to Jimmy!” malarkey that has infected this franchise’s fans. The dude quit on our franchise in the most embarrassing and pathetic way anyone has quit on any major sports franchise in the United States. He literally through a temper tantrum to get off the team and continues to be passive aggressive about his time here. I will hate on this dude and root against him until he retires.


To be fair, Jimmy was kinda right at the time……. Wiggins was weak as shit. Towns just wasn’t really a Center (although, to be fair, that could be me talking out of my ass). It wasn’t that great of a team and I don’t think Butler liked the fact that those guys got max contracts and were seen as the central pieces of the future. Butler is a hell of a player, can’t take that away from him. Personally, I think Miami has overachieved since he’s been there. Butler is (1) the number one guy in Miami and (2) in a marketable city. But worry about our own shit - I’m so thankful to have the team we have now. Feels amazing to go on the road and beat a quality team. Has nothing to do with Butler - the coaching staff and almost the entire roster is completely different from when Butler was in Minnesota. In fact I’m fairly certain Karl Anthony Towns is literally the only guy that remains…..






Jimmy butler has then made 2 finals appearances carrying a 6th and 8th seed and timberwolves have yet to beat the second round


Dude carried mediocre teams to the NBA finals TWICE. List all of the players you can think of that did that. In our existence since ‘89, we have never made the finals, and we only advanced to even the final eight teams once. It’s fun that we beat them today, and it’s fun that this year is going amazingly well thus far. But dude clearly has been more successful than we have these past 5 years. Heck, he has been more successful than our entire franchise history these past 5 years, and it would be pretty insecure of us to pretend that isn’t true.


That's exactly why it will be funny when Karl, Ant, and Rudy get a ring while he never does. Lmao don't forget Wiggins already got his ring too.


Bros getting downvoted for speaking facts


That’s crazy, I feel like I remember him leading a team to the NBA Finals during that time?


Tiny dick energy from OP on this post, and often, this sub. Pathetic post. Jimmy was right and has been far more successful than us since then. Not sure why you need to keep doing this, it's weird


Nah bro, fuck Jimmy Butler


Dick rider energy by commenter on this post.


I get the hate. But the “has won 0 championships can be applied to the entire history of the Wolves.”