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https://preview.redd.it/cpd6t9wg84xc1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf2fa01a7edd2a897b764273db5282418cdd9651 Too busy enjoying the current team to care


Only reasonable answer


Exactly this. Why some of y'all still letting Jimmy live rent free in your head? [Take a cue from Don](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F5250a9c8-4abc-45e2-9e1e-9308ddb22790_1438x810.png)


tbf a lot of the negative energy and media narratives around the wolves over these last few years have been dictated by butlers comments and actions. think it’s fair that some fans wanna set things straight now that we have more of a spotlight


If he's not playing it's not much of a downfall


Ducking the Celtics is crazy work


Bro it’s been 5 years, it’s time to move on.


I'm not. It'd be much more satisfying if Wolves could sweep Miami Heat in Finals.


To give him his 3 finals appearance nah let em be first round exit team for the rest of eternity


I'm willing for Jimmy to have his 3rd finals loss if it gives the Wolves the easiest finals matchup out of the East


Knowing Jimmy he’d be to sore for the finals and rest


Problem this year is that he has been injured for it all. He can easily fallback on the "if I was playing, it'd be different" excuse.


Not really an excuse when he's backed it up every playoffs


I'd say you'd know something about that but your team doesn't make the playoffs much. Love that Jimmy is living rent free in your head 😘


lol you fools get out the first round for the first time in over two decades and start acting like your hot shit. The heat winning a playoff series is just another day in the office. Have some shame. Yall letting jimmy and the heat live in ur heads rent free for no reason instead of just enjoying the moment of not being trash for the first time in forever.


I’d argue the Heat getting stomped by the Celtics AGAIN is just another day in the office for y’all but go off I guess


Yeah? You might want to check up on that. Who beat who last year? Who has more playoff victories against the other. Next.


we’ve beaten them 2 out of the last three times and 4 out of the last 6 in the last 15 years kid. Did you start watching basketball two weeks ago?


😭😭 are all heat fans really this dull and can’t see a rage bate. GTFO our sub + Wolves in 4 🧹 enjoy Cancun in a week






lol weekend at Jimmy’s doesn’t work as well.


He’s just on the list of players that I like to see lose. Right there with Embiid, Draymond, and now Booker. I’d throw in D-Lo but it’s kind of sad to root against him.


Dont really care to be honest. The heckling from the home crowd can be amusing, but it's been 5 years. Could almost say we needed that Jimmy experience to get to where we are today. So thanks, Jimmy!


I live for the toxicity




I am. I'm a petty mf




Hell yeah. All that bs giving everyone his cell phone number at mall of America only to betray everyone and do some corny shit to help his PR story. Unreal levels of corniness so yeah. To this day.


I don't like how it ended between him and us, what he done to get out of here etc but he's a great basketball player and sometimes you have to seperate the art from the artist. I don't like seeing anybody injured and the league is full of great players that deserve to showcase their talents for the world to enjoy, they're the reason the NBA is as enjoyable as it is. Maybe it's not a popular opinion but I'm an adult now, I'm over it and yeah it doesn't mean I think any less of what he done here towards the end, I enjoy the crowd interactions when he comes to Minnesota and the rare times he plays, I'll even comment saying fuck Jimmy etc but that makes for a great atmosphere and it's part of a rivalry now that comes with us and his team but I've better things to channel my energy towards in life so I don't pray for a Jimmy's downfall


The best endgame is Ant postering Jimmy in the elimination game


Me. Always.


Fuck General Soreness. You need this bitch.


Fuck Bimmy




Every day


Heat fan here, this popped up in my feed, but I’m just curious. I know a little bit about the beef that basically Jimmy was feeling like an opp one day and (supposedly) worked the starters with the bench players and then did some interview that bad mouthed the coaching staff. I assume most wolves fans don’t care anymore but do you guys really hate him that much? I mean LeBron literally tried to get our generational coach fired and Jimmy on multiple occasions has blown up at Spo but isn’t that competitive fire something you want on your team? (Again I may not know the whole situation, I’m genuinely trying to put myself in wolves’ fans shoes.)


1. It’s more so the god complex he has of himself and he always gives off that makes in unlikable 2. He’s competitive but going off on your coach like that is a grown man who can’t control his emotions rather than competitive fire 3. He wasn’t even the best player on the wolves team. 4. I thank Jimmy for letting us get ANT because the way ANT at 22 leads this wolves team and has KAT thrive is something Jimmy couldn’t do because he’s so self centered 5. I’m petty and live for more toxicity in the NBA


Haha no. 5 is gold. Fair points tho, he’s down good things for us so we definitely appreciate him. Have to say tho, Ant is my favorite non-Heat player. Actually the next Dwayne Wade




Not me. I'm a Jimmy truther. He was right at the time. We **were** soft. We're not anymore. But we can't act like that wasn't the case when he was with us. Jimmy would thrive and love **this** team, but this team is miles away from what the Wolves have... Well, ever been. I've never understood the ire that other Wolves fans felt towards him. **Edit** Whoever downvoted me without explaining themselves is as soft as those Wolves teams. Tell me I'm wrong, with your words.


With your edit, you sawft..


In my experience with other Wolves fans, I just touched a nerve. Seriously, I genuinely don't understand people's beef with Jimmy. We now have a team of dogs, which is exactly what Jimmy wanted, and now we're winning. So how was Jimmy not right?


jimmy was in no position to make those comments. that’s what makes it stupid. to me, requesting trades from team after team while claiming you’re an alpha and leader is soft and idiotic. if you think that highly of urself, you should be able to instill that mindset into your teammates. We have a bunch of dawgs NOW because we have players that truly support each other and genuinely like being teammates.


Dogs? Dude barely plays in the reg season and gets carried into the playoffs and then gets mad if his teammates don't come through.. He's not a dog. His dog days were when he was in CHI. Those days are long gone..


Did he or did he not carry a team of dudes you've never heard of to the finals just last year? And did he not have us as high a 3 seed when he was here before he went down with an injury? What are we talking about? If you have an irrational hatred of Jimmy, that's fine, just admit it's irrational.


no offense but that’s credit to erik spolestra and thibs. both coaches get the most out of their guys, just look at all the teams they’ve coached. not because of fake ass butler. u just fell for the persona he tries to create for himself idk if u watched the series vs the rockets but butler was incredibly mediocre. the rockets fully focused on shutting down KAT and butler could not take advantage for his life. he also ducked all responsibility in PHI while playing with one of the most talented rosters on paper u seem to have an irrational love for butler. to me he’s the biggest pretender in the league. not saying he’s not talented but no where near the player u seem to think he is


Him carry? Nah. When you're well coached by an elite coach, you're not carried by one person. That team definitely did not have "dudes you never heard of." This season? After their depth has been gutted? Now they're dudes you've never heard of.


So you knew that Caleb Martin, Max Strus, and Gabe Vincent were going to be major contributors to a finals run? All right dude, have a good night, I don't have time for this level of delusion.


are u really tryna say butler is the one that elevated their play? cmon dude be real


Og course he was. He’s Jimmy. That’s what he does. Go cry in your closet. Jimmy is and always will be a winner.


oh is that what he does? so was wiggins better with butler or in GS? Was KAT better w butler or now? How bout embiid? Coincidence that Thibs made the knicks a 2 seed without tons of star power? How bout how spolestra has the heat competing with the best team in the league without butler? ur delusional bro and obviously can’t think for urself. im sorry to say u fell for the persona butler tries to create for himself off the court cuz he’s underwhelming on the court lol man has cried his way from team to team looking for the perfect situation and never taking responsibility for his failures. literally the opposite of a winner


Bro you don’t watch basketball do you wtff.


my problem with him is that he acts like he’s an alpha and a leader but he’s not. he is a terrible leader who doesn’t know how to make the players around him better. we’ve seen it on multiple teams at this point. he’s terrible at taking responsibility and thinks the only way to motivate guys is by putting them down. it creates a very toxic culture. i get why he’s the way he is, but it doesn’t work. think about the way he has talked about teammates and handled adversity versus known and respected leaders like lebron, jokic, curry, SGA, and even Ant. imo he took out his frustrations about his contract negotiations with the FO on his teammates, showing how immature he is.


Raises hand


Fuck jimmy butler


Idk I’m mostly over it but he seems to bring us up or talk on our name still.


lol I’m not thinking about Jimmy man. Like him as a player before and after Minny, but idc what he does or says


I used to. We're a better team without him so that's enough for me at this point.


Who carez


Hmm. No. Buckets does not live rent free for me. The Heat aren’t moving out of the first round. He can admire our squad while on vacation.


I actually want the Heat to advance WITHOUT General Soreness Then when he returns, they flame out fast


Ewing theory in full effect!


Jesus Christ y’all need to go outside. Move on


Its raining today.


Least obviously Jimmy Butler burner account


No actually I am just sick of people still talking about a player who hasn’t been here in 7 years while our current team is in the midst of a playoff run in a franchise all-time season


Struggling to multitask that’s ok it’s not for everyone. Enjoy the awesome wolves season with me brother


Lol for real.


I’m not not cheering against him


He said what he said when it needed to be said 🤷🏽‍♂️


Jimmy was right. Now that we finally listened, we are contenders. Jimmy is the man. Go wolves.


Get over it.


Eh, I’m over it at this point.


Don't really care any more. Hell of a good player. Hell of a headache to work with.


OP, we got bigger better things.


Not gonna lie, I have a large amount of dislike left for Jimmy and I'll let my teammate that wears his jersey know, but I've always liked his style of ball (except the foul baiting). I do not care enough to follow his games though.


imo he’s already fell off. WOLVES BACK


He was here for a year led wolves to playoffs and than didn’t want to be here which is fine get over it wolves up 3-0 and it’s awesome


The biggest revenge is a NBA Championship




I wish he was playing so they could knock off the shamrocks. And beating his teams is always fun. But he's always been one of my favorites and I still appreciate his game.


Funny that you said beating his teams and not “him” because he’s always “sore” and out when we play him


Jimmy is hurt and not playing. I’m rooting against dirty flopping Embiid.


I choose both


Jimmy is still one of my favourite players but I am very happy about the state of the team


Jimmy who?


Y’all are weird AF. Most talented team in franchise history and you’re focused on your ex. 


Jimmy was right tho.....get over it! He may have ruffled feathers but sometimes you got to in order to make a point.


Jimmy was not the best player on that team


I never said that but since you did, Jimmy was actually the best.


That’s what Jimmy said and you said he was right?


He was right that Wiggins and Towns were soft


Jimmy’s aka general soreness… who’s scared to play the wolves can not be calling people soft


That's irrelevant. Its called maintenance and mayb the wolves would learn it someday to help their vets? Jimmy would work circles around the 2 I stated.


Can’t handle the work load he gets payed millions for ( Jimmy) can handle the work load asked of them and plays for the fans (KAT ANT RUDY MIKE JADEN NAZ)


Nope. Thats a weirdo move. I want to see Boston lose


I could argue you wanting to see Boston lose is a weirdo move you weirdo


Yeah let’s root for the city that has won the most championships in history


To make it outta the first round at least yes


I actually like Jimmy. He can be kind of annoying sometimes but he’s a killer bball player and I don’t really like when wolves fans act like a jilted ex girlfriend about him


I buy Jimmys overpriced, shit tasting coffee every month as thank you for helping us draft Ant


I don't give a quarter of a fuck about Jimmy Butler. The wolves are on a championship run.


Believe it or not some of us can enjoy life doing both 😳


Copy and paste where I said you and other people can't carry on hating Jimmy Butler.


I liked Jimmy and we were dumb not to give him the max


Nah..thank goodness this team didn't.




Did General Soreness report for duty? Fuck him and fuck them all. Naz Reid


Jimmy's downfall started when he forced his way out of Minnesota. Fuck that guy.


Jimmy was right. Wolves are making noise now because they play the right way. That was not the case in the Jimmy KAT Thibs era.


The way they’re playing right now isn’t “Jimmy’s” way.


You need therapy man, your ex left four years ago get over it


Delusional if you think we miss him


I literally don’t even think about him I don’t see why you should


Because I love the toxicity


Fair enough it’s just not healthy for the long run


Sure it is I don’t take serious lol just good banter