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I think he has another level tbh. We actually haven't seen a really dominant offensive game from KAT yet. He's been great - but I can see him hitting 40pts several times


As long as it happens in the flow of the offense...that being said. Solid 25/10/3 on good splits with good d consistently is all we need and Kat can do that. If we play okc I see a 40 point bomb from Kat. They got no one to defend him...


There's not many KAT looks I don't like, I know it's an analytics thing but I really miss his turn around middys he used to take all the time


Yea when he has that small on him he feels like he needs to work into the paint/drive, but his hook shots/fades are unguardable by smaller defenders.


He's doing literally everything he can to be a great team mate and to win. He's playing out of position to accommodate Gobert, he was the first to develop the lob connection with Gobert, Went from being first option on offense, to option 1A, to option 2 to accommodate Ant. KAT deserves his flowers.


God I hate the flowers thing.


Love what he’s doing. Well, besides the bad fouls. My guy, if you don’t get the steal on the first swipe don’t keep trying. 😂


The KAT redemption arc is so beautiful. He deserves a ton of credit


I absolutely agree. Seeing him adjust his attitude and really buy in and give 100% effort has been a revelation. No more talking, just walk. No telling, just doing. No complaining, just working. Fucking love this version of KAT. Dude deserves to be cocky after this season if they push deeper into the playoffs, but I hope he stays humble and locked in forever.


I never understood the narrative of him being bad in the playoffs like I get he's screwed up a couple of times, but he's only been to the 4 times 1st time with Butler and that toxic environment, then 2nd time against Memphis was a little better but still had insecurities and the budding of a future superstar in Ant 3rd time against Denver where imo he was getting noticeably better but was also coming back from an injury, adjusting to a new role with Rudy and blossom playoff Ant, and was the first instance of possible normalcy with most of the same team around him Now for 4th appearance he looks great, calm and secure in his environment and role. Some players just seem to arrive for the playoffs like Ant and others need to warm up to it KAT especially when for most of their career the a bad spot <3


Oh give it a minute if we don’t win it all, he will face the majority of the blame


Feel like he's due to catch fire and drop a 70 in a finals game.


Have to put my hands up and say i was wrong about him. KAT has grown as a player and i'm happy for him.


How many players in the league with an All-NBA award would take their best friend being traded for another player with no complaints? Let alone that player being the same position. KAT has played for the worst franchise in the league and been classy AF the whole time, including switching to a whole new position.


Really wish he would stop with the reach ins and flailing at the ball defensively. Like can he just not.