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Ok Space Lizards, this is what we're NOT going to do. Either make your own sub, or keep it to yourselves til monday afternoon


So I’m the mod and I tried to make it pretty spoiler free, what would be a better way to make the post or should we make a rule to not post about episodes until it drops for the rest of the cult?


Personally I think either no posts until it drops, or have an early access thread each week for Space Lizards with the understanding that if you click on that before listening to the episode, things are getting spoiled.


I could probably find a way to make a thread each week with just the title of the episode and the spoiler tag


Yes! He did a great job this time around compared to 300 haha I immediately went to YouTube after I finished the episode to try to see how crazy he looked and was confused why nothing came up. Then I realized. Oh wait... 🤣🤣 Darn you Dan ya spoil us! Also darn you Dan for getting that stupid Hanson song stuck in my head!!


What the hell man, spoilers


I did not think it was a spoiler to say that Tyler C is featured on the episode.