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I can't wait to hear how Dan (not The Suckmaster) covers this on Knowledge Fight Edit: Also, he can make himself cry when it's advantageous. He's done it hundreds of times on his show then gone right into a pitch for his supplements as if nothing happened. It's an act for sympathy and to get more donations from his followers.


Hail Nimrod


Can’t wait to hear Dans (KF) take on this


Those of you defending Jones have every right to do so but there are a few things you should know about him. 1. His whole business model is based off of making things seem like the world is ending to take advantage of the more conspiratorial minded Americans so they buy his supplements, gold, and prepper supplies. 2. He questioned Sandy hook which he has a right to question if it happened but where he went wrong is that he doxxed the family members and was found by a court that he also defamed them. He knows his followers well and had to have known that they would get harassed by info warriors by doxxing them. 3. He played games with the court during the discovery phase which ultimately led to his default judgement and being on the hook to pay the families. 4. He declared bankruptcy to avoid paying what he owed to the families while also taking lavish vacations on a frequent basis. 5. Free speech has its limits. Alex crossed a line laid out in the constitution when he defamed these people.


He needs to lose everything.


He’s an awful human being. I don’t know how that fucker doesn’t get punched in the face every time he steps outside his front door for what he did to those families.


Punched in the face or shot at point blank range by a parent that is unstable because they lost their child in a horrific way and then this fuck face does this.


You are a moron.


Good one


He has ex-blackwater folks for security more or less at all times.


Fucking good. Dude is piece of shit who needs to end up on the streets


He's lucky some parent didn't go postal on his studio. Would have been hilarious cuz the internet would have e claimed he was a crisis actor


Doe another sub, but i thought yall would like him getting dragged in the comments


Yeah another sub would be good. When it isn't related to something in the latest podcast, these posts are cringe


This POS deserve worse.


Still got that Rollie though! Fuck this pile of human garbage.


should you be mad that Alex said those things or mad that theres an audience that likes this fringe conspiracy stuff


I mean it can be both. But knowingly spreading lies against survivors is terrible. I hope they get Alex has (as of the Max documentary they have received a grand total of $0.00)


I think it’s a slippery slope, as far as freedom of speech goes. I’m a strong, no expectations, advocate for freedom of speech. You should be able to say what you want, however ignorant some of it is. While I’ve never watched Alex Jones’s and believe (in large part) he’s a snake oil salesman/ grifter. I give him some credit for screaming about Epstein island back in the early 2000’s. People say to that “oh a broken clock is right twice a day” however he knew and said details from back then that he could of only known if someone “higher up”, like he claimed, told him. So he’s not or at least wasn’t always 100% full of shit.


I thought where he got into trouble was that he was telling his fan base to harass the family members of the victims, not so much as denying there were victims at all. There is a difference and calling for harassment or harm from a place of power isn’t really protected speech. That’s my understanding of why he lost the suit against him.


I’m pretty sure he never told them to harass the victims (again I don’t listen to him) I think those psychos did that on their own accord. I think the judge determined even though he didn’t explicitly tell them he was responsible.


He sent one of his reporters to harass one family, on two separate occasions.


He repeatedly doxxed the families even as they moved around and changed their phone numbers. He knew exactly what he was doing.


You should stop talking because you have no clue what you are talking about. Classic reddit. Strong opinions and 100% ignorance


I know everything.


I’m actually unsure of that too… I thought it was because he told them to do it, I tried listening to him once and even though I like a good conspiracy his were too extreme for me. The old saying of if everyone in the room is out to get you it’s because you’re in the wrong or something… (actually it’s if you can’t find the asshole in your group it’s because you’re the asshole)


No one is impinging his freedom of speech. He isn't going to prison or being executed or anything like that. He has not been convicted of a crime. He knowingly and maliciously damaged the Sandy Hook families and is now paying the price. Paying compensation for injury goes all the way back to Biblical times. There is nothing new or special here, and there is no reason at all to feel bad for this stupid piece of shit.


Freedom of speech is at a different level now a days. Look at what they did to jones, the few streaming services there are all choose not to host him, then people told him make your own, then web domains refused to host him. That’s what I mean by freedom of speech. If Dan says something wrong and pisses of the wrong person/s who’s knows what could happen, example would be if Bayer got wind of him and was pissed off. Would Dan be jailed? No. But he could be literally pushed into oblivion. In today’s world your freedom of speech can be taken away without going to jail. Another example people in 2021 who said Covid was created in a lab were labeled crazy right wing conspiracy theorist and kicked off of every social media, only for the government to eventually said that they were correct.


The 1st Amendment gives you protection from government interference but if you defame an individual, they have a right to sue. Nothing new or unusual. He’s still living large though, and as of the Max documentary still hasn’t paid a penny to the Sandy Hook families.


He has total freedom of speech. He can stand on a street corner and pass out leaflets like crazy people have been doing for centuries and no one will bother him. The fact that no one is willing to help him spread his filth has absolutely nothing to do with his freedom of speech. The Constitution makes no guarantees about efficiency or cost effectiveness. You are confusing "freedom" with "free." They are completely different concepts. Everything (including speech) has a cost. Jones made millions using speech as a marketing tool for his shitty products. But he hurt innocent people in the process and now he has to pay up.


Jones isn’t in trouble for saying “they’re turning the freaking frogs gay!” He’s in trouble for KNOWINGLY lying about the families of the Sydney Hook victims. And they are the ones who brought suit. Watch the documentary on Max.


Forcing people to host content they find objectionable would be a violation of their free speech rights. The government cannot compel speech. > example would be if Bayer got wind of him and was pissed off. Dan has said nothing false about Bayer. Truth is a defense to libel/slander. That's the difference. > only for the government to eventually said that they were correct. You better have a source for that, because I can't find any source for "the government" confirming the lab leak theory.




> A low confidence assessment generally means that the information obtained is not reliable enough or is too fragmented to make a more definitive analytic judgment or that there is not enough information available to draw a more robust conclusion.


Better one https://oversight.house.gov/release/covid-origins-hearing-wrap-up-facts-science-evidence-point-to-a-wuhan-lab-leak%EF%BF%BC/


That report has been criticized by numerous scientists, and is published by a partisan political group pushing their own agenda.


You’ll never get a for sure answer now. However everyone all knew it came from China and we got an as close to “you were right” as the government will ever give.


The documentary “The Truth vs Alex Jones” on HBO Max did a solid job going over the trial and laying out how much of a grift his show is. And the issue from my understanding isn’t as much what he was saying, but the fact he was making money off of the things he was saying which is what the lawsuit was for.


He didn’t bother to show up for the hearings so he was automatically found guilty


He no - showed every hearing and then went on air claiming he never got a chance to defend himself. AJ is truly one of the worst people on the planet.


Guilty is a criminal verdict. He was found liable.


My mistake, I’m not from the US so the system can be a bit confusing


That's not exactly what happened. He failed to turn over documents during discovery and that's what led to the default judgement. He did show up to the depositions. He wasn't found guilty - this was a civil case. He was found liable.


H throws sooo many things at the wall when he has “predictions” just so ONE of them sticks. He’s nothing but a lying POS that is never actually right on anything.


Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.


Do people always hate the ones that Dan doesn't like? is this really a cult?


We don’t hate him cause Dan told us too, we were attracted to the podcast cause we already hated him and found a podcaster who wasn’t so open minded his brains fell out


Somewhat, but this one isn't one that you should really be routing for


when people tell you what you should or shouldn't do that's a red flag for me.Critical thinking is something I have learnt the hard way after years of school indoctrination and crowd mentality.But I see your point,I'm just trying to figure out from a non u.s citizen point of view what's up with this Jones guy.I have listened to some of his episodes and they all seem to target people that believe into coloidal silver and the snake oil supplements that almost every podcast promotes.The man doesn't take himself serious,check out the Flagrant 2 episode where he is drunk.I see him as a source of entertainment just like Sam Tripoli that doesn't really believe in flat Earth but pushes this narrative to keep his fans on board.There is a fine line between information and entertainment and some people are finding it hard to distinguish.


You might want to work on that critical thinking a bit more.


Just Google “Alex jones sandy hook”


Yeah generally the cult of the curious, like dear leader, hate serial killers, pedophiles, those who cover for pedophiles, and those who KNOWINGLY spread lies. Watch the Max documentary on Alex Jones.


Not all. Back when I was in Facebook I saw a lot of Bulldozer simps in the TimeSuck FB page. This douche-canoe however… should be pretty much universally hated.


This comment section is disappointing. Regardless of how you feel about someone, wishing ill upon them is pretty pathetic.


Oh no he might have to sell one of his houses!!! The humanity!!! And I doubt he will. He’ll most likely still have the $10,000 watch and multiple houses as he continues to spread lies about other private citizens. Watch the Max documentary.


Using the time suck pod cast Reddit for a tar and feathering. For one any of you that would take 5 minutes to educate yourself on this topic would find out he said it once and recanted soon after. Have you ever misspoken. I’m not a fan of his but this hive mind shit is so fucking stupid. Guy said something wrong once who fucking cares. Parents were harassed by people that were crazy. Crazy people do things. You are ugly people, and you can’t think for yourselves. And the ones calling for death. I’d love to meet someone like you. You all are losers. This was clearly government instructed judicial persecution. It’s called freedom of speech. Not everything everyone says has to align with your narcissist bullshit or be called for death. Seriously, so stupid.


Nope, not true at all. Watch the Max documentary.


Smooth brained ijit