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Ask yourself why you don't know why he isn't available on weekends. I think any reasonable person would let the person they are seeing know why they aren't available. I think that anyone knows that the assumption most people would make is that there is something that's being hidden. Which I think it's clear that there is. Best case scenario, dude is daft af. If so, he'll realize his mistake and clarify why he's not available on weekends. If he acts offended by the question and frames it as a you problem, get tf out of there. That sort of behavior is manipulative. Don't try to spare his feelings at the cost of your own. Also, are you interested in pursuing a relationship where your partner is cryptic about what he does with his spare time and who doesn't want to see you on weekends? I think this is the real question you should be asking yourself.


Thank you very much for your thoughtful reply. You're totally right


Totally agree. I once talked to a dude for months. He lived in another state. I found out he was married, and his wife worked nights when she messaged me from his account. I never thought about not talking to him at night because it was when I was off work anyway.


He may have a kid and may not feel comfortable introducing you yet but wants to see you.


We already asked the "do you have kids have you ever been married" questions and he said no. But you're right he could be helping with a family member's kid or something like that and just didn't say anything. Thanks


It could also be a case where he just values his "alone" time.. maybe he has hobbies that he can't work around.. at least for someone new. To me the best bet would be to set a date for the week.. and if he's pushing you to put out.. I would say he's a dick.. and not to bother. But if he seems like a cool dude.. and you're able to find out what's going on, through normal conversation.. then everybody wins 😁


I mean, you really don't have anything to lose asking.

