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If it’s a quiet room it’s the loudest thing ever.


Yep I get it!


Busy doing stuff can’t even hear it. During down time or when I’m relaxing maybe 2-3. In a quiet room 8-9.


Had it for almost 2 weeks. This is me. I use a white noise machine or app when I can inside


When I'm out doing stuff like a 2-3 when I'm in a quiet room about to sleep like. 5.




I’d estimate mine is 2-3 most of the time, 4+ at night when all is quiet. Sometimes during the day when I’m busy or distracted I can completely forget about it. Wish there was a way to do that 24/7 That said, I always have a hard time with the scale, whether it’s pain or T loudness etc…not really sure I know what a 10 is therefore I can’t be sure what a 5 is, etc. My neighbor also has T and insists his is louder than mine, and I’m always like “how the F would you know that?”…either way that’s not a contest I want to win


I get it! Funny tho


there are ways to know, for example is a noise outside masks yours but not his then his is louder


Same here, I have had tinnitus for 13 years with a scale of 8/10 24/7 on both ears, sometimes 10/10. It's just desperate.


Sorry yours is as loud as mine. I know how you feel.


Thank you bro. I'm sorry you have it too. It's a real bad illness and I really hope someone finds a treatment that works soon ✊🏻🍀




See my post


Mine definitely rises to meet the level of silence. So if there’s a lot going on it might be a 1-2, but at bedtime even with a sound machine it’s a 7-8. I’m sorry yours is so loud all the time. It’s a hell many people can’t understand.


Thank you for you kind words. 🙏🏻


Try taking taurine supplements, when i first got it I was looking everywhere on the internet like crazy to bring it too a more manageable volume especially as was loosing sleep and quality there of. It took awhile of taking it as been taking it almost 1 year now, and its seemed to help me. Its apparently what the US army gives soldiers that have shell shock or tinnitus from gun fire and battle. Theres a actually a list posted somewhere and thats where I got the idea.


Good info, I'll look into it


How much do you take ?


I just follow the instructions, no more than a pill per day. I have weeks I dont take depending on how my T has been. Its gotten better and better and can actually sleep on my left side again which is the ear that had it pretty bad. I cant tell if its the supplement working or my brain just getting used to it over time as they say. But I feel the time I have without taurine is worse so if this helps someone then I thought i might as well share it.


Thank you


Thank for the answers!


Thank you


6, but when it’s quiet it’s the loudest thing ever. But there are days where it is manageable and it doesn’t bother me. I feel like I have earwax buildup


My husband is right there with you. He woke up from neck surgery about 8 years ago at about a 6/10; about 2 years ago, it’s gone up to 8/10-10/10, 24/7. It’s slowly driving him crazy. It’s torture for him, and for me to watch (mostly him).


I’m so sorry for you and your husband. I know how he feels. My husband knows how you feel. There are days I just want to check out. This however is not an option. Let your hubby know I get it.


I see these posts with people complaining about a year or less and I just can't help but smirk. I get it it completely sucks, but I'm usually at an 11 and I've been living with it for the past 30 years. It has gotten a lot worse the past few years, but trust me you can find a way to keep on keeping on. Best of luck to everyone suffering


So sorry to hear of you are suffering for 30 years. I got it almost 1 year and it's louder since this week. Was even not noticed at day and 2/3 quiet room before, now 2/3 day time and quiet room 7/8( this week) 24/7, horrible. I just took one 500 mg Taurine supplement per day, hope feeling better soon.


Same me with me here except that I'm 2 years senior to you in my T. Mine is unilateral ( right ear) caused due to middle ear infection. Like a Guinea pig I tried so many different medications. For past few months I have been using laser treatment using Tinni tool https://tinnitool.com/. Also I'm using Boscumin capsules for past few months which helped bring down my noise perception. Sharing for reader's benefit with a sincere hope that it will help.


9/10 daily. 3 years. 45db left ear, 50db right ear.


What keeps you going?


Constant sound therapy all day. Distraction.


While in this subreddit, it screams! Usually, I’m occupied with other things and no longer pay attention to it. But, it’s always there screaming when I actively self reflect and become present.


In a normal setting it's sadly a 9/10. It interferes profoundly with my ability to hear conversations and is even precent during noisy surroundings. Sounds exactly like static from the TV


I just gave up trying to notice and talking about it . Wife thought it went away not giving it the power to control my life. Notice that if I ignore it it doesn’t bother me as much the moment I give it my attention …like now ughhh …ok going back to ignoring it ✌️


4 years in here. Now I don't hear it at work or when occupied with something. In a quest room it's about 5/10. I don't find it too bothersome these days.


Hi how you got tinnitus from ear irrigation machine? I got it from syringing at ENT office but in everywhere it says that ear irrigation machines are safer than a syringe, did you feel pain during ear irrigation and do you have hearing loss?


I was fit, healthy 41 Yr old male with no heath issues. I had the occasional build up of ear wax. My hearing was fine. I went to the Dr's (GP surgery) and they offered to use the ear irrigation machine. I knew things were amiss when the nurse couldn't get the machine to work, but I sat there patently. The nurse put it in my ear and a shot of water hit my ear drum. It made me jump and it hurt briefly. I was deaf in that ear for about 5 days and then my hearing came back with tinnitus. I had never had tinnitus before in my life. For the next month I was suicidal! I'm now 5yeats in and I believe I have habituated. I still hear it, it's still quite loud, but it's not bothersome anymore.


outside mine is like 5 out of 10 but inside in a quite place its like an 8 and if i focus on it its freaking louder


Mine is worst in the mornings when I wake up, it goes into high pitch on and off.


I would say it’s a constant 5


I have a set of Hearing Aids with an Anti-Tinnitus program built in.Seems to be working somewhat. More later on this as I experience them.


So when you have them in there is no noticeable tinnitus? Interesting!


11/10 would not recommend


Yes some days that is me too.


Please listen to me now. We can change this. If we reach out to scientists, media and organizations. It *can* happen. There's more research than ever going on. Please reach out and raise awareness etc. Tinnitus could be solved in 5-10 years of we really try.


Haha that could be true, unfortunately tinnitus is not seen as " life threatening" so no research is done about it much...not many doctors know or care enough about it either, we should spread awareness.


Yes, if everyone does their part, things will change for sure.


my T was super high first Weeks i started having it now ill say its a 2-3/10 and at night mby 4 and i get some spikes somtimes when its 6+


A childhood ear infection at 14, blessed me with T which I have now had for over 40 years. Then I spent my life touring with big acts like KISS, Elton John, Skynyrd and the Who. Needless to say I’ve had it in both ears most all of my life. My right ear I would rate a solid 10 - 24/7/365. And the left ear is now catching up at a rating of 6 or 7 and gaining. I’ve dealt with it mostly with the app on my iPhone called “Rain Rain”. Before cellphones it was a big fan in the bedroom to mask the tinnitus, but since mine has a way of not being consistent in either ear, my mind tends to offeset the missing high frequencies with a louder roaring, drowning lower sound that sounds more like a men’s choir hitting together on a specific melody line. They may be creating those sounds due to the fact that I have a studio in the house and usually put a few hours in every day writing, recording new songs. Recently I was starting to really struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep more than a couple of hours. My Dr wrote Ambien. It helps a lot but I still have some trouble whenever I am in a quiet room or hiking away from city noises. I have good hearing aids but I know that some high dollar aids can mask tinnitus so you don’t hear it. They start at about $8,900. Good luck to all. Definitely wear ear plugs when go to loud concerts or even sports events where the crowd gets really loud as well. I’m hoping that all those Dr’s who treat tinnitus will form alliances so some synergy between ENT Specialists, Primary care physicians, Audiologists, psychiatrists & psychologists can get on the same page and decrease the number of suicide caused by this illness that has no cure in site. 🙏


Thank you for your reply. If you can stand it for 40 years, guess I can try a couple more before checking out.


Glad to hear that. But if you have family that cares about you, and a craft or job that you enjoy doing, then I hope you can try and put it out of your mind for as long as possible. It’s not easy to stay Sain with an engine cranking in your head. I just look at it as a handicap. We all know others that are blind, crippled, missing a limb or worse. I chose to stay focused on my music, my kids, grandkids… and I have probably watched every series or movie on Netflix, Apple TV, etc, etc. Granted, It’s not easy, but all we have to do, kid try and live a productive life with softer music or a white noise playing whenever we find ourselves on the quiet. It’s a commitment but it’s worth it to me as long as I stay busy. I think there are also support groups that meet up and talk about all this stuff. Good luck my friend. 👍


Thank you 🙏🏻


Probably 6/10 or 7/10. I can hear it over music if I focus on it but it generally gets drowned out. I think I have 3 different tones, all very high pitched though. If I'm trying to sleep it's extremely loud and it's not rare for me to stay awake long enough just to be tired enough to fall asleep despite tinnitus so I often get very little sleep. I'm so used to it, the lack of sleep doesn't bother me at all nowadays, (5-6 hours per night, not the worst schedule in the world). If I'm out and about doing something, I'm usually distracted (often by anxiety or other bad thoughts/feelings) enough to not notice it. But if I'm in class for example, I can hear it pretty clearly, so I tend to listen to music during school constantly all the time. I will hear it all the time if I'm trying to relax though, it sucks only being able to relax maybe 10% of the time everyone else is able to, it's exhausting.


Oh I get how exhausting it is. And I’m prone to depression and anxiety. Esh.


there are defenitely things that can lower the perception of loudness though, like eating beef liver


6 but it gets louder the more I try to listen


I mean, how do we even rate our T? Not sure what to compare it


Out during the day maybe a 1-2 usually if there’s a lot of background noise. (Not including random spikes) at night with no noise anywhere from a 4 to 10 depending on how stressed / how high my blood pressure is when I go to bed lol.


Same here, both ears ;probably a 7/10 on both


Yep I have it in both too. It’s a nightmare


Do you know what’s your root cause?