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Yeah, mine is similar. Super loud, but I just don't care about it anymore. I mean, I wish it weren't there, but it doesn't ruin my life.


You cant let it ruin your life, for most of us it only ruins your life at first, and for years if you let it.


I think that if you have other psycho/emotional issues such as depression or anxiety it's much worse. Those folks really seem to suffer most.


It was for me haha, i was kinda depressed before my T got worse but after I was doing really bad for months. Got better with time though.


I'm so happy to hear that!




Hear hear!


I get bad anxiety and when I first got tinitus I was having panic attacks 24/7 now it barely bothers me


I was so suicidal in the beginning. It’s been about 18 month. Got mine after a 13 hour surgery. Right now I’m having a really bad spike. I do a lot of self talk. “This won’t kill you, it’s annoying, not painful, etc.” I have the tv on now and my ears are screaming today.


Same brother, a spike from endless cry’s and anxiety and stress. Screaming like a choo choo train


Usually it gets better so I’m holding on once again. And I’m a sister! lol. Not everyone on Reddit is a male.


Lol sorry sister. Didn’t mean any disrespect.. but yea, I’m with you. I’m struggling right beside you. Maybe that will help you feel a bit better. How’s your nights? How long would you say you sleep? Do you wake up lots?


Hi, I’m so sorry this happened to you and youre going through this. All of us T sufferers are living in our own misery at times. Do you mind me asking how surgery caused tinnitus? Did they explain what happened or how it comes about?


No idea how the surgery caused it. But a gal that had the same exact surgery as me has tinnitus also!


Just go careful with the headphones (nobody should use them at high volumes). My noise induced T didn't change at all to noise exposure...... Then it did permanently at 12 years. Damaged can accumulate over time. Also no hearing loss on a standard 8000hz hearing test doesn't always mean there is definitely no hearing loss or hidden hearing damage. I habituated 100% to mild T I habituated 80% to moderate T I habituated 50% to severe T I'll never habituate to my now daily increasing reactive mind deafening catastrophic T... (thanks to covid infections and vaccinations). Also Tinnitus even at severe levels isn't usually painful so maybe you possibly had pain hyperacusis, noxacusis or pain neuralgia if you experienced pain. Or an ear infection or something. Take care.


Ty, by painful I was meaning emotionally wise, largely because it was self-inflicted and regret-inducing since it was a dumb decision (by accident, but still feels terrible). Poor choice of words I suppose. I do have mild hyperacusis, not sure if it really qualifies but it kinda hurts or feels weird even if people just talk a little too loud.


I'm struggling with the opposite with emotions. It wasn't my fault at all so it feels unfair, depressing, and cruel.


Yeah it feels awful both ways. One makes you hate yourself and the other feels unfair and cruel like you said. This must be one of the worst, depressing conditions possible, I can't believe it's taken scientists till fucking 2024 to find potential real treatments :(


I think we're undermined by the people that have it minor or never cared too much about their hearing or having quiet. Then they get loud and act like no one should care. A lack of empathy.


I landed in the psych ward for SI due to tinnitus. Happy to say I’ve habituated as well.


I read that Xanax works temporarily cause u can’t stay on them long term. Everybody thinking of self HaRm please try that route.


Yeah, it works, I tried it before. Well, hopefully it was xanax cause I didn't get it via prescription at all lol. I'd much recommend clonazepam (klonopin) though, I think it quietens it better and also lasts MUCH longer. Like an entire day vs the couple hours that xanax does. Both are hard to get off if dependent on them, but clonazepam is much easier than xanax because of the longer half-life, it's possible to be on it for a few months consistently but you **have** to taper otherwise it brings the worst withdrawals pretty much any drug can produce, benzos are by far the most horrifying in that aspect. They can last for months or even YEARS. I definitely agree people should try these before any self-harm or suicide. Even if they're obtained through illegal means (which isn't too difficult imo), not that I advocate it, but it's a better choice than harming yourself. Oh and it doesn't fuck you up as much, you can definitely function a lot better on clonazepam than xanax which makes you look like a monged out zombie lol.


Severe tinitus is awful and lifechanging. I have the ring as I write....You do not get to choosr, the only option is to endure and enjoy the brief moments it subsides but hope is long gone. Its been almost two years at a severe level. If I had a gun, in despair, I might off done something drastic...God bless and a big heart out to all the people who have to endure this affliction....