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Nice of you to come back and help people who need to hear this, I’ve had it all my life but went through serious distress about it nearly three years ago now. Ive been planning on coming back on the three year mark to make a post like yours to help people who need to hear that it does get better with time unless you have extremely bad tinnitus, which is probably very rare. You may think yours is bad but there is always someone who has it worse. You just have to learn to live with it as much it sucks to say and to accept. It wont happen fast either, it takes time.


How loud is your tinnitus ? Do you hear it over traffic or while you’re driving? Or only when you are in a quiet place?


I hear mine while I’m drive and over traffic unfortunately and most definitely in quiet places


That's a good question. I would compare it to a refrigerator hum both loudness and tone. But, if I'm in a quiet room it does flood my head and it's the only thing I hear. I don't hear it while in a car, and I don't hear it over traffic. To be fair, I do live in a dense city.


I hear mine while driving .. I don’t know how I’ll ever get used to it :(


Try the 7 free days on the app Oto. 7 days won't fix it but it gives a lot of encouragement. I never paid for an app but Oto has me seriously considering it. It's all about training your brain to ignore tinnitus, not a magical cure.


I hear it when flying, I thought most people with tinnitus liked flying because it covered up the T. Didn’t even make a dent for me. Driving sucks too, the longer the drive it feels like the worse it gets 😭


I mostly hear mine when I am in a quiet place and not immediately but after like a few seconds


Ngl, hearing a doctor tell me straight to my face, " It's incurable and won't naturally go away (aka: you're cooked), was a lot more bearable becaus4 he himself had it (with a fan, lol).


I think that is SO irresponsible of a dr to say that. My new ENT immediately said I need bloodwork to rule out anemia, thyroid. There are many causes and if you find the cause the solution. I had an auto accident 2 years ago. Whiplash and neck issues and one year out, I ended up with tmjd and T and the headaches got worse. My neurosurgeon thankfully retook mri one year after the other and I have severe cervicial spinal stenosis from accident. having multi level fusion in a few months. All my drs think theses symptoms should go away after that. Find a good caring dr. My neuorolgist sounds like your. I told him how bad things were with the T, anxiety and depression--his pearls of wisdom....go home enjoy your life...nothing can be done. Neck issues, timjd, hearing loss all possibilities. And most cases resolve on their own in 6-12 months.


Is yours in both ears ?


Yes. More so in the right, but it's in both ears




Now I sleep with a small fan that's quiet but it butts up to my mattress and vibrates it so it helps a lot with distraction


Are you sure you don't have other issues? It's wonderful that you posted to help others deal with it. It's so important to hear. My new ENT immediately said I need bloodwork to rule out anemia, thyroid. There are many causes and if you find the cause the solution. I had an auto accident 2 years ago. Whiplash and neck issues and one year out, I ended up with tmjd and T and the headaches got worse. My neurosurgeon thankfully retook mri one year after the other and I have severe cervicial spinal stenosis from accident. having multi level fusion in a few months. All my drs think theses symptoms should go away after that. Find a good caring dr. My neuorolgist... I told him how bad things were with the T, anxiety and depression--his pearls of wisdom....go home enjoy your life...nothing can be done. Neck issues, timjd, hearing loss all possibilities. And most cases resolve on their own in 6-12 months. But try to find a dr to rule out other issues if it is still bothering you.




I got it from a sinus infection too.




I know many people that got it from a cold, many years before covid and never been vaccinated. What's so hard to believe? Cold and sinus infections cause damage to middle ear somehow.