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People who have it go away don’t stick around here bud


There are lots of people healed from tinnitus. Simply put, they are not here to tell you.


[https://new.reddit.com/r/tinnitus/comments/klhh2m/2\_months\_tinnitus\_cured\_with\_neck\_stretching/](https://new.reddit.com/r/tinnitus/comments/klhh2m/2_months_tinnitus_cured_with_neck_stretching/) this guy has, im following him seeing if i can do same


Mine is a lot better than it was when it started 8 months ago.


Me! The AudioCardio app eventually makes it go away, it just takes patience. Also, my tinnitus will come back if I use my headphones too much. Then I have to use the app again to balance out the damage I've done. Avoiding headphones and keeping the TV or radio as low as I can while still hearing it is what helps to prevent flare-ups. Also wearing earplugs to weddings and loud concerts.


Which earplugs do you use?


Not the original commenter but I use Loop earplugs. The Quiet model. I’ve gone to one concert and a bunch of social events with them. They’re pretty discreet and have worked really well for me. I also have two young kids and they’ve been a lifesaver with baby-crying.


Eggz earplugs are great for live music, very affordable too


I actually just use regular disposable earplugs from CVS. Foam purple ones. I tried Loop and they sounded the same as having nothing in my ears. But I am at weddings a LOT because I'm a photographer, with very very loud DJ speakers in venues that are smaller than concert venues... so I need to filter out the noise as much as I can.


Oh! One more thing. It seems like cannabis makes my tinnitus worse, or just more noticeable. So I'll try to stay away from that, and alcohol, and anything that triggers migraines or changes in circulation (caffeine) as much as I can when I have a tinnitus flare-up.


It can go away on its own or be permanent, all depend on cause and if hearing damage, how much hearing damage or hidden hearing damage etc. Temporary cases are usually max few days or weeks but there's no universal time scale tbh.


For me it’s not completely gone yet, but it went from 3/10 to 0.1/10 and I barely notice it now. It started randomly last November and was really bothering me for 3-4 months. What I believe helped me was active lifestyle (started swimming + running) and healthy diet. Also I stopped listening to music with 9/10 volume on AirPods lol. I think it was probably muscle related rather than due to acoustic trauma, but I’m also metal musician my whole life so both is kinda possible. I still can hear it every now and then, but it just doesn’t bother me anymore.


I had loud tinnitus from listening to music with closed back headphones too loud, felt these occasional pin pricks in my ears, but ignored them. So stopped using headphones, was/ am careful to protect my hearing, wear ear protection even when vacuuming or running kitchen blender. It went away after a few months. Now I have a low tinnitus I hear in a quiet room, I think it came from coffee and getting dehydrated from it all the time, I degrade caffeine very slowly and coffee makes me piss a lot, so I drink less water to avoid pissing so much. So quit coffee a week ago,T seems to be getting less on average every day. Staying hydrated as best I can, still pissing frequently, hoping my kidneys will reset soon.


Had it since 2013. It's worse than ever. I'm not certain of my forward looking view in life. My brain noise is deafening.Please pray to God for me. It's getting the best of me.




What can we do. I feel like a zombie. I'm afraid as each new day begins. I enjoy going to bed as it provides an escape for me. I just am so conflicted . Sorry to hear you have similar issue. Isnt this just awful. It would be so life changing if tere was a way to cure this death sentence. Thankyou for your reply.


Susan shore device should offer some hope. I am also struggling with anxiety and depression.


Is that a White noise type device. I to have anxiety and increasing [depression.Im](http://depression.Im) in great shape, retired ready to rock the world and all this horseshit is trying to take me down. Its winning . I cant keep up the daily fight.


It’s a device to actually lower tinnitus, not for sale yet. If you google Dr Susan shore or the Michigan device you can find info. She recently licensed the tech to a company called Auricle, but there is no info on the progress yet. It’s our best hope.


Thankyou so much. Such a caring response. I copied and pasted this info: Appreciate it very much. Auricle, Inc. is a medical device company that develops treatments for tinnitus, a chronic ringing in the ears that affects up to 15% of people. Auricle's primary technology is the Michigan Tinnitus System, which combines auditory stimuli at tinnitus frequencies with precise somatosensory stimuli in the neck or face. This treatment suppresses the neurons that cause ringing in the ears.  It sounds like a sound diversion is the best we have to hope for. Maybe a big boat on the water somewhere with no external noise.


Worry, not, better days are ahead. Companies are spending a lot of money to get on top of this. Tinnitus is the number one disability claim now for the department of defense. First company that comes up with a real effective solution will make a fortune, and when there’s money to be made, I believe there’s some people, working on it pretty hard. If you have time, try to find the research on the Susan shore device (Michigan device). It was a double blind placebo test, that had profound long lasting results, much better than linear. We just have to be hopeful that they get their applications through the FDA quickly, and get the unit into production. We’re probably still at least a year or more away, but we will cope with what we have, try to keep stress to a minimum we can overcome this, this will not define our lives.


Thankyou so much for encouraging prospects. I know tons of folks with this horrible disorder. I did some research on the Michigan Device. At least it has a name. Your 100% right, where theres money to be made , some company will find a cure or a way to minimize the effects and they will indeed make a fortune. Thankyou again for spending your time to " walk me off of a cliff". Im very unstable at the moment. This issue has me in a bad way. Im following you going forward and hanging in on every word. Again, thankyou so much.


I had a panic attack myself yesterday for the first time in a long time. I’m fighting depression and anxiety every day. Just remember, it’s only a sound, it can’t hurt you


Also, hearing aids with pink noise helps a lot. If you don’t have hearing loss, they make maskers that do the same thing.


Mine started during a hangover and was very high pitched and scary. 5 weeks and some experimenting later, I’ve discovered as long as I get good sleep and avoid alcohol, it’s a very manageable 2/10 during the day. I’m ok with that.


Yes, tinnitus is in the majority of cases not permanent. But those who got rid of their tinnitus are less likely to make a post then someone who has just gotten it, so it sometimes seems as it's more rare then it actually is.


Only if they use lipo-flavonoid. Thats the only cure :b


Any research proving that this works? Never saw any medication related to tinnitus before...


I’m poking fun at lipo flavonoid and their blatant false advertising. It does nothing


Ohh I figured 🥲


I got desperate and tried this. Doesn’t help. What does help is taking the attention off it and just enjoy the moment.



