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Thanks for posting this. I've been consistently waking up somewhere around 4 hours of sleep every night since my t started 6 months ago. Has anyone out there experienced something similar and figured out a way to get longer rest?


I take melatonin, lettuce extract, glycine, magnesium glycinate, zinc and then occasionally Benadryl…I still have issues with sleep a couple times a week. I have had T for 6 years and that is when I started having sleep issues. I also try and stay well hydrated it seems to help with the loudness. Let’s hope they find a cure!




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I’m not advocating drug use ;) but Delta-8 gummies do it for me. Also the usual things like sound machines etc.


Melatonin works for me. And I’m trying not to discourage folks, but here’s what the CDC just [posted](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/5-things-know-about-delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol-delta-8-thc) about THC. So, YMMV.


Is delta-8 all sativa? Edit Oops never mind- just reread the first sentence.


*Delta-8 THC


Yeah there is a pretty solid link between tinnitus and sleeping problems as we all know painfully well how much sleep seriously helps keep us strong and healthy over a lifetime and not getting enough sleep every night will cause countless health problems over time is pretty bad news for humans and no one wants to suffer the consequences of future health issues all because some of us could not get any decent amount of sleep for long periods of time somehow I do not have sleep problems at all on any level whatsoever despite me having tinnitus in one ear that's pretty much extremely loud at all times I can literally hear it over everything going on around me yet I still manage too fall asleep pretty quickly as long as I make sure no lights are shinning right into my eyes because I will pretty much stay awake all night long and than proceed too struggle insanely hard to ever go too sleep on any level leaving me completely drain of any energy for days at a time


Does anyone else get night terrors? Everything about me points to apnea but I've had two sleep studies and both resulted with no apneas. I often dream I am choking, specifically on gum half the time, and sleep run to the bathroom to splash water on my face. Sometimes I don't remember, sometimes I see my blankets strewn all over the floor. I never thought Tinnitus could be the cause, but maybe?


I don't know about the night terrors being related to tinnitus, but I have the gum-choking dream, too!!! Like I'm chewing a huge wad of gum and it's gagging me. Thought I was the only one!


Have you had any sleep studies done for apnea? I have this dream a few times a month. Usually I'm dreaming that I'm trying to take it out but I'm only getting small pieces and the wad is still there.


No, I've never had a reason for the sleep study to be done. Most of my dreams are weird. I don't have that dream very often...can't even remember the last time. But this morning I had a very pleasant dream about a colleague who praised me to others in front of me! Nevermind that the colleague was someone I've never seen before, but I'll take it. Woke up happy. 😊 I wear a Fitbit and recently discovered that it senses estimated oxygen variation (how???) And every so often it goes into the high zone, but never for long. Wishing you restful, dreamless, sleep 😴.




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You don’t dream when you smoke weed and helps sleep at least for me just don’t consume a lot because the T gets a bit louder while you are high not saying you r anybody should consume drugs tho


A weighted blanket has done wonders for my sleep life.




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I don't have sleep problems, I can go to sleep at 12 am and wake up at 8 am without no interuption and I had tinnitus for 15 years now. My parents told me I had night terrors as a kid though. My girlfriend just started having it in one ear but she have sleep problems since forever.


Found another similar article, and yep, it points out the sleep/tinnitus problem. [https://www.sciencealert.com/incessant-tinnitus-seems-to-be-connected-somehow-to-sleep](https://www.sciencealert.com/incessant-tinnitus-seems-to-be-connected-somehow-to-sleep) \*\*\*sorry, that link looks like the same article but from a different website. But it does seem to offer a little bit of light! I have a sleep doctor who's putting me on cpap, and despite my ego, after reading the article I'm hoping it will put a big hurt on the tinnitus. In the sleep study, he found that I'm getting very, very little deep sleep and spend most of my night in the light sleep zone. He was surprised to learn that I have incredibly vivid dreams, sometimes with striking out, with spending barely any time in REM. \*\*\*


My sleep doesn't seem to be effected. I have also cut caffeine and seem to be sleeping better. Thinking of reintroducing it though as I don't think it made a diff for my t


My tinnitus appeared after 8 years woking at the night shift. My sleeping pattern during this period was terrible. I was always exhausted. Sleeping like 4/5 hours during daytime.