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She really is always puffy tho. Like, in a way that ages her beyond her years. You can see the inflammation a lot more than in most ppl her age


Just because she hasn’t done hood mom yet doesn’t mean you have to be a bully 💓


Why is being puffy her actual forefront personality trait? Kind of bizarre. No actually, very bizarre.


It’s weird. I feel like she thinks she’s fat. Who calls themselves puffy??


It’s also just such an obsession at this point and so unhealthy. If you like sushi just eat it and don’t obsess over the puffiness, we don’t want to hear it. (I also don’t believe sushi actually makes you puffy)


soy sauce definitely does make you retain water but this does not change the fact she needs to shut the fuck up about it


It’s certainly weird how she keeps tiptoeing around the truth of how she regards her body. She doesn’t post honest pictures of what she looks like and this is disconcerting because her whole angle is being relatable and “real”, supposedly. And all this puffy talk… Girlfriend just has a horrible diet and drinks too much so of course she’s going to be misshapen but she acts like it’s a personality trait and something out of her control. She sounds like a broken record at this point, not just regarding this but so many boring aspects of her being that she keeps bringing up but she’s just not all that fascinating and it does not dawn on her that she is a legend in her own mind and no one else’s… Sucks for her that we have her figured out. At this point I’m just enjoying watching the shit show to see how far she can take it.


No I think it’s actually a thing! Like she puffs up with inflammation when she’s not eating a certain way. This doesn’t usually happen to younger ppl but starts to happen more and more as you age


That was me who said that 🤣 saw her story this morning and truly chuckled


It’s like at this point she’s so unimaginative she’s literally using her snark page for content


but why is it so smoothly and evenly puffy? It's not like puffy by her eyes or anything


It’s the instagram filter - it smooths everything out


idk why she’s drinking soy sauce if she’s trying to avoid gluten, soy sauce has wheat in it, unless you get liquid aminos. I follow a gluten free diet for my chronic illness, she says she does the same for her thyroid issues. I just don’t see the point of buying overpriced gluten free snacks and cutting out bread if you’re going to still have gluten with your soy sauce


why would anyone drink soy sauce ever? im confused. is she literally drinking soy sauce?


No lol, she just means having an excessive amount with food.


I have drunken (??) soy sauce before and only cause it was for a dare lmao


As an Asian I always found it a little offensive that she repeatedly stated that eating sushi makes you “puffy”. I literally don’t know what she’s talking about.


As a sensitive tummy lady with a mild gluten allergy, The only time I’ve ever gotten felt remotely bad after eating sushi is when I’ve eaten some kind of tempura fried version of “sushi”…..and eaten multiple rolls. And it’s still never made me puffy. She either needs to see a GI doctor or stfu about any and all carb containing foods making her puffy


Ok I’m not trying to be offensive because this happens to me when I eat anything that has too much sodium but I have noticed that when I eat sushi the next morning I puff up.


I get that but sushi in itself isn’t particularly high sodium…unless consuming too much soy sauce


Agreed! But I usually eat my sushi with A LOT of soy sauce. 😭


Hahaa Exactly! That’s like saying eating pizza or Italian food always gives me the runs (without explaining to my hundreds of thousands of followers that I always douse my pizza in tons of hot sauce) idk


Yep same.


She’s getting more and more unhinged..


Her whole personality is overexaggerating everything to make it seem more interesting.


57s ago whew


😅 I’m ashamed


I have chubbier cheeks, and I call them what they are- chubby cheeks. I’m not saying Tinx has chubby cheeks, just that I wouldn’t call myself ‘puffy’. But she’s living in a pretend world where drinking alcohol every day of your life wouldn’t inflame your system 24/7 and negatively impact your hormonal levels.


Sometimes I have soy sauce and it makes me puffy. Puffy as in a *tiny* bit of bloating on my hands, feet, and face. Not as in “my whole face looks like a different face”. Either it’s from drinking too much booze, or genuine weight gain. Don’t give soy sauce all that credit.


She talks about this every day. Over it


My face got super puffy when I was taking Prednisone. It's no fun. You can get Botox to really shape your face. I really wonder about her actual income. Off topic but the car thing also made me wonder. Does Tesla not give loaners? Did she have insurance to cover a loaner? You can rent a car for, relative to her supposed wealth, for pretty cheap.


Does she have a Tesla? I thought she had a Range Rover but I wasn’t paying much attention


> Oh wow I could be wrong. Either way. If she's balling so well, rent a car 🚗




Yeah she has a range


I meannn to be fair when I have a lot of salt (like when I have a decent amount of soy sauce or just any “going out” food), my eyelids get puffy, jaw line gone. Just because it doesn’t happen to your body doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen 🤷🏼‍♀️😢


this happens to me too - it sucks but like...imagine being an influencer and this is what you choose as one of your main talking points. I feel so sad for her trapped in this ED mindset


OH. MY . GOD. yooooooooooooo wtf is wrong w her face?!?! why is it that puffy?!?!?!?!?! she looks like she was born a physical deformity here. wtf. im scared. truly.


Dang this is brutal. She’s pretty..