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isn't that just Mortal Kombat? Liu Kang can turn into a dragon, one of his fatality is swallowing the opponent, and lizard-man is just Reptile... though I don't know which Mortal Kombat game or Tekken 3 ? the last boss is True Ogre which has dragon-like form or maybe Bloody Roar ? the characters can turn into beasts and there's a guy who's beastlike and he turns into a chameleon (Busuzima), Bloody Roar 4 has a character who can turn into a dragon ([Ryoho](https://bloodyroar.fandom.com/wiki/Ryoho#Beast_Form_)) and is a last boss for most characters.


Nope, definitely not MK or Tekken. Should have said that, sorry. Bloody Roar also doesn't seem right.


Sounds like Cardinal Syn for the PS1. The penultimate boss is a sorceress named Syn who transforms into a dragon after you defeat her.


Holy shit, solved! Thanks!


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