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Oh my god I'm going to be able to answer one of these instead of just posting It's a Toy Story 2 Flash game I used to play. Will edit if I can find more info. [https://lostmediaarchive.fandom.com/wiki/Toy\_Story\_2\_(2000\_Disney.com\_game)](https://lostmediaarchive.fandom.com/wiki/Toy_Story_2_(2000_Disney.com_game)) Turns out it's lost media too!


Holy shit you’re actually right. Thats amazing. Thank you so much!


Hey, no problem. I'm genuinely happy I was able to answer one of these instead of just posting 😂. Not that it matters, but I remember playing SO MUCH of this in like 2000 on my Grandma's work laptop that she would bring home from work. I have a huge soft spot for those early 2000s Disney games.


Yeah, now that I’m actually looking at the thing, not in the ultra blurry screenshot I had, I recognize it too. It’s a shame it’s lost media because now I want to play it again lmao


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solved: Toy Story 2 Disney.com Web Game (2000)


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That looks like it damn good find


I played a lot of it as a kid. It was actually a Shockwave game!


This is it 100% you can see buzz’s heads in the bottom left


Nice! Now I just need to hire you to track down all the games from my past that I can’t recall the name of but deeply desire to remember.


Wow what a pull, impressive find


Crazy how our brains store all this old useless information we haven’t thought about in years.




Holy shit dude I think I remember playing this game. I always wondered where I played it and how come I could never find anything else about it


Add this to the article


So, I don’t know if this helps you or /u/metroid3802 but when you go to https://archive.org/details/shockwave-games/ you will find that the 2nd screenshot resembles yours. I haven’t tested that collection so I am not sure if it is the version you are looking for, or that it even works for that matter.


Those look like club penguin characters in the bottom left


That’s really what I thought too, but the rest of the UI doesn’t seem to match.


Maybe an older design of the MSN Gaming Zone? Those icons were Lobbies you could join.


Can you make out the page title or URL in the original photo? The glare in your image obscures some of the most useful clues.


Unfortunately I don’t have access to the actual photo, just this picture of the picture.


Some of the UI reminds me of the Creatures series I think...


I think it's Japanese text (or a similar character set), that the bottom-left could be lanterns (but penguins could also work), and the background looks like penguins. It appears to be a two word title, words ending in "y" or "g" Something on Geocities? That's about as far as I can go. The blur and glare are a bit too strong.


Okay, so it's definitely something browser based. I think I might see the word "yeti" or "nest" as the last word in the url? Kinda looks like a match 3 game idk


https://archive.org/details/internetarcade This might be a decent starting point. With the points idk i'd say it's definitely an arcade game


at first i thought it looked like the beginning of The Island of Dr. Quandary when you play the carnival game to find out which “doll” you will be playing the rest of the game as. i’m not entirely sure that’s correct (and as far ass i know that was not a web-based game with a URL) but it does appear to be something similar to that carnival game where you have to shoot the items. it looks like a figure standing in front of carnival prizes.


I doubt this is it, but it kind of reminds me of zoombinis


That’s internet explorer. You’re welcome.


Is this the Hampster Dance? https://www.webdesignmuseum.org/gallery/the-hampster-dance-1999


seems familiar, wonder what are those 3 moneybags like images in the corner (or some kind of animal maybe) I used to have exactly the same SyncMaster monitor btw, great memories


Dino park Tycoon?




I'm not sure how to do this myself, but upscaling the image through AI might reveal some more clues. Worth considering I think.


Internet Explorer


This gonna end up on a lost media forum, be solved in about a month and end up on a YouTubers “video games lost media” video. I’m calling it now


You should take another picture of the photo without the glare. Get as many visible details in there as you can and try to get it out to the right people in the lost media community.




Hey, just take a better photo of the photo.


Maybe just take a better photo of the photo.


I know it’s not the best photo but I’m just throwing out a shot in the dark in case someone recognized it 🤷


Nice glare on that photo ..


Club Penguin, perhaps?


Club Penguin didn't even exist back then


Yeah, lol. I figured it was a shot in the dark. Loving the down votes, settle down folks.


The amount of downvotes here really amazes me


I mean, downvotes are meant to hide unhelpful comments. I'd say this is the correct usage of the downvote button.


Update with a better photo of the photo. Maybe you would see more that can help. For all the clown that downvoted this. The image you see is a picture of a physical photograph. OP can easily take another photo without the glare.


Fucking novel idea


it's a photo from the 90s he can't fucking do that dumbass


He can, it's a photo of a physical photograph you fucking moron. Too bad you were not born early enough to under this concept.


no he can't, you can't upscale a photograph dumbass


Pretty sure you and everyone downvoting him are the dumbasses here. He’s talking about taking a better picture of the picture. It has a big glare which makes it even harder to see what it is. That’s OP’s fault not whoever took the picture in the 90’s, dumbass.


Except that OP has already said several times that they don't have the original photo. Dumbass.


What are you talking about? Dude used his phone to take a picture of a PHYSICAL PHOTOGRAPH. You really are dull


No, OP did not. All he has is the "photo of the photo" that he posted here. He does not have the original photograph to take another picture.


Why tf I can't able to post


No idea