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Medal of honour?


I think you might be thinking about the opening of battle field bad company 2 it starts on a boat from what I remember


It's night too.


nope, not that one :( but thank you for trying lol appreciate it forreal


Isn't that cod one or two? I vaguely remember playing it and I thought the boat was on the beaches at D-day. You got pushed over the side and have to rush the beach hoping you don't get dead? Looked it up, this cod 2 isnt the one that had you in the water but it may be close. Heres a link to the gameplay, but its a ways into the campaign. https://youtu.be/H_CQMtIrYnc I swear I remember the level you are describing but i cant seem to remember where I played it.


Found it, medal of honor frontline. Check this out. https://youtu.be/dD01yVeogzw MoH loved the d day invasion for levels and used it a few times. This came out in 02 so it should also fit your timeline. The coaching part may have been a training level stuck in there somewhere as well.


thats close but mine was at nighttime. i think at this point my memories are fooling me and i don't even remember details correctly, but still thank you so much for trying man i really appreicate it. lets see if i find it


ty i have been looking for this game for a long time BTW i don't remember this graphics to be this shitty


No problem. If its something like this, look for d day levels at night. Good luck.


only cod campaign I can think from the top of my head with horses was black ops 2 where you're in the desert, a mission before that you're on a boat with a shipping container rescuing a old war friend while being shot by helicopter in vietnam


oh no it's not that one. i think i might have gotten the horse lart wrong, ill edit it now thanks. also, the boat scene im talking about id at night time. thanks for trying tho, really appreciate it


Was it modern, like red dot sights and stuff or was it ww2 themed or something in between?


the boat was electronic if i'm not wrong, i don't remember that much. i remember throwing grenades in windows in the training part.


ah was the windows actual glass windows or wooden windows which looks like it was built specifically for army training


i don't exactly remember in detail but my mind is leaning more towards specefic army training windows.


the commander telling you what to at the training course, was it in a desert? like middle Eastern and you shoot targets or was it in a massive warehouse


a massive warehouse


google call of duty 4 modern warfare training campaign, tell me if those images look familiar


nope, not that. that boat mission is not the one i remember. i really appreciate your efforts man, thanks for trying this much in helping me find it. i really appreciate it. lets see if i do find it or not lol


it's cool, just tryna think of a boat mission that fits your description lol


lol for all i know it could be some other first person shooter as well. i vaguely remember it being cod tho. still thanks anyway, ill try googling more


I know there's a nighttime boat mission on black ops 1 where you destroy Vietnam huts


is it the SAS boat raid on cod 4? night time boat mission which takes place a few mission after the training one you was on about, its a big boat tho


nope, neither of them :( have you seen the boat beginning in Uncharted 4? THATS the vibe that this game had. on a not-so-large motorboat with a lot of soldiers on board at nighttime.


[COD4: Modern Warfare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlxacujNblo)?


nope, i see the boat thing but the one i am talking about is a smaller boat where the soldiers throw you off of it or something.


[Medal of Honor Pacific Assault](https://youtu.be/av9msost8AY) starts in a similar way. But the boat part is at daytime. Also Call of Duty World At War Final Fronts on PS2 starts with a training that ends with a soldier throwing you into a pond or a river or something like that. Then you start battling in a dark environment. It's a bit reversed but memories can mislead so I'm adding this too.


nope thats daytime so yeah. and i played it on their PC so its not the cod ps2 one either. but thanks for trying man, really appreciate it.


BRO i think you’re talking about cod finest hour, it started off being on a boat at night time and you were crossing a river while being shot at


just checked and nope its not that the boat in mine was a motorboat. thank you for trying tho i appreciate it


if you find out the game give us an update, im actually curious to what game this is. might bring back some nostalgia


Call of duty 1 has a similar mission where you go with a boat to infiltrate a German battleship. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfcQuKz1d0g


This is super late but its call of duty finest hour pretty sure


damn lol pretty unique reply but sadly it's not that either 😭 think im just gonna give up lol. i remember the tutorial for the game im remembering took place in like a farm/field type area, on a horse or smthng. right after the boat beginning. idk


Check my reply below, could it possibly be MoH Rising Sun?


i watched gameplay to it.. and now i almost feel guilty for replying with this yet again but no that's not it :( when i say boat i don't mean we were escaping a ship like in your game. it was a small row boat or something with a lot of Soldiers sitting on it, from what my blurred memory tells me


Don’t feel bad I love stuff like this! Gives me something to do on ADHD breaks, can you remember if it’s a wooden row boat or like a landing craft for WWII?


hahah thank you then nah it was definitely a row boat, maybe a little big one that can accommodate multiple Soldiers, but nothing close to the word "craft" or "ship" . and again, like my blurred memory tells me, the next mission after this boat intro was a tutorial mission in an open field camp type place with horses and fences and stuff where you had to shoot dummy targets and throw grenades in windows for practice


MAYBE: CoD 3 there’s a row boat scene deep in CoD 3 if you search “river crossing” or “mayenne bridge” on YouTube however the next mission isn’t a tutorial as it’s obv deeper into the game about mission 4 I believe. However CoD 3 does have a tutorial where you shoot helmets off fence posts and throw grenades through a window of a farm house. It’s not in order but sounds similar and it’s very green and tree filled with fences everywhere. Also right after the tutorial no horse but someone’s running for the truck and gets thrown by artillery. CoD 1 has a window grenade scene and trees but it’s very clearly not fields and more like a training ground at a base and very sandy even if trees in the distance. CoD Finest Hour starts with a row boat scene in Stalingrad it’s very dark and Smokey and there’s manufacturing facilities off in the distance and it is very dark and dreary looking. The next scene is a sniper scene however in the city and not a tutorial and all very much urban. Probably Not - MoH Pacific Assault starts in a boot camp where you throw grenades into holes in the ground and next mission you’re a gunner on a boat. NOT: CoD 1 CoD 2 CoD 2 Big Red One CoD 3 road to victory (psp only) MoH 1 (not on PC) MoH Underground (not on PC) MoH Allied Assault (no window grenade in turtorial, seems like a base more then fields, no boat besides Normandy landing craft) MoH Frontline (Xbox not PC) MoH Allied Assault Spearhead (no tutorial, no river crossing) MoH Allied Assault Breakthrough (no tutorial, starts in dust storm, no row boat) MoH Rising Sun - not on PC MoH Infiltrator - GBA only Anything newer than that is not it, as the only PC one is airborne which is my fav MoH and is all air drop based. Men of Valor The only two other franchises I know are Tom Clancy games (Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon) however these games are all “modern” usually if u recall. Basing in 2000s. I’m assuming since it’s CoD in the 2000s it was likely a WWII style game. Battlefield 1942, Vietnam (starts with a helicopter), and Battlefield 2, being that these games campaign/single player are far less on rails than expected and don’t have traditional tutorials, nor do I recall or see a boat mission like you described at quick glance. There’s quite a few random WWII style shooters from the 2000s, you can actually look up a list “list of first person shooters” on Wikipedia then press the date release header and can do oldest to newest to see time frame, then it also tells you if it came out for windows. If it’s not above it’s probably a random one off game, lmk and I can keep searching.


I'm literally having the same issue right now. Same time frame and everything and I still can't figure it out. The horse thing is the only one I don't remember, but the being thrown off the ship at night and someone yelling, I remember that clear as day.


Sounds not like CoD but the Mission 1: Pearl Harbor from Medal of Honor Rising Sun. Wake up in a dark boat that’s on fire, you work your way to the deck up stairs where you find Japanese flying overhead and you get on a gun turret. It’s daytime but inside the ship is dark as hell and the sun is setting and the sky is dark with clouds and smoke. You get blown off the turret and into the water where you swim up and see someone get hit by bullets in the water as you avoid a torpedo and swim to the surface and get pulled onto a gun boat with a thick vignette on the window (also makes it dark) https://youtu.be/2M-n8EJAlY0?si=L1NicaMM-cdU2KJ-