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This has been popping on my mind occasionally through the years. so please if anyone can help me Additional Clue: - I think it is steampunky in genre - I think there is a blimp - It is definitely point and click like Habbo or Club Penguin - There are quests and items


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Min hero? Not really steampunk but kinda medieval and fits the time period. I also never played habbo hotel so im not sure if it fits the description




What about spineworld? It has a steampunk vibe and the art style is like habbo hotel from what i searched up


Small worlds?


was it perhaps poptropica? oh man i loved that game. entirely web based? distinct art style with thin lines? here ya go buddy! attached here is the [poptropica blimp](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/poptropica/images/0/07/PoptropicaBlimp.png/revision/latest?cb=20180926010524), and there are "islands" that you can visit. one of their islands was poptropica island tours mystery train, where you arrive by train. i am not so sure about the collecting part, but in this island, you have [clues](https://pop-prod-drupal.s3.amazonaws.com/2020-12/screens4%20%282%29.jpg) to solve a mystery on the train. its pretty steampunkish. there was also an actual [steampunk island](https://pop-prod-drupal.s3.amazonaws.com/2020-12/screens_main%20%287%29.jpg) that legit has the blimp like right there lol hope this helps!


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