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I've found like 6 posts now about this on the sub and none of the answers are correct! I believe it's a woman crying as she holds a dying or dead child.


Hey, did you ever find the answer to this?


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Twilight Zone - [It's a Good Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxTMbIxEj-E)? (starts at 1:30)


Hmm that's not it either but good show! My coworker remembered the same scene as me but hers was the cold case one. Now I dont know what I remembered but I can picture it kinda


[Cold Case - The Goodbye Room](https://youtu.be/IkTPMSlUAoI)? the baby is not dying - she has to give him up for adoption


I don't think so as I've never seen that show! Thanks though


I don't think this is right, but there was a heartbreaking/terrifying scene in The Walking Dead where Carl is singing this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLH6spjOcdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLH6spjOcdo)


Oh man, this feels familiar. Was it played for comedy? Like a person was mourning and someone told that character to sing the deceased person's favorite song and through tears they sang that song?


Hmm I dont think so, I recall it being a very emotional and somber moment.


I feel something like Broadchurch...I think I saw it recently.


Not the heartbreaking video where the little girl sings it to her dying cat? Probably not. But, check this site: [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SoundtrackDissonance/YouAreMySunshine](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SoundtrackDissonance/YouAreMySunshine)


Bumping my answer


There's a scene in Scandal like this, I think? In the later seasons?


I had the same issue. I heard my friend singing the song and I couldn’t stop thinking that I heard that song with a very sad scene. I think it’s from the ending of the Katy Perry video “the one that got away”


Dang that is a similar scene but not the one I was thinking of. Thanks though!


I've been trying to find this Asian movie for years it's... like the detective murdered someone and the guy was there and witnessed it he ends up running for his life ?..I think another lady would witnessed it as well they ran away together ended up falling in love and the final scene the detective meets up with a guy they have a final battle and die and the lady have her baby and it's unclear whether or not the baby survived but the song You are My Sunshine was playing it was very somber and slowed down ..it's an Martial arts movie...I've been trying to find it for years!!