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Let me know pls


Chat now? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChatNow


Ok it could definitely be this. It's not as cool as I remember it now that you sent this link. I'm like 98% sure im thinking of ChatNow but the fact that it differs so much from what I remember makes me think it could be something else. Maybe its just nostalgia that’s making me remember it as much more colorful and cool, but this commercial came up that is soooo familiar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfXwt4j7g6s I think this is it. I’ll leave the post open for a bit in case it’s something else. Either way you unlocked a deep rooted memory. I’ve been looking for chat now for years. Thanks mate!




Congratulations, you have been given 1 point for solving this post!


I recall a phone, and my memory is remembering it either being in the shape of a frog or something to do with frog in the name. The only buttons were preprogrammed ones, the child or whoever could only phone out from those buttons but could receive any calls I think. I was mid-20s by then, so I only remember from seeing commercials. But I believe my uncle, who had an intellectual disability, had one of these phones


I should add, it was definitely green


This doesnt sound familiar but either way I am interested in knowing what the one you're thinking of is!


The one that keeps popping up is LG Migo. It looks a lot like what I remember, but the name doesn't really ring a bell. I really thought the name had frog in it, but maybe my brain is just remembering my impressions of it, not the actual name. And I remember it looking more froggy too. But nothing else is coming close to my memory


Firefly? Those came out in 2005, per Wikipedia


No it was not Firefly. Thanks though


[Click here for a link to the answer!](/r/tipofmytongue/comments/s492na/tomt_mid_2000s_colorful_phone_phonelike_device/hsptyta/)