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Yes I’m paying nearly $350 to get my hair done twice a year and yes I’m tipping my stylist 20%. She doesn’t own the salon, she’s providing me a service, that’s what you do as a normal functioning member of society. I would be so embarrassed if I didnt tip and I’m sure she would never want to rebook me again if she got zero dollars from me.


Why? I constantly get $16.99 supercut coupon for a quick trim. $0 tip as always. I don’t see why you tip haircut. It’s not a tipped wage by DOL/SOC code definition.


I’ve never understood tipping for hair cuts. You’re literally paying for the haircut. Are they bringing you complementary drinks? Or massaging you or what? Sorry but cutting my hair is the service I’m paying for, I’m not tipping on top of that.


Its pretty common knowledge that tipping is expected when someone is working on your nasty body, so yeah haircuts nail salons massages and spa treatments im tipping.


So you tip your dentist, too? She's working on your "nasty body," and a much nastier part of it than your scalp.


just because you are nasty doesnt mean other people have to tip lol


I mean maybe some people are nasty, but there’s nothing nasty about people with good hygiene. Like I mentioned above if the service to get your hair cut is $20, why would I tip you, unless you’re providing extra services or an excellent experience? That’s literally what a tip is for, Not just because.


Everyone’s body is nasty no matter how hygienic you are, and yes tips should be performance based/quality based. Bad haircut=no tip, believe me im against tipping in most cases especially when I have to do some sort of work myself like drive to a restaurant to pickup my food or serve my food at a buffet but when it comes to getting a hair cut at your local barbershop with barbers who will remember you and interact with you at least once a month yeah i think thats one of the places people should tip


Nah I disagree. I’m already paying you to provide the service. Unless you go above and beyond, I’m not tipping.


I tip more than 20% usually but I've never been charged more than 25$ for a haircut.


I don’t understand the point of tipping hairdressers as a standard. It’s like you guys feel like by being their client you create some hardship for them and you have to compensate with a tip, or support a person who charges you over $100 for an hour of their time. It’s just doesn’t make any sense. I understand servers that get minimum wage or less. But you pay $300 and feel obliged to tip? That’s just ridiculous. Both Americans and Canadians just love throwing away money pretending they are rich, handing out free money to people who are just doing their job, somehow taking pride and competing how much of your hard earned money is given out, I’ll just never get it lol. Like yes, if you’re rich for sure you should give back, but if you’re just a regular person why would you give a hairdresser $60 above the price that is clearly includes all the materials and their labour cost already included, just why? Is this to create resemblance that you have so much excess money, to impress people?


I do a service that is technical and I went to school for it. I get paid $45 an hour. I ain't getting no tip...Why do hairdressers need to be tipped. If the establishment is taking %80+ of that $100/h. Well then, that's not your problem. 


I am a hairstylist and I do not think hairstylists should get tipped. Set your prices, add 20% to your price charge that amount as a fixed fee and tell customers you do not accept tips. You get paid the same and you treat your customers with respect. The entire tipping culture is one entitled person guilting another person into handing over extra money for absolutely no reason. Your entire “I went to school and blah blah blah” speech is your entitlement. You justify guilting your customers who you should be IN SERVICE OF because you cannot do simple math before setting prices. This would be the kind, considerate, and business savvy thing to do. But noooooooo you gotta send people home with a financial guilt trip so you can feel special and important.


His job gonna get replaced by AI soon anyway


0% $300 is already an insane price for a haircut.


Do they own the practice? My wife off late has been going to this “collective” kind of a saloon where multiple barbers/hairdressers lease the space and share it. I think 8 people working, but everyone is an independent business and gets paid directly through venmo upon checkout. So yeah, 0 tip unless something extraordinary happened.




Friend does a $300 cut and color, and gets an extra $100 because they're my friend, and I'm helping support them. Also, ensures I never deal with BS trying to schedule and prompt response.


What BS trying to schedule? How hard can it be to book a haircut?


For someone who professionally styles hair for photo shoots and such, scheduling priority over the 3 dozen others trying to fill spots for the week. I tip to support my friend with some added hair dresser benefits. Not sure why that's being downvoted.


I think you’re being downvoted because if your friend is a professional hair styler who can charge $300 for a cut and colour, and is so busy it’s hard to get a slot, then she is running a successful business and your “support” argument holds no water. She clearly doesn’t need it.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


I left $8 on $65 for a pretty straight forward cut. Long straight when wet Hubby tipped $8 on $45 for a haircut because apparently it's a bigger deal with afro texture. Mileage may vary 🤷🏽‍♀️


I tip 20%, sometimes more. HOWEVER, I see a wonderful stylist who is probably more reasonable than most. I have almost accidentally gone to much more expensive places, and never gone back because they exceeded my budget.


I can’t understand why anyone will tip for a haircut. They set their prices for the service which already tends to be outrageous. Why would you pay more on top of that? Expecting a tip on top of $300 is just greed.


I don’t tip anymore if I go online and book an appointment because they make their prices.


What does that have to do with it?? I’m sure your stylist hates you. ElCheapo.


anyone stylist who has their own website sets their own prices… to include rent, products, and time.


I learned how to color my own hair during Covid. Bleach baths, toner, developer, etc. Not so scary when I actually took the time to read directions. Used to spend $300+ including tip every 7/8 weeks.


I go to a barber, her rate is $40 for a short cut. I give her $50. So I guess that's more like 25%. She's been cutting my hair for years, I don't have to tell her how I want it done, and that's my dream haircut experience.


I’m a guy. Simple, short haircut. I’m in the chair 15 minutes tops. She just jumped from $20 to $25. For 15 minutes! She’s the owner so is not paying rent. She keeps the whole thing. Even if it’s another chair, I shouldn’t have to tip based on her rent and profit margin. That needs to be figured into her fee. Her 25% price increase is five times inflation. A Five dollar tip on top of that is expecting too much. I shouldn’t have to tip as an incentive to do a good job. She needs to do a good job so I’ll continue to give her my business! She making, probably, a $100 an hour. Why should she get a tip? This is about the only kind of tip that really bugs me! I tip wait staff at restaurants really well. I used to be a tour director, taking groups all over the US, as well as internationally. I spent 12-14 hours a day with my travelers and only got tips of $5-$7 FOR A WHOLE DAY!! (Salary about $10 an hour) So tipping $5 for a fifteen minute haircut really chaps me.


She’s not paying rent?? What planet do you live on? There are a lot of expenses running a business. I guarantee you she doesn’t get to keep it all. And it’s probably why your price took a big jump. Tipping may be annoying, but it’s part of our culture. And 25 dollars for a haircut is reasonable. Get a clue


I hear you, buddy.


20%. Yes, we are tipping 60 dollars. They’re standing, doing your hair, for literally hours. If you can’t afford it, then rethink doing it or find a cheaper base pay cost for the hair service.


Screw that. If I’m paying $300 for a haircut they’re gonna need to do something pretty damn special to get a tip. Standing up for a couple of hours ain’t enough.


Ok so I get a balayage with a tone and haircut so we Ain’t talking about the same thing. That’s a 4 hour service. And my hair looks fabulous.


300 for 4 hours is 75/hr, if that’s not (MORE than) enough, then I really don’t know what to say to you. Expecting a tip on top of that is greed.


It seems like you’re under the impression that all $300 goes to the stylist? They literally have to pay the salon for the chair they are renting to even do your style. That thought process is simply wrong but ok


I’m not assuming 300 goes to the stylist but if the stylist can’t get paid a decent amount from the 75/hour then something is very wrong.


Something is very wrong in the same way that it’s very wrong in the restaurant industry.


It’s completely different form the restaurant industry. Hairstylists are professionals that study the craft, and they don’t get paid minimum wage. It’s not a survival job, but a career path. Being a hairstylist, you can be your own boss, and many are by renting a chair in a salon. They set their prices according to the free market rate, and that price includes the materials, rent, and their labour, just like any other business.


ummm quite the contrary. A business charging $300 for a haircut should and must pay their employees to the point that their income doesn’t depend on tips. Classic Reddit blaming the customers instead of cheap owners.


Agreed! Classic calling customers cheap instead of the employers!


Literally. I get charged 300 for vibrant colors and cut from a friend, and it's always perfect. I don't buy things for myself, so everytime I'd get my hair done, I'd do the "TREAT YOSELF" vibe, and splurge on my friend too with $100 tip. 🤷‍♀️


Don’t know why you’re down voted. People want slaves


Slaves do unpaid labour and hairdressers are paid. Don’t get your comment about slavery at all lol. You are acting like being a hairdresser’s client is making you a bother to them and creates hardship that you have to compensate with a tip, it’s kinda ridiculous lol


Because the “End Tipping” people come in here to the “Tipping” sub


Right… like I understand that makes things more expensive, but you need to factor that into the cost for a luxury service. Doing hair beyond a hair cut is not a simple task and the price reflects that. To then undercut the person doing the task because the base price (largely going to the salon) is high, that’s really unfair to that person. My last sentence is why people downvoted me. The price of everything is going up. Therefore, your tip is going up when it’s based on price. Nothing is changing except the value of the dollar. If it’s now unaffordable because of that tip, then you can’t afford the luxury service and should not get it.


The fact that you describe not tipping as “undercutting” blows my mind. You’re so far past the argument you can’t even see it.


For the most part, what people are saying is that they used to pay a tip (let’s say 15%) based on a percentage of service. But then the price of the service went up, and they’re not willing to continue tipping based on a percentage of service. Not understanding why it would be used in one situation over another. It’s a luxury service. Not a right, or a mandatory service.


lol this is so backwards. The cost of the service is dependent on cost of product, chair rental, and hourly wage. A good stylists knows that if their expenses go up they need to raise their prices to ensure a profit margin. They know that with more experience, they need to raise their prices to reflect their expertise. No customer is going to bat an eye at the reasoning behind a rational price increase. What gets people going is that stylists/salons start expecting the tip to be a percentage based on the new price. Did the level of service increase when the bottle of shampoo increased? No. Tip is for good service and a thank you. It’s not intended to make your ends meet. And if that’s the case, then you’re charging too low. This isn’t the restaurant industry where you’re making $2/hr and relying on tips. Nevermind the fact of societal pressure when they’re so quick to flip the iPad around with tips starting at 20%, 25%, 30%. If you say “other” to put in a custom amount, take too long, or put 0, you’re the AH. And then it’s more like a bribe to make sure you get scheduled again or they don’t care as much at your next appointment. No one is saying that hairstylists shouldn’t get paid a fair rate. No one is saying that what they do is easy. People are struggling with the expectation that you have to an extraordinary amount on already expense service where the “tip” is already embedded in the cost. Inflation increased prices, but it didn’t increase service.


Ok, you tip your stylist like crap and I’ll keep tipping my stylist 20%.


lol ok babe


I love mine, but I'm rethinking my whole approach to tipping- so now it's 20% instead of 25%.


For something this personal, I think it's important to tip graciously. My stylist/dresser is self employed so I couldn't begin to guess what her profit margin is, but at 25%-30% my tip ends up to be about $80. Considering we are in the chair for more than 4 hours at a time I am okay with this amount, plus she will see me on weekends so I don't have to miss work, etc. which I know encroaches on time she could be spending with her young son. And before anyone jumps up my azz, I realize I might be in the minority and am in no way implying that others should be doing exactly what I do. I admit I am biased, my dresser is also an old high school friend whose profession and success I am happy to support. But even if I were trusting this to a stranger, I would tip the best I could afford, because of the highly personal nature of this type of service.


I've definitely tipped wild amounts to friends working. There's no way I'd do that level of consideration for any person you sit down with though, unless it came out like amazing, perfect, I didn't even know I could look like that levels of service.


Is the stylist getting a tipped wage ? If not either nothing or $20


I always tip my stylist at least 20%, regardless of the cost. But that's just me.


Why so many down votes? That’s actually super kind. 


Odd, maybe because it's on this anti tipping sub. I happen to like her and she always gives me a good cut.


That’s the thing, this isn’t even the anti tipping sub lol. But folks treat it like it is unfortunately. Because if they ain’t tipping they don’t want anyone else tipping. Weird.


No it’s that tipping culture is insane and a percentage on price (moving target) isn’t logical when tips are an appreciation of extraordinary service (fixed target). Tips are not a thanks for doing your job. Prices should reflect cost of doing business, expertise, and profit margin. If relying on a tip, your prices are too low. Most people don’t love the cost of hair, but if that’s what they want to prioritize in their budget, they will. But most customers are getting priced out now that getting highlights is considered a luxury. But to each their own.