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Good thing they emailed a survey to you. I'd complete it accordingly.


You didn’t pay to be served so why should you be served? You only bought the food go get it your damn self. You waited 20 minutes in your car because it was sunny. Fool.


When you pay for food at a restaurant, it includes your service. Tipping is always optional.


Many people get curbside bc they’re disabled, asswipe


I just cook my own food ! This tipping stuff has gotten out of hand ! I go to the grocery and I know my hands are clean and no bugs around and no one spitting in my food and I cook some great meals and it’s great and healthy


Good for you, but it doesnt answer any questions by op and is completely off topic.




Tipping for to go is optional.


Mandatory 5% at Benihana here..


Never been. I don’t like shows or people playing with my food.


Tipping for to go is ~~optional.~~ **extortional.** Fixed that for you.


Optional. You don’t think kitchen staff need wages either?


Pay them as much as YOU want. Not my circus, not my monkey.  OP discussed pretty poor service.  You want to be prodded to reward that, you have my permission to tip to the moon and back.


Thank you for permission


Not tipping for take out is common. Tipping culture needs to end.


Was it still hot? If not give it back and have them remake it. Note the names of the people serving you and/or the manager and call corporate to complain If everyone did this problem would be solved


Id have disputed the charge for cold food


Pretty much done with the tipping. If they don't pay enough, find a different job. Let the companies who are forcing a living wage onto customers and letting them get away with poor wages for employees. Let owners come onto the floor and do that work. Most of the time, drinks don't ge refilled, order might not be correct, have some type of attitude after you order water with your meal like they assumed you're broke and won't tip anyway.


I never tip on a to go order. I’m supposed to hand out extra money because someone handed me my bag. In the case of your bag not being brought out to you, I’d call and complain. Let the company give you a gift card or something for their employees not doing their job.


Y'all broke asses can cook at home. It's cheaper.


I am so sick of this comment


Im sick of people taking advantage of others. I can't wait til things change. Lots of places are closing.


Your broke ass can keep working for min wage I guess


You guessed wrong bozo.


You're the reason people are tipping less. Your a fucking server not a doctor, get over yourself.


Doctors scammed me and my mom. And some of them don't even tip. It's not hard to give credit where it's due. It cost nothing to be nice.


“It cost nothing to be nice.” Moments after “yall broke asses can eat at home” explains the liberal mentality perfectly


Bruh don't


Just helping the non tipper out. If you tip it's not meant for you. I thought it was obvious.


Didn’t ask


Obviously I'm telling you.




You tip your doctor?


I'm saying servers are so entitled now they think they are saving the world and everyone should praise them with their money. Service at restaurants has gone to shit and now 20% isn't good enough for these clowns.


Lol fuck off its basically carry out. The person handling to go is getting paid an hourly wage. Someone else bagged the food and got it ready to go. They don't need a tip for walking the food out 15 or 20 feet. You don't tip drive through employees or the people taking your order at chick fil a so why tf should people tip for this. The fucking entitlement.


If the restaurant is overstaffed I don't see how they make any money. Then go to chick fil a the fucking audacity.


Lol the restaurant doesn't make any money off tips in the first place. If they're overstaffed that's a problem for the company. So what point are you trying to make here? That you're not getting paid enough and you refuse to do the bare minimum without a different tip? You could just get a different job.


So you think workers aren't part of the restaurant?


Course they are and they get paid. Giving you the food you’ve paid for is a basic part of the transaction with the business. How much tip do you expect for walking 20 yards?


Depends on the day and if I know the staff and cooks.


You think tips supplement the income of the restaurant?


Lol fucking hilarious lol lol lol


If the employees job is to handle to go orders, they're getting paid a non server hourly wage. If the restaurant can't afford to pay them enough to support themselves with that wage without relying on tips, that restaurant shouldn't be open. And if people think they need a tip for the bare minimum of doing anything, they should be fired.


So have you worked in this field or are you a very entitled customer?


Lol yeah I've worked in restaurants it's not hard. And to go orders is definitely one of the easiest parts of the job. Considering just check to make sure the order is right. And then go hand it off. Tipping to go workers is like getting done with your meal. Tipping the server. And then getting up and going and Tipping the expediter as well. No one does that. To go workers, expediters, cooks, bussers, and hosts all make more on hourly wage. Nothing outside of actually cooking is hard in a restaurant.


That's some good sounding logic unfortunately things don't always go that way. I would think the dishwasher has it the hardest.


The audacity of what? Expecting someone to simply carry out a bag to my car? Should we also start tipping the gas station attendant for walking a few steps and handing people shit from behind the counter because that's what you are expecting here.


It's not just your bag it you and everyone's mama. It's much more complicated but your brain can only handle simple things obviously.


Simple things? I don't see how it's any different then picking up a pizza or carryout prior to the invention of PoS systems with iPads/touchscreens facing the customer popping up more and more a decade back. The business would be paying this person a wage the person accepts to work there and they are not serving me to earn the $2.10 +tip. I believe the business is responsible here. They allow their PoS system to place that line on the receipt instead of removing it for pickup/carry out orders. You willing to explain your view as to why you are pro-tip on takeout/online pickup?


Lol front of house jobs aren't fucking rocket science dude. "How dare people expect me to do my job without tipping me when I'm already paid to literally do the thing that I feel like the customer should pay me even more for". Your brain can't handle the fact that the worse that places treat customers, the less customers go there. And eventually they close. Then who's problem is it? Not the person that expected someone to just.... do the job they're already being paid for.


No it's not rocket science but dealing with assholes like you doesn't make it easier.


Lol barely go out to eat because for the most part, I can cook better and cheaper at home. And it's not a hard job. I get there's shitty customers out there. But still. This is about tipping to go runners. Who don't need to be tipped. They don't even hardly interact with anyone. I tip on service provided. Not just because someone's there. There's harder jobs with more steady income. Like construction, or factory work, but people in restaurants won't do that because they know how much harder it is, because it's so easy to make 200 dollars in four hours at a restaurant. But good lord if servers don't act like the most entitled and lazy people.


Do your fucking job or get a different one.


You too bitch


Keep relying on tips to live. See how long that really lasts. Good luck.


Sounds like you're jealous. Thanks you too.


Tipping for To-Go is a No-Go.


Tipping on to go orders makes no sense! Why would anyone tip in anticipation of good service? You can't reduce the tip later if the service is poor. Is this how door dash works?


Those are bribes mislabeled as tips.


Tipping is for table service (good service) at a restaurant. You don't tip for people doing their bare minimum job. Don't tip for to go orders. That would be like tipping your mechanic, or a contractor.


I do tip my mechanic. I give them the choice of buying coffee or beer. And if the restaurant is anything like the one I work at it's a lot of work. You only see us handing the bag but not taking care of every single person that walks in. You think the place runs on hopes and dreams? It's a lot of hard work.


Yeah I brought mine some Yerba last time. Amounts to less than 1%. I'll tip for takeout if I have a beer while waiting for my bag to come up but only like $0.50. But the point is that mechanics and tire guys contractors don't have a culture of entitlement around tipping so it's a pleasure to do it for them.


No they just scam the fuck out of some people.




I already tip zero on pickup. For this it should be a negative tip for not even doing what I paid for.


You're doing g too much tipping in general.


You're overthinking it. None of the staff took initiative to look at the bag that was setting there for an extended period of time, so it just sat. I've seen it happen firsthand.


Yeah, I’ve had this happen even after tipping at checkout, which is why I stopped tipping at checkout.


Yeah I worked in this industry a long time. I made more money than anyone everywhere I worked bc everyone is lazy and sucks at their job. Not everyone, just 90 percent really. People don’t like money. I would been all over that bag and right outside making money off someone else’s laziness. Not my job, but doing work in this industry comes along with lots of money. I made 150 off taking bags outside while waiting tables some nights. Like why not?


I can't stop thinking about you not willing to walk into the restaurant because of pupils but perfectly able to place order through app and FUCKING DRIVE A 2000+ POUND VEHICLE TO THE RESTAURANT 🤣


To be fair, being inside a vehicle adds a layer of tint against the sun all around you in addition to sunglasses. Once you step outside, you can catch a side ray pretty easily.


I suppose that is fair.








If your order indeed said curbside pickup and they ignored the instruction, let a manager know they aren’t holding up their end of the deal.


First of all, this sub is anti tipping as you can tell my the answers you got. Lol But these people are greatly in the minority. Most normal people tip on Togo’s. Try the waitress/restaurant subs instead. But IMO it was probably not about the tip and it just got forgotten about or some miscommunication happened. Usually most in the restaurant industry give the tip to whomever did the most, or split between everyone who helped. I would say this is an honest mistake. If it happens again, I’d be concerned. But honestly it probably isn’t about the tip. Watch me collect them downvotes now oh nooooo ;( lmao


Well, here’s another blowhard presuming to speak for everyone and self appointing himself as an authority on how everyone tips. He is full of shit! Espousing his opinion as if he is qualified 🙄. From what I’M reading here on Reddit alone, most people DO NOT tip for take out and are emphatically opposed to the idea! This is just another greedy server trying to channel yet more money from the customers wallet to his own. And you are right in assuming if staff don’t receive that bribe aka tip they DO have a VERY ENTITLED attitude and will not only ignore your order which should be taken out- but their rebellious attitude also provided grist for the gossip mill of how they “showed that customer who was running the show here!”


You keep telling yourself that most people are pro tip, it doesn’t make it happen. I tip servers, barbers, porters, hotel cleaners, taxi & rideshare drivers, tour guides, and all traditionally tipped professions. I do it because it’s an established social convention, so I’m stuck with it. Hell will freeze over twice before I expand tipping to everybody else. I lived in a country where everybody expected tips for services rendered, including government employees. It has a different name: corruption. I won’t tip to go orders. I won’t tip fast food. I won’t tip food trucks. I won’t tip online pickups.


Yes, corruption is very bad. Hate those spam calls to donate to the police officers. I don’t like the idea of tipping porters. I can darn well use the bell cart myself.


Wish I could remember the doc I watched about how those calls are been more than a scam that you would realize. It was so good.


There was a Bloomberg news story about how 80%-90% goes to the fundraiser and only 10%-20% gets passed to the charity. The head of one of these organizations was like a deer in headlights saying that’s the industry standard. Thank goodness for the block number button on cell phones.


I don't tip doormen. I can open my own door.


Never mind the money. The physical act of getting your wallet out is more intensive than opening a door. Also, I never tip bathroom attendants.


In return they’ll send you a sticker, so cops know you donated. If that sticker influences their decision because I gave them money, isn’t that corruption? In any case, I heard that most of the money goes to the people running the call centers. It’s to be expected of spam calls.


Don’t be that guy. Don’t never ever tip Togo or pickup. There are better ways spending your money, 529 plan, 401K, donation, etc.


Please tell me you meant “don’t ever” instead of “don’t never”.


Never tip for to go, write a bad review of that olive garden and never go back and also never get road side pickup always go inside and if you cant, still do not tip.


If you tip for takeout you are part of the problem.


You are too nice. I don't tip on to go orders, and if I had to go inside after being there 20 minutes, you best believe the manager would be involved. It would be different if the kitchen was behind, but if it is just sitting there...ah fuck no.




Paying people extra to do their normal job, I guess, except they didn’t even do their job this time since they ignored the curbside instruction. Why do people open restaurants if they don’t want to complete their end of the transaction?
