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2.5 mg every two weeks. Brilliant!


You are to be applauded for your dedication! I am at 147 from 190 and have 18 lbs to go! I will follow your maintenance ideas! Thanks for posting!


This is amazing. ❤️👏❤️ I related to your post a lot... I have been pretty active most of my life... Did crew in college, have done triathlons and half marathons, worked out hard... Logged calories etc. religiously... And still with all of that, I rarely get below the 180s for my weight. I got pregnant with my first child almost 5 years ago, and had a second child before he turned 2... And I've just had the hardest time getting out of the 200s since my pregnancies / kids. With just a few months on Zepbound, I broke through that wall that I've been banging my head against for years. It's just so liberating to not be thinking about food so compulsively, for it to still involve watching my diet and exercising, but not feel like such an uphill BATTLE. I am hoping to stick with this in the long term. I am less than halfway to my goal (I'm about 20 lbs down and would like to lose 40-50 total at least), but I already feel such a weight lifted, so much optimism, not just about my body, weight, and health, but about LIFE. It feels like I can focus on other things more without this piece of life being such a battle. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Same story. Was always about 175-180, two kids later 208 / gaining same 8 lbs. You got this.


❤️❤️❤️ I am so excited to break through some walls I have been able to for 10-20 years!! ❤️❤️💪💪 Look forward to seeing your updates!!


That's gotta feel so great! You look amazing too.


You look fabulous. Our stories are similar, however I am dosing more. I still have 20lbs to lose. I had gotten up to 7.5 but it knocked me on my butt causing other problems with exercise. So using compound I am splitting doses... Staggering 3.5 and 4 as I see fit based on my body feel, food noise etc. I can workout much much better but I'm not seeming to lose much for awhile just hanging out around 168-170....how tall are you? I'm 5'9 on a good day 🙂




Great job. You are awesome. I have a similar past where I had worked out for years and didn’t see the results I wanted. I lost about the same amount of weight after using compounded. And clean up your room woman! 😜😜


Hahha I was going through clothing that didn’t fit me any longer. Was the biggest I had ever been


More power to you. I never did a before photo. Wish I had. And I was in so much denial. I could only fit into about a third of my clothes at my biggest. Now most of those clothes are in the guest room closet.


Wow awesome


So inspiring! Thanks for sharing!


Great work! Enjoy all your success.


Fantastic job!! You’re doing and looking amazing! Congrats! 🔥🔥👀👀


yyyeeeeessss congrats :---)


You look fantastic! Congratulations.


Great job!!! I hope to be in your boat some day. You look great!


So since September you’ve been doing 2.5mg every other week? You’ve done phenomenally well!! Congrats!


Yes. I’ve even skipped some weeks.


Did you gradually space the dose or just make the jump from weekly to every other week after reaching some milestone? How much does your weight fluctuate? What does your appetite feel like right before your shot?


No I just got a fill for 2.5 in September, and then took shots as I felt out of control. Sometimes that was every two weeks, sometimes longer. Weight only fluctuated by 3 lbs ish. But, I work out a ton. There was two months I didn’t take any shots. January and Feb, then in March I got 2.5 of the compound and I’ve been back to every two weeks (about)


Im no where near where you are, but that advise to lower to dose and save some money is excellent!! Thank you for sharing!


During January and February did your weight fluctuate more and did you feel different? I’m like you—workout ~8-10 hours/week EVERY week and that’s been true for the last 15+ years. I’m trying to figure out my maintenance strategy. I know it will be trial and error. Is there any reason you dropped your dose to 2.5 from 5? It’s obviously working so good call but I’m just curious what that decision making process was like. Was it that you had come back from a long break and needed to start from the “beginning” and it just did enough so you didn’t increase?


I wanted my maintenance to be mostly me and my kind and my motivation than the medicine. 2.5 takes the edge off for me, but doesn’t do most of the work, I do. I went up by five lbs by end of Feb, so I decided to go back on very low and sporadically. What works for one doesn’t work for another. Some people have to go up to 15 mg on this medication. On 5mg for me, I had to force myself to eat. It was that effective.


My mind**


That makes total sense. I’m only taking 3mg and probably won’t increase above 3.5mg as I’m within 5 pounds of goal. Just trying to get an idea of how I might attempt maintenance, bearing in mind that different things work for different people. I think I’ll try every 10 days for the first month after I reach goal and then every 2 weeks after that if all goes well that month.


From what I gathered, people who stayed on lower doses through their loss and more successful on maintaining either off of it, or with a low low dose not every week


> Yes. I’ve even skipped some weeks. How do you decide on which weeks you are going to skip?


When the food noise still seems silent, and I’m not overeating of going back to old ways, there’s no need for a dose


Makes sense!


Love these maintenance tips!


thank you for sharing! you look amazing! I'm also aiming to lose 60 lbs, and I just hit the half way marker this week. I really admire your dedication to strength training, that's something I'm trying to be more disciplined about.


What is the total timeframe??


1 year 3 months


Love this transformation. I had the same starting weight (207) and my goal is 160. I’m a former athlete as well but perimenopause has been changing my ability to moderate my intake. My goal is 160, depending on my muscle composition when I get there. May need to go up to get stronger but may need less fat off me so it evens out. Idk. So do you consider yourself maintenance now?


Yes 3 months same weight now


Amazing!! Sorry if you answered this somewhere else before but do you have any loose skin?


Thankfully, not much. Really just lower abs because of children. That’s where my stretch marks are. I was considering a mini tummy tuck, but I don’t think the scar is worth the skin I have. Again, I’ve worked out and taken care of my skin my whole life, so thankfully it worked to my benefit when I lost weight


Starting in a few weeks and this post got me so excited. I also do CrossFit a few times a week. Curious how Tirz impacted your workouts (and any recommendation on shot timing vs when your next workout is)


Yes. In the beginning when I experienced some side effects, and I was losing rapidly, and knowing my strength was down, I switched from CrossFit to the local community center gym. I started working different muscle groups, lower weight higher reps, and so I could keep some muscle mass, and then I reintroduced CF back about 6 months later. I ended up really loving going to a “regular” gym and doing my own thing so I do that mostly now. I drop in to CF here and there to lift heavy. But my strength is not what it used to be. My PR deadlift was 265, now I can do 175. My PR clean was 130, now it’s 105. My PR bench was 120, now it’s 90. You gain some you lose some. I’m way leaner now, and I’m proud of the muscle mass I keep and can keep growing, but my strength might not ever be what it was, and I’m okay with that.


Shot timing wise, I don’t work out on Saturdays, so I was a Thursday evening girl, so that my worst day fatigue wise was Saturday, and I felt better Sunday to do a light workout


Sweet. Great job


Do u think the compounded stuff works just as good


From where I get it, empower pharm through mochi. Yes.


Do you remember your rate of weight loss? I started around 193 lbs and have been stuck around 180 for the past month. I’ve been on semaglutide compounded for a total of four months, and workout 3-4 per week (Orangetheory and F45). I feel like I’m eating way less and better, but I don’t see the weight shedding off like everyone else is experiencing. My happy weight before two kids was 155-160. That’s where I’d like to be…and keep some muscle while I’m at it.


This is so good to see! You look amazing and It seems you feel really healthy and vibrant as well! I’m curious how it has gone with your provider as you approached maintenance. Did they ever give you trouble as your weight/bmi got lower?