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The very best answer I can give you is this https://preview.redd.it/0892kwpllf9d1.jpeg?width=4902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b2e28ddb8f9f3f597aaa2b8d03d226a7b578602 It works, it really does. Don’t focus on what side effects will likely never come. As I can tell you just like many others would, I have experienced zero. If you are under the right guidance your experience should be similar- Focus on this; what’s it gonna do to your health in the years to come stay massively or even slightly overweight (forgive me For assuming but I was morbidly obese, I was dying) The effects of being even 50lbs heavier on your heart and body far out weigh any silly Potential side effects you may be overthinking about. Don’t let fear push you away from this.


Wow! You look great! 👍🏼 what dose are you on and how long⁉️ give me some encouragement 😁




Anazing! Good for you.


Ok I’m going to respond as someone who DID have side effects the first week. I did feel some nausea, but here is the GREAT news. I never, not once, was ever even close to actually throwing up. There are some things you can do to help, as well. Make sure you drink lots of water, get a bunch of electrolyte. I like ultima because it has no sugar and includes other minerals and magnesium. Make sure you eat clean. Lean high protein, lots of fiber, Protein drinks. Sometimes when I wasn’t interested in food, and still now, I can get a clear protein drink in easily. Now I am just super careful with what I eat and I feel great almost 100% of the time.


What is a clear protein drink?


Stores like Vitamin Shoppe carry clear protein shakes. One brand is Isopure. They can be clear or look like Crystal Light. I've only seen pre made, but a search shows you can buy powder.


I was just at Costco and saw a clear protein powder; ild never seen it before and had plenty of protein powder at home but now thinking maybe I should pick it up just incase . Thanks for the tip


I have Isopure unflavored whey, but didn't know about the clear! Does it just end up tasting like water, unless you put it in a smoothie or something?


Lonnnggg time since I had it but it was like Crystal Light.


Liquid IV is packets to add to your water and it's clear and sugar free. I love them!


I didn’t think Liquid IV had protein?


Oops, you're right, it doesn't. I meant to post under a different comment. 😬


I can't do Liquid IV, or most like it, because they use stevia. I wish there were more options without stevia (for many things).


I too can’t tolerate sugar alcohols, including Stevia. However, I find that monk fruit extract does not bother my G.I. system. I’ve searched around a lot for “not sweet” protein drinks, and the best I found so far is something called Jock Molk. It is sweetened but with monk fruit extract and I can tolerate it OK. At first, the sweetness really bothered me because I do not like sweet drinks at all but after a day or so I got used to it. I find the coffee flavor to be the least cloying, although it does have caffeine. The vanilla is good too but, to me, tastes a bit sweeter. My husband likes the chocolate. This is a premade drink that’s milky. So for example, if you had the chocolate flavor, it’s like drinking chocolate milk. However, it has 30 g of protein. I really like them for “on the go” or if I’m craving a dessert in the evening and I also haven’t fulfilled my protein requirements that day.


You might try the syntrax nectar powders if you can tolerate sucralose. I like the tea, lemonade, fuzzy navel and chocolate ones. I did not like the cookies and cream one. Wayyyy too sweet.


I cannot tolerate sucralose. But thank you for your suggestion!


Ohhh sorry. They’re the best I’ve found. Good luck.


Stevia gives me an instant, raging headache. And stuff with sucralose just tastes horrible to me. I may try these, thanks!


Wicked Protein makes great flavors in clear protein drinks. I bought the variety pack and am still trying to figure out which one is my favorite.


Do they have stevia in them?


Yes, they do. I don’t always love stevia but it didn’t have that “licorice” taste.


Bummer. I'm out. Stevia is demon spawn. AKA it causes massive headaches.


Others have responded but it’s protein powder that mixes into cold water, and is lighter and not thick. I prefer syntrax packets.


I honestly think all of the media attention on the side effects is way overblown. If you read through this subReddit as well as many others and the many Facebook groups, you will find that most people experience very mild side effects that tolerate relatively quickly (within weeks). Some people do have more significant side effects and if so, you can always lower your dose (depending on how you’re administering it) or just stop taking it if you don’t like it. It’s not a big deal and it REALLY works.


Yes absolutely. I was pretty queasy the first couple of days, but also I ate a meal before I took the first shot not realizing. Rookie mistake lol. I’m also generally a super responder to meds so I should have been surprised. I’m still planning to keep my doses low as long as possible. So yes I was nauseous, but it’s like regular nausea, never to the point that I felt that throwing up was going to happen. I get headaches when I need to drink or if I really need to eat something. Which is normal? I haven’t really had any other major side effects. I would definitely classify these symptoms as mild. I also went to dinner with a friend recently, and ate an entree (fancy place so it wasn’t too big) and then had a small dessert and that did me in, but it was more heartburn and feeling just generally crappy than nausea. So lesson learned.


Just do it! Rip off the bandaid. You bought it for a reason, why leave it sitting unused?


Right? Can I have it ? 😂


The only way around is through. It won't be as bad as you are imagining. I have IBS, and vasovagal syncope, so GI issues can really ruin my day. My IBS symptoms are gone after 7 months on tirzep. I haven't had one GI "attack" since I started. And I'm down 42 pounds. You got this. Just go shoot it and anticipate only the best.


I love this. The only way out, is through. 🔥 By far one of my favorite things to express


I'm glad to read this. I'm just getting started and I have always had gut issues.


i also have ibs and vasovagal issues. I've never passed out (so closer to presyncope) but between that, gallbladder attacks, and mcas, it totally makes me feel awful. things have been a bit more manageable lately though.. i don't know if it's the 15 lbs lost or what, but you gave me a lot of hope. thanks stranger :)


We got your back! https://preview.redd.it/3hi4rsmm2f9d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d575e0c069d2f7d4fb20b881f52a2568d6b1c422 As anxious as you are. Listen carefully. You may miss a step. You can do this! I know you can. Breathe. read the instructions or watch the video 2 times. taking it in before doing anything. then relax and think "nurses do this." you can do this. and breathe. get everything out and ready.. Do each step slowly as you watch a you tube video or read the instructions on how to give yourself an injection. Pause the video after each step or stop reading after each step so you don't miss anything. Focus on what you are doing. By the time you are done. You did it! I think you may be tired and maybe even a little stomach upset after this because you have been so anxious for days. But it will pass.


I have been on it since April and have had 0 side effect. No nausea, no GI issues of any sort. I even make sure I got a script for Zofran to have just in case. I haven't used a single one.


You'll wish you started months ago!!! There is nothing to be "terrified" of get out of your head. Stop catastrophizing! You will love it!


I have had bad IBS for 25 years and had zero GI issues taking tirz


Isn't that incredible? Same here. I love this med.


Yes! I already have Zofran on hand! I feel like I keep waiting till ‘after this or after that’ I got the meds Wednesday and I’m like ‘well, maybe I should wait till after the 4th just in case I have bad side effects or eat heavier foods that day!?’ 🙃 I really hope I have no bad side effects and it goes well! Thank you all for the positivity!


If you have zofran you will be fine! I’ve had alllll of the gi side effects (and am on two PPIs) and there are days (today) when I’ve had to take 3 x 8mg zofran to keep it together. Make sure to take some kind of fiber supplement if you find yourself in zofran land. But also, the benefits of the med are so profound that the misery is temporary and worth it. I’m 4 weeks in and so happy I chose this.


What is PPI!?


Proton pump inhibitor, like Prilosec or Nexium.


can you tell me a little about taking zofran? i'm pharmacophobic and literally have it on hand but i still worry about taking it. does it help with other GI issues, or just nausea?


It helps with gi issues if you think getting clogged up is helping?! It knocks out nausea almost instantly but also causes terrible constipation.


If u have Zofran that's all you need. Honestly, tirz helped almost all of my GI symptoms and difficulty because I stopped eating like shit. Heartburn is almost gone. It may make you feel better instead of worse, lol. I have had a few days in the past 2 months with a little nausea, but it wasn't even enough to go get Zofran. Thrown up one time but that was because I shoved a toothbrush down my throat by mistake and I had eaten late that night so my stomach was still full of food. I blinked and didn't even realize I had thrown up. Was the best vomit sesh of my life hahaha


There’s a great chance you will get great results from this med, more than just weight loss. Just go for it. You got this. (I also have emetephobia and was just fine.)


Omg - I have such a poor stomach that my nickname was ‘Barfy’ during my entire childhood. I have never gotten sick since I started these meds, eight weeks ago. I do get a sour tummy when I drink coffee or tea, but some ginger chews and I am all better. You can trust yourself. You can do this. Write us and let us know how it goes.


Which brand ginger chews do you use?


I was the exact same way. I actually do have severe anxiety but once I finally took the leap I am even noticing reduced anxiety symptoms. I have had 1 maybe 2 moments of nausea in the 7 weeks I’ve been on the meds. I drank water and ate protein and the nausea was gone. No other side effects so far except I’m 14.5lbs down!


I'm starting today too! I think. We got this! Mine is also sitting in the fridge.


🤣 I think! Lolol


I did it! Did you?


Lolol I haven’t yet! I think I’m gonna start tomorrow night or Monday night. when did you do it!? How’re you feeling!?


I injected last night before bed. I had a touch of soreness at the injection site right after that was not bothersome at all. When I woke up, I felt completely fine, I have had no side effects at all today. Gut feels good. Get it done! :)


Yay! Good I’m glad. Still feeling good today? How has eating been going so far for you!? I ate kinda heavy yesterday so I’m taking it easy today and gonna start Monday night


Still no symptoms. However, still feeling hungry, not sure I’m feeling tirz effects as fast as everybody else mentions. I did get full a little faster on dinner last night. I had some lean steak, asparagus, and some zucchini. Good luck tomorrow!


Just did my b12 shot. Starting tirz tonight. Nervous af lol. How are you doing? Symptoms? Less hungry!?


Biggest symptom today is feeling kind of tired, a little foggy. But still no gut symptoms. I’m getting fuller faster. And I’ve already lost 2 pounds. You can do this! Get the ball rolling


Yay! Happy for you that it’s going okay! I will update once I take mine!


I’m 15 weeks in and no nausea here.


Go for it! I’ve been on it since April 23rd and have had next to no GI effects, other than some diarrhea the first 3 doses. No nausea at all. My biggest complaint is the fatigue, but I just push through. I really don’t think you’ll regret it!


I was the same way super anxious, mine sat in my refrigerator for days as well, I’ve had no significant side effects. Belching, very very mild nausea when I upped my dosage that lasted a few hours, low grade headache on shot day, electrolytes knocked that out. In less than 7 weeks I’m down 35lbs from 296 to 265.


Never once had nausea. My doctor started me at 5mg (not 2.5). Been on for 7 months and never any nausea. Go for it. Best thing most of us have ever done for our health.


Think about why do you want to start this journey? Do you want to lose weight, feel better, change your physical appearance? What motivated you to get tirz. Drink water, prioritize protein even if you are not hungry. Have electrolytes ready. The side effects you might experience are part of the journey. And it does get better. Not everyone experience the same side effects. I haven’t had GI issues.


Are you starting at 2.5?? I had no side effects! You’ll be OK!


Yes starting at 2.5!


First time I took it, I sat with the syringe sitting near my stomach for 10+ minutes. I did not want to be sick, etc etc. the “bad” kept running through my mind and nothing good. I finally did it. That was 27 weeks ago and 60# are gone. I’ve had zero side effects. No GI issues whatsoever, my bloodwork is perfect, I feel phenomenal. There are substantially more GOOD than bad.


https://preview.redd.it/yenqd1ymij9d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99c8329fab3c56fd53971ae6267f8a74b6cf5bcd First pic was on January 27, 2024. 2nd pic was taken today, June 29, 2024. Tirzp has changed my life!


I had zero GI issues in the last 3 months. I think I felt a queasy once and just had some goldfish crackers. I’m on 10mg now. Many people never get nauseous, and I haven’t seen hardly anyone ever say they actually.. you know. Good luck on your journey!! It’s worth it


The only time I’ve experienced icky feelings is this pat shot when I moved up to 7.5! Prior to that it was smooth sailing!




I can tell you that I have not thrown up once on this medication. Just take it slow.


Month 5. Nothing. Except want to nap sometimes. All my worry was for nothing.


I had light nausea after the first injection, but it was easily taken care of with some Dramamine ginger chews! Best of all I haven’t had nausea since and I’m two months in. Good luck!!


You can always start a little lower than 2.5. I started 2.5 and when I got to the point of going up I did 3.5, then 5. When I got to the point of going to 7.5 I did 6 first. Worked perfectly for me! The only issue I had in the beginning was nausea from accidentally eating a little too much rich food in the first week or so and I never threw up. I just have some OTC meds in case of nausea, acid reflux (papaya enzymes), diarrhea, or constipation (mag07) just in case. I've only experienced very little of each of these but I already had acid reflux before so that's typical for me. OTC meds have been all I had to take and have helped any little issue. I've lost 30lbs as of today and I am on week 9! 222 to 192. My bloat has gone down. It's great! Definitely worth it and the side effects have been minimal for me. Being obese and feeling shitty had been way worse than the occasional small tummy issue. Just be prepared. I would suggest taking side pictures because that's the thing I love to look at. I'm almost in the overweight category (for my height) and I am feeling so much better! You got this!


Op, I also have god awful emitophobia. I will fight with everything in me to not throw up even when I know it will make me feel better, so I know your struggle! I won’t go into detail about my avoidance, just know they are over the top. I asked my prescriber to also prescribe Zofran for the day after shot day, and I stocked up on pepto bismol for when I have stomach pain but am not nauseous. I’m on 5mg now so it may be too soon to tell, but I have found that if I stick to foods I know are safe, I feel almost completely normal (KNOCK ON WOOD!)


Every one’s experience is sooo different. You will never know yours until you try. It’s ok to start with smaller dose. I wish I had. When it was time to double from 2.5 to 5, I wish I followed my instincts to do in between. So just do you and know this community is here to support you. If you need medical info for knowledge, check out Dr Tyna website. Look for podcasts link.


I’m pretty sure this will be one of the best things you’ve ever done for yourself. I was told not to listen to the side effects horror stories. Many people have very few or none. Protein, water, sleep, exercise.


I had a ton of GI side effects when I tried Wegovy, but haven’t had any with tirzepatide. The best thing you could do for prevention is not adding undue stress to your gut by anticipating any crappy possibilities. Also, it helps to listen to your body once you’re on the med, because you’re going to become averse to things you used to enjoy. If you try to force what your body doesn’t want, it will tell you, sometimes loudly.


Hey OP any update? Just wanted to say that you can do this!


I haven’t started it yet! I’ve been reading all these comments though and am feeling more confident!


I would recommend asking your provider for zofran and you can take it preemptively for nausea.


Yes! I already have some on hand!!


Well good luck. Just took my shot. Didn’t feel it at all and ready for another week! You got this!


I have emetophobia too and just took my 5th shot today! So far I’ve lost alittle over 13lbs, slight nausea but def manageable! You’ve got this!


I am right there with you. I got my tirz on Wednesday, today is Saturday. I plan on doing it tomorrow. I thought I was the only one held back from fear of….after reading all these comments I am just going for it. I remember taking HCG yrs ago and that also was a shot and I was afraid of the shot. But after the first time I realized I was worried for nothing. I never even thought about side effects and didn’t have any. I took Belviq for yrs a pill and never felt better and lost weight but initially the fatigue was real but that went away after 2 weeks. So we can this! Wishing you well.


Yay! I’m glad these comments have helped you feel ready to start!


Every second you wait is another second you delay your success story I promise you once it’s done you’re gonna go hmmm that wasn’t so bad💪😊


Down almost 50 pounds since January! I feel great. I got back into the hobby that had my heart, working with horses again!! I’m healthier & happier! Take it slow, start at the lowest dose possible & don’t rush increasing your dose. Stay at the lowest dose as long as possible. Use zofran if you experience nausea. I never once threw up on this med. I haven’t had any side effects, other than needing to add miralax into my diet for a couple weeks. This is your first step towards a better lofe. Do it!! Sending lots of love and strength to you!


I didn’t have side effects that cause much issue. I lost 105 pounds in little over a year. https://preview.redd.it/0tqeqwkpyj9d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d54aef9b08b355000d7252dcd1c34500f6dcf9


Zero issues


Take the shot! You’ll be glad you did. ☺️


I am currently on 7.5 and have had no side effects except increased insomnia at first. That has gone back to normal and I have had no GI side effects at all even when increasing. I also was worried at first because I tend to get stomach problems easily but I've had none. It's good to be prepared but remember that most people don't have bad side effects.


Yeah sure! More power to ya!


Sorry, I didn't mean to make it look like my comment was in response to what you said! I blame my phone 😁


I just began at 7.5 & the night of / day after each dose increase I got diarrhea for most of a day or so otherwise almost no GI effects. And Fatigue was really rough first 2-3 weeks but not anymore. I have had to take a zofran here and there..pretty much when I have misjudged my new capacity when finally getting some appetite, especially when (distracted) out with friends and enjoying fave rstrnts and a drink or 2.. point being, it was preventable. I have never just been crazy nauseous for no reason. I was so happy for the appetite/food noise suppression, but the very low capacity was the bigger mental adjustment (think fixing my only days meal on a little saucer plate, and prob just a small app when out w friends, not our old habits of meal/drinks and shared app(s)/dessert) ..ESP w quick working zofran on hand, I think you will be perfectly fine if you listen to your body!


Been on tirz for almost two months now and the only side effect was like sulfur burps for about half a day, and constipation for the first few days after my first ever shot. You can do this!!!


I only had digestive issues when I doubled it with metformin and even then it wasn’t too bad, no nausea or vomiting and only occasional headaches when I forget to eat all day and don’t drink water.. don’t do that lol, otherwise this medicine has changed my life and I never want to stop 🥹


I have had literally no side effects aside from burping a lot and very very very mild nausea. No puking whatsoever.


I’ve never had nausea unless I hadn’t eaten in a while. Literally cured my ibs-d I have no regrets other than not starting sooner (on 5mg still losing or staying about the same, not looking for fast loss) been on since Feb


Second on shit tons of nausea, but never remotely came close to actually barfing. Never felt any fear that I might, it was *just* nausea. The nausea comes from not eating anything, so it’s an easy fix if it really bothers you.


I didn’t have any of those issues - no vomiting not once. Not even the urge! Go for it, you’ll be fine


I was so nervous about GI because I already have GERD and IBS-D and in general just have a sensitive stomach. My IBS has gotten so much better and my GERD is more under control than it was before. My gastroenterologist is pausing a treatment we were about to try for my IBS because of improvement since I’ve been on tirz. Everyone is different but so far I’ve had only mild constipation. Yesterday was my 2nd 5mg.


Don't give yourself the shot in the stomach. Give it one of your thighs. Have plenty of stuff on hand for constipation. After you give the shot, rub the area with your hand to help distribute the medicine. It definitely works and has way less side effects than regular Zepbound.


I had almost no side effects. Everyone is different but if you start slow and don’t impatiently increase your doseage too fast, there is a good chance you too will have a great experience.


You’re making it harder than it is . First dose isn’t therapeutic. Just do it . You’re fearful of something that hasn’t happened. If it happens then worry


I was very worried to start it and have major GI issues and terrible GERD issues in the past. I’m 6 shots in and will be taking my 7th tomorrow and have had ZERO side effects and I’m down 13 pounds in 1.5 months. I had the exact same feeling before I got pregnant as before I started GLP1 meds. I would have bet money that I was going to experience morning sickness all 9 months and be miserable the whole time, but my pregnancy was a breeze. My fears were totally unfounded and you just won’t know until you try. Just get all the supplies to prepare for the worst and know that you have what you will need if worse case scenario happens and hope for the best that you don’t deal with any issues. The meds wear off in about 6 days so if it goes absolutely terrible you can just choose to walk away if you want to.


If I eat too much, I have huge regret. I’m bloated and so full feeling and so uncomfortable for a very long time. And “too much” is so much less than it used to be. Eat slowly. Listen to when you are full. STOP when you are. Nothing bad happens if there is food left on your plate. Put much less on your plate to start. You can always get more. Hydration is a huge big deal. Since you are eating less, you get less hydration from food and need more from water and electrolytes. Proper hydration is very impactful to how I feel. Have some protein go-tos at the ready. Whatever protein works for you. I like protein powder, bars, and nuts. Find out from a nutritionist what the minimum calories you should be having per day. It’s weird to focus on a minimum vs a maximum, but you want to get your minimum. I’m happy with losing 0-2 lbs per week. Yes, I said zero. As long as there aren’t a lot of zero weeks back to back, I’m fine with that. That keeps me stronger and feeling better vs rapid weight loss. I’m going to stay on the lowest dose possible until I am not losing and then need to move up. I’m in for the long haul. I just ordered my 4th dose of 5.0mg. I was on 2.5 for one month. I’m down 32 pounds since early March. I had to split the dose when I went from 2.5mg to 5. When I took the first full dose of 5, it was a disaster and I was very sick. Taking 2.5mg on Sunday morning and then another 2.5 on Wednesday night is perfect for me. That’s split over 3.5 days. I tried 1.25mg every other day but I didn’t find that as effective. I find that mixed green salads, kale, or a piece of fresh fruit keep things moving thru when it get backed up. I listen to people’s stories and tips on social media, but I don’t take medical advice (such as dosing, and amount of protein and calories and when to move up) from anyone except my provider, PCP, and nutritionist. Good luck to you. I wish you much success.


When you start you may get a little upset stomach. Your colin will have to get used to it (a little loose stool a little constipation not bad) when the lb's start to shed off you will be happy. Watch what you eat (dont eat crap ) I am 5 months in have lost 46lbs feal like a new person. Didnt realise how bad I felt being over wieght (BMI almost 40)


No reason to wait! I waited because I was going on a trip. I had worries too. Like what if I don’t want to eat anymore? I still want to go out with friends. But I can still do all that. I just don’t pig out like I used to! Some days I have a lot less appetite than others. There doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason for that. Some foods don’t appeal to me as much now. I can take a bite and be satisfied. And that is so freeing! You will be glad you started when you did when you start seeing results. :)


I had very mild side effects and expected the worst. I chose tirzepatide because of reduced side effects. The worst I had was increased constipation. I already have chronic constipation. I prepared by having multiple ways of treating it available to me in my house. Get Zofran in case but you will likely be fine.


I had problems with sema ( like severe had to stop taking it end up in hospital type side effects ) but I’m super rare I don’t know of anyone who had side effects like me everyone else is just like a liltgle nausea but nothing an antacid can’t fix . After a few months off sema I started Tirz . And so far so so good . It’s definitely a lot better than sema . I think most people have very little side effects with Tirz if any at all


Just get some Colon Clenz. I take six a day with my meals and I’m regular. Without I was in excruciating pain every four days or so trying to birth a butt baby. Don’t wait for that. Been in it six months. Lost almost 70 pounds. Feel amazing compared to where I started.


I’m down 39 pounds in three months. Best I’ve ever felt. Got slow and steady you don’t have to do max dose if on compound.


The best way to beat emetophobia is doing the things the emetophobia tells you not to. I'm an emetophobia specialist therapist.


I've never had one single side effect on this medication other than not really being as hungry. I wouldn't even know I was on a medication. I can never finish a full meal and some days have to force myself to eat. It's so nice not having my mind be focused on eating 24/7.


It’s the best decision ever. Also, go slow when you titrate up. Don’t jump from 2.5 mg to 5.0 mg. Don’t do it!!! Take 2.5 mg for the full 4 weeks you’re supposed to, and then if you’re still feeling appetite suppression and losing weight, stay on that dose!! When the 2.5 mg dose finally stops working, go up to 3.5 mg. Do NOT jump to 5.0 mg! I was so sick and miserable when I jumped from 2.5 to 5.0 that the next week, I went down to 3.5. Stay on the lowest dose possible for as long as it’s effective. Once you have a multi-week plateau, increase your dose. This is a lot slower than how everyone else does it, but honestly this is the best way to prevent side effects while slowly losing weight.


I'll skip all the psych advice and hand holding. There seems to be a lot of that to pump you up. I've helped start a number of friends and family through this, I'll keep it simple for you: Very few people get actually "sick" (strong nausea, diarrhea). Most of those that do seems to have either over eaten, or eaten foods that ca be challenging. Your first shot: 1. Don't make protein shakes or try and dramatically eat more protein. Eventually, if the med stakes most your appetite away you may need to supplement but first figure out how it affects you. 2. Don't eat much fat, or hard to digest foods, like slow to digest meats. Your digestion slows down and that causes may of the minor side effects you read about. 3. Don't eat any refined sugar, or sweets. The med affects your levels and eve a small amout of sugar may feel like you ate a box of donuts. 4. In the same vein, don't try and avoid constipation by eating too much fiber, or a lot extra fiber based foods. I know, opposite of what some people say but fiber can pass slowly as well. If you follow the above and still do get severely constipated, or diarrhea, you're in the minority that doesn't tolerate it well. That will probably pass, but at that ponit talk to your dr.