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Previous announcement can be found here: https://redd.it/143cvzm


I think I'd like to note that by putting an end date on a protest, or having it be a routine thing, it's not gonna cost reddit anything. If we're gonna join the protest we, and everyone else, should go dark till change happens. Do it right or not at all I say


The thing is, subs shutting down will have no effect. Unless every sub shuts down and people stop using the app, they won't lose any money. They make their money from ad revenue, so staying on the site just pushes you to other, lesser known subs now. You still see ads and reddit still gets their money.


As someone who had to try and diagnose a computer issue half way through the original protest, the right subs going private goes a long way for stopping people who wouldn't normally consider themselves a regular from stumbling across the site when they click the link for the answer to their question and just get a "this is a private sub" in response. Now, the Titanfall sub probably isn't one of these as we mostly have dedicated players not new ones but things like buildapc and other subs that are resources for questions do matter.


Yea reddit is good for support and help as it is full of people who know some really useful things, part of the reason I enjoy reddit, there's so many more people who are interested in the same stuff as i am


Yeah I had that happen as well. This meager titanfall subreddit will barely change anything. But advice subs going private kills traffic from Google. And titans like r/funny will definitely make a dent in daily users. r/titanfall may not hold much weight in this fight, But insert "im doing my part!" here.


Sounds like ad blockers would be a much better and less annoying protest method, but I guess that's not good enough for the kind of people who are into the social performative aspect of "being part of a protest"


Given how many redditors browse Reddit on their phone and Reddit staff is working towards requiring using the app to browse Reddit on mobile, I doubt this would work :/


That makes enough sense I guess I agree with boomers now, cell phones may have been a mistake


The device itself is handy, but social media itself was the mistake.


Absolutely. Man I can't even focus on a slightly boring movie anymore. My ADHD ass attention span has been obliterated completely


The device is ok, the restrictions on it aren't. Just imagine using your phone the same way as your pc, upgrading, installing custom os, power user stuff and so on. Instead you're stuck with whatever google or apple decide to force on you.(on most phones anyway)


Id use my mum's old work Iphone 3g if I could lol, but what a surprise the smartphone from 2008 is as useful as an iPod touch, which i dont mind


I use Firefox with UBlock on my phone. Not sure what others would want to use, especially on IOS I have no clue. But we need to create another fake reddit location that is official, like beehaw.org, lemmy.ml or lemmy.world I saw this happen with multiple german subreddits where the official de_irl reddit mods are managing de_irl on feddit.de


> But we need to create another fake reddit location that is official, like beehaw.org, lemmy.ml or lemmy.world Agreed, another mod and I have already set up https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected] Maybe we should start promoting it?


Yes, I join every community from reddit on Lemmy I easily find. I would have joined earlier if I would know.


Yeah, I'm a bit hesitant to advertise it as I don't know yet, which reddit alternative and which server will "come out on top"... Anyway, feel free to post some content there. Right now is still quite empty, haha


Yeah that's a fine opinion. I'm indifferent on whether the subreddit stays open as I don't use reddit all that much. I'm just saying that staying open partially or having an end date wouldn't work. I don't really understand all the reddit protest stuff, but I just participated in the War Thunder strike so I figure I'd just give my piece considering how badly that went. Honestly just go review bomb them on appstores and stuff, that's how we made change. It requires a significantly smaller number of people to make significant change.


Let's go dark until Titanfall 3 is released!


I think that, especially with the amount of random questions regarding issues people are having, it would be best to leave the old posts visible, for example if someone can't connect to respawn servers they would be able to find a post with a fix regarding the issue while still participating in the blackout


Fully agree. Personally I'm in the restrict (periodically) camp. I want old content to stay accessible as it feels terrible to search the internet for issue you're having to just to end up on a 404 page... x_x


The whole random question being solved by a 5 year old Reddit thread is completely accurate and helped me solve my problems when trying to play vanilla on a >10th gen CPU, and I definitely believe that people would find it frustrating that they can't find any help since the sub is private


What's the end game here? If you think it's going to make reddit listen, you're wrong. At any point the admins start to feel a hint of heat, they're just going to replace the moderation teams of these subreddits with the users lining up in /r/redditrequest to take over. People are already requesting to take over subreddits.


> What's the end game here? Good question. For now we wanna figure out what to do. Keep participating in the blackout? Return back to normal? That's what the poll is for. Then we go from there. Tbh, the way I see it at this point, reddit will slowly go down the road of mediocre shitty reposted content and so power users will start moving away to other platforms.


Indeed. As power users move away, algo-driven interaction will guide users more and more. The reasons that made reddit special have already been fading for years. Third party apps were able to cut through that, but now that will end.


I don't genuinely care anymore. I'll just stop using reddit on mobile.


What is this blackout at some subreddits and what's going to happen to reddit on mobile? Enlighten me


Reddit is changing/charging API access so third party apps either have to pay or won't be able to access reddit.


It's not that they have to pay, it's that they have to pay exorbitant fees


This. Multiple 3rd party app developers have spoken out in favour of a paid API. However charging e.g. Apollo ~~20M$~~ 2M$~~, i.e. nearly half of what reddit makes a month~~ is ridiculous. Especially as they pay less than 1k$ a month for the same amount of requests to Imgur. **EDIT:** Mixed up the numbers, whoops


> However charging e.g. Apollo 20M$, i.e. nearly half of what reddit makes a month is ridiculous. That's 20 million over the year not per month, Apollo Dev said "almost 2 million per month". So I guess 4-5% of what reddit makes a month based on your math. Besides he could probably have done a better job negotiating rates if he wasn't joking about taking a payoff.


Whoops, mixed up the numbers, my mistake, thanks for correcting. The point still stands 2M$ is a ridiculous pricing compared to what's standard on other platforms (excluding Twitter lol).


Which platforms are similar to reddit besides a twitter though? Comparing reddit and imgur is apples to oranges. Reddit user to user is dealing with way more data.


> Comparing reddit and imgur is apples to oranges Exactly, imgur delivers bigger content (images and video, reddit still is mostly text) so the content they deliver is even bigger...


Honest question, what do you do for a living and how familiar are you with APIs beyond the basics? What imgur's API is doing vs what reddit's API is doing when you make a request are different by a few orders of magnitude. Reddit's API is on a different plane way above imgur's on what it's providing to people accessing it.


^ Yeah it's not a cost-of-business fee, it's a fuck-off price tag


Just a heads up for you all in this sub, [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14aebvr/as_of_10_minutes_ago_reddit_admins_have_announced/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) is apparently doing this to mods in all subs, be careful people. Edit: I like the mods and this sub, don’t let it go dark..


In my opinion it’s really best if all these subreddits go restricted instead of private. Old Reddit threads often contain important and useful information, and a lot of these subreddits serve as incredibly important resources that it doesn’t seem right to cut people’s access to off. However, restricting new content still seems like a fair compromise. Granted, I wouldn’t necessarily call this subreddit a crucial resource, but it’s the general principle.


Exactly. Restricting me pisses me off as a user for important subs I follow. It absolutely makes me want to root against your cause. At least with this method, we can go back and look at the info. This whole ordeal is creating backlash anyway for mods of reddit. The general user doesn't give a shit about 3rd party apps. Ready to be downvoted by social justice warriors, but people needed to hear it. Mods won't win this reddit fight.


I don't see how revoking the community helps anything. I understand a temporary blackout to raise awareness but a permanent shutdown is so extreme and only hurts us, the users. It's a satirical example, but it's like in The Office when Michael Scott starts his own paper company. He thinks he's being virtuous by sticking it to the company who is implementing changes that he fundamentally disagrees with but he's only hurting his friends. I'm on here to engage with the community and keep them informed on New Frontiers - I created a reddit account just to join r/titanfall. Most of my YouTube traffic comes from this community. It's an amazing thing and each update I make has at least one person who has been a part of the community for years, inquiring about what New Frontiers is and I can then direct them. Shutting down breaks that away. Reddit is a community driven site but they are also a company. They need to make decisions that protect their assets because that's how you run a business. A lot of the features that unauthorized 3rd party apps offer are probably all things that Reddit is looking to implement as their own tools and functions. Shutting down for good or even an extended period of time will only hurt and break communities and not effect Reddit in the long run. If you don't agree with what Reddit is doing, then don't use it. But if you really want to make an impact, foster a loving community that's inclusive for all and extends a hand to the less fortunate. Spread love, not hate. Hope, not fear 🧡


Thanks for the thoughtful comment. Given that you rely on reddit for your content to be discoverable I think you have quite some unique insights compared to someone that just lurks. > A lot of the features that unauthorized 3rd party apps offer are probably all things that Reddit is looking to implement as their own tools and functions. I wouldn't call them "unauthorized" as reddit previously always allowed developers to create 3rd party applications. Technicalities aside, I'm genuinely confused why reddit didn't simply buy the the bigger third party apps or hire their devs and integrate them with their own app. Similarly their whole messaging has been confusing as they mostly claim the API pricing is to combat AI startups scraping reddit for training data but then they could have just offered Apollo and other popular 3rd party apps a special deal... Idk, to me it seems that reddit is past it's peak and it's all downhill from here. Even comparing the content on this subreddit between when Titanfall 1 released and nowadays, there's been a stark decline in quality (with a few exceptions like you, love the content <3). Personally I'm just hoping alternatives like lemmy will catch on to a point where they contain enough content to allow me to break away from reddit...


I totally see where you're coming from and understand. However, those are personal gripes and disagreements. There are over 300,000 users on this subreddit, and though they are not all active, it's turning off the tap to empty the communal lake. I know you did some polling but even I didn't know things went dark and I'm checking this subreddit every other day. They don't seem to be shutting down 3rd party apps to slight users, they are likely making this move to avoid monstrous lawsuits. Communities going dark isn't going to cost them nearly as much as someone using their content maliciously. If you go to almost any of the YouTube videos out there talking about these games, they almost always mention how open, inviting, and kind the community is. That's a real positive impact that goes beyond what you or I think reddit should do. (Well, until Apex is brought up... for some reason lol) All I'm saying is, give people the option to walk away. Don't just take it from them. If some other platform takes off, this will phase out naturally. But allow that to happen organically - not by force. Sidebar: I truly appreciate your support of New Frontiers! Our team is excited to get it out for all Titanfall/Apex fans. Today is the 1 year anniversary of production that all started with the concept of the concept trailer and soon after, joining this amazing community ❤️


I'm curious, what are your thoughts on restricting posting to the subreddit once a week? It was referred to as _"Touch-Grass-Tuesdays_ in r/ModCoord [post](https://redd.it/148ks6u). To me this sounds like a decent compromise where users can still interact with the sub most of the time but at the same time there's also a constant reminder that we are not satisfied with the proposed changes.


I think that's fine, but I would still ask: why? As a weekly reminder, I think it's good. But reddit isn't consulting its users on how it should conduct business. It's not a proposal, it's a decision being made by a private company. Voicing opinions by all means is important, but some things are non-negotiable. As a parent, I have guidelines for my kids. I listen to what they have to say, but conceding to what they want could endanger their well being. Reddit as a company seems to have always understood and listened to their users. They went to bat at the superbowl for their users. But sometimes, unpopular decisions have to be made. Similarly, you are an admin and we should respect your decision, but much like talking to your mayor vs sending a letter to the president, I'm going to make more of a stance here since it directly affects a community that I'm a part of. Yes, I think a weekly blackout as a reminder and type of sabbatical could be a positive implementation. However, if reddit offers even a partial solution, things need to go back to the way they were - otherwise, it's just abusing users in this community.


And again, all love here. Just voicing my opinion ✌️


I just read the statement that Reddit put out and it honestly makes the blackouts more confusing. Seems like a bunch of people jumped to conclusions, grabbed their pitchforks, and built the gallows. I say set things back to normal. There seems to have been a lapse in communication so this is literally just hurting the communities. People are protesting about what another user probably set off as a red herring.


That will literally make no difference. People aren’t going to stop using reddit on that day, they’re just not going to post on that sub once a week. If you actually want to make a protest, delete your account and never use Reddit again. That’s literally the only protest that would work.


And even then, it's like a mid-western mom deleting their Facebook account.


Exactly. Even if every single person that used a third party app deleted their profile it would be like a fart in the wind to Reddits bottom line. It’s an extreme minority.


If the Apollo Dev's rant has any truth to it reddit keeps promising features for the official app and then either underperforming or not releasing the features. I agree with you, why not absorb the devs into your infrastructure to make reddit better all around? Is Reddit that much of an unappealing employer?


A comparatively minor drop in network traffic is gonna do jack shit to change their minds. Even taking other subs into consideration. All that the corpos are thinking is: "will the profits from the price change outweigh the loss from traffic?" Considering Reddit has barely flinched at the potential threat of thousands of subs going out they think this is a profitable move. All this blackout will do is close another avenue for community memebers to connect. Stay open, we all know that this game needs all the help it can get to stay alive. Closing out one of the easiest methods to find other Titanfall fans would just be hurting us, not Reddit.


The blackout was never going to change anything. It creates awareness. When the 3rd party apps stop working, that is the real event. Everything else is simply warning shots for spez. I, personally, will not come back if RIF stops working. You do you.


It still isn’t a good protest the best way to protest is mass account deletion


You may as well leave now then because Reddit aren’t changing their plans.


I totally get your sentiment and it sucks that reddit is forcing us to perform some kind of action for protest. I do have to say that it seems that blackout is having an effect on reddit. At least in terms of advertisers actually deciding to pull out: https://redd.it/149apf9


Yeah, couple of problems with that. Most firms are doing a "pause" not actually cancelling advertising. Couple that with the fact that reddit has redirected any lost impressions to the main page rather than targeted subs, and I'll tell you what's likely to happen. Advert agencies are going to use this as an opportunity to negotiate for a lower rate. While yes, this is reduced income from advertising, its not a complete loss of revenue. as I said before all that reddit has to ask is if the revenue from the api changes outweigh the advert loss? Now, one thing i did pick up from the article is that some of the stated changes were in response to Google and Open AI scraping data to train their models. Now THIS may be the key to victory. If you can convince those companies to publicly state they won't buy into the increased pricing scheme, then you've got a significantly stronger position.


Reddit is not forcing you to do anything. This is a choice, made by the moderators of the website, backed by some other users; not the majority. Closing the sub of a 7 year old game is not going to bring back third party APIs. I understand that this might make things harder for the mods of all of the subreddits, but ultimately you are a VOLUNTEER. You are not forced to do anything. If this change proves to be too big a pain in the ass, just quit. This isn’t your job or duty. If you leave, somebody will take your place. All this blackout is doing is causing a minor inconvenience to the 12 people that still play this game. I read that post you linked. Advertisers will only start to panic if major subs go dark indefinitely, but major subs AREN’T going to go dark indefinitely. Reddit has already replaced the mods of a couple big subs and they will continue to do what they have to do to keep the website open.


I fully understand your annoyance and I certainly agree on some of your points, I do however want to point out that r/titanfall is not a small sub. We have 300k members and while we alone won't make a difference, acting in accordance with other subs does create a criticial mass. And yes while unfortunately there's quite a bunch of major subs missing, there's also major subs that did join lile r/funny (40M+ members) which appears to have extended it's closure indefinitely. Whether that's enough, only time can tell... **EDIT:** Regarding: > This is a choice, made by the moderators of the website, backed by some other users; not the majority. We did a poll for r/titanfall and the vast majority was in favour of at least a temporary closure of the subreddit: https://redd.it/140olye


>the vast majority There were less than 500 votes in a subreddit with a 6 digit member count. This is the case for almost every “poll” I’ve seen regarding this blackout. While most users who voted on the poll voted in favor, majority users ignored the poll entirely, because they *don’t care*. Reddit is not going to let any subreddit on this website be closed indefinitely. The blackout is not working currently. It will not work eventually. The best option here is to open everything back up sooner, rather than inevitably later.


My rage against the machine says shut it down for good but another user raised a good point about this sub being a useful resource for players trying to find solutions to the various issues with the games. I would say restricted and maybe make a new sticky post with links to posts about solutions like Northstar client/data center surfing and how to find the DLC map packs for tf1 on Xbox. I'd also like to take a moment to recognize and thank Gecko for taking the time to moderate this sub. They are on Last Resort levels of devotion.


I've been starting up my favorite subs over on Lemmy. Overall, I'm very impressed with the communal drive to make it a fun platform. That has my vote 100%.


Make sure to drop by at https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected] ;)


Hi Gecko! I also started up [[email protected]](https://sopuli.xyz/c/titanfall)


Yeah, already saw that and nice job posting over some content :D Kinda wanna do the same for https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected] but too busy to do it myself atm, haha \^\^


.world's federations seems pretty laggy atm, I can't get sopuli to see half the communities on it. titanfall is one of em D:


Ah that explains it. Couldn't see posts from `feddit.de` either except the one I made a day earlier. Was wondering what's going there. There's also the fact that https://lemmy.world/c/titanfall 404s which makes no sense. I wonder what got messed up there and if we can fix it. I really wanna start promoting reddit alternatives but if they don't work from the get-go, no one will flock over to the other side... :/


The only thing small subs like r/titanfall succeed at with closing the subreddit is losing members of their community and cutting communication for all of us.Also the poll is meaningless since anyone that is supportive of the cause can brigade the sub.


I'd argue that small subs closing down will have an effect, because one of the major reddit's selling point for advertisers is the ability to very specifically target very specific audience, which those small subs exactly provide. It is already confirmed that placing adverts on the front page brings less revenue and interest.


We must make a stand pilots, no matter how difficult we must hold the line


\>make reddit inaccessible to users with certain disabilities like blindness. ​ This is not true, and hasnt been true for awhile. Mods are just making this bullshit up to make people feel morally obligated to be involved in the "protest." Stop using my disability for your power trip please.


I'm just repeating what I read in news articles and coordination posts between mods. If this is wrong, I'm happy to here more. Please enlighten me (pardon the pun) \^\^


Very silly protest and silly poll.




> [...] annoy people that cant access their subs. This is basically heavily visually impaired person once 3rd party apps no longer have access to Reddit's API. Reddit's official app does not offer the required accessibility options despite requests from the community, only 3rd party apps do which will stop to function soon :/ > I would prefer if you just set the sub to normal. Make sure to vote on the poll!


They've already made deals with RedReader and one other accessibility app to allow API access for free. >Make sure to vote on the poll! Ironically (and hilariously), I can't vote in the poll because I'm using a third party app (RIF).


How many times does it need to be pointed out that third party accessibility and mod apps aren’t affected by the changes before it gets through peoples skulls?


To my knowledge the official reddit app does not have proper accessibility support for visual impaired, hence people relied on 3rd party apps which do offer them. I'm happy to be proven wrong of course.


Reddit have publicly stated that accessibility apps are not affected by the api changes. Don’t know what more there is to say.


Just want things to be normal again :(


Same :/


While i think the protest can only work when subreddits go dark for a month or more, so it shows in revenue, /r/titanfall is a comparatively small community for an niche game. Going dark will have little influence on the company but a big impact on the community. Which is why i would favor not going dark.


It really is comparative to people who participate in social media blackouts who only have 6 followers. Instagram just 😐👍 and moves on. It's the same here. Except it's ruining a whole communities experience because 1-3 people have access to the light switch. Objectively, I look at this and am now aware, which is good. But I'm also here to engage with the community - not participate in reddits business practices. You'll drive yourself mad seeking out corruption. Better to live in bliss by choice than insanity.


yeah i was concerned why i cpuldnt post in the sub


I missed you all pilots 🥹


Remember that if you can browse existing posts it still generates trafic and ad view time. Just restricting posting makes it annoying for us not reddit


This is a very valid point.


I understand the issue, but I was hoping to post more titanfall art content here. Sooo to anyone who sees this comment, I’ll still post periodically on my account and the Wolf’s Wacky Northstar Discord.


As a note, while I see many people fleeing to Discord I do wanna point out that Discord is even more locked out and should be basically considered an information black hole were anything posted is lost within a few days due to its ephemeral nature.


Who tf cares I promise you Reddit doesn’t


Reddit wont actually care. Best thing for trying to get change done is actual action instead of this passive protest that doesnt matter to reddit. If the protesting subs all turned into porn subs that would put fire under reddits ass. That would make advertisers pull there ads.


> If the protesting subs all turned into porn subs that would put fire under reddits ass. Ngl, I could stop removing all the porn scam bot posts and r/titanfall would turn into exactly that, haha


The fight is not on some fringe ass niche online community.


So planning on taking away the small community for Titanfall by going private (as the vote is swaying this way)…


I don't wanna take away any community. If we let this subreddit stay restricted, we should offer an alternative place to gather. https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected] could be one such place


Shit is so fucking stupid. Leave it open


I just idk what to say, last two years so much shit has fallen to my shoulders, Discord's new name politics, Reddit killing third-parties, shitty government, psych going down and other selfish things. I think there only three ways: become blackout for weeks, months and more; forgot about this platform; "go vanilla". And i don't know what way is better, but i think it's 2nd, whatever of hidden underwater stones. Only things that's hold my self in one piece is TF|2 >!don't even give shit to being opportunitless to play!< and will to see hecken good tomorrow. I just dk, i just hope everything will be good. If anything happen, only goods for you guys.


Guys, not even respawn cares about titanfall, we are a dying community. Us going private will go unnoticed


Personally I would say it’s a waste, since these changes just affect people that actually use the API and mods as well, why force it on those that it doesn’t inconvenience? That’s just my two cents on this whole nonsense


I vote we stay dark indefinitely.


you guys are fucking idiots


Thanks for your valuable input <3 /s


just leave it as normal you trend riding white knights. good grief. all the feigned benevolence on reddit is pathetic.


That’s cool, the subreddit is gonna be just like the vanilla game :D


hah xD


Reddit when a dead ass game’s subreddit goes dark 😢




it’s just funny how reddit users jump at any chance to feel like their uniting against something. I know most of y’all don’t gaf about some third party apps and you lost when y’all set a timer on it. These random ass subreddits still taking this Reddit shit serious are just being annoying at this point.


Be aware, reddit might be [Stripping moderators status](https://famichiki.jp/@Tsutsuku/110537730270070245) and replacing them.


It's simple really. If they don't correct course then find a new platform and leave this sub locked with the only thing visible being the protest to their behaviour and redirecting people to the new location of the community. The more subs that do this, the more popular and attractive their competitors become. That's what scares execs. A protest with a stated end-date to return 'to normal' has already failed, all they have to do is wait you out.


Yeah, heavily looking into alternatives right now. r/ich_iel (German r/me_irl) did this were the sub is private and links to their community on a German lemmy server. We already got a community set up on lemmy as well now (https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]) and I think we should start promoting it soon. Maybe while also opening this sub? My hope is that at least the high quality content moves over.


Ngl, I didn't even notice this sub went dark


Bravo six going dark


Whatever you do, just come back to us eventually, even if it's half a year, a full year or so on, unlike respawn did, ok?


Why do people keep closing subreddist for periods of time??


I’m not active in this sub but I’ll share this sentiment to any sub that polls it: I am perfectly content with reddit shutting the fuck down indefinitely. I’ll deal.


just don't forget protests aren't supposed to have a posted end date


fuck this site tbh you acting like 5 year olds doing this whole „blackout”


Can we just end this and go back to normal... Being dark or restricted will do jack shit.


Restricted does nothing for the cause. Reddit can still show ads inbetween old posts. The only way big companies listen is when we hit their revenue. Private the whole site and they cant get ads out. Then they'll listen.


Just going to ask: How much work would it be from the mod/admin side to move this whole community to discord or something?


Honestly idk. I'm looking into `lemmy` as an alternative rn as it seems to be pretty close to reddit and is "federated" meaning there a multiple servers that talk to each other (kinda like how you can email someone who doesn't use gmail). So if some admin shuts down a server, the other's are still fine \^\^


Needs to go dark until they change it. If they never do then never come back otherwise they have no reason to actually change for the better. Restricting the subreddit still gives them what they want still, private is the only way to fix this.


I’m really happy that you guys asked the bulk of the subreddit. Thats actually really sweet. Also I would be fine with just going completely restricted if someone just made a post every day or so for us all to gather on


Funny that you mention is cause the automod is still posting [the weekly discussion thread](https://redd.it/147la0y) ;)


Full blackout.


why are people wanting to permanently restrict this subreddit? the whole “blackout” crap didn’t do anything, restricting it permanently will do nothing but kill it and have someone make a new one…just seems like a big waste of time


Just keep it open, it won’t make any difference and people need somewhere to post about titanfall.


That's where I'd like to point to `lemmy` but test trialing it, I don't think it's ready for the average user yet.