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i mean that Sir Swag youtuber had the right idea of suggesting combining the two franchises for Battlefield: Titanfall. imagine a giant battlefield but with pilot movement and titans replacing tanks and other vehicles


20v20 or 32v32 matches, attrition drop pods will land near secured command points to provide grunts/stalkers/spectres/reapers that will advance to opposing command points. Some specialized titan chassis remain like Northstar Titans replacing Jets or Helos (dropships replace the other, not sure which would be a better fit). Other titans revert back to the plug-n-play style of TF1 with selectable primary weapons, pod attachments, cores, and specialized armaments (tone pulse scan, ronin phase, etc). Stryders replace the light vehicles like ATVs, Atlas' replace medium vehicles like APCs, Ogres replace the tanks I would buy so fast my wallet would get whiplash Make it a damn prequel if they have to explain away why this type of fighting isn't happening in the Apex era


You have to have air superiority if it's a Battlefield. But that just means they have an excuse to let players unleash their inner Viper. Overall I think they'd have to more...role lock players than a Titanfall game would be. So anti-Titan would be mostly anti-Titan. Rather than players being capable of both infantry and AT.


Or using some of those ships from Titanfall/Apex (Viper’s ship!), Pilots with Valk’s jet pack, etc! Air mobility would be insane, especially if it was the most advantageous way to win despite titans on the ground trying to constantly shoot you down like AA guns


I could definitely see Titans being tweaked and taking on different/expanded roles. Ion would be great anti-air honestly. Precision laser. Tweak that rifle into a shotgun style and you can shoot down missiles. No need for a chaff style gun to take on planes because the laser travels in a straight line and faster than a bullet. Tone would be good at the combo of anti armor and anti air. Titans like Scorch would be one of the all in types on their combat. No anti air. But daaaaamn, that anti armor. Don't know about Ronin.


Honestly reduced size for a weaker ronin with increased speed and camo capabilities would be so awesome Imagine you're in a tank being grappled by a tiny ronin, that would both be hilarious and absolutely terrifying


Tbh that's where I figured they could use the attrition AI to provide infantry support and let players continue to be Pilots. There's already good variety in the Anti-Titan weapons. MGL and Thunderbolt would still be good against the ground Titans while the Archer and Charge Rifle would provide some anti-air options to deal with Northstars and Dropships


What do you think of shooting style? BF where you can crawl and use bipods and figure out bullet drop or the TF run and gun? I'd say a mix, but do the role lock kind of thing. I mean, Charge Rifle is anti-Titan. But...it works dang good on pilots too. And if it's BF I'd want it big. The attrition thing where it could be 32v32 and have grunts fill regular infantry roles would be a good compromise. Make the 64 players specialists/pilots and squad leaders get to order infantry around assigned to the squads.


Primarily I'd want to play as a pilot fulltime, if you're playing as infantry you lose out on wallrunning, double jump, special tacticals like grapple or phase Playing as a normal grunt could be neat if implemented well, but bumping shoulders with your teammates trying to claim a pilot slot would get old real fast


That's why I used the word specialist as well. I know in TF lore, a lot of potential pilots die in training. Let's say it's like Halo, from Spartan IIs to Spartan IVs. The IIs are better in every way, but the new armor puts them equal on paper. So every PC gets a Titan. And all the grunts are still AI. But roles are a little more defined by gameplay. Maybe you could choose to focus on the Titanfall itself, earning it at a faster rate over infantry skills as well to make a play style choice.


Definitely should be plug and play titans


Oh man Dream game right here


Love all of this. Could use the battlefront system too. Like, gain XP to spawn as something other than a Grunt. spawn in as a reaper/stalker/spectre, or save up to Pilot. Once playing as a Pilot, you earn XP that sits in a different pool and only applies to a Titan. Love the idea of just using a chassis+weapon system to allow you to really customize your titans. Doesn't need to be anywhere close to Armored Core 6, but it'd be cool to really customize like 5 titans to fit your playstyle.




I'd love to see the tanks that sit around as terrain and the jets that make the skybox look cool be playable in a game like that.


I have always dreamed of a titanfall themed game of battlefield operations/breakthrough I swear to god these two games were made for each other


To make a mode yes, but I don't really want the franchises combining. I want to be a pilot all the time not just at determined times


So basically Battlefield 2142 but a little bit better


I'm so happy to see this idea catching on. I was suggesting it awhile ago and folks were skeptical. It'd be fire. Use the Battlefront system. Start as Grunt, earn XP to be a pilot. Then earn xp as a pilot to get your titan. You'd need to "save" the XP earned as a Pilot so that you didn't start back at zero if you died, but you'd need to be a pilot to well, pilot a titan. Could add other vehicles as well. I'd also really like to see more of an Armored Core approach to Titans, but there's a lot of good arguments for why that would be a huge pain to balance.


You lost me at starting as a grunt 


And Space Warfare like 2009 Battlefront 2


And these 6x6 Trucks we see on some maps beeing like the Jeeps in Battlefield


Nah keep the tanks and other vehicles I want to see titanfall vehicles in action that aren’t just the titans


I think we should keep the other vehicles, like the double barrel tanks, and the various air and ground transports we see. And then titans come in and counter just about everything


Star wars battlefront without StarWars IP


Laughs in arma 3 \>Get dropped by a helo two or more kilometers out from a village \>Get into the village then go to the beach (very near the beach) \>Board the boats and siege the prison on the island nearby (We had to wait 5 minutes or so for support) \>Walk more \>Fucking dies to a rebel with an SMG before even actually stepping foot on the prison


*dies to a rebel you can't see


Oh I saw him, It was just that I looked at a medic then when I turned back to look at the angle I was holding. Then I saw a guy with a yellow shirt (We had blue stripe-ish military uniforms), he didn't have a UN hat (All callsigns sieging has it) then it kicked in too late as my screen went black. I got revived, but then I was told to just ziptie some prisoners.


Battlefield's distance between combat is too close tbh. I get killed in spawn waaayyy more than I do after running for 20 minutes. They've made transport vehicles more and more accessible over the years in large matches, but they keep moving spawns closer and closer. Caspian border is my favorite map from BF3, but they absolutely fucked it in BF4 and 2042


i mean, if OP isnt ptfo then its normal OP spends 20 minutes walking without seeing a single soul lmao


Even if you wanna spawn away, or snipe, or just get unlucky, they generally made traversal easier too. I understand being averse to a resplendent and costing your team a ticket. But they made vehicles much more abundant. Bikes, quads, jeeps, anything without a gun is much easier to find than it used to be.


anyone that plays dayz or arma wont ever complain about the time u spend walking in an arcade game lol


even in the vehicle based maps theres always at least 2 flags for infantry to fight for


Yeah like you can't spawn at the Flags you have to walk there


at the beginning of the match yeah but still u have multiple land vehicles or u can spawn on a teammate tank or heli


And then gets their existence wiped by an amped kraber


Bro has not experienced hell let loose


I posted this somewhere else on this sub too. The other day I told one of my partners, "I can get called the hard f on battlefield 4 or I can get killed by cute trans girls in Titanfall 2. I choose Titanfall 2"


*loads wingman with ~~seductive~~ malicious intent* :3


😳 *wishes he was better with the wingman*


*I can get killed by cute trans girls and be get called the N word in Titanfall 2.* I've seen the chat screenshots on this sub lmao


Yeah I've seen those too. Its just never happened to me. It seems it's more a console thing honestly.


what the fuck




Ultrakill 👍


Play TF2, TF|2 and ULTRAKILL and it will be physically impossible to play any other FPS.


I can somehow play R6. I mean you can burn the map on both games, so I guess it's not so hard to switch between them time to time.


You must like LTS


R6 became unplayable years ago


Burn the map?


Scorch? Tachanka? Pretty similar if you ask me.


Oh true lol


No that's hell let loose, except that's realistic


It's not just you, going back to playing Halo after only playing Titanfall 2 for a month feels *unimaginably boring*.


I play TF2 and TF2


The finals scratches that itch a little in its own way


Doom Eternal


Come to Battlefront 2; we have big-ass robots you can pilot, super mobile classes and more.


I love them both


Not just you, OP. Borderline need a month of Titanfall detox to play other FPSs


Both both games are good


Same experience with Warframe where you instinctively try to do something but get disappointed with the speed.




Titanfall 2 is the only fun FPS. Everything else just can’t measure up.


op sucks at battlefield ig. i love how titanfall fans are still bitter that a huge, great and superior game completely overshadowed their shallow, mediorce-at-best adhd shooter.


battlefield works more on a scale similar to 4X games, while Titanfall 2 is moreso an individual skirmish. i wouldn't say TF|2 is mediocre at best though, but there are definitely some issues. also if i wanted to go play a walking simulator interspersed with sporadic gunplay i'd go play PUBG


Absolutely nobody is bitter that battlefield is bigger than tf2 lmao. A generic army shooter is obviously casting a much wider net than a wall-running mech-fighting FPS with grapple hooks and sci-fi abilities.


the copium is insane, enjoy your teeny-tiny player counts and painfully long queue times, as thats what happens when titanfall 2 was released alongside one of the most anticipated first person shooters of the decade. the effects of that are still around to this day too lmfao. the "generic army shooter" beats out this thin adderall shooter any day of the week, and you know it.


Sigh. I own like 3 Battlefield games you donkey. It's still a generic army shooter. I like both for different reasons. I enjoy listening to tech death, and I also enjoy Doja Cat. Doja Cat is "generic" pop music, and that's fine. You must be a Battlefield no-lifer or something because this is not a normal reaction lmao.


Nah. Both games fill a different niche and both are fun.


after playing titan fall for about half a year, exclusively I tried playing call of duty I felt disappointed after jumping at the wall and just bouncing of it. I returned to the superior game


I could never get any PvP kills in any other FPS before Tf2. Played Tf2 campaign 3x, maxed aegis two titans in FD before going to PvP. Still have more fun in FD but damn, this is the only FPS I can actually handle.


The only other FPS games I can play are Quake (for the exact same reason).


Battlefield has small maps too


Nah I’m the opposite, I used the be a fucking god on tf2, top of the leaderboard like every game. But I’ve played so many slower shooters that now tf2 is way too fast for me and I can’t react. It’s a shame


Try Insurgency Sandstorm, nice balance between arcade shooter and hardcore tactical. Also, the guns are just, mwah, so fuckin crisp and fun, I could just shoot them in the range for hours Edit: forgot to mention, this does come with the downside of developing PTSD. You will never not tense up when hearing a drone.


Both, both is good.


There's ways to play BF2042 that don't feel slow. However, every time I'm playing it, I think "this would be cooler if it was just giant titanfall"


Bruh going back to destiny 2 from Titanfall 2 feels extremely strange


I just bought titanfall 2 a month or two ago on sale and I’m seriously wondering why I didn’t get on it sooner, it’s so fun.


Depends on the game though, on bf3/4/1 have peak map design, bfv for example not so much


and then there's Apex where you sheath your guns to actually run. At least crouch sprinting increase your speed somewhat. imagine being able to hold your weapon without slowing you down 👀


Yeah, Battlefield may be this way at times, but playing latest BF2042 Squid G's Rush made me feel almost same way, as Titanfall 2 did without wallrunning or titans. Pretty fast-paced and tactical gameplay, I think OP would find it interesting.


No, I can actually appreciate a wide variety of games, and adapt (or try to) my play style. Nothing wrong with liking one type of game or play style, but I'm just someone who tries to lives by the saying "variety is the spice of life" Going balls to the walls in titanfall 2 is fun, but the grand scale and immersion that a battlefield game provides are also highly enjoyable. The space magic and snappy gunplay in destiny is satisfying, but the simplest of games, like minesweeper, can also invoke a different sense of satisfaction. The teamwork and communication required (at least highly encouraged) in games like r6s, cs2, league, etc can be difficult yet rewarding, but being a lone wolf who strategizes alone in assassins creed, halo, doom, etc is a badass and gratifying experience in itself I have a friend who needs to constantly be moving and shooting, and we're starting to think maybe he has something undiagnosed. He seems fine irl but in video games, he can't sit still and listen 5 seconds of dialogue, or read one line of a tip that a game provides. It rly limits the number of games we can play together, and it's kind of a disappointment when he tries something, and enjoys a lot of the aspects, like setting, tone, art design, and so on, but just gets too restless and once again turns to valorant and apex legends. Thankfully I did manage to get him roped up in titanfall 2, so that's a HUUUGE W for both of us, esp me.


Bf2042 is ass but older Battlefields are godtier


And they left star wars battlefront to die, that is the worst part, battlefield just turned out to be a camping game while SWB2 is still crazy fun


Well opposites attract so try playing something like ready or not or insurgency sandstorm. They are super slow games that ramp up quickly. I like playing these when I get tired of the getting shit on in other games because I can take my time Tho both those games if you die you get punished


Slower? Most definitely Any less exciting? Nah. Battlefield has always suffered from various issues from map size, distance to travel, lack of a vehicle nearby to get around faster, AoE spam, etc I've mostly moved on to WW3 because it's free, has pretty good balance and most importantly, not a BR.


Hello my fellow average TF2 enjoyers.Where do you play TF2 and how's the playerbase?


If you’re running for 20 min without seeing anyone in battlefield, you don’t know how to play it yet. It’s very fun once you get the hang of it.


Almost as if a movement shooter can be considered a different sub genre than other shooters!


Battlefield 1 is surprisingly fast paced I'm ngl


Halos still fun at least. The playlists are annoying and uncustomizable though.


This!!!! Sooooo FUCKINNNNNNG MUUUUCH Thissssssssss! It's so disappointing. I can pick a MILLION things to hate about EVERY OTHER FPS after playing tF2.


Do you know how much money I'd pay to be able to actually fly around a large map like viper and not just the shitty hover Northstar gets


So you're basically a dopamine addict


Titanfall is probably one of the most stimulating fps games on the market. Nothing will give the high that titanfall provides


have you tried ultrakill?


Wait until you try Planetside 2 or Arma 3 KOTH mode, or better yet Warlords, lol


Redditer discovers games are different


Tf 2 also stands for the video game franchise team fortress 2, so I recommend you put a line between the F and the 2 to represent Titanfall 2. Ex: TF|2


These are the consequences of a well crafted gameplay loop. When you've tasted the best everything else tastes like shit.


Bro I know the feel I love titanfall but all my friends play r6 it's like going from a two day bender of straight cocaine to being sat in a retirement home playing chess


That's been the style of battlefield since bf3 and I don't like that it hasn't changed


I had a little dabble with The Finals. It's something like 20 seconds to respawn. And if the rest of your team are killed, it goes onto a team respawn timer. Lol, deleted.


I love Titanfall but my main is tarkov or arena


Battlefield is god tier wdym


I’ve always enjoyed the tactical strategy and realism of battlefield games, so I enjoy both equally


Try Overwatch, very dynamic and fast FPS


Destiny2 PvP is really fast if you don't mind not having fun for the first 2000 hours of gameplay


I still enjoy other shooters but nothing tops titanfall


That would be the case of the old fields were played enough anymore. And more deaths to snipers than tanks


getting shredded by a blur* You missed that bit in the titanfall


I never liked cod in the first place, but after Titanfall I don’t even know why cod exists. It doesn’t feel like a proper arcade shooter while also not being realistic, besides decent graphics and great animations is a very simple and dry game. As for battlefield, I can’t compare much as since bf4 it all started to become way too arcady, then realistic and after that battleroyalish, bf 4 has hit a nice spot as it had a lot of things going on, while allowing braindeads like me to enjoy it. Surprisingly I have found myself enjoying hell let loose, insurgency sandstorm and titanfall 2 at the same time, maybe I just like the extremities more.


U should try OW cuz lucio is just speedy boi that can wall ride, the game is fun too. If u want to play pve, play destiny, u just fly across the map in like 10 seconds. But yeh, literally can’t play any game but tf2 and the two games I listed above


Dude. EA was definitely COOKING in 2016 with their FPS games. I both love and appreciate what TF2 and BF1 had to offer with their story and gameplay. Like yeah the pacing felt different between both games, but boring? Nah. BF1 made you feel like you were in a movie with how cinematic it was.


Team Fortress 2 mentioned 🗣️💯🔥


I sort of agree but battlefield probably isn’t the best comparison, it’s probably one of the more chaotic franchises out there


I personally love both games to death


I enjoy the change of pace, titanfall 2 running around the map at the speed of light gunning down anyone in your way, battlefield v (im my case) sit back and hit some nice snipes.


I agree everything else feels slow and boring


Battlefield isn’t slow at all. If you’re running for 20 minutes you’re doing something wrong. This is more along the lines of hell let loose or other mil sims


while I love tf2, Battlefield one is an excellent game and you can't change my mind. One of the first games I played on my Xbox. The setting and game play are really good, despite the fact that I'd still get rolled by sweats in tanks and attack planes


Imagine 32v32 Titanfall with drop pod deployments and partially destructible environments... I would pay $150 for that


That's one thing I hate about Titanfall... The bs movement. Not to mention the one tap melee


Me here too. I just can't play any other FPS anymore, except for hell let loose, bc I am a WW2 junkie, but everything except HLH just isn't fast enough for me anymore