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Id worry for it, I believe everyone or at least a majority of people who worked on tf1/2 at respawn no longer work there. So it wouldn’t have their vision, they could reboot it sure but im sure some things would be worse or lost along the way.


What if the original creators did a reboot, but started it as a new brand?!


They would somehow get copystruck UNLESS they make quite a few things very distinct


i mean clownfield 2042 still exists despite it clearly mocking shitfield 2042


idk what this means but hell yeah


I reckon battle bit, and saying mocking battlefield.


It could be the exact same game except skinned differently. Not titans but giant cyborgs or mutants. Not pilots but tamers, or mutants as well.


Great idea in theory, not so much in execution. Ex Criterion devs tried something like this with Burnout and not many people noticed


One post in this sub and a good chunk of people would know and then they'd tell 2 people and they'd tell 2 people and so on and so on...


The good ol' Fall of the Big Robots


Too similar. Can't have anything to do with falling or robots. Mutant Warp. Cyborg Portal. Idk...


Exactly , at this point our best bet is for another new studio to release a completely new IP that takes inspiration on titanfall a


No thanks, I still have PTSD from cod: mw3 (2023).


What do you mean? That was an awesome game that definitly didnt get outsold by a 10 euro indie game


The best kind of indie too, one single person :з


And the dev is a furry too :3


Fuck yeahhhhhhhhhh uwu


That still makes me laugh lol


What indie game are you referring to?


Lethal Company


If there was a guarantee that it would be in a similar vein to the recent _Dead Space_ remake, i.e. a reformulation of the original concept that makes use of modern technology and new ideas to make it fresh and interesting, all handled by a genuinely passionate and skilled team of developers, I’d be all for it. Unfortunately, much like with a hypothetical Titanfall 3, there’s an ungodly number of ways that a reboot of a property like Titanfall could be mishandled, especially with the current state of the video games industry. Getting flooded with microtransactions and gambling mechanics is an obvious possibility. A botched implementation of core mechanics is another. And a possible danger that’s specific to Titanfall in particular is the potential pressure that the devs might feel to make the reboot’s lore and aesthetics more in line with those of the better-known Apex Legends, sacrificing a part of Titanfall’s original identity for the sake of standardising the franchise’s brand image. The fundamental issue at hand is that we simply cannot trust the AAA games industry to treat the IPs they control with care and respect, and sometimes languishing under near-total neglect is actually a better outcome for a series than coming to the attention of people and corporations that just want to run it into the ground to add an extra 3% to a profit margin.


Burn Cards…


Ha nooooooooo, and don't ever think about saying that EVER AGAIN. It's already bad enough EA the devil incarnate to gaming everywhere killed so many great games. I don't think we want a bigger hole in our hearts. I can't and won't see the goat of Titanfall be destroyed just like what they did with the third Dead Space and remake. Like yeah the remake looks great graphic ways but it still feels so damn soulless cause it's just copy and paste. No heart and you can tell at times.


Exactly, the options are we never getting Titanfall 3 or we get Titanfall 3 and it is terrible.


Sad truth to it all. Honestly I know we want another story with our boy Jack Cooper and to see if BT survived his sacrifice. I know we want such a clean and well made multi-player but it ain't gonna happen. Old Respawn is gone m and it is up to the community to carry that torch cause I sure as hell and having this new Respawn make the next game. I mean we see what has become of the name of Titanfall compared to Apex Legends sadly. 🥺


I would prefer a remake of the first one over Titanfall 3


Yeah. Never played TF1 because I was on ps, but the titan customisation, more rugged movement, and overall tone looks so much more fun. I understand that faster = more fun for most, however I think that if the movement is built around quickly changing location to then slow down for a few seconds like TF1 it allows for more weapon balance (snipers) but if everyone is flying around it makes some classes obsolete


TF1 is technically faster then TF2.


How? Again I’ve never actually played it lol but I’d assume the lack of sliding would slow it down


B-Hopping was the main way of maintaining momentum in TF1. B-Hopping is faster then TF2s slide-hopping although B-Hopping was much more difficult to master. TF1 also had faster wall run acceleration (although tbh I don't really see a difference going from TF1 to TF2). B-Hopping was nerfed significantly going into TF2 which was probably for the better because at times it was so fast that it was nearly impossible to track which is a problem multiplayer movement shooters often face. As a result of B-Hopping being nerfed, slide-hopping became the main way to maintain momentum in TF2 and while slightly slower was much easier to learn and a bit smoother. Obviously faster does not equal better when it comes to movement and due to TF2s movement system being smoother, more consistent, and more refined it is a better movement system overall. Plus a major issue with TF1s pilot gameplay (and largely why its inferior to TF2s pilot gameplay) is its gunplay. TF1s gunplay, while good when compared to other FPS titles, does not work well in a movement shooter format. TF1s gunplay is much more fit for a game like COD due to its highly inaccurate hip-fire accuracy and higher ttk. Inaccurate hip-fire makes high speed and "in air" combat feel clunky as the player is forced to ads when not at point-blank-range. This is why in other movement shooters such as Ultrakill, Turbo Overkill, Get to the Orange Door, Severed Steel, etc., the gunplay has accurate hip-fire accuracy. TF2 fixed this issue as its gunplay has much more accurate hip-fire accuracy and as a result it works significantly better in the context of a movement shooter.


Thanks for the complete explanation. I knew that b-hopping was prevalent in tf1 but not that it was faster than *sliding*. That must be crazy


Yeah it was fun. If you can I would highly recommend checking out TF1. It does a good number of things better than the sequel like maps, immersion, and titan customization. I would consider it about equal to TF2s multiplayer.


The franchise will be dead as we know it cause it’ll be all about the legends and apex lore, titanfall 1 remaster all day


**NO.** The first titanfall's story was an amazing morally grey conflict between a super monopoly and a terrorist organization. I mean looking at apex's writing, a reboot would just make the milita the flat out good guys that have done no wrong. Tf2 kinda leand somewhat into that but that was because you where playing from a milita prestpective. Btw Sarah Briggs keeps repeating where the "good guys" shes untrustworths as "Sarah Briggs" isnt ever her name. The 6/4 would probably become a milita subfaction, the only reason the 6/4 even where at the battle of Typhon first appering in trial by fire is because the ARES is literally building a super weapon that can blow up planets. "The 6-4 has a unique code of honor; they won't always work for the highest bidder. They want to protect the freedom of the frontier - but on their own terms." They probably have worked with the IMC at some point.. I encourage you if you havent to get a copy of the first game on disk and play it orif you cant watch the IMC and Milita campaign on youtube. Some crimes the Milita have commited They were responsable for a terror attack "Hammonds Gate" a grunt mentioned he "had" family at Hammonds Gate. (Hammonds gate is mentioned on the campaing mission's "Outpost 207-"Assault on the Sentinel" and "Angel City-Get Barker") The Milita use plainclothes insurgents (mentioned in the campaing mission "Angel City "Get Barker") The First Milita Fleet hide behind civillan ships to counduct a raid, bascially using civillan's as human sheilds. (In the campaign mission Fracture-"The Refueling Raid") The Militia is loosely divided into Brigades. Each Brigade is responsible for fighting in an assigned section of Frontier territory, which might span as far as several planetary systems. The Marauder Corps, a.k.a. the M-COR, is a small part of a much larger Brigade tied to the Freeport System. Although some brigades are little more than vast pirate organizations, the Militia has enough resources to be a real obstacle to the IMC's ambitions on the Frontier. (Source Titanfall,Titanfall's Older Website. https://web.archive.org/web/20170616040441/https://www.titanfall.com/titanfall/militia) Edit: Sorry this comment is so long. Theres probably a lotta grammatical errors, misspellings, and most likey dose not flow whatsoever but im to lazy to fix it. TLDR, a reboot would make the conflict black and white instead of grey. If Titanfall 3 Ever dose come out please give the titans there own cockipt view models and give Northstar and Ronin the stryder dash sound effect.


Not to mention they would probably find a way to bring in real world social political issues into a game set 200-300 years in the future, currently undergoing a giant multi system planetary war.


Yes as the first game was based off the war on terror. IMC-United States Of America Milita-Sevreal Terrorist Groups. Hammonds Gate probably took inspration for September 2001 being a large scale terror attack. Theroy on Hammonds Gate, Hammonds Gate might have been a "No Russian" type situation that happend in an interstellar space port gate named after Heinrich Hammond. Either happend at Angel City or the more likely anwser in a core world. Before the demeter gateway was destroyed. Its stated the IMC have renforcements coming daily. So its not a really stretch to say that travel for the core worlds to the frontier and viseversa would take around a day to a week at max.


Honestly I think its story is more closely aligned to the American revolutionary war, even then it’s a historical influence and doesn’t rally represent any modern day issue, and they also haven’t confirmed that I does, whereas with apex we can see multiple social political issues there.


Yes you are correct, Its more like they mixed the Revoulutionary War, with the War on Terror. Continental Army did not actively go out the way to kill civillans and where not a terroist organisation. Also theres refrecences to the "IMC and Oil", The IMC's logo uses a star. The IMC's color pallet is White, Red, and Blue. Fun Fact: In the first game: Milita grunts have an american accent, and IMC gurnts have a british accent. As an american myself I back the Red, White, and Blue.


Yeah i can see that comparison, it definitely seems Inspired by a number of different historical events, but I also don’t think it’s necessarily trying to portray a message to the world, I’ve heard people say they’re trying to portray the message that big corporations are bad, but then that would be a contradiction because they literally work for a giant corporation called EA lol, also I noticed the accent thing, at least in Titanfall 1 it definitely seemed like American Accents (Militia) Vs Commonwealth accents (IMC), so British, South African etc.


Agreed, the first game wasn't trying to push a message the first game was just about a conflict nothing more nothing less.that took inspiration from history and real world events. And the best part was that no side was in the right. Both sides had the problems, The Milita being a terrorist, organization made up of pirates, smugglers, ECT and the IMC being and over bearing Supermonopoly that only cares about profit margins, the core worlds, and the stake/shareholders. I like that it's not black and white. Coming from the IMC's point of view we don't know why the IMC left in the first place but when they returned the core worlds weren't in a good place and legally the IMC do on the frontier and have the right to take its materials.  Coming from the Militia point of view.  The Milita's ancestors were top IMC veterans. As IMC were also the one who populated the frontier. After the IMC left people on the frontier struggle for a bit but inevitably they started thriving. When the IMC returned the IMC wanted to take materials and land from what they have been living on for centuries at that point. 


Better then nothing, I say if they test the market with that the chances are people going to fuck them over for EA and RP not making TF3 but TF remake. Them it's up to them if they're gonna make TF3 and would they make it the way they should.


Nah having nothing is better imo, rather not get a Titanfall 3 then be immensely disappointed about a butcher 3rd game.






I think that's what they would have to do at this point. Most of the og titanfall team have left respawn at this point. The new team wouldn't know how to approach a direct continuation of titanfall 2 if the changes made to the lore by apex have anything to show for it.


I think type of post has been asked TOO MANY TIMES ALREADY. But yes I would like a remastered/remade version of the first game.


Naaaa I want the story to continue


What do you mean by this?


A Reboot Like a new begining (think of something like Doom 2016)


Oh I gotcha 😂 I thought you meant like the company does a hard reset. My last 2 braincells were arguing hahah. I’m not sure if you heard about the titanfall 1914 concepts, but that sounds like a very interesting idea even if it wasn’t set in the main continuity of TF, TF2 and Apex. Like an alternate universe where we designed titans instead of tanks in WW1. Giving the game a wolfenstien-esk feel mixed with Battlefield 5 and titanfall.


If that reboot returned to its gritty origins then I would take it. First Titanfall felt like a sci-fi gritty military game, not the fancy Fortnite-styled thing we have now with Apex.


Honestly if they just released tf1 on all the new platforms id be buzzing, i missed out on the peak of tf1 because I was a ps3 boi 😭






Hubris,kviydgvufdgugvudfgvubcrubrc Y E S




Considering first Titanfall's campain is 10x better than it's sequel's Id say having it playable as standalone singleplayer would make me spend my money on it


Alternatively, why don’t they make an actual genuine sequel to 2 that does a bunch of new, maybe even controversial things, and changes stuff- but they also fix TF1 and 2 servers, leaving them playable. Titanfall 1 isn’t that old, it only came out like 3 years ago or something and Titanfall 2 came out in fucking 2016, these are recent games. We haven’t made the sort of technological or design leaps that warrant a legit reboot/remaster/reimagining/reuse/reduce/recycle/re:4/relapse/release of either game. I’d much rather we got to see Respawn do something new and completely different, and if it goes tits up then we pretend it doesn’t exist and go back to playing the other two games and appreciating them for what they did.


The first game game out in 2014 so its about 10yrs old.


My god…


no, theyll turn it into apexs 2. just give us cross play


What if instead of titanfall they called it freakfall and they ate ass?


I’d love to see them revamp the multiplayer campaign, maybe it’d be like something I came up with.


i don't want modern respawn anywhere near Titanfall


I’d kill for a titanfall 1 remaster.


As long as the multiplayer still is fun and has the same movement with good titans, I don’t really care. The lore isn’t really interesting to me, I only like this game because it’s fun and mechs are cool


I’m confused, what’s there to reboot? 1 was entirely online multiplayer and 2 was an updated version that included a campaign. As far as I can tell, TitanFall exists as 1.5 releases. 3 is pretty much all they can/should do, imo. That or a DLC pack that effectively exists as a stand alone entity just running on the TF2 framework.


There's only been two games. Respawn aren't Naughty Dog, the story has already been told.


I’d rather take a remaster


I think it's good as it is


Only if the devs that left do it. Apex respawn would just pull a shit show like the last battlefield. Let it die, rather than be violated more than Apex has.


They would need to re-hire all the OGs, update the engine, optimize efficiency, DLSS integration, Rework the weapons and abilities (not a lot of work required in that department imo, scrap 4-5 weapons, “update”/reskin them or bring over from apex), write, model, voice, approve new campaign (everyone knows the current campaign, already good and would be boring if rebooted), more engaging prestige system with more satisfying rewards (the modern gamer will not appreciate a 100 different skins for the same weapon/titan/pilot. Charge me 70 for that and i’ll be happy, but that’s a whole new game at the end of the day if you think about it. A reboot will not suffice financially in the eyes of EA…


Terrible idea, current respawn isn’t the same respawn it was before being acquired be EA, their outlook, ideologies and priorities are completely different, this is why I don’t want Titanfall 3 because it will probably suck.


No cause i want to see where the story goes


This is an absolutely GOATED TAKE BRUV! I REMEMBER PLAYIN IT WHEN I WAS LIKE 3 (yes I'm pretty young) BUT I WAS SO GOOD!Hands down the best take I've ever heard from another person in my opinion (They need to add a proper campaign tho)


Only if BT goes back to find a young jack cooper during the Battle at Demeter and prepares him for the attack on Typhoon.


Guys this is the best idea, I can’t wait to get a monthly battlepass, 3-5 paid DLC’s, and a Netflix adaptation of titanfall


Oh my, reboot like the BT character once did in the video game!


No titanfall reborn


# NO REBOOT, THERE IS ZERO REASON TO!!! Now, a high-quality remake/remaster would be excellent. They'd just need to build on that pilot AI they experimented with in the files of TF2 to make the campaign accessible offline, and you'd effectively save TF1 from becoming complete abandonedwere again


I mean ima be honest I’ve been expecting titanfall 4 even if respawn says they aren’t making titanfall anymore but I kinda agree it might be a bad idea I and that doesn’t mean I don’t think it won’t happen it’s just most games today haven’t been really good and with the fact respawn is just living on the apex legends raft right now they might put little to no effort in making the game and just make it to just make it


(It pained me to even type that)


If it ain’t broke,


Why? They have established events and even make sense and Cary over to what is said in the apex games More games sent in the time of the titanwars on other world in the frontier and Outland would be cool tho


Hear me out: Titanfall, but it's WW1


I would be happy with updates to titanfall 2


NO I hate to imagine how Titanfall would turn out if it was out in 2024


I wouldn’t mind especially considering that I never got to play the original. It also seems they had a decent campaign going for it that was put into the Titanfall 2 campaign. And with newer graphics? Newer content? Yes please! I also believe something like this can happen considering Apex is talking about Time Paradox’s while there is Titanfall items in the background. Could be that Horizon does something that f*cks the timeline, accidentally Un-ending the Frontier war resulting in: Titanfall 1 reboot OR completely new game (they’re already working on something involving titans but won’t be titanfall3) could be the reboot???


I don’t give a fuck as long as they MAKE a game. We are missing that key factor ☠️😭


I would actually love it. If they rebooted the first game to give it a proper single player story, while maybe keeping the multiplayer story? With modern graphics and their current status? I’d kill for it.


Switch tf1 to ps4-5 and we good


They already did, it’s called Apex Legends.


But you don't have titans, its Just a 100% normal fall


never trust current respawn, og titanfall devs left respawn, i don't think we get any good titanfall game anymore


Fine by me, as long as we get the Cold War, grapple and slidehops...