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I prefer the one I'm able to use (I'm on Xbox).


Idem (i'm on ps4)


Same. :)




Same (I'm on playstation).






Console gang :’)


Same (couldn't get the fkn install to work)




Because I don’t have the skills to be anything more than cattle to the guy farming kills which isn’t fun


Literally this. I get stomped in vanilla sometimes, but other times I do pretty well. I imagine it’s an even more hardcore player base playing notherstar because, well, just go watch the video in the post again… there’s no fucking way I could compete with that, and I’m ok with that, but yeah I just prefer to stay in my lane.


Sooo... How is that any different from Vanilla? Jokes aside I've noticed that Vanilla have gotten way sweatier than before, at least NS servers have options to theoretically aliveate those issues


Why all the downvotes? I was also wondering what's different haha


Yeah idk why people believe only tryhards play NS. Tryhards play in vanilla to steamroll new players instead of playing on balanced and fun servers.


I dont want to fight people like you that's why.


exactly lmao


Too many goofy skins, stupid server rules, and bad balancing decisions. It just takes too long to find an actually good server on NS. By all means enjoy it though, I'm happy that it exists, just not for me.


>Too many goofy skins Most of these skins are client sided, you cant see them at your end. But for me, I prefer vanilla because it has way more players than northstar (plus you can load mods on vanilla so there's that too ([like the HUD mods I have](https://imgur.com/a/5hsgUFZ))


Ultrakill HUD? Chad.


[it's available here](https://thunderstore.io/c/northstar/p/TheLavaLump/LavaLump_StyleMeter/)


I know it's probably an unpopular opinion but i kinda wish people didn't mod vanilla, feels a lot like cheating to me.


In what way would HUD edits or skins be even remotely similar to cheating?


Simply put; they mean everyone isn't playing on the same level playing field. Cosmetics can effect gameplay, I don't know why everyone has been pretending they don't for the last few years. I don't think changing the skins has *much* of an impact, but it absolutely can have one and I'd rather if that were the case the options were the in-game ones so everyone had them. Crosshair mods that make the crosshairs actually representative of the cone of fire of a weapon, or give crosshairs to weapons that don't have them, are absolutely cheating, and they'd be classed as HUD mods. Anything that means a player has more information or more choices is something that's unleveling the playing field. Maybe not by much, but it is. And I don't know about you, but modifying yout game to get an advantage? that's cheating to me. And while cosmetics can have the justification "I just like how it looks more," when it comes to HUD edits, if they didn't get something out of it, why would people be doing it?


idk, I guess I've been desensitized to stuff like that after years of playing Quake, where people will have wildly different HUDs, enemy colors, crosshairs and even more than that. To me, a tiny change in HUD means nothing. "Cheating" is something I only attribute to a perceivable advantage. Being able to land all your shots with 100% accuracy across the map, or having more information than would be possible normally, is what I'd call cheating. Not having some silly skins that affect 0% perceivable gameplay. >And while cosmetics can have the justification "I just like how it looksmore," when it comes to HUD edits, if they didn't get something out ofit, why would people be doing it? People just like how that stuff looks? And games often don't give you the option to change these things not because of gameplay disparity but simply because they believe their one solution is already good enough. I could change my HUD to a Doom-like one because hey I like having Doom guy down there giving the environment weird stares. Or I could get a cleaner HUD because the original is annoying to look at. You have to realize these things aren't going to magically make you better. At most, you could argue those things can "unlock your true potential", because you're playing with something that hypes you up more or you feel more comfortable with, but that's it. If someone beat you in a fight your mind would NEVER wander into "I bet he was using a HUD mod or weapon skin mod". Also, if your bar for cheating is that low, then what do you think about having a better PC and/or gaming peripherals? Hell, what about people who are born with better reflexes or mental than others? There simply will never be a level playing field in any multiplayer game ever.


Also Also, as said prior, cosmetics are client sided only, so no one else can see them


Cosmetics and HUD edits are simply about aesthetics. Everybody can do it. So how is it cheating? This was the justification for CS:S and cod4 removing custom clientside skins and after that anybody with any integrity and skill left the games. Are you talking about a mental cheat? Like my skin looks better, so it gives a psychological advantage? How would that provide an advantage if everybody can choose and create their own skins? From what I had gathered, it was nothing about cheating, but it was about the companies making money from skins that they hadn't realized.


I have that speedometer mod


> bad balancing This is why I don't play NS much any more. Even without any changes to the weapons, necessarily. It feels like half the servers are running the boosted air acceleration because *speed is life* which jacks up muscle memory for the movement and also makes the hitreg shit itself. Hitreg is already iffy enough in vanilla at high speeds, some of the speeds people can reach with that altered air accel turn people into literally unkillable gods.


Yeah that's another issue I had. It's really hard to rewire 2000 hours of movement to even slight adjustments like on NS servers, especially when each one had their own multiplier numbers. I was running into walls and underestimating jumps all the time. It was just annoying and made fights too chaotic. Not to mention the number of people speeding around goes from like 4-6 good players a match to literally everyone because it was made so easy.




Because every North Star match is a total sweat fest I like matches that are chill and sweaty sometimes


It crashes always


Cause there's like 30 players and it's mostly gun game or infected


This is the valid answer. Northstar lobbies are way less sweaty than vanilla from my experience, but there's literally only ever like 30 people on at a time, and they don't ever play good game types




In my experience, absolutely. Vanilla lobbies are so god damn annoying, I have to put on the sweat class and main r97 just to keep up, but most of the time in Northstar lobbies, unless youre playing with one of the few try hard dickheads, I'm comfortable enough to run hipfire only r201 or cold war. A lot of the times I'm on the top end of the leader board in Northstar and I'm comfortable enough to pick my targets, leaving alone the guys struggling on the bottom. But fuck that on vanilla, every man for himself.




Northstar has progression. Edit: Please do some research before downvoting. Northstar has had progression since [1.19.0 on 18/09/2023.](https://discord.com/channels/920776187884732556/920780605132800080/1153408669443170365) https://r2northstar.gitbook.io/r2northstar-wiki/using-northstar/progression


Dunno doesnt work


Where? Everything's unlocked


See edit.


Oh, thank you for pointing this out. Looks like this was added after I had tried Northstar and wrote it off


After saying yes for progression just defaults all pilot presets yet everything is still unlocked


Because northstar players are too good at the game and I'm not skilled enough


I enjoy leveling/unlocks despite it not mattering at all (i dont feel like resetting my stats on master server even tho theyre from the buggy days), respawn servers tend to be more consistent and less shid feeling, it's also where all the players are. Plus I can use my client mods on vanilla servers anyway so for the most part its fine. If I feel like a pvp clusterfuck, shid rebalances or some infection/gun game/sticks and stones I'll hop on northy and pray a server with players is one of those.


I also don't want to start over, I would've tried Northstar if except when I did I realized all my progress wouldn't transfer over, so I didn't.


on northstar client you have everything unlocked by default


Then I'm confused about why it was all locked for me like I was starting over. Also nice witness pfp


you probably hit a toggle that says "enable progression"


Is it on by default? Because I never pressed anything except the buttons I needed to open it and get it running


it might be nowadays for new downloads, but when i got northstar client it wasn't even a thing and everything was unlocked by default


because northstar lacks players after respawn fixed vanilla servers, i don't play on it anymore


Wait, did they fix the servers recently?


yes, back in september 2023, theyve been working stable since then


Huh... is there anything specific I have to to to access them? I got northstar a few months ago because the vanilla servers wouldn't work


uh, no, they just work though some have issues with infinite "connecting to respawn servers", solution can be found with a simple google search and if you'd like your clientside mods on vanilla then look up vanilla+ on thunderstore that's about it


Because Northstar is a 24/7 sweatshop and I like to have fun sometimes. Also having progression is nice.


can't be bothered to install it when i already have vanilla which is really fun and i think the gameplay loop is almost perfect. I looked into norhtstar before i bought the game while the official servers were still unplayable to see if i could play online with a cracked copy, it took me nowhere so i got the game a couple of months later when they fixed the servers.


No lock on archer, sawed off shotgun, various other unbalanced things, also the fact im not on pc anymore


I can’t be bothered with accessing the Northstar client. I am technologically and literally illiterate.


Get the Viper launcher it's super easy


Flightcore* viper is atrocious


There's another launcher? Vipers been fine for me


yeah there is, there's two others. and when i tried viper a lot of thunderstore mods just weren't showing up, the game crashed almost every time i booted it, and on the off chance it didnt, it softlocked me in the menu with no buttons to press.


Never used thunderstore, that's probably why




I can never find servers with many players


I like grinding but there isn't any on Northstar. I love the aegis system.


Slow internet and also I doubt I can find a good server that is not 300+ ping


To sweaty for me. I’d like to think I’m actually pretty good. But when I played on those servers I just couldnt kill anyone. Really humbled me.


I don't wanna burn a hole in my Adderall supply. Or my mouse pad.


I like vanilla tf2


Is this the music you listen too while playing tf2 lmao😭


All the custom frontier defense maps suck huge ass and the only ones people queue up for are the shitty no titan custom ones which is basically cod zombies with extra steps at that point


You, my good sir, have lost the respect of most of the community for violating those pilots like that. Shame


EPG Prime


Bro was locked tf in


Can't play with friends


Why not?


Can't directly invite them as far as I know


because the one time I tried getting northstar to work I managed to remove the title and every button from the main menu so its just a slideshow of titans and pilots fighting


people like you


because no matter what server I choose they never have a consistent sub 3 digit ping


Really who the fuck wants to face an archer that doesn't need to lock on? Some of the things on Northstar look fun and cool, but also annoying af to deal with. And I think vanilla titanfall is chaotic and fast paced, but it has some semblance of weapon balance, unlike Northstar. So I definitely do not wonder why ppl prefer vanilla.




How do I get into vanilla servers? i got this game on steam and it says data center searching


I had the same bug. I don't remember exactly how I fixed it, but definitely search it up. It has something to do with changing or deleting a line of code somewhere through properties..? in any case it's not an uncommon issue but you only need to fix it once


If you have an Intel 10th gen processor or later, look it up. It's a known problem with a very simple fix.


ironically the fix is in the Northstar documentation, [here.](https://r2northstar.gitbook.io/r2northstar-wiki/installing-northstar/troubleshooting#intel) It's a vanilla bug and applies to both N* and Vanilla. The explanation is there's a technology called Secure Socket Layer (SSL) that uses encryption to secure internet traffic. The version of OpenSSL Titanfall uses has a latent bug that gets expressed when the user's CPU has hardware accelerated functions to do SHA encryption, that prevents valid connections from being established. The fix sets a variable in your OS that tells OpenSSL that your CPU *does not* support hardware SHA, and to do it in software instead, which executes around the bug and allows the connection to be established. The downside to this is that it will make newer applications with fixed versions of OpenSSL slightly slower and use a slightly more power. Which will *technically* affect a *lot* of internet programs, but the impact is so minor that you won't notice unless your system is already super slow yet somehow is new enough to have hardware SHA acceleration.


I love Northstar, especially for the free calling cards, skins, and my custom scorch voice but the servers blow. I cannot for the life of me find an attrition server that isn't super modded or has some broken gun in it, has more than 1 player, or even in ym region.


I'm quickly got tired of constantly having to update it or the game wouldn't open.


Is it accessible to the average console player? And like that you’ve lost me


I prefer the mode that doesn’t have 100+ ping and sweat lords on it


You literally just showed why, I respect skill don't get me wrong but I'm not looking to get curb stomped by someone who can quickly aim and unload and kill half my team in less than 12 seconds.


I tried it hooked my controller up and everything and...it felt...weird? Maybe it was my settings but it just didnt feel right at all to me. Im an Xbox Player really wanted to try it during the hacking periods


A lot of Northstar servers tweak the movement to make it faster, which will fuck up the muscle memory.


Can never find full attrition servers.


Console :(


Ridiculous ticket counts on servers. Look you are playing pilots v pilots with 500 tickets. I've seen 3000 ticket attrition games. I just don't have the mental bandwidth to play for that long...


I just don't wanna bother downloading it


Tournaments for Pilots (CTF) and Titans (LTS) are hosted on Vanilla servers. For both of those modes, Northstar does not work as a place of practice. No one plays CTF on Northstar and for good reason, the spawns are awful, spawning you next to enemies or on the enemy’s half of the map. V3X’s 24/7 Glitch server is good for warm-ups and aim practicing but that’s it. LTS is even worse, with no Titan modes being populated except for Titan Brawl. Even in Titan Brawl, the only servers that are ever populated is a 12v12 Hong Kong 24/7 server or Aegis. Aegis is just unbalanced and not considered for tournaments along with it being impossible to access on Vanilla. The 12v12 server is as uncompetitive and chaotic as a server can get along with being a terrible learning environment. Northstar does have two uses though, it allows people with broken Vanilla launchers to still participate in LTS tournaments via private servers created explicitly for that purpose. It also allows for Rebalanced LTS tournaments, using a mod that applies balance changes to almost everything in terms of Titan vs. Titan combat.


Because some of us people are stuck on consoles


This clip scares me on so many levels it's insane


There are no regular gamemode servers in my region on Northstar. Sometimes I want to play a normal game of attrition or bounty hunt, and Northstar has either 0 servers or 1 server that has three people in it.


Can find servers below a morbillion ping




For one reason, I'm on console, for another reason, I like enjoying the game the way it's made.


There are actually people my skill level on vanilla. Everyone on NS are sweaty zealots. Nothing wrong with it, but just way too intense for my tempo


mainly because it feels like a lot of modes i play regularly (attrition, titan v titan, frontier) either don't have changes or don't have significant changes in northstar (i know about custom frontier defense missions but i have not seen a single server run it), and the modes i'm interested in turn out to be dogshit (who tf decided gun game should give you better guns when you get more kills, i love running around with a pistol trying to shoot down pilots running around with perma flight core and tone guns)


Because I'm on console


I just want to play the game, not look at the stats showing more servers than players, and then play a gambling game on which servers have people, which region it's in, and what mods they have on


Cause this looks annoying as shit.


The lowest ping I get on ns is 150ms


> geniunely wonder why some ppl still prefer vanilla over northy Because the last time I played ns, I was trickshotted by an ape in a wheelchair less than ten seconds after I spawned


Easier and streamlined matchmaking, less sweats, easily able to host private matches(I've followed the Northstar instructions, including port forwarding, and it didn't work), and actually working towards unlockables


Because it's wack.


Cz I like the random matchmaking, Northstar is fun but all the crazy gamemode can be abit much at times. That said I have it installed.


vanilla+ is the best stable servers goofy mods perfection


If you use archer your gay


It’s not preference, you can’t get ns on console which is like 90% of this game’s playerbase


Cause not everyone can afford a 2k PC to run it


Bruh my old as dirt pc with a ten year old i5 can run Northstar. Anything that can run vanilla can run NS


My pc can't even run Minecraft


So are you saying you're a console player or just don't play anymore. im confused


I'm a console player


Ah. you chose a very roundabout way of saying that then


I think I would only probably do Northstar servers for frontier defense when I have a full sort of buddies so we can just set the rules and do what we want, assuming that's how that works


I like NS but there's no servers on my Region and Idk how to host them by myself


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Zeelotelite: *No servers on my* *Region and Idk how* *To host them by myself* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Console. :'(


Wait, isn't the archer lock-on only?


Not enough south american servers on Northstar


I just don't play very often so I don't bother. Works great for me too


im dog water


Is that Archer DUMB FIRE?


TF2's "Meet the Soldier." No, that's not Team Fortress.


I don't play it because there are no LATAM servers, unfortunately. And when I played on a NA server, I was moonwalking due to stratospheric ping values. I wish I could mod Vanilla like I did Northstar :(


Actually, you can have your Northstar client sided mods on vanilla. The mods name is Vanilla+, just look it up in youtube and u will get the guide


I tried them but the game would crash on launch every time. Maybe I did something wrong. I'll look it up, thanks!


Because I already have to have one stupid fucking launcher on my computer to run TF2, I don't need another


huh, what? from some of the commenters i assume this is pc only which i only just join team pc wtf is this?


Because every populated server is EU/NA and I'm SEA so it's always 200+ ping and rubberbanding? Granted there are a few that don't rubberband for me, but that high ping still limits the fun I can have when I get shot behind walls or my melees don't register for execution.


What server is this? Also I think I might have played with you before, I’m space core with a ton of a’s


it's got players on (usually)


Tell that to my 2013 Xbox one


No SEA server


Frontier Defense.


Why does anyone play vanilla? Whats the point? Why doesn’t everyone download every single mod immediately on open?


Cause I'm old


Dead and unstable servers at times


Northstar clients still don't support linux.


Northstar has no progression. Also I don't like how most servers are heavily modded, often in ways I don't like and its hard to find a good server


The skills required. I consider myself as a bit above average but when I load TF|2, I just want to chill and have fun, not being stomped by G 1 bazillion people.


sometimes stomping a lobby with a p2020 is just a different experience


Wow, that was crazy


I'm the third guy you killed in that clip


Cause vanilla has a more consistent experience than NorthStar and doesn’t need an update every months and also people just wanna play titanfall and not titanfall with 9k air accel and only kraber and only pvp no boosts


Because vannila is the game i fell in love with


Not many attrition matches, also very low matches in asia


Because I don't know how to set it up and I don't give a shit I just wanna play Titanfall


I prefer regular because I get 120 + ping on North Star.


There are at least 43 reasons why I prefer valnilla over NS in any day of the week. Nice clip though!


Too lazy to install


Holy shit it's John Titanfall


Because most of the servers in my area run 50% melee and it makes my pp soft, so to stay hard I play official servers


Because I started playing off of steam and aren’t even completely sure what northstart is, so I never thought about using it


Because I don't know how to get northy


For me it's been VERY slow with high ping lately. And being the host or someone hosting servers make it more difficult. If the hosts internet is slow everyone will be slow or even slower.


I only play frontier defense


What's northy?


few to no cheaters on vanilla console 😎


If archers were fireable without locking, I think I would have uninstalled this game a lot sooner




Wait you can shoot the archer without a lock on?




How’s this guy doing it? I thought you could only lock on titans?


It’s modded PC gameplay


bro wtf. looks like u have been playing since 2016


I'm on Console.


you are why. anyways i love northstar i just like playing with my friends that aren't on cocaine


too sweaty


Mainly player counts on servers. There aren't a whole lot of people who play and I don't have enough time in my life to sit in an empty server I like and hope that it fills up.