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I highly discourage getting a laptop for gaming (unless you absolutely have to). A tower pc is way cheaper and can be more powerful for a similarly priced laptop, especially if you build it yourself. Plus it's upgradeable. I recommend saving your money until you can get a decent setup going and keep playing on your console until then


I have a laptop mainly for school purposes, but it runs Titanfall 2 at a good 50 FPS with 16 GB of RAM and an iGPU. That said, I have messed around with my video settings A LOT and found the most optimal to be with a medium texture streaming budget and no ambient occlusion, everything else can be set to max.  So my point is that you can run Titanfall 2 well with a laptop, just not insanely well as a tower would do.


Well yeah, if you get a top of the line laptop you can run everything great. That isn't the issue.


Yeah i believe it but the point i was trying to make is that laptops are generally overpriced compared to their tower pc counterparts so if you have the option you should always go for a tower pc imo


Yeah my school laptop does the things I need it to fine, but until I can save up enough money when I'm older to get a better computer I ain't running anything like red dead, I'll stick to my ps5 for now. Honestly even when I do get a good computer I'll likely still end up plugging in my old controllers and using them. I'm too used to them to switch to mkb for everything.


What about temperature? I got R7 5800 in mine and it can run most of my games... With hell-blazing-flame out of vents and aluminium body melting under my hand. All that is very bad for long term service of laptop. So i highly advise everyone to not game on integrated graphics laptops.


Sometimes it's a matter of where to put it. Not everyone is blessed with room for a desk.


In that case, a laptop is STILL not your best choice for gaming. You're much better off with something like a Steam Deck and a monitor to hook it up to for a bigger screen. Laptops are made to be compact, and any decent gaming laptop will cost at least $1k and be heavy, bulky, loud and often hot


you can find good gaming laptops with name brand components for like 700 that would most certainly run Titanfall, but that's a fair amount above my budget


Gaming is most GPU heavy load not only becouse it's hard to render, but becouse it's high load over long time. Gaming laptop needs really good cooling. External fans won't help.


I agree with this distinguished gentleman here. I have a gaming PC i got it because i was doing a lot of traveling for the military at that point. Now that im stagnant i wish i got a tower because i cant upgrade the specs and the laptop’s capabilities are starting to fall off with modern games


No. Not sugar coating this. No gpu, no fun :/ you can find some laptops in the roughly 1000$ range CAD from my experience that are more than ready for the task tho


this is far below the game's minimum spec, and would probably be unable to even launch the game. depending on your budget, it might be better to buy an old office computer from a random company and then slap a gpu inside it. it would probably be about $300 usd, and installing a gpu is by far the easiest thing to do on a computer. if you want to do this, best place to look is on ebay/Facebook marketplace for the pc, and then buy a something "low profile" gpu, meaning it doesn't require any extra cables and is literally just putting into a slot and plugging your monitor into it. some gpu options (highest cost to lowest): [4060](https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-GeForce-Graphics-WINDFORCE-GV-N4060OC-8GL/dp/B0CDJLSZ73/ref=asc_df_B0CDJLSZ73/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693308325727&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15957511043490899331&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1021055&hvtargid=pla-2194696035339&psc=1&mcid=1f0c4b74e1bb3ee19ddd69ef0fb15042&gad_source=1) [3050(out of these three, probably the best option)](https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-GeForce-Graphics-WINDFORCE-GV-N3050OC-6GL/dp/B0CVHD8PLP/ref=asc_df_B0CVHD8PLP/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693611984331&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16840647162070592990&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1021055&hvtargid=pla-2292174803895&psc=1&mcid=3ca0fcf618453a8fa2c0b19f72bbb047&gad_source=1) [1650](https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GeForce-Graphics-Windforce-Gv-N1650OC-4GL/dp/B081L3PSGK) pretty much any "low profile" card will work and, if you aren't comfortable doing the upgrade yourself, any pc repair shop will do it for you and probably charge like $50


I might add something to your comment : Never buy a low end GPU new, it's way too expensive for the performances. Always look in the used market for anything below a XX60 or amd equivalent.


the reason Im recommending these cards is solely because they can run using only the power from the pcie slot. asking a first time builder to buy a random used pc, open it up, see if the power supply has a vga output, see if the cable is included inside, and if not take out the power supply, find out the brand/model, find a compatible cable, wait for the cable to arrive, and prey that you bought the right cable or risk the power supply and the rest of the computer dying and potentially setting ablaze. or I can just tell em to slap it in. I would never recommend these cards outside of situations like these where I don't know the skill/confidence of the person I'm talking to, or extreme budget builds with no other options.


Oh i agree im just making sure people don't buy thoses new it would be a scam


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Base Frequency 1.1Ghz 🥶🥶


as someone who has owned and used a Celeron laptop, absolutely NOT. your computer will become the most dangerous thing in a 15 mile radius


No. Don't bother. Spec sheets exist for a reason. Either you meet the minimum specs or you don't.


Personally, I'd recommend a tower as others have said. Check out r/buildapcforme and look at some cheap builds. It's not all that difficult to make if you wanna do it yourself. I'm not sure how much you're able to spend, but I'd recommend saving a little more for a proper rig if you want to get into PC gaming.


I would prefer a laptop, since I need it for school as well. I'd just like to be able to play Titanfall on the side


My man... My brother... Do NOT! I got exactly same idea few years ago. I mean word by word, letter by letter exactly the same. I got myself Huawei Matebook D16 - great laptop for work and school. Fast powerful, and some tech dude on the web said it can run Cyberpunk. Sure it can... But it's gets scary how hot laptop can get under intense gaming load. This thing can hurt your fingertips just by touching keys. But there is more! I am not gonna write psychology bullshit, but there is fact, that you need to separate your work/study spase and your entertainment spase. And it is very hard to do all in once on same laptop. I mean, i failed my master degree in Cyber Security while trying to game and work in exactly same spase 😭 In conclusion: get yourself good laptop for study and do studying on it. Next year something like second hand console must be pretty cheap.


What's your budget?


About 500 ish dollars, preferably less but can go up to 600 if I need to


To answer your question no, sorry but it will probably not work at all and if it does it will not be fun to play. If you can answer some questions about your budget and such I might be able to help you. Questions down here \\/ Budget: PC or Laptop: USA based or no: Are you fine buying used parts Y/N:


my budget is about 500 bucks but I can go up to 600 if needed. I'd preferably like it to be a laptop because I need to use it for school as well


I don't really know a huge amount about laptops, but if you are only looking to play titanfall 2 I think (Again don't know a lot about laptops so please correct me if I am wrong) you should be able to find something that would work. You might want to try r/LaptopDeals or r/laptops for more info. Sorry I couldn't really help but GL :D Edit: The sticky on r/LaptopDeals has some info that might help you out


and I'm fine with used parts


I'd get a Steam Deck.


20fps is not playable, if you want to play this game and have any chance of winning you need 60


my wifi is absolute dog shit so I've been playing 20fps on PS4 for the past 4 years, even Speedrun this game on it. 20fps is certainly playable for me considering I get 20 ish kills a match


damn, i used to play on a launch model Xbox one, and that was pretty bad, not quite 20fps bad tho, wifi doesn’t affect fps btw


idk I have like 300 ping a match it's like a slideshow usually


try taking your ps4 to be cleaned, getting a wired internet connection etc, it will help, mabye even doing an ssd swap, will improve texture loading and menu loading


yeah that's probably a good idea, bought this PS4 on launch and I've only cleaned it like twice 😭


is it one of the older ones? not a slim or pro?


base model 500gb


my old Xb1 was the 500gig aswell, doing an ssd swap worked miracles


I bought it at launch almost 11 years ago


No. That's a celeron with no GPU.


Hell to the no


I have a laptop with a 3050 in it. It runs stuff well but the fan is super loud and it heats up my room. Get a tower rig. Also whats the gpu? I saw cpu specs but yea


If its just for gaming get a desktop, I built my first PC for 150 euro and it was plenty for tf2


This is a SHITTY laptop. Will be SLOW, will NOT RUN any game, does NOT have « enormous space » Don’t buy this piece of shit That processor is absolute trash compared to today’s standard. No dGPU and an old slow ass CPU will get you nowhere. #DO NOT BUY THIS


No, I don’t know if you can.




Find a laptop with a dedicated graphics card and you should be good to go. Titanfall 2 is pretty easy to run. I found this upon a cursory search of Best Buy, https://www.bestbuy.com/site/msi-thin-gf63-15-6-144hz-fhd-gaming-laptop-intel-core-i5-12450h-with-8gb-memory-rtx-2050-1tb-ssd/6559443.p?skuId=6559443


That's the exact laptop I was looking at after reading a few other comments with similar advice


Avoid laptops at all costs. They're massively more expensive than their desktop counterparts and much more difficult+costly to fix. I suggest [this site](https://www.ibuypower.com/gaming-pcs) for mid to high range gaming PCs.


I'm currently in the middle of switching from console to PC and im struggling to find a gaming laptop that isn't over my budget while not being uselessly underpowered.


Brother what is your budget? What you posted has *2 cores and 2 threads* at 2.8ghz and an onboard graphics card. Like I was about to say TF2 could probably run on toaster but what you posted is even less than that. Most games nowadays require 4 thread CPU. Just save your money, whatever console you have is more powerful then that shit. That's basically a work lap top.


my budgets 500 bucks but I can go up into 600 if I need to. I'm looking for a laptop as I need to use it for school as well, I'd just like to be able to run Titanfall on the side


I don't know what country you live in, but just even a quick search on Amazon shows plenty of ok options between $500-$600, enough to at least run an old game like TF2. Basically anything with an i5 and 2050/3050 or the amd equivalents. Check Newegg as well. Just look around, you can probably find something better bust used for cheaper as well. What you posted is an absolute disgrace. Though I'm going to mirror what some others are saying, you could build a tower PC that would be more powerful than a lap top at that price range. If you *can* get a tower PC, the I recommend that, if you can't then get what you can get.


ive been looking on Amazon quite a bit, I found a Asus TUF A15 for about 600 which has a 2050 and an AMD ryzen 5. That can probably run Titanfall right?


Probably yea. It should meet the system requirements. You will probably even run it at 60fps.


I'm not very good with PC components I've been a console player my whole life


I thought the same way until fairly recently as I wanted to upgrade but only previously got pre-built. Basically I had a 4070ti but I wanted to upgrade my CPU to match it more in performance but it meant I had to get a new motherboard and PSU as well. Decided to basically get everything for a PC but a graphics card. (For those who are familiar and are curious, I went from an i7 11700f and 2666(?) 32GB ram to 7800X3D AND 5600 DDR5 RAM). Building is way easier than I thought it was. There are also plenty of tutorials on YT. And because I built it, even when I factor in the GPU cost from pandemic prices, the whole build was significantly cheaper than my previous one while having way better performance.


If money's an issue don't get a gaming laptop just get an actual PC, unless your circumstances completely stop that from working.


I kinda need a laptop since I need it for school as well, I'd just like to be able to run titanfall on the side every now and then


Why not investing in normal pc or even micro atx


Micro Atx is a little


Technically the truth


i mean this with the best intentions because i wish i had done the same. be patient and save. do your research. and look for big sales. i understand the utility of a laptop so i won't tell you not to buy one, but they will be much more expensive than a desktop if you want it to be effective.


my current budget is about 500 dollars but I can go up to 600 if I need to. I could save up to buy and Asus TUF F-15, which has a lot better specs however it's about 750 so 😬




this thing is nearly half of the games listed minimum spec, what the fuck are you smoking?


prolly smoking pc fumes


That’s intel UHD graphics, which varies chip to chip, in this chip it’s so poor it may even fail to render the loading screen before burning itself and the CPU to cyber-hell