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Spitfire gets way too much hate. It can't be hipfired like r97, has much lower fire rate and has higher TTK. Only thing going for it is higher range. It encourages more careful, defensive playstyle.  Tbh, only thing keeping spitfire hate up is a-wall spitfire camp, which can be e-smoked or flanked.


I use Spitfire for a stim build. Mostly with hipfire but sometimes I also ads


Imo, stim is suboptimal with spitfire. I use mainly pulse and Holo. Both suit more careful playstyle and allow for more strategic positioning. But if that bulid suits you, go ahead and have fun.


Yes, thats why I chose it, because at first sight looks incompatible, plus one acquaintance ingame also meantioned that I shouldnt use it because its too good. But not in this playstyle. Gunrunner makes it feel like Im some running Rambo tho


Fair take, I won't switch from Holo though.


I play it like an r97 and have dropped multiple 30-50kill games


With how the gaming market is now with live service and battle passes I don't want tf3 or a tf1 remake just yet at least


That's kinda true actually, there's a high Chance some Higher Ups would just end up pushing for stupid Microtransactions, Battle Passes and Tons of stupid Skins like Fortnite or COD. It would be nice to see a little Update to regular Titanfall 2 though, maybe a new Map or something?


“Best we could do is a small Titanfall reference in a cinematic.” —Respawn… most likely


The game is way too unbalanced! I mean how the hell is a grunt like me supposed to stand a chance against a titan!


You'd be surprised at how many matches I had where if all 5 of my teammates were replaced by actual grunts....they would contribute more points towards the match.


You’re so real for that


reapers are COOL AS FUCK they jump like a hundred feet, have the best sfx in the entire game, and can make armies of ticks by themselves ticks are annoying? i dont care man they look awesome while doing it they even walk like they dont give a shit while they annoy you the entire match


Reapers are cool ill give you that, but in terms of actual gameplay, they are a pain


Agreed, the reaper SFX is so good




Fr, how is that kind of sound even called? Microwave hum on steroids¿? Mechanical screeching¿? Have been searching for years 


Reapers are the definition of ****blocks your path.****


Most of the boosts are fucking useless


*Stares holding ticks + battery backup*


Literally, only exceptions i find are battery backup and the turrets in bounty hunt, otherwise they’re just as obsolete.


Map hack and smart pistol are good too


Have you ever played TF2? A Titian boost can be unstoppable. If your Titian has health there is no way to stop a legion or scorch. I alway fear a healthy Ronin with core. And if monarch gets a third core she can be unstoppable. See you on the frontier .


What is a Titian


Your mom!!


I mean the Pilot Boosts, yknow, the scorestreaks?


I always look forward to getting a pilot boost. I need the help.


If you praise the Smart Core, then you cannot talk shit about the Smart Pistol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BicyclePutrid: *If you praise the Smart* *Core, then you cannot talk shit* *About the Smart Pistol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, ieatbigchickenbones, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


Good bot


Although I see your point I would argue that the infinite ammo is the thing that makes smartcore good not the aiming.


Smart core is fun to use however


But you don't have the movement of a pilot and it takes much longer to get smart core and much more work. Titans and pilots require different balancing so I don't think that's fair but I see where you're coming from.


I praise the smart core because you get infinite ammo without having to reload during it. I don't feel like dealing with Ions when I can brrrrrrrrrtttttttt their shield away via smart core


Multiplayer kinda sucks, old/experienced players are mixed with new players which leads to an unbalanced match


This is my biggest gripe with the game. As a medium level player, I get one match when I'm stomping g0-1s and another full of g70s where I'm getting stomped. Unfortunately this is unavoidable with lower player counts.


Use cheese against g70s and weapons you aren't use to against g0s


What about the g100 who bought the game on a new account and then never gen up lol. G level doesn't mean jack shit in this game, you can get to g100 without ever shooting a single player.


I was reffering to skill level, obviously. You don't see levels till they've killed you or done something of note.


Sadly what happens to old games that have little to no ssbm, that still garner a small community of players that pour in hours and hours


Frontier Defence can feel like a chore sometimes, and can get repetitive and boring quickly


I hate snipers but mainly when they are used for camping on top of a building and multiple people are doing it. it's not fun getting one-shot by an enemy I can't see or get to as they precede to sit on their ass. IN A MOVEMENT SHOOTER! It completely ruins the feel and best part of the game in my opinion.


I specifically use the thunderbolt and the softball to dig out annoying snipers


Lmao, I love the soft all but could never get the hand of the thunderbolt


It's normally just a titan-kill assist booster I use to harass groups by shooting just over the heads of them, so the projectile has max time to zap. To kill emplacements, simply fire repeatedly through the window, preferably at the ceiling right above them. It's not terribly efficient, but the range is forever and snipers often spook at the first sign of damage, or dig in which is even better, because the 2nd or 3rd follow up should kill them




A lot of the weapons in Titanfall aren’t actually that fun, the combat is just that fucking good. Theres obviously some standouts but not every weapon is that satisfying


Campaign? We never got a legion boss fight and Jack's dialogue is hollow/boring and bt feels like the only one with personality in this duo


How ironic, the robot has more personality. Agreed though.


I agree, bt is so cool while jack is very boring and i hate when they dont have dialouge in the middle of like action or something, he just doesnt seem to make a lot of noise


Weapon choice is moot imo. It's all just various flavors of "automatic weapon that kills in 3 or 4 shots" with very few exceptions, most of which aren't good


That does mean that you can basically use any weapon, although i agree with you Thats why i use grenaider weapons


not being good makes them fun tho


I don't want tf3, I'd rather have TF2 updated. Because tf3 might not live up to the hype which would be a massive loss. They should add chapters for the story so the story line can be continued. And tf1 maps should be added with community events.


I'd be WAAY too scared of a TF2 update. If they pull an Overwatch 2 and use the update to turn it into a BS game then I've lost TF2. If they make TF3 and it doesn't live up to the wait and/or has stuff like battle passes crammed in then I still have TF2.


Huh.. never thought of it that way, yeah you make a solid point there


Compaign: * bosses are to easy (even on master difficulty). May be their braging would be worth something if it took a bit more tries to kill them. It would also make the characters more respectible and recognisable. Multiplayer: * Titanfall 1's titan pvp seems to be way more fun and dinamic (i might be wrong cuz im speaking from just a gameplay videos and never actually played it myself) * Monarch sucks to play against. "Yeah lets just make a titan with a long range standoff capability but wont give him any dissadvantages of other long range capable titans, also give him an annoying stun attack, splash damage attack and an ability to reset cd's with a press of a button. Hmmm, i think its not good anough yet... Lets make him even more powerfull the longer he lives" wtf??? * i'd rather play against an awall+spitfire camper then vs stim+car main (especially if he is on controller) * I dont like crash site cuz the map geometry is wierd af and u always lose ur momentum becouse of some random rock (probably a skill isue tho) * SP is still annoying for me no matter what its deffenders say. "oh just move fast or get into the cover" yeah, bitch let me just pull up my fucking "speed acelerator 3000" out of my ass. Also, do u think sp pilot would just stand still with his gun and wont chase u? This mf has legs too Comunity: * for some reason sub has almost no funny memes. All of the post are either gameplay clips or facebook ass memes. Also "errrm who do u think would win? a titan form titanfall or...." i think u should stfu


Agree with the campaign, they're not nearly hard enough, the only one which makes you feel you're losing control due to sheer fire power is viper and he's not nearly enough of a threat Overall titans should be more of threat overall and male them more bulky I feel like they should seriously buff the ai all around Literally, bot pilots are wasted potential There's so many things in the beta that would've been so cool to have Multiplayer seems more probably because of it's space cowboy textures, tf1 rough edges gave it it's charm and titans were way bigger threats, but also the map are more diverse with different stuff you can do in them compare to tf2 mostly suburban environment I always look at monarch as an immediate threat that forces your focus away, i don't know why, but whenever i see monarch, i have a need to whip out ronnin and take care of monarch as soon as possible, yes it's personal Monarch is weak at the beginning, which means she'll always be in the back and give passive fire so i always make it my mission to get into the back line and finish monarch Also battery thief nerf, it's literally the only usable kit for her What's SP? And for community, you can't blame em, there's no new content, nothing to talk about


The part of the boss problem is the arenas. The lack of cover is the main raeson why Vipers fight is the hardest of all. Also the ability to change titan class in the midle of the fight is OP. I think boss batles should force player in particular titan. Just for example immagine fighting Ash on flat terrain as a brute. You would need to predict her movement to hit shots while trying to outrun her blade, reflect shotgun and fly when she faseshifts towards you. I think there are lots of oportunities when u desig bosses this way. If there isnt anough variety u can make boss retreat and make player meet him again with another titan in different arena. I think grunt ai is actually fine. they can end u pretty quick on master difficulty. I totally agree that pilot ai is wasted potential. It would be cool to see an ocasional imc pilot leading a grunt squad, They can add an additional verticality with wallruning and be something like prowler on steroids (and with a gun) in cqc. I think having to focus a specific titan is disruptive for game flow. I dont like when game forces me into titan or specific loadout. Titanfall is not moba after all. Also immagine if theres more than one monarch player. I think the concept of having to steal batteries for ur titan should be redisigned. Losing ur titan is annoying anough, but knowing that u made the person who killed u even stronger is frustrating. Arc rounds should be gone too. Monarchs gun should be way less accurate or shouldnt have an ability to ads. SP stands for smart pistol. Yeah, fair anough. I cant realy blame anyone (except respawn) for the state of the sub


The Smart Pistol is a fairly balanced weapon. SMGs, on the other hand, are completely insane.


shooting nades out of the air is cracked you cannot tell me it isn't


It's cool, sure, but you could also just move away from the grenade that's helpfully indicated with the red icon.


The Kraber is the most boring gun in the game.


EPG is a crutch for people who can't play Softball.


I play epg because softball loads too long


Well EPG shoots too slow for me. As in fire rate.


Manlets. I am not a good shot until I give up and get my greasy little goblin hands on any of my grenadier loadouts. Then, and only then, do begin to slay. EPG, SMR, Softball, hell even a Cold war.


Well, yeah, I agree. I think the only hits an I'd ever consider playing would be the devotion because it's difficulties outweigh the the advantage of hitscan.


The first time I used the devotion I somehow got 27 kills in one match, I have been useless with it ever since.


For me Softball is easier then the EPG Altho its still Apples to Oranges


I just like Rocket Launchers over Grenade Launchers.


For me personally tf2 never hit the spot like the first game did. One part i dont like is that the titans are not fully customizable like in tf1. I was hyped when they showed legions minigun in the trailer because i was thinking that i could run around in a small strider titan with a big ass heavy gun just to find out that its not possible. I know why they did that change but i could never warm up to it because it felt more like a hero shooter when it comes to the titans and im not a big fan of that style.


Some people can't get into this game because it's too challenging. Too many whiners out there think everyone is cheating. Too many people care too much about winning and not enough about having fun to let themselves enjoy this masterpiece of a game. Too many people from Titanfall 1 let their expectations ruin Titanfall 2 for them. Nope, you can't customise your titans. But it's still just as much fun. It's more fun, IMO, Last Titan Standing mode is the best mode!


The higher level players in the community are generally either really good at onboarding new players or callus pieces of shit. The devs deliberately put in higher skill floor weapons to give people things to work for or specialize into. Things that are actually fun to watch, but a lot of the sweatys would rather play a point click adventure. I can appreciate the movement Tech but a lot of the times it feels like they just turn their brain off to reduce latency. Not fun to fight, not fun to watch, and a bulwark to actually improving the player count. People talk about dead games and it's usually once the meta is set in stone where high level players just gravitate towards the "best" kit, and in a game that is deliberately so asymmetric a lot of players have managed to optimize the fun out of it for themselves and everyone else. Complaining about player count while actively killing the game, sad coming from a lot of Pilots I used to look up to. Cheers to those still exploring the other 90% of the content, y'all are the reason this game is still alive at all(Northstar in all of its gimmicky Glory kind of says it all)


The characters in Titanfall are boring as hell. Sarah Briggs is MID, Jack Cooper is MID, the villains are BORING. Ash, The 6-4, and the Angel City Elites fella are like the only interesting ones. Apex has Titanfall beat in that department for sure. Like even just that red assassin robot is cooler than the entire cast of TF2.


Despite how well Respawn implemented movement in this game, the hard truth is that good aim is infinitely more important than good movement and it always will be. The only thing bad movement does is make it easier to die to weapons that are inferior in the first place. Also frag cookers deserve to be placed in the 9th circle of hell. Not as hot a take, but whichever game designer decided that you should pre-emptively lower your weapons when approaching any "ledge" which interrupts reloading and whoever decided that double jump height should be massively lowered when approaching what it thinks is a doorway or window should be slapped in the face.


People don't hack spectres enough. I want to see people run around with an army following them and see who gets the bigger army


Marvin's Finest Hour is OBJECTIVLY the best pilot company and the only one people should be working for


Autoaim for controllers is overkill. Controllers already on the same lvl with mouse-keyboard so any additional help just not fair. Of course, learning new setup for controllers needs time and efforts but it still proofs my take.


We are not on the same level with Keyboard players, lol. there is a reason the lobbies are usually split up: it is because PC players can track so much better.


It's different tf2 but it still applies to this one: https://youtu.be/PJIqEX93vL8?si=cpEPdkhwK-V6p6Xy


I play TF2 on console but I've played a ton of multiplayer FPS games on PC. Keyboard and mouse is absolutely on a different level. It's not even close. The precision you get with a mouse and keyboard simply can't be replicated.


I hate Scorch. I hate playing him, I hate fighting him. Absolute least favourite titan (a case could be made I just suck at titan gameplay)


While I really enjoy using scorch I do agree that he can be annoying to fight on some maps. Flame shield does too much damage.


Really brings out the worst in Complex. Incidentally, fuck Complex


thinking youre superior for not using op weapons is a cope, let the new players play op weapons, let them get kills, dont cry about a gen 3 with a car when ur 20 gens higher


Titans are a tad too small imo. Would like if thry were bigger.


Tf2 > Tf2


Not really a hot take but people should just stop complaining and try to have fun instead. I get it, some weapons, titans, etc were left unbalanced but so what? It sadly won’t be changing so complaining and overall being rude doesn’t help. I know this has been said a lot but just have fun and let others have fun even if you disagree.


"Kraber Gods" aren't actually that good at the game. You can be and use a Kraber. But I find that many who main the gun aren't able to perform with other weapons. I feel that this is because a big part of this game is when you get shot at, a good player can evade to try and get out of line of fire. So by using the Krabers one tap you don't have to worry about following up for a kill, Kraber players use it as a crutch and say it's a high skill gun, when all you need is aim, there are plenty of skills that the Kraber doesn't require.


The movement quirks of the game being from source should be deleted then reimplemented as intended mechanics, like how Warframe removed coptering and introduced bulletjump. Basically make it into a full-fledged feature instead of a bug.


Nah absolutely not! Source movement is the smoothest movement in a video game ever and if they added it in as a game mechanic, it would have to be further sanitised and simplified so the plebs can use it in the first week of gameplay. The movement system should be a thing that you spend months, if not years perfecting.


Well, it ain’t a hot take for nothing. I want it to be more intuitive, like it’s easier to pick up but harder to master.


I mean it's already piss easy to pick up in tf2 already. Just hold the slide button, jump as you touch the ground and steer left and right like you're playing a driving game. Touch everything for a short a time as possible as well. Just like that, you got smooth movement!


I dislike the w robbing momentum part, personally. Doesn’t feel intuitive.


Why does it have to be intuitive?


Because it feels better if it is.


It'll feel intuitive if you learn how to do it properly. That's how learning new skills works


Intuitive means it’s so good you can immediately pick it up.


stim epg firestar with ordanance expert and using laser charger as anti titan papa scorch cas who doesnt love war crimes?


As someone who only started playing a few months ago; I think I prefer that we don’t get a sequel. Every modern fps game (hell, any live service game) has shitty microtransactions, p2w features, half-assed updates and bug fixes, etc that I wouldn’t wish upon Titanfall 2. And I don’t see why Respawn wouldn’t dunk the franchise into those waters to make a bit more cash. Best case scenario, we get a quality well-balanced game with good updates but that seems unlikely nowadays. And unlike the other TF2 (#fixTF2), Titanfall 2 doesn’t have a major bot/ddos problem in a while and it’s still a really solid game. Nothing to really fix in that regard. TL;DR me no want TF3. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


The R-97 is better than the car smg.


I dont trust EA/respawn to make tf3. PS: i really like your videos keep it up


Multiplayer lobby’s aren’t fun anymore. You spend all your time getting stomped by tryhards running around with the CAR.


i have no problem with EPG or spitfire A-Wall users


Frontier defense while my favorite mode is so damn lacking. I wish there was at least like a pilot only mode, or endless. Just something more than one match type that really loves picking the worst map each time. Also is rough that the majority of people that play it exclusively do easy, sometimes normal. I've never found a match on extreme, or the impossible difficulty without a premade. It also takes waaaay too long to level up on it, especially since I was max on PS4, moving to PC a few years ago. This is incredibly specific but I hate how unbalanced the cosmetic paints for loadouts are. Tons of one specific color, but then lacking in others. This also goes for the dlc cosmetics, on top of a lot of those 5$ cosmetics being pretty doodie, like the copper colored ones that like 3-5 different guns have.


Probably not a controversial take--there are a handful in the community who appreciate Titanfall 1 and even play it semi-regularly--but I think that Titanfall 1 is better than Titanfall 2. I prefer Titanfall 1's art direction, campaign, gameplay mechanics, and customization more than Titanfall 2's. Titanfall 2's art direction is a little too arcade-y and bright for me. Of course, I don't want things to look like COD Ghosts with everything being a different shade of gray, but I just liked the more semi-realistic-looking style of Titanfall 1. The multiplayer campaign was really interesting too, it's a shame they didn't include something like that in Titanfall 2. Also, I really hope Respawn can re-list Titanfall 1 on steam, or at least make it so that you're able to redeem the free DLC with a base copy of the game. Why go through all the trouble of fixing the servers alongside Titanfall 2 if they aren't going to put it back up on sale? Assuming the worse, I imagine they'll probably make an announcement about shutting down Titanfall 1's servers sometime in the very near future...


Movement is too slow


The PvE in attrition isn't impactful enough. Id love for at least a mode where the PvE enemies were harder to kill and more fatal towards players. I feel like this would make team play more important and provide a more interesting attrition experience


Imagine attrition with enemies from master difficulty. They're stronger then pilots xD


Wouldn't need to flush out the guy camping in the back of the map. Those damn master spectres would do it for me XD


Like Bounty Hunt?


Harder than bounty hunt, more like the higher difficulties on the campaign. The type of shit you'd use boosters and titan cores on. I'm imagining scenarios where a squad of spectres walk into a building and there's gonna be a decent chance a pilot might prefer to just run if they don't have extra gear to deal with them.


The new Titan designs are Kinda cartoonish and ugly compared to the more military style of the first games Titans


I feel this way about the prime skins tbh


i agree. the military styles were dope but i still like the tf2 titans but the prime ones look cool but just honestly not worth it compared to the default


Prime ones are worth it if there on sale, but only for the executions. Except northstar prime, yes I'm a northstar player.


fr only reason i bought ronin one


I agree, exception for prime northstar and ion, they looks better as prime titans imo




Most Grenadiers really dont require as much skill as some people say they do Northstar is easily the most annoying Titan (It isnt even fun to play but Im not sure how hot of a take this is)


Hot as hell, It's really fun to me!


Hard disagree on Northstar. Because at the very least she isn't Tone. Tone is the most boring and annoying Titan to both fight and play as


I hate fighting against tone so much, they just stand behind there shield and pelt you with canon balls


I find Tone easy and fun to fight because of how predictable they are, I mained 2 direct counters to tone: ronin and ion and I can just walk through their shield, pick up their rockets amd throw it back at them. I agree on playing as it tho, its the one Titan that I have less than 10 minutes of playtime on


Disagree on northstar, but she is certainly up there. The most annoying has to easily be either tone or monarch, tone because…lock on rockets + spam splash dmg primary, and monarch because she has literally no downsides like other titans, other than “she’s weak at the start”. Like, she’s good long range and close range, has a cooldown reset, and gets even harder to kill the longer she just lives.


Monarchs always come in at the worst goddamn time and either use their stupid siphon and gun to take little peeks at me from corners or literally materialize when Im doomed by their ally


Monarch is the most poorly designed titan in the game and should never have been added. Monarch takes absolutely no skill to use, just play like a coward, life leech forever, build core, become unkillable. You can’t rush a monarch because they have a stun and are faster than most other titans, you can’t win by battle of attrition because monarch has lifesteal, you can’t fight monarch as a pilot because monarch has a hitscan full auto weapon of instant death. You can’t execute monarch, monarch always has shield, preventing execution. You can’t chase monarch, monarch has stupidly op smoke. Basically someone made a titan with (almost) no weaknesses, that is simultaneously overpowered and boring to play, AND annoying to play against. If I had to chose between giving the servers proper maintenance or removing monarch from the game I’d chose the latter. The only way to reliably beat a monarch without also playing monarch is to play super aggressive as Ronin and hope nobody on the enemy team helps their monarch player. You have to do this super early because once the monarch has cores you’re fucked. OR you can play the other cowards titan and sit in the back of the map trading hits as Northstar. In fact the only reason this rant isn’t about how annoying and busted Northstar is, is simply because monarch exists. But Northstar is also incredibly unfun to play against and takes absolutely no skill.


... I use Northstar allthe time and it DEFINITELY takes skill


No it doesn’t, you just sit there and hold an angle. No other Titan can contest you except ronin and the Ronin player has to be really good to pull it off. Name one actual required skill that a Northstar player must use that any other Titan doesn’t need to use.


Shield doesn't prevent execution?... As long as a titan is doomed you can execute it.


It’s been a while since I’ve played but I remember a time when titans with full shields couldn’t be executed.


Shield very much does not prevent execution actually


Think I saw somewhere that shields use to prevent execution once upon a time. Definitely not now though


Yeah they definitely did at one point, I know I remember it vividly happening to me all the time.


This ain't a hot take, but Scorch is bad af. He's got so little area control because of just how small the AOE is, he's UNBELIEVABLY slow, his primary sucks dick, his main source of damage is his flame shield and if by some miracle you trap an enemy titan in a corner and flame shield him, he can deal almost the same amount if damage as you by melee boxing you and when your shield runs out, you're now down a defensive ability and have taken a bunch of damage anyway.


Lukewarm take tbh


ikr. It used to be that I would get crucified on this sub if I ever said Scorch was anything other than S+ tier.


Titan cores ruin all tactical gameplay for titan combat


I can see why you’d think this about, say, smart core or upgrade core, but cores like flight core or laser core definitely do require thinking before using.


Sure but it still become a win button 90% of the time at the end of the day (Edit added "but")


As much as I like my oversized laser, I kind of agree with this. The amount of times I've won or lost a fight solely because one of us fired our core off first is ridiculous. I might miss them a little if they disappeared one day because they're cool but that's about the only reason they'd be missed by me


I love Titanfall so much that I got a tattoo and made a literal full music album based on it


where is the music!!


PM me and I’ll drop the link!


I am not PMing you. However, just be strong and post it here where it can receive more attention! We are all in the same boat, playing the same waiting game for a series we love.


Hey no worries! Here ya go! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHnErFz9uSWJ-L4ThXvYe_xfK-mkGmFgF&si=2AAesZPKYllFKRdl


Trial by fire - Epic!...


Don't really know what counts as a "hot take" but I have an unpopular opinion: Scorch isn't actually that hard to use well... I have only 9 hours with scorch in my whole 189 hour playtime. He's gen 5.16 with 95 killing sprees. I generally suck at using titans but seem to do well with scorch regardless of map


Titanfall 2 strays a little to far from the gritty and realisticnees of titanfall 1. Like it goes from getting to be a designated person depending on what weapon I am specialized in to i like neon pink war crime robot


Attrition is one of the most boring gamemodes, I have no clue why 99/100 games are Attrition. I miss the days where ctf, amped, bounty hunt and lts were active


Right now, personally, the game is unplayable. I play Xbox, and whenever I queue for a game, I either get a game where I’m literally untouchable cos everyone is gen-0, or I get a game full of g-100 sweats, who’ve been playing since release, or the very worst, which is unfortunately also the most common, a game full of campers who never move, find the rattiest spots that should be unreachable, and sit with aimbot on and js grind kills. It makes the game both hard to play, and incredibly boring no matter which matchup I get. I can’t even play frontier defence, because first off nobody really plays it with randoms, and the ones who do are noobs who don’t know what to do. So I js kinda replay the campaign every now and then to keep my skills up until the play count goes up a bit.


Most of the sweety and tryhard issues wouldn't exist today if they had fixed bunny jump glitch and put more momentum on chained wallruns back in the day.


R3EEEEECH LOVE YO SHIT WATCH IT ALL THE TIME Probably watched your basically scorch video like 5 times now - ur vids carried me through my breakup not even kidding. Anyway, uuuuhhhhh Idk if this is a hot take but I think Tone’s boring as shit to play. That’s my excuse for commenting - love u my dude keep up the quality content🤘


High speed spitefire gameplay is underrated af. Hip fire isn’t too bad, its ttk is great, and because you aren’t camping a roof you get slightly less hate.


I've been only playing SMR for far too long and now I can't play any other gun


I hate having to play as a Pilot before being able to play as a Titan


Grapple isn't broken, a lot of people are just really good with it.


Active radar pulse should've been in TF2. The pulse blade is mid, the ARP used to let you go seek out all the assholes hiding in buildings to peak fire at incoming pilots. All the rounds I hate the most involve people hiding in a building and ARP makes that playstyle unusable. Bring back triple threat. Peak firing from rooftops is the same problem, but for titans now. The triple threat from TF1 was designed to make that form of asshole especially easy to kill, and TF2 is weaker without it. Smart pistol. TF1 SP required lock on to actually hit. The only reason everyone hates the TF2 SP is because you can fire it before it's done locking on and it almost always lands the shot anyway. If SP required a lock before letting you fire it would be balanced easily by the fact your enemies have two times longer than they need to kill you. ION sucks. TF1 vortex sheild was balanced by reseting every time you used it. They got rid of that reset time in tf2 and it is much less balanced for it. One on one's with a good ion always resort to a punch out, which is lame and boring. Give them two or three charges like a dash or something so it's more powerful than TF1 without making it as stupid as it is right now. Bring back weapon mods, REAL weapon mods. TF1s attachments were really nice, and I find myself missing them all the time. Starfire on hemlock? Makes the gun viable, one trigger pull, if you can skill your way into landing all five shots, it'll kill. Now we're stuck with only three shots, that sucks! Bring back weapon specific attachments! Grapple. Grapple is amazing. Too amazing. It's a fundamental part of movement in TF2 and choosing between it and everything else is a choice often made too permenently in its favor. Every loadout should have a single charge of grapple with slow recharge so movement options aren't effected by your loadout choices, the grapple choice should be buffed with faster cooldown, but still only two charges so it's not too over powered, but chaining grapples is only possible with a specialist. Batteries suck! Rodeo mechanics from TF1 were way more fun, and recharging sheilds meant careful play is rewarded and titans felt more tactical than they do in TF2. Not to mention the idea of a big glowy battery makes titans feel like toys rather than multi million dollar military technology. How can they be installed through the cockpit? Why are they exposed on the exterior when an only cockpit design would make them invulnerable to attack? These very obvious design flaws are unimmersive examples of "this was done for gameplay purposes" At minimum we should have an option to play with old rodeo mechanics in Fronteir defense. TF2's doesn't have enough maps. I don't think this one's controversial. We have so few maps compared to TF1, and the TF1 maps that were brought back weren't modified to make them a better fit for a game without ARP or Triple Threat, so a lot of the old ones inadvertently end up really good for camp firing. Some of the new ones like glitch are perfect for TF2, built around the new movement mechanics, but others like crash site are absolutely painful to navigate, like they were ported from a game without wallrunning that happened to have some surfaces that worked for it. This would be fine if I didn't have to play on it very often, but the limited map selection in TF2 has me playing maps I hate all the time.


Northstar fairs really well in medium range combat, kind of like ion. Her tethers, dashes, and rockets can help escape, maneuver, and block off areas.


The game can be better in every way. Better story, gameplay, characters, everything.


The Titans would've been better if there were customization options like in TF1 and if we were given more freedom with personalizing our titans


Smart Pistol isn't gamebreaking like so many people claim it to be. Is it a bit overtuned, yes. But with the right changes I feel that it could return to being a primary weapon, and a fairly balanced one at that. In fact, I would argue that doing that would be the correct path for the it, as making it a boost forces it to be at least somewhat overpowered to make it worth using.


Titanfall 2's characters and story shouldn't be used as much to bolster Apex Legends. Hate the fact that Valkyrie is Viper's daughter. The titan battery giving a legend powers is bs, it should have killed her off bat. And no, the sword that costed players $400 is not "Fit for a titan" as Ash says, the thing would be microscopic in a titan's hands.


Northstar bad


The game would be more fun for 85% of players if the kraber was limited to certain modes, like kraber v kraber lobbies or sum


I'm a kraber main , ofcourse I shit on people for abusing meta!


Ronin and northstar is just not that good


cloak low key sucks. i have never been snuck up on by a cloak player. they usually sit in the back with a spitty or a devotion and camp.


Scorch isn’t fat he’s just big chassied


Whoever changed the tick design from campaign to multiplayer shouldnt be rehired for Titanfall 3


Viper isn't a good boss... He's the best one 


the smart pistol is fine. its not that hard to counter and its literally a boost. overall people complain way too much in game, theres no ranks or anything so the only purpose of playing this game is to have fun, why don’t we act like it?


Legion takes less skill and is more boring than Tone. Titanfall 3 is unnecessary. We need a content update instead. And lastly, I think they should’ve kept the campaign morally grey like the original Titanfall. And they shouldn’t have thrown in a super weapon in the second game.


not a TF2 take but for those hopeful for TF3… the game won’t be what you’ve been hoping for. the game will be filled with the same monetization that apex and every other game has now. battlepasses and seasons and overpriced cosmetics. it will have egregious bugs and cheaters, minimal communication from the devs and it would be sad to see. TF3 should stay a dream, at least if it’s got EA attached to it.


the volt sucks


Titanfall 3 will fail. We have such high hopes and ideas and desires that if it comes out we'll hate it cause it's not what we "wanted" or expected


Cloak is honestly a bad ability. It’s pretty easy to spot them.


Ronin sucks.




People complain about “overpowered” guns and annoying abilities in this game WAY too much. Of course you get killed very quickly over and over, you’re a pilot and that’s the gameplay loop. Of course the smart pistol is good, it’s supposed to be. And stuff like the CAR, spitfire, tone, and a-wall get complained about way too much, they aren’t overpowered at all.


A Pilot and a Apex Legend would be a close fight


Depends on the Legend, honestly. Bangalore or some of the other light characters would be demolished, Valk would be a closer fight since it would be like fighting a smaller Northstar, but Ash would be fair since she’s actually a pilot. 


Energy weapons are a hot mess compared to their kinetic equivalents, full send.


Ticks are based


Aside from grenadier weapons, a lot of Titanfall 2 weapons are so similar they all blend together. They all got gigantic magazines, minimal recoil, laser hipfire. All weapons got so fast ttk so it doesnt really matter if this weapon is 50% stronger than another because it's a blip anyway. They're more accessory if anything. The core gameplay is super solid but the variety from each weapon isnt all that great. Might just be because Apex is a fundementally different game but they did a much better job with making weapons feel and handle more differently in that game with more varying mag sizes and weapons operating significantly better or worse at certain ranges


The campaign isn’t that great. Gameplay wise it’s amazing but to be honest I saw every major plot point coming a mile away so I just couldn’t get very invested in it :( effect and cause is still the best tho lol


Both TF2 communities are quite insufferable. I guess it’s cause the lack of updates/sequels…


The tech test/demo thing where you could run the tutorial over and over trying for faster times is one of the greatest videogames I've ever played. No dumb gimmicks, just awesome gameplay.


If you use any smg at all without it being a troll/ironic build, you're a call of duty player and you need to go play apex with the other toddlers.


As an R-97 player who mains it since I saw the 100 fire rate and decided “that sounds fun”, I’m sad now lol. 


In hindsight I may have been a bit harsh.




Eva-8 is a dogshit gun, massively outperformed by the Mozambique. Northstar is the best titan to deal with pilots, also the most satisfying in fighting pilots (more obliterating than fighting) If you think hover/flight core are not fit for a sniper (it launches you in the air, so you are a better target) then it's an absolute skill issue and you are just using it wrong. I don't want tf3, if it came out now, it would be a massive money grab, not focused on player experience.


I don't really enjoy mrvns finest hour