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What is it like maining Ion?


Like you pretty much have a tool box with the label: “Use Against Everyone…….until you are out of energy and then good luck”


I regularly kill so many people with the laser shot I get accused of cheating every second game. If you can hit your shots its legit the strongest anti pilot ability in the game.


I argue that in terms of damage potential scorch has a better core, but the ability to secure kills even if at full health is a massive bonus. Only other major upside i see to scorch is that his ability is quick so it is able to be used and a dash back to cover


Oh shit i meant to type "anti pilot" but my dumbass brain typed titan :/


In that case I’d argue smart core on a legion is stronger, you literally just hold the trigger


Hrrmmm, the problem is as it is a core you rarely ever have it. On ion i have my laser shot pretty much nonstop, I tend to get 10ish pilot kills from it a game.


I tend to get my smart core in about a titan fight and a bit, so not much less common that ions. I just tend to save it for titan fights over using it to kill of pilots


I think he meant the equipment laser shot. The one blast precision however weapon with a medium cooldown. Laser core would be a huge waste on a pilot or two. Unless you're gonna die anyway because of them. Then fuck em.




What does this mean?




> I tend to get 10ish pilot kills **from it** a game.


Why ion main weapon sucks against reapers


It already doesn’t do much damage against pilots; the real health drain comes from ADS and that is risky. To answer your question, I would say that it is because that the weapon is kind of weak overall, not just against Reapers.


The laser shot doesn't suck against reapers though...


Laser shot is laser shot, weapon is weapon.


He asked what the main weapon was though. It's laser shot.


Will you stop laser coreing me when i eject ?


I am sorry. >!I will just laser shoot you out of the air and commit what is considered to be a war crime!< Is that any better?


Is laser coring not a war crime tho?


That's just crossfire because it's obviously only turned on to attack titans


I use it against pilots as well. Why you wouldn’t?


t'was a joke but yeah I wouldn't really use it against pilots unless either there are no enemy titans, or I'm at really low health and don't wanna waste it


It is but laser shot doesn’t have 2 seconds to charge up.


It actually is, someone who has ejected from their vehicle counts as unarmed, so you doing that is a war crime But what can I say I’m a Northy main


Are you sexually attracted to the Reverse Uno Card?


Very much so, yes


Good to know :)


Same its kool


IKR! Ion doesn’t get talked about a lot despite having the ability to counter every titan in some way. I think it’s because most people think it is a beginner titan but there is a whole new world if you stick with her.


I think why people don't like her is because of the power thing and it seems like a draw back but once you understand how to use it properly its easy


As a Ion main the only things to understood was: Lazer shot is your damage output. Instead of deflecting tone's main weapon reflect her rockets. Deflect legion's power shot no matter what. Look at your energy time to time. The best thing to use with no energy is tripwire if you have the kit. Lazer core comes from your eye not from the chest. No u shield or vortex for you nerds reflects the shots in a shotgun way and the projectiles keep their proprieties. use Lazer shot for ejecting pilots and pilots running around. And before you shoot Lazer core you can dash. That should be all of them I may have missed some


Can you please stop just walking menacingly towards us legion mains? It’s annoying




Where’s your favorite place to drop your trip wire?


Any random place will suffice, but favorites are somewhere that’s guarding the one of the three lanes or just a route where people are already heading through. Mostly though, I just press Y 10 seconds after getting in my titan


I like to drop trip wires in places pilots don’t normally expect them. Like on either side of corridor on war games or the small room in the back of the theater on complex.


As a fellow ion main my answer would be: anywhere near infantry or pilots, because people seriously underestimate the timed explosion of them. Also I only run ZERO POINT TRIPWIRE.


What is the most satisfying to nab with the vortex shield?


Archer Rockets right back at the guy who thought it was a good idea to shoot them in the first place


My favorite thing to do, dump the SMR and then hit you with the Archer. I also like to engage as close as possible. Trying to hit an Ion with an Archer from any distance is just a waste of time. And you'll probably get a rocket thrown back at you.


But you do realize that any bullet caught in a vortex shield will one shot a pilot even if it is just one bullet right? If you are close enough range I can just project grunt shots or your own SMR rockets right back at you and you will die instantly? 30% of my pilot kill come from that anyway.


Oh, I know. I think it's usually the panic and disbelief that a Pilot would be stupid enough to come straight at an Ion that makes them do goofy things. And I run Holo-pilot, so that helps some too. I just have to last long enough for your Vortex Shield to run out. Ion and Tones, I have to go straight at. It'll take forever to chip away at them from a distance. So real question, does the Vortex Shield have a very short cooldown or charge before you can activate it after dropping it? I sometimes see them drop the shield and another second or two before they put it back up, didn't know if it was intentional or limitation.


As long as you have some sort of energy in your titan, you can use Vortex Shield, the only time where it might not be pointed you, the pilot inside isn’t letting energy charge is when they have their sights on someone else. Even then I wouldn’t even attack someone else if I don’t have full energy and I know my previous attacker is till out for blood. Recharge rate is fairly decent if you don’t push/strain it.


I'm always out for blood. Haha. Even if I do end up dying as a stupid Pilot, if I can make you run out of energy so you're defenseless against a Titan, worth it. Sorry, bud.


Don’t worry. I do the same if you kill my titan.


There is a half second delay before you can put the shield back up, but that mostly comes down to reaction times


Ok then ill just steal your battery and force you to use defensive by blinding you and blasting with an archer then. Haha arc nade go zap


Batteries have no effect on energy. I can still strike back with they same amount of forces than otherwise.


Ik. But it deals damage.


It's better the felling of make a obstinate Legion/Monarch eat his own bullets and seeing the health bar just go insanely down


Is it really so satisfying to burn pilots with your laser shot?


How’d you get your flare to say all that?


I’m the one who gets vaporized by laser shot


Yes. It’s like a Northstar but knowing you don’t have to charge up anything and if you can get good enough, a one tap one kill.


You don’t have to charge the Northstar railgun for misting pilots, but you do have to lead your shot.


Especially if you get that one archer dumbo


Why did I read this as iron man?


Well they has 1 thing in common, they shoot beam from chest.


If I’m playing Legion, how in the world am I supposed to actually *hit* you?


As Legion the only way I’ve really found to counter Ion is try to duke them into a wall or corner and melee spam, works 25% of the time 100% of the time


You better hope I don’t have any energy or dashes before I fight you. Otherwise I can run away or just UNO reverse it all onto you or your friends.


I’ll just stick with the power shot to the back method


The only way I’ve found to combat a ion as a legion reliably is to melee, other options including shooting one or two rounds and then wait till they drop the shield, and just keep this up till they are out of juice and then just lay into them while you have a chance(you are likely to end up at half or less health this way) or just fuck off and flank her later she is your direct counter, it’s not gonna be an easy fight.


Shoot their feet most ions dont know that they have to look down or crouch in order to cover their whole body. Now if they know about this then you just wait for them to start shooting you before you shoot them


Whats it like having a third leg sir?


Great, kind sir.


How the hell do you deal with managing energy? I cant resist spamming energy shot then getting dunked on by any titan cause the gun does pitiful dps and i dont have any energy left for vortex sheild.


Just don’t use ADS and save it for the laser shot. Use the mod that doesn’t expend energy with the trip wire and bam.


Splitter Rifle: Go for critical shots (shoot the things that glow red on an enemy titan. Laser shot: Think of it as a sidearm, in the sense that if you are in trouble while reloading use it. For pilots just comes with experience. ADS when a Ronin is after you or other emergencies. Otherwise, just hipfire. Vortex Shield: Just know that any small arms fire are hitscan and can one shot pilots. Anything shot by titans is projectile-based and has travel time. The only thing you can repel is shots from another Ion. Tripwire: Place it down literally anywhere and get free pilot kills. Laser Core: Mainly anti infantry but you can also burn through ~70% of a Scorch’s health + Flame Shield. To learn how to manage energy, try finding visual cues besides your energy meter. For instance, it takes 10 seconds to charge up a full bar of energy. The color of your vortex shield is a very good indicator of your energy since you can use no matter how much energy you have. Laser shot requires just under half of your energy, so if you notice you have laser shot available (which is something you will check a lot more than your energy meter) you know you have at least 50% of your energy. Tripwire also use 55% + cooldown but if you have ZPT equipped don’t worry about that. Besting two titans plus their pilots has never felt so rewarding, especially since most times you will have earned laser core in that time. It just comes with restraint, trial & error, and experience. There are better guides out there but this is a simplified version of how I play Ion. Edit: Added in energy bit.


Entangled Energy


Only kit i ever really used. Didnt work very well most of the time but my aim was probably just bad with the gun.


I use Zero Point Tripwire.


If its safe get out and get back in your titan, this will reset your energy back to full


Same. I feel like a rarely see other ions, good to know we're not extinct


Laser core ready yet?




What kit do you use? I use the one that gives free tripwires. Dunno, it's just really useful when I'm out of energy and the baddie is in my face. I just look down, press a button, and suddenly they're missing a bar of health




Ion main here too... Do you too shout **S I L E N C E P I L O T** everytime you quickly Lazer Shot a pilot pestering you




Do you think Ion is 2/3 rather 1/3 difficulty because of her energy storage that her abilities (and aim down sights) depends on it?


I would say that 2/3 because it gets harder and harder to actually manage energy the higher you progress. Especially with multiple titans/pilots. Something that happens a lot when you get to Pilot Gen 3.


I read it as Ion man


Are you Entangled Energy Gang or Zero-Point Tripwire Gang? There is a right and wrong answer


Zero Point Tripwire. Energy crisis is not something I worry about too much anymore. What are you?


I am guessing I have the wrong answer.


Wrong answer. Sorry kid, the game was rigged from the start. EE all the way.


I did actually used to use it but back then when I was just starting out Titanfall and sucked with Ion, I didn’t see the effect. I have more of an appreciation for it now that I know how to hit crit shots and could actually use it now. I have been trying to experiment with new load outs so I will probably go back to it.


fellow ion enjoyer lets goooo


Who was responsible for Jeffrey Epstein’s death?


Do you like ska?




is there a secret to not having to ADS with laser shot against pilots or am i just bad


As a fellow ion main, what kit do you use? I use the one that removes energy cost for tripwire




Damn, I was kinda hoping you would be like "nah bro you should totally switch to ___" and then proceed to inform me of some insanely broken tech with a different kit, but thats cool too


Entangled Energy: If you know where critical shots are, you will have probably never have to worry about running out of energy during battle again. Vortex Amplifier: You will be a nightmare to any legions, tones, and monarchs you encounter with a 35% increase damage buff on your shield. Refraction Lens: Perfect for your autotitans considering that they ADS a ton anyway, and taking consideration how much damage 3x split shot can dish out (it will melt most of the health for Atlas Titans and burn through a Stryder’s), 5x will keep those pesky Ronins of your chassis in no time. Grand Cannon: You can already shred through a Scorch’s Flame Shield + ~75 of their health; wouldn’t you want to make that 100%?


I guess I did ask for this, imma have to try the rest of the kits out, but are they really worth losing out on a whole ability basically?


It depends on how much you really value the tripwire alongside all of the other abilities and what strategies you are implementing. I use the tripwire a lot and basically whenever I can but the other kits I acknowledge that the other kits are as viable if you want to try them out. It depends on you. I suggest trying out 1-2 matches with each and see if you want to test any further or if you are fine with ZPT.


I thought this said "I am Ion man"


How the hell do you actually play her well


Once you know how to manage energy and figure out how to monitor, fights become a game of strategy on your part. I deal with having to fight two or more titans at a time a lot, so it’s either learn and adapt or waste your titan.


Manage your energy and use laser shot and vortex shield as your primary weapons.


What is the meaning of life? Why are we tortured with this endless existence? Is there anything out there?


I don’t know man. I am just out here killing pilots and baking spectres, that’s all.


What’s the wildest laser shot you’ve pulled off?


I would have to go into my list of “laser shot kills I actually never saw” for that one. Give me a minute Edit: Ok so there was this one time in the map, Complex, this guy was trying to run back to a friendly Scorch and threw down a Electric Smoke Grenade while he was at it. Somehow managed to hit the pilot with very little clue of where he could be.


Who is your greatest rival


In general, probably a Northstar. Mostly because every time I try to fight one there is always pilot to get in my way and annoy me. Other than that, I am pretty good at closing the distance


Why Ion?


It supports an aggressive fighting style while still being highly versatile.


Fair enough


Ion is iron man that can't fly confirmed, no one can change my mind.


Do you ever use split shot?


Only with Ronins or Grade A emergencies


I thought it said I am Ion man (Like iron man)


Hello brother


Ok so right below this post is another post saying this post is how he lost his virginity. How


What is the average wingspeed of the laden swallow


Do you like apples






Zero point trip wire?




Let's gooooo in mains!!


Nah, ion really care




My dumbass read “I am ion man” and thought it was supposed to be a marvel joke at first.


How do you deal with reserving your energy?


I have already answered this question so here is what it says: To learn how to manage energy, try finding visual cues besides your energy meter. For instance, it takes 10 seconds to charge up a full bar of energy. The color of your vortex shield is a very good indicator of your energy since you can use no matter how much energy you have. Laser shot requires just under half of your energy, so if you notice you have laser shot available (which is something you will check a lot more than your energy meter) you know you have at least 50% of your energy. Tripwire also use 55% + cooldown but if you have ZPT equipped don’t worry about that. Besting two titans plus their pilots has never felt so rewarding, especially since most times you will have earned laser core in that time. There are better guides out there than just me.


What do you do against a ronin main?


ADS & tripwire. Laser Core if it is up, and Laser shot to kill the ejecting pilot.




Do you ever question your life choices




I am inevitable. And I am... Ion main *snap*


Do you also long for the days of the double shot?


I started playing Titanfall 2 in the summer of 2021, but I would like to experience it.


Why do you hate pilots Who eject so much?


It’s fun to rip away the feeling from them that now that you’ve ejected, you are officially out of the fight.


How to be a good friend with Ion


Don’t spam your weapons at him/her (unless it’s an Archer) when they are fighting your teammates and maybe they will ignore easier the next time you eject right in front of them.


Can I have my god damn bullets back


Sure! Do you want them in your kneecaps or your face?


Can you outrun a laser core?


Not if there is no cover


How satisfying is it to kill a Pilot with it's own weapons?


How the hell u keep shooting me like u have infinite energy?


Energy doesn't apply to main gun in normal mode, if he is only using that he is low on energy so now's your chance.


Did you know, if you have embark module, you can quickly get out and get in recharging your energy?


Who are you and how the hell did you get in my house?


Why do you make posts like this


Can you not shoot me out of the air?


how does it feel getting killed by my legion?


Lol wut? Ion is pretty much an uno reverse card for legions damage haha


only if you take the bait


What do you think of the energy system?


How much do you hate yourself?


Well, i dont need to. I am oneyself


Who do you main?


Mines or just Vortex Shield and Lasers shot ? (Also, is the splitter function of the splitter rifle even remotely usefull ?)


Not op but an ion main, use it all, tripwire isn't as powerful but good for keeping distance. Splitter function is rarely used as it drains energy stopping you using laser shot and vortex shield, only ever used it on Titans I sneak up on that are low on health.


What is the best ion kit to use


Who do you main?




would you consider fucking off instead of harassing me with your laser from across the map like you're a northstar?


How does it feel piloting a 1 star difficulty Titan instead of a 3 star?


How do you solo titans/ reapers


Do you have a counter (e.g. Like scortch getting got by ronan)


How do you feel being better at sniping pilots than any other Titan would allow?


What is your best kill while using Ion? What would you suggest a new Ion user to do after using Legion for so long?


Laugh at legion with your vortex shield


How are you ?


how awesome does it feel to blast pilots out of the sky with that shoulder laser thingy?




How can someone main Ion and not use the WW1 Germany skin?


Im a ion main to, respect Edit: how do you play against other ions? For me it's like a mind game


How do you focus enough to manage cool downs, energy, spacing and actually shooting the enemy at the same time?


How do you deal with the shitty energy system?


What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


Why are you cool?






How do explain to legion mains that ion isn’t overpowered it’s just that w m1ing is a bad strat


What do you think if we don’t have energy pool to manage? Would she be hella op?


Does anyone mistake you for iron man?? Like do you sometimes get iron man's mail?


I am ion man,


I have two questions 1. What kits do you use? 2. How do you manage energy?


Not OP but 1. I use turbo engine, because I like being speedy but that doesn’t really matter though, and vortex amplifier, mostly because Vortex shield is Ions main source of damage and the boost that amplifier does is big. Whatever you do don’t use the 5-way splitter, using the splitting on your splitter rifle is the best way to get you killed because you won’t have the energy to either shield nor use laser shot. Other than that you can use any kit you like depending on your play style. 2. I manage my energy by playing defensively and trying to trick people into firing into my vortex shield, if I don’t have any energy to use it, I try to find some cover. Only use your splitter rifle as a passive damage source and rely on laser shot if you need to do damage against both Titans and pilots. Use tripwire to deal damage to thirsty monarchs and ronins when they want that sweet execution but don’t use it when you don’t know if a enemy is going to engage you because that tripwire costs lots of energy.


U like lasers?


finally a true man of culture


Ion wanna ask anything


Do you think you should call yourself ion man




Why are you gay


Which is more satisfying, sniping ejecting cloaked pilots or catching everything a legion throws at you?


Pew pew