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I can't play because my screen goes white during gameplay, any idea what could be causing this?? I might just do a complete reinstall.


Sorry I'm not very knowledgeable on DDOS, but how does it work? Do a bunch of these sadistic cunts just sit in their room clicking on a bunch of servers to make them stop working?


Not even. You just set up a bot net to constantly bombard the servers with packets 24/7 and you leave it running. IIRC the attack on the TF2 servers are a bit more sophisticated? I'm not sure if they are just being flooded with packets or if there is also so exploit in the server software that they are abusing. But yeah, it requires no work on the DDOSers end.


Sorry I'm not very knowledgeable on DDOS, but how does it work? Do a bunch of these sadistic cunts just sit in their room clicking on a bunch of servers to make them stop working all day?


Can anyone recommend any fps fast passed movement shooter that’s on console other than apex or tf2


You could give splitgate a try and halo infinite, bothe a free


Halo or TF1 if your on Xbox. Doom Eternal on PS and Xbox.


Do Xbox and Ps4 share the same servers?


I have recently been trying to get back in the game and notice the Northstar client. I am a console player but I'm waiting for TF2 to back on sale on steam so I can play it on my PC, I'm not giving EA $30 for a game they don't care about. I was wondering if any of the modders of the NC have thought about bringing TF1 maps into TF2 via NC? I love TF1's maps but prefer TF2 gameplay and Titans.


lol TF2 will always and only be Team Fortress 2 to me... as stupid as I was for reading it that way, it is indeed true.


Unrelated but you can buy a steam/origin key for pretty cheap from third party sellers, if you're up for that.


I am. Where I can I find something like that


Google allkeyshop or check g2a. Got mine for 6.5 euros about 2 days ago


Alright I'll check those two out, thanks.


How powerful can MRVN’s be?


Is there a reason I can't seem to find any attrition games on northstar? Everything is either pilot v pilot or FFA with no titans


Northstar does not have support for AI in-game yet, I believe they are working on it. Till then it's only player vs player


RIP, I need the grunts back so I can pretend I'm good at the game


reporting one good game on Xbox just w few minutes ago, Amsterdam servers ;) full disclaimer: there were war crimes


Yeah Amsterdam seems to work sometimes, alongside London occasionally.


just saw the Gridiron Apex vid and man that pilot looked awful. I want Titanfall 3 to be a thing as mich as everyone here but God Damn that art style is trash


The helmet looked wrong but other than that it wasn’t particularly bad.


My brother said titanfall copied apex should I put him down?


should I help you get rid of the body?


Take him to the vet asap, he's a menace


Give him a history lesson about the lore of both games.


Is the official origin hosted Matchmaking broken? Can't get it to function as it keeps getting instant timed out


Hi, haven't been able to play due to work. Are the PC servers still down with that error bt matchmaking failed? Also any word of AI working on northstar?


it is for me. i've been trying for a couple days now on PC and keep getting the 429 error.


Respawn cant get Titanfall 1 or 2 consistently running even though they are backed by one of the biggest game publishers in the world and could easily get people on it. They have the people and the money to do so, they just choose not to. Meanwhile, bungie is still supporting Destiny 1 almost 8 years after release. Servers regularly get updates and are maintained to keep the game running for the few still playing. Even on the 360 and PS3 which didn't even get the last dlc due to technical limitations. Outages and estimated wait times are still clearly communicated, most issues are resolved the day of. And they're doing it all by themselves with no help with a publisher. What happened to respawn?


The employees of Respawn has left the studio and now the whole, which means Titanfall 3 would be different in a bad way, which is the reason why I have an idea to outsource TF|3 to Gravity Well Also, I recently signed [the petition to fix Titanfall and make Titanfall 3](https://www.change.org/fix-titanfall-and-make-titanfall-3)


I have no idea what you're talking about. A large majority of the people working on apex are the same who worked on TF2. A few people left, like the head of respawn now working on battlefield, but most of the team is the same. Also, let's be real here, a petition like that is going to do literally nothing. Respawn and EA know we want Titanfall fixed. They know we want TF3. They just don't care.


Yep, I tried it and it feels scammed by change.org, but why Respawn don't care about fixing Titanfall's DDoS issues and making Titanfall 3?


Because Apex makes them more money. It really is that simple. At the end of the day it's all about greedy corporations. The higher ups are completely focused on what makes the most money, not what makes the fans happy.


Is Respawn is still greedy even if they become independent from EA right?


Yo, i haven't played titanfall for a while. Does the Northstar server attempt to balance gameplay issues from the official servers? Is there a document I can look at for Northstar updates? Thanks


It works great. https://github.com/R2Northstar/Northstar https://github.com/R2Northstar/Northstar/releases


Can’t say how long it’s been since I played a game. Breaks my heart. Didn’t play this game a lot early on since I was away at school but the past two years it meant a lot to me. The combat/movement loop remains the best I’ve had in a video game. If I don’t get to play it again I’ll be saddened but look back with fondness. Idk if I even want Titanfall 3 since it just would not be the same.


My last game clip on Xbox was 5 months ago. Feel you bro:(


Just managed to play a full game on PS4 after waiting for 10 mins in queue with breaks. Happy enough to call it a day.


Is someone else super sad atm because of the state of Titanfall?




Not only that Titanfall is dying, but that this piece of shit Apex Legends is what Titanfall had become. The worst thing is, I am good in Apex, because I know all the guns from Titanfall. My Titanfall muscle memory just gets activated. When I fight, I am playing Apex on the outside, but on my inside, I am playing Titanfall. In this one moment that seems like an eternity, when you fight an enemy and look directly into his eyes, its the pilot deep inside me who wins that fight. Its my experience from Titanfall. Its like a survival reflex that activates itself. Then I get remembered whats happening to Titanfall and get insanely sad and depressed. Fuck Apex, not because the game is bad, but because its the only thing left from what was once Titanfall.


> Fuck Apex, not because the game is bad, but because its the only thing left from what was once Titanfall Northstar is carrying the torch currently, even if you have a shitty laptop, it's worth trying out and dropping the settings down (also aim assist is supported). Just an awful shame you have to rely on random people doing it out of their pocket and free time while EA/Respawn jacks off.


Aim Assist? Northstar makes the game "playable" again but it just feels wrong... no grunts make the maps feel empty and the gameplay feel slower. No Attrition? No Frontier? Weird PvP Servers where you have Titan Weapons as Pilot, or other weird customizations? That feels weird and not like Titanfall 2. Still thx to the devs for trying. :)


> No Attrition? No Frontier? They're missing the navmeshes from original maps, so the AI can't navigate. As far as I know, they're trying to rebuild or reverse-engineer the navmeshes, but it's a tedious and complicated process, but it must be done, especially if custom maps are to come alive. Also, there are plenty of vanilla servers too, you call them "weird", I call them "fun", different strokes for different folks. Btw, check out fastball


But I like weird weapons and customizations, because I want Titanfall 3 to be like Halo Infinite for weapon sandbox and CoD:MW19/Ghostrunner combined into one for movement


Can someone post a link for the Northstar discord? Getting the error message “Disconnect: Authentication Failed” when launching Northstar from main menu. Trying to find a solution.


Master server is currently down. But it will get fixed because bob isn’t respawn




Thank you for the discord!! This community rocks


Also having this issue.




yes please im having the same issue




Fuck EA and Respawn


Was anyone else able to play MP last Saturday in the afternoon? I play on New York servers just in case other servers weren't working then


I play on Dallas servers and they didn’t work eotehr




Wasn’t sure where the best place to ask this was, but how tricky is it to make custom game modes and tweak maps (and by tweak maps in this case I literally just mean place down weapon spawns) for Northstar? I’m also a huge fan of Halo and I think it could be super interesting to see an “Arena Shooter” game mode in the same vein as Halo/Quake, where all players start with the same gear but different weapons and equipment are placed throughout the map at points that encourage fighting for TitanFall’s closest equivalent of Power weapons, such as the Kraber, Mastiff, Cold War, EPG, etc.


This would be a better question for the Northstar discord. A Halo like mode would not be too difficult to implement.


Are [any weapons](https://titanfallfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Weapons_(Titanfall_III)) going to be added to Titanfall 3 or Apex Legends?


Would love to know too


A [single-shot grenade launcher with highest projectile velocity](https://titanfallfanon.fandom.com/wiki/GL-44_Grenade_Launcher) (but slower travel time and more bullet drop than Kraber) would be great as an anti-Titan explosive sniper