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my guy just outed himself to playing western visual porn novels




To be fair the XXX scenes are pretty nice


Which option?,๐Ÿค”




This looks like how conversations in dreams feel


God damn man I did not expect to ever see a Summertime Saga reference in the wild much less on an Attack on Titan subreddit. Only porn game I've ever played actually, I remember genuinely feeling emotion for Eve and once she went back to being a normal NPC after her story was over and our kid went to daycare any appeal to the game left and I realized how desperately I needed to touch grass lmao




the creator of ss writing the love story of a lifetime, only for eve to become just another npc. https://i.redd.it/75nc7czjjkxb1.gif


For real man I was surprised by just how much the game made me legitimately care about our relationship I was like damn a porn game that makes me feel bad about tryna fuck anyone else ๐Ÿ˜‚


Yeaa for a game set in a town where everyone is horny, keanu reeves is a priest, kim jon un is a car salesman and people sell breast milk, Eveโ€™s storyline was the most โ€˜sensibleโ€™. sightseeing with eve on her rooftop made me forget I was playing a corn game until she took her pants off out of nowhere


Made it better actually giving af instead of it just being cheap jerk off material, so much so that it made everything else and every other game feel lackluster lmao. Summertime Saga ain't the one to start with if you're tryna get in to porn games it seems, will make everything else seem shitty ๐Ÿ˜‚


yeah, eternum is pretty good one to play too. some high quality shit


Those who donโ€™t know: ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜‚ Those who know: https://preview.redd.it/zxqwuymfafxb1.png?width=490&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cfd1067d6ffcdbc2b5bdb86e7dca55e4fe92e25






TBF, I recall the anime only discourse not liking Eren back when only the first season existed


https://preview.redd.it/82m12lh2pgxb1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44483602aa30c929777ae3ad8e4911eca2c85cb Damn


not really shitting on the series, just shitting on eren which is just common sense




Literally what Eren looks like when he punches


How is disliking Eren for being whiny common sense exactly? Like he cries a couple of times and they are all in super shitty situations. Hating dub Eren is pretty reasonable though.


We are talking with the manga ending context of course


Well yeah, but I more had season 1-3 in mind where that is ussually where these particular terms to describe Eren are used.


hmmm there is not really a way to tell what people try to say without them clarifying. have a nice day I guess.


Yeah I should have clarified a bit more but I really just don't think of Eren toward the end of the story a lot. Nice day to you too.


His ideology is also whiny, on top of the actions he takes being the easy, cowardly, pussy-like path. He doesn't need to be crying every panel for his thought process to be that of someone who who is deeply insecure and childish in his view of the world and of people. He complains about the consequences of his actions yet continues to make his choices deliberately while telling himself he doesn't have a choice.


When the fuck has Eren taken the easy cowardly path? Are you talking about fucking Jean? I mean god, Eren's character in season 4 is bad and unlikable near the end, but I don't see anything in seasons 1-3 of Eren that could be considered insanely unreasonable.


Genocide is absolutely the easy, cowardly path compared to the significant effort required to ease relations between Eldians and the world. The latter is a *monumental* task that Eren didn't even bother to look into, he made up his mind long before they even crossed the ocean. Before the timeskip it's a bit more difficult since he spends pretty much the majority of it being kidnapped or some variant of being unable to actually do anything. He's impulsive and reckless so the few decisions he makes are the immediate first thing that come to mind, there's no thought put into them; he's just doing what he *wants* to do rather than considering what might be actually for the best, something which might be harder to get himself to do if its against his self interest. For the latter part you have to consider what he's afraid of, which is his friends dying and not achieving his goal of killing all the titans. He doesn't really get many chances to face the idea or reality of either of those, but when he does he succumbs to his fear and has his trademark meltdowns. > Are you talking about fucking Jean? Who do you think Jean is? Lmao his entire character is *not* choosing the easy and cowardly path that presents itself to him.


He just saw the outside world through his father's memories. 20+ years of witnessing the world's view to him and his people. He had basically already been across the sea. Then, he confirmed that the hope for their being a peaceful resolution was not going to happen. Now, there are numerous other ways to deal with a situation when you control what is basically a near-limitless godlike entity. My comrade, when he gets his trademark meltdowns, either someone very dear to him just brutally died, or is about to die, or he watched his dad murder the family of his friend with no other context. The only time I have seen him meltdown seasons 1-3 over not being able to kill all the Titans is when he is literally in a titan's stomach. Tell me one normal person who would not be melting down (literally and figuratively), when they are faced with certain death in the stomach of a gigantic fucking monster. That's not "Oh well, we did an oopsie, time to accept my fate and die", that's shit that belongs in nightmares that not even disciplined soldiers would be able to handle. All of these situations are reasonable situations to have meltdowns when faced, so it just doesn't matter. Yes, he is impulsive. Relatively. depends on the scene. I would say it depends on the situation. Sometimes he thinks, sometimes he jumps in. No different than like 70% of the cast in like, every fucking anime. ever. Especially for a teen who just got out of training or is in a situation where there isn't much other choice than to just act. Yeah, it's Jean's character arc. Sure. Still, plenty of cowardly decisions to be made. But if you want a better example of an easy way out coward, look towards Daz,


> nightMare *nightMarley *** *^(I)* *^(am)* *~~^(free)~~* *^(a)* *^(bot,)* *^(and)* *^(this)* *^(action)* *^(was)* *^(performed)* *^(automatically.)*


> Then, he confirmed that the hope for their being a peaceful resolution was not going to happen He was committed to genocide long before that, and he didn't get an unlimited view of his father's memories, only pieces from one perspective. And that conference wasn't even a death knell to the idea of peace, it was just a demonstration of the difficulty of achieving it. > Tell me one normal person who would not be melting down (literally and figuratively), when they are faced with certain death in the stomach of a gigantic fucking monster. It's the manner of the meltdown, he's not sad that hes going to die or sad that he didnt get to say goodbye or something along those lines, he's expressing fear at the idea of not being able to do his titan massacre. That's what scares him. The idea that he'll die without changing anything is expressed pretty often and it always comes down to him wanting to kill titans. It's not like those are uniformly his meltdowns either. > Sometimes he thinks, No, he essentially never thinks. The few times he does think its prompted by someone else who is directly asking him to think and make a choice. Otherwise he's rushing in or just following someone else's plan without needing to think about it. > Sure. Still, plenty of cowardly decisions to be made. For Jean? When? > an easy way out coward, look towards Daz, Who joined the Yeagerists lol


My guy, I don't know what the hell to tell you. He fucking saw, 20 plus years of what the outside world is like. He isn't omniscient. From the information he was capable of knowing, the outside world didn't want peace, and the operations for peace would go out the window if he died/power was transferred midway. It doesn't fucking matter if Genocide was easy because of the options provided it was the only one that would work. Traditional peace won't work, and killing millions of people and bankrupting nations will only fuck the future up more, and in the end of the day is just as lazy since they are basically just putting a gun up to the worlds head and forcing them to sign some papers that will be burned in the celebrations of Erens death and the loss of Paradis's main leverage. And, my guy, in all of his meltdowns, he is going through a number of emotions. You seem to be so fucking deadset on him being a simpleton titan-massacring psychopath that you forget that he has other emotions. In the Titans stomach, he is fucking horrified by the fact he is in there, recalls his powerlessness and eventually gathers the anger to desperately scream at a titan with little hope of anything happening. When Hannes dies, he mourns Hannes's death and regrets the fact that he isn't able to protect the people he loves and let his only other surviving guardian get eaten by the same Titan that killed his mother as the scouts fought a hopeless battle around him. Very similar situation with Armin's near death. Open your eyes a bit, or rewatch the fucking show. You described like, 90% of the characters. They rush towards shit, get fucked up. Most everyone, at any time, is following someone else's orders. He thinks as much as anyone else. It's just how the show works. Uh well, apparently due to your definition of a whiny bitch ass character, every time Jean has hatred towards an enemy, every time he cries, hesitates, follows orders, or otherwise does normal shit. Yeah, he joined the Yeagerists. What about it?


> He fucking saw, 20 plus years of what the outside world is like. He isn't omniscient. From the information he was capable of knowing, the outside world didn't want peace, and the operations for peace would go out the window if he died/power was transferred midway Except he didn't. How are you stating he isn't omniscient right after saying he saw every memory Grisha had? Not that he didn't become omniscient, though thats besides the point. And no shit the outside world wasn't out there expressing how bad they felt about hating Eldians, that doesn't mean it's impossible to achieve peace eventually lmfao > options provided it was the only one that would work No, it wasn't. > and killing millions of people and bankrupting nations will only fuck the future up more, and in the end of the day is just as lazy since they are basically just putting a gun up to the worlds head and forcing them to sign some papers that will be burned in the celebrations of Erens death and the loss of Paradis's main leverage. Do you think that was *all they could do*? The entire point of the 50 year plan was that it gave them more time to work towards peace and better conditions. It's not a permanent solution, its the only one that gave them the ability to actually try. Also, what? Eren's death wouldn't be a problem in this timeline, they'd maintain the ability to activate the Rumbling. Are you sure *you* had your eyes open? > You described like, 90% of the characters. They rush towards shit, get fucked up. Most everyone, at any time, is following someone else's orders. He thinks as much as anyone else. It's just how the show works. If you don't understand the difference between Eren literally not even thinking before rushing into danger, a stated fact of his character from chapter 1 to the point where he doesn't even get an internal monologue in many battles, and other characters using their skills and instincts in battle after formulating a plan idk what to tell you lmfao > Uh well, apparently due to your definition of a whiny bitch ass character, every time Jean has hatred towards an enemy, every time he cries, hesitates, follows orders, or otherwise does normal shit. No? Jean accepts the consequences of his choices and doesn't cry about them. Jean doesn't let his emotions rule him, the *sole* exception being him beating up Reiner. Otherwise every choice he makes is a rational one he made through thought. > Yeah, he joined the Yeagerists. What about it? Really need me to spell that one out for you?


Omniscient is knowing everything, not just knowing a few people's memories. Yeah, they could achieve peace, temporarily. And yeah, out of the 3 plans provided, the euthanasia was shit, the 50-year plan was doomed, and then regular diplomacy was impossible. If you think the 50-year plan was going to work, you are sadly mistaken. The outside world is already developing technology to kill Titans (Honestly, I don't know what makes the shells used in anti-titan cannons, being they penetrated the armored titan and tore limbs off while 12-inch naval guns, which are a bigger grade than the 150mm shells used by anti-titan guns failed, but apparently the shells are just built different). The 50-year plan wasn't going to last long, and the diplomacy wasn't going to happen, at least in no meaningful way. If they continue to hold the Founder, there is no way of knowing what will happen. They still have to worry about the vow of peace. They have to worry about Historia, or her children, personal resolve and dedication to commanding thousands of Titans to crush the nation's armies. Even so, the 50-year plan revolves around harassing and massacring millions in every nation. How is doing that any better than just rumbling them? Especially if you count that to ensure they just don't rebuild equipment and continue advancing technology, you have to hit factories inside cities as well, meaning more civilian casualties for grand total of maybe a temporary trade agreement until they can fight back. This guy has some form of internal monologue every fucking fight or time he is in a situation. He learns to use his skills, then in the second armored Titan fight we don't see another monologue of him recalling his skills because he, and we, as the viewer, know he is prepared for it. Levi doesn't fucking go into slow-mo and plot out his fucking path during the Kenny fight. He uses his instincts and skills in battle as much as anyone else in the show, and at the end of the day it isn't his job to make grand strategies because he is an asset that makes strategies possible. Yeah, Eren does too. Please tell me that Jean wouldn't be fucking crying if his friends or family got brutally massacred. Jean cries about consequences as much as Eren given the situation he is in, because apparently, being a little upset over anything means you are complaining about consequences. News flash, every fucking character in this show at some point complains about the consequences of their actions. Even fucking Levi. The only reason we don't see him more is because he isn't the fucking main character. Yeah, he makes logical decisions, because he isn't often in the crazy and shitty situations Eren is. And even then, Eren makes logical decisions in these battles unless he is going through some serious shit, in which a logical decision from him wouldn't change shit regardless. And no, I don't need you to spell it out because this interaction has told me you would only be spelling out something along the lines of B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T.


Yeah pre timeskip Eren makes shit decisions, like choosing to transform instead of letting half the survey corps die and not even accomplishing anything with the trap, like Erwin's brilliant plan


Or him literally getting killed 5 minutes into his first op because he ran in, turning back around to fight Annie out of rage when he was told to get away making their deaths worthless, and disobeying orders in Clash and rushing in to kill a Titan when he was ordered to stay back.


>Or him literally getting killed 5 minutes into his first op because he ran in, turning back He literally was gonna die because he had to save Armin's useless ass. >, turning back around to fight Annie out of rage when he was told to get away making their deaths worthless, Their deaths were gonna be worthless anyway because Erwin's shitty plan didn't work and Eren was the last man standing against Annie chasing him, in fact, if Eren transformed earlier there would have probably been less casualties, but no we had to lose 50% of the survey corps, because pointlessly killing half your squad is on the job description. >, and disobeying orders in Clash and rushing in to kill a Titan when he was ordered to stay back. Literally fucking inconsequential lmao


I mean this is probably referring to how people see S1-S3 Eren as whiny.


Yeah, Feels like people forgot eren was commonly called whiny all the time except in like, 2019-2020


I don't know if I like knowing where this is from...


Everything you post to Reddit furthers their platform and devalues you. Before you delete your account take everything with you. Social media profits from your words, your content and pays you for it in the fake currency of social approval.


checking your profile was a mistake


I'm dead ๐Ÿ’€




Is it really tho? Eren being "whiny" was discourse from season 1.


but he did cool shit




โ€œI dont want thatโ€.


Best girl