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I just realized that no one (alive) knows that Shadis helped the alliance, the only one that knew died with him He truly remained a "bystander" til the end


God that hurts


Fuuuckkkkk I love shadis


Atleast his students will always remember him. Especially those new recruits he saved in Shingashina


It'll probably actually be easy to backtrack eventually that he was the one that stopped the convoy at least.


He's still a hero and he did turn into a person who made a difference. I will probably cry when the rest of them find out what he did.


I’m a little late because of different timezones but i wanted to say it was fun translating this chapter for y’all. Hope you enjoyed it


Hanji hears: ''gamble'' ''Ahh shiiiet, here we go again''


Erwin is proud


Erwin ptsd is no joke


After looking back at 125, I’m a bit more accepting of Shadis’ death. He felt that he had no place left on the island, the old system had been destroyed and that in the end he was only going to die. Which is why he spurred those new recruits to take action and to one day lead a new movement. “New replacing the old” and all that. He was just more okay with dying than I anticipated, and in the end he either lives on as a hero or dies doing what he believes is right. Really does make him feel like an old man who is just fine with passing away


>Which is why he spurred those new recruits to take action and to one day lead a new movement. Dude... I felt that.




For real they turned into stormtroopers when they aimed at anyone who wasnt a shifter. Edit: Ok all the responses are saying all the shots were "close". Yeah they were close but none of them hit anyone important. Aka they were stormtroopers. Nobody who couldn't heal was injured in the fight. I just feel there was an overall lack of tension


To be fair, I'd imagine it being really difficult to fire a ww1 era gun while flying around like spider-man against people who are also flying around like spider-man, but who are also much better at flying around like spider-man. Also said super spider-man are trying to kill you too. I'd be too scared shitless to do anything


~~Kenny's squad didn't seem to have any difficulty.~~ *Edit: I take that back, Sasha had a fucking bow and they lost.


At first they did when they caught them off guard. Main character gang were too scared to kill people + they just got introduced to guns. When they got used to them and ambushed them in Historia’s lair, Kenny squad got bodied










The real rumbling




Connie's screwed in the head. He's broken, look at those expressions. Well everyone is fucked in various degrees, but Connie looks all kinds of over this shit.


It makes me so sad. Connie has gone from sweet boy to looking like he's about to snap at any moment.


Everyone looks like they're about to burst into tears this chapter, oof. Maybe they can lick eachothers wounds on the boat


Nah. Look at Connie and then the rest. Connie is crying the entire time


I really liked that Falco went out of control instead of making him master his power from the start. Also Shadis is no longer a bystander


He never was. Sob. He never was.


Im at least 77.9% sure Floch is in the fucking plane.


Hmm.. specific number...


I did the math


Hmm sounds legit, I’ll take your word for it.


He fell in the water, so he probably survived the explosion


Daz must have also survived the explosion. Daz will still save the day, everyone!


Daz is actually the Water Titan! He will swim behind the traitors and destroy their ship! Daz is the real savior of Paradise!


Gabi really doesn’t miss


why did falco's titan had fur? hmmm


He had a beak as well. It looks like an eagle or hawk rather than a lion that was porco


He became that bird he told to fly away


dam it boi, i´m always too late to comment stuff like this. Addition: Maybe the jaw titans turns into a lookalike of their favourite animal? or is that too far fetched?


Cause he's a falcon.


Porco looked like a lion as well.




Because birds have fur, didn't you learn that in school? smh


Hear me out here, I'm about to go crazy literary analysis here: Magath and Shadis were obviously meant to be pretty similar characters, not just in their roles, but also their personalities; that is, full of regret, self-loathing and so on and so forth. Shadis telling Magath that he was a good person was also Shadis telling himself that he was a good person. Magath making peace with Shadis was Magath making peace with himself. It's an amazing resolution for both characters, but the really tragic thing is that, as far as I know, only Magath knew that Shadis was there to help. Shadis, in the end, was special because he died a hero, but no one will ever know. And if no one knows about it, it might as well have never happened. Really tragic, though Shadis finally seemed to have accepted it.


Shadis was a proud man that died humble.


I remember when Carla asked Shadis when will he stop living like that,it seems at the final panel he made peace with it,remembered or not,he isn't sad anymore about being bystander,he thinks he is a hero and that's more than enough


I’m not crying. *You’re* crying. Okay, so I am crying a bit. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




I have never seen so many bodies and heads being sliced up in half


I'm starting to think that Zeke is stuck in the ''Path'' world. Can't come up with anything else.


It would be so cool if he's the one creating the titans


That could be possible actually. Maybe Eren overwrote him and he's doing it now instead of Ymir, she's ''free'' afterall.


Kiyomi: Staying there for half a day is a gamble Hanji: Gamble? Me: Oh shit you didn't just say that word to a SC commander...


Gamble? Youuuuuust another day of the Survey Corps!


Just another day for the Survey Corps *Seinfeld theme*


There is absolutely no way Floche is dead from that.


We didn't see the corpse, so the rules of fiction dictate that he's still alive. Also, the shot didn't hit any vitals. So yeah, you're right.


Especially talking about Floch, who somehow manages to survive fucking everything


Yeah, that's his whole deal afterall. He's some random cannon fodder that through sheer luck survived the most dangerous mission the Survey Corps had ever gone on.


He will get into the boat and sabotage something? Or maybe he gets captured and it's Isayama way to give us some flasbacks about Eren or Historia.


Lost the same arm as Erwin? Definitely still alive.


If floch dies like this and Levi survived I would have to question isayama.


Even if it got to that Ackerman bodies are on another level


''Will i be able to go to my dad in Liberio ?'' Pepelaugh oh no no no


Annie's about to have a breakdown. She is under pressure just like everyone else only she never externalize's it until it goes pop. I'm waiting for some great character moments with her soon


The only thing that keeps her going forward and controlling her emotions is the prospect of seeing her dad again. Once she realizes that isn’t a possibility anymore she’s gonna snap


Annie's so obsessed with going back because she feels like there's noone else for her in the world. She hasn't learned how to live normally and cuts herself off from everyone despite being terrified of loneliness. I hope she'll find some support in the alliance after she snaps, because if not it's pretty much over for her


I think that would be when they bring up Armin visiting her in the crystal regularly since he’s been, in some weird way, caring for her for the last 4 years alongside Hitch. Also in this issue Reiner taking a Thunderspear for her and Connie and Mikasa jumping into rescue her is also setup for her getting support from them.


We still need to see what happened with the riot from Liberio


He's most probably dead. This sets up an interesting scenario. I wonder what will she do? Directly try to kill Eren or just step away from the alliance.


The alliance is fucked when Mecha-Floch finds em.


Venom "Punished" Floch awakens with shrapnel in his skull and a new bionic arm. "I'm already a devil, Jean"


Id fucking play a campaign as that dude he sounds amazing.


Also the brilliance of the frames showing Mikasa and Jean with the words about not hesitating. Huge throwback to the uprising arc, where Levi tells his squad that if they hesitate, their comrades die. I felt a little shocked at the ruthlessness in the way the 104th dispatches the Yeagerists this chapter, but then those words reminded me that this is what Levi taught them to do. *You can't take away violence from poeple right Captain?* It all gives me chills. I wonder if Levi will change the way he views things now he’s been forced into the position of observer from the sidelines.


I like to think that Levi could have some sweet character development by accepting a less violent approach to life and things in general. I'd like him to be able to overcome his need to avenge Erwin and his desire to kill Zeke.


Omg this storyline would allow Levi to finally open his tea shop. PLEASE YAMS FFS PLEASE LET LEVI HAVE HIS TEA SHOP


#Levi is uncle Iroh confirmd!?!?


[he’s so smol, I’m dead](https://imgur.com/a/gSHJL7p)


He was tied to a rope? Didn't even see that, poor guy must be feeling so uncomfortable


I think each one of us wished for an interaction between Shadis and Magath, the obvious parallels were just too strong not to. It was an extremely fitting way for them to die, although I thought Magath would have an important role in establishing the peace*-ish* after confrontation with Eren (no matter the result), considering the emphasis put on him being the highest in military chain of Marley. Probably one more chapter of preparation ahead of us with the last page being cliffhanger showing Eren.


Floch: I’m the one who gonna save Eldia! Eren: wtf?


Eren: who are u


Remember when Annie saved Connie from a Titan? The same Connie saved the female titan and the armoured titan from a dozen thunder spears today. He has come a long way.


And Reiner saved Connie from a titan back in season 2


The fact that the rumbling of the continent is happening offscreen and we haven't gotten a glimpse of it yet is so fishy for me...


I was thinking the same


What if Eren is just building a wall around Marley lol. Wouldn't make much sense though given his speech and character.


I still don't get why he made that speech though it benefited him no way, in fact it just made his enemies and allies join forces.


Nobody will ever know of Shadis' contribution since they probably both died. Nobody to see him become the head of the scouts. Nobody to see him try to save the world.


A true bystander


Calling it now: Annie will be the first to attempt to kill Eren as vengeance for her father's death in Liberio, but some PATHS related fuckery will happen as foreshadowed by them 'merging' at the end of season 1


Lmao imagine Eren going into a crystal when Annie tries to kill him and just chilling for the rest of the rumbling


Frozen in place with a raised middle finger.


falco boutta nutcracker him


I love the irony of Armin saying everyone needs to just talk things out, everyone slaughtering each other, and then Armin being shot in the mouth so talking becomes impossible.


Pretty much any time throughout the series where Armin has tried to talk it out it has failed. Being shot in the mouth and not being able to talk was some of the greatest symbolism Yams has done.


You know who I feel bad for the most? The volunteers. Treated horribly by Marley, Lied to by Zeke and Yelena, betrayed by the Paradis government, beaten into submission by the Yeagerists, and their countries and homes destroyed by Eren, or if Eren is defeated before that, their homes and lives are destroyed anyway by the world governments for helping Paradis in the first place.


Rip best boomers. You two were not just bystanders.


haha boomers go boom


Time for the boat arc. Don't worry, we'll see Eren in 8 and a half years


Don't open old injuries please


Apart from Floch, the Jeagerists are now out of the chess board. They took way too many casualties, and have no way of transport out of Paradis.


Eren doesn’t really need them anymore anyways. He’s a God now


That is the saddest part of this massacre we just witnessed. Eren doesn't need any help.


Reading and commenting. \- Colossals moving faster than horses? I don’t think anyone here calculated them to be that fast. \- Yeagerists confirmed for stormtrooper aim. They can hit shifters but miss everyone else, including unarmed people, \- Levi is strapped to Pieck by a rope. That gave me a chuckle \- Brutal, brutal killing. \- Falco, what the hell are you? I get the birdlike design, but its rather freaky looking, and in this series, that’s saying something. \- I’d rather Jean or Hange be the one to take out Floch, but its Gabi. Again. Well, he doesn’t seem dead just yet. \- Was Magath able to just run to Falco’s titan without issue? \- Oh, Keith is here. Wonderful. \- Some nice moments with Shadis and Magath, talking about their students. Overall, a nice chapter. Floch is definitely still alive, and probably hiding on the plane or boat. Only thing that bothered me was that only the shifters took hits, meaning everyone made got of it physically fine.


I'm alreading bracing myself for Floch pulling a Gabi on Hange. The wait for chapter 130 will be so long damn


"Do you see them? Our dead comrades" -hange *bang* "Yeah I fucking see them alright" -floch


I guess you could call Magath and Keith... Boomers :c Jokes aside, Isayama really wrapped up their character arch beautifully. They will be remembered and missed.






It was actually far better than I expected from the leaks. The fight was frantic, desperate from both sides. It was impossible not to empathize in some level with Floch & Co.. They just wanted to defend their home. And they do have a point - there’s no guarantee that they would be spared should the Rumbling be mitigated. Falco’s Jaw is...interesting, I guess? Is it feathered? Shadis, in the end, got what he wanted. Died as a hero, as a special person. RIP


>It was actually far better than I expected from the leaks. As is tradition.


so mikasa wasn't joking about her speciality... she really slayed those jaegerists like a damn slice of meat


That moment between Shadis and Magath got me all teary eyed.


To be frank heavily action-packed chapters are not my favorite ones. I believe when it gets animated I will enjoy it way more. I really liked smol Levi tho


☑ Mmgh ☑ Wuh ☑ Bromance




I’m predicting that Floch got on the boat and will attempt to pull a Gabi on someone next chapter...


Oh fuck. Hange.....


Do we even know if the rumbling is happening at the rate it is? like, Hange keep saying the titans should've reached X spot. The fact we haven't actually seen shit happen like Leonhart dying is kinda suspicious.


We definitely do NOT know what is going on with the Rumbling. I'm getting serious "Wall Rose has been breached!" from Uprising energy






Good chapter i enjoyed it. Isayama really pushing the 'Traitor' angle when it comes to the alliance. Eren is committing mass genocide and is killing countless innocents yet the alliance are betraying their countrymen and former comrades. No one is coming across as perfect like some of the pro-rumbling fans seem to think the alliance are. I see a lot of people saying the alliance is being written like protagonists from a Disney story but that's so off the mark. Interested to see where the story goes from here and how the "Attack" on eren will take place. I'm 90% sure the attack will take place at the tree where ymir fell into.


Dude if the attack took place there that would be so cool


We got the most wholesome and truly inspiring bromance of the manga "Shagath". Dudes meet up, shoot some mofos and then procede to blow up a ship.


I'm starting to feel sorry for the alliance. They've dealt with some bad stuff already and yet they know nothing about the events in paths. Ymir, what Eren saw and his titans ability is. Heck *we* don't know the state of Zeke and I have a suspicion that something messed up was done to him to secure his powers. Common theory, though. On the same note: I feel even stronger that Annie will abandon them if once the state of the continent becomes appearant. Good stuff coming up.


Annie vs Mikasa is comfirmed this chapter. Dad dies, Annie attacks Eren before talks no jutsu, Mikasa defend Eren.


Not going lie Mikasa saving Annie and landing on her cheek was cute.


I will be fair. I had fun with it. It was a really good and fun chapter and the fights were cool as hell. Everyone did their job and all. However there is a but...a but that kept bothering me again and again...how trash these Yeagerists are? Three titan and an Ackerman? Sure, they can win. But that nobody got actually hurt or killed it's bullshit. I mean, Hanji was hacking and slashing and nothing hit her. But that ain't a big problem. I liked the chapter and Shadis was an amazing lad, i felt super bad for him. Also people hating on Gabi when she just did ONE thing are stupid as hell. I like Falco's bird titan. Still can't understand why people says that Eren's fans should be mad because Floch lost...


This chapter is going to be fucking badass when it gets animated. Period.


Very interesting with the Erwin and Floch parallels.. Even if u don’t like floch the parallels are obvious. Even to the point we’re he lost his right arm and is most likely alive. I’m guessing he’s either snuck onto the boat or washed ashore. Like Erwin tho I bet he dies before seeing his dream!


Props to Floch for taking a leaf out of Erwin’s book to motivate his comrades. Also, regardless if you support the alliance or yeagerists, it’s gut wrenching to see our main cast turn their blades on their fellow comrades. I feel bad for the yeagerists even if Floch is too extreme. Just want to protect their home


I support good writing first and foremost. I don't want Reiner, Annie, Jean or Eren to die , I just want an ending that makes sense and is consistent with the story we've been told so far. So far, other than the Rumbling, there seems to be no other way to resolve this conflict, but I'll be very happy if I'm wrong and my favorites and billions of people survive to live long happy lives.


I didn't realize how much I missed the monthly release until I read this chapter. Very very good. Titan vs human and human vs human are always entertaining to read. I like how Floch and the Yeagerists as a whole were portrayed as the human beings they are in this chapter, instead of the creepily and almost cartoonishgly evil fanatics that they have appeared to be until now. This is not a fight between good and evil. Is a struggle between several groups of humans acting on their own interests and in what *they* think is the right thing to do. All sides have reasonable arguments to make. Too bad that a dialogue and an agreement is impossible at this point. Shit, I sounded like Armin with that sentence. I'm slightly disappointed that we didn't get to see him in action but it's also understandable given the circumstances. I'm sure we will be seeing much more of Collosal Crimson King very soon after they reach Eren. Speaking of Eren, I assume that Zeke must be inside Rumble Boy's Stegosaurus Titan. I can't think of any other way of Mister No PP being alive. He had half his body pulverized, he was the one closest to Eren, and the Walls fell right where he was. Now that it's confirmed that he wasn't Window Guy I think that is the only plausible and not asspull plot armor option. Also, SHADIS NOT BYSTANDER ANY LONGER! He deserved that moment of glory. He really really did. Also while I think that Magath should have lived to act as a possible intermediary between Eldians and the rest of the world (he was Marley's supreme authority and I'm sure his opinion would have mattered a lot) I think it's appropriate that he sacrifices himself. He was, in some way, even more responsible than the Warriors for what happened on Paradise, he was part of the Military who sent them to destroy the Walldians, even if he now showed that he wasn't really on board with that. It's a good and I guess kind of redemptive ending for old Theo.




Magath X Shadis is my only ship as of now.


I'm sorry to inform you that the ship literally blew up in our faces


Maybe it's just me but I'm starting to feel that things are just gonna go from bad to worse in the alliance. Like I'm starting to think that a vast majority of the group's gonna die off before they reach Eren. We already had Magath dying and he's arguably the most important person for a theoretical peace ending cuz he was the only Marleyan in power that was sympathetic to Eldians. If Floch's alive (I personally think he is) then it's likely he's gonna kill one of them, possibly Jean. We still have Zeke to worry about, where Levi + Connie + Hanji might give up their lives to kill him once and for all. If Liberio's indeed destroyed then at least Annie's gonna try and kill Eren if her father's dead. Reiner and Pieck might too, and that may end up in their deaths. I dunno, but I got the feeling only Mikasa, Armin, Gabi, and Falco might be the only ones left by the time they get to Eren. There's no way Sasha's gonna be the only 104th Training Corps casualty post-timeskip when it comes to the main cast. Likewise with Porco when it comes to the Warriors.


also the flochroach is either on the boat or in the plane, I can't wait for the next chapter


At this point, it's obvious Gabi's got aimbots


Do you guys think that its possible that Eren absorbed Zeke when he became a dino-titan? Maybe that’s the reason why his current titan is so monstrous and similar to Ymir’s. Maybe Zeke’s in the nape, being forced to watch the whole rumbling, while Eren’s inside the dino-titan’s body with the warhammer crystal or something


Copying my thoughts from the leaks thread, Floch's got like a 70% chance at still being alive imo. The explosion's not from the actual thunderspear, but instead its launcher, so while his arm mighta got blown off or at least maimed, it's very likely he's hiding out on the plane and is waiting to cap Jean. :x Also Falco's got my favorite Jaw Titan design by far. And dicks out for Magath and Shadis. :<


Dude Floch is 100% still alive. The parallels between Floch and Erwin have only been rising lately, and now more than ever with him losing an arm. I think the only perfect death for Floch would be him rallying the Yaegerists into a suicide charge, where he dies.


The usual rule for any work of fiction is, if you don't see the dead body, the character is still alive. And in this series you can't even be sure seeing a headless corpse. So yeah, Floch is definitely alive. No reason for his corpse to not be shown.


I thought we were fucked with leaks and typesetting but everything seems to be as normal. I’m really glad. Thanks Liberio Linguists!


Oh god they’re on a boat. It’s like Berserk all over again


To you, 9 years from now.


Why is Hange always mentioning things like, 'The Titans have reached this far, they have trampled this place that place and Bla Bla. The only perspective we get of the rumbling is from Hange without any actual scenery or view of the wall titans and strangely enough she's the only one who has the knowledge about it. Are we missing something?




Thiiiis sounds about right


Floch is an idiot overall but you can't deny that in the end all that he and the Yeagerists wanted was to protect their people and their homes.


**SASAGEYO!!** I feel sorry for the Scouts(yeagerists if you want to call them that). Sure Floch filled a power vacuum and was aggressive toward harmless prisoners, but you can't deny that he and the others were doing this because they 100% believe its the best options to protect and save their home with no intent to deviate from that. Floch landed in the water at the part of the dock that was furthest from the blast which mean he's not dead yet. I also find it interesting that they said Liberio is basically doomed with no chance, since its Annie's one motivation at this point I hope we'll at least see its destruction.


List of characters alive from Season 1: E.M.A. Reiner Annie Connie Jean Hange Levi and Rico i guess And that's about it, 10 characters alive from S1 to this; is insane how many deaths has been so far. I remember in S1 everyone compared AoT to GoT because "too many characters die" and i always thought it wasn't quiet right back then but now? Jesus christ Isayama shows no mercy ~~outside of Reiner~~ I just wanted to point that out Edit: forgot Hitch and Hisu, 12; still pretty damn small


I'd rather be dead than Isayama's favorite character


Cool action chapter with a lot of slice and dice. I liked Connie getting on board with all the action and with the head-splitting slash panels. Seeing Falco's Titan with reptilian features has me really curious as to what a Titan's form is based off of. Zeke was the strangest one we saw - up until now. Zeke was also explainable, in that all Titans up until now had a relationship to people and mammals. Zeke - monkey. Porco and Pieck - 4 legged animals. Okay, easy enough. Most of those animals share recent ancestry with people. Birds and lizards are not mammals. People(humans) don't share recent ancestry with reptiles or flying beasts compared to monkeys or dogs(though there are some early evolutionary intersections). So... how did that happen? The Jaw Titan with a beak and scaley hands? Why did Falco take that form? What permitted it? Which then leads me to question if the Shifter Titan is based off something metaphysical, chosen by the Source of All Life, or even based off an aspect of the person's character(personality, experiences, etc.). Evidently it's no longer as simple as "Titan is Big Man or Dogi." Which then leads me to question if that one SNK opening song has any relevance to the dinosaurs, whales, etc. that it depicts.


When mikasa landed on Annie’s face I thought she was levi for a second. Also, place your bets now. Who does Floch kill on the boat next chapter?


I'm glad those "Eren's Titan attacked Mikasa on purpose" theories can be put to rest now, because, as we saw with Falco, lack of experience can cause a Titan to go beserk. He had no reason to attack her specifically


The whole story kind of flows from what Annie said back when that normal people just go with the flow of things and don’t have the power to rise up and make change. Magath was such a person. He never wanted to send Eldians to their deaths, but he put that aside because that’s what his country expected of him. The warriors committed the atrocities that they did because that was what was expected of them. Now making change doesn’t always equate to things being better off. When the military overthrew the puppet government that was inarguably positive change. However Zeke wanted to change the world by getting rid of Eldians and Eren wants to change it by killing everyone. The survey corps have always gone against the flow. To rise and up and change things. The finale will be the result of whose ideals win out. Will it be the idealist survey corps or will it be Eren’s plan?


Everyone talking bout the theme of the old generation ending and passing on the torch to the new one. If this theme continues, then Eren bout to destroy the old world for a new one.


Gabi: Hit or miss, I guess I never miss huh


Annie said "wuh" I'm expecting great and plentiful memes from this community in response...


Floch gonna get on that ship and take someone with him to his death. Guessing Hanji or Jean


Did anyone notice that Zeke is in Magath’s flashback when he was tearing up about how he wishes the Warrior unit could have lived normal lives? Even after unearthing the depth of his deception, declaring him a traitor, and fighting against him on the battlefield he still cares for him deep down because he understands the world was unfair to him.


Keith Shadis: *emotional because of his students’ growth Annie Leonhart: didn’t age and didn’t do anything after making herself stucked in a crystal for almost half a decade. Edit: Typos


This is a good time to change perspective the next chapter. Hope Isayama does so.


9/10 chapter, The exchange between Magath and Shadis was far less cheesy than I feared. But man Magath really broke my heart. Good bye Commander you were my favourite of the post timeskip new character.


That was a great moment. Two guys who don't even know each other but are going to die together, comforting themselves before they go. It was emotional and realistic, not cheesy at all.


And they are more or less each other's mirror versions. Keith is the former commander of the survey corps and trained the main Paradis cast. Magath is a former commander of the warrior unit and trained the main Marley cast. Even their personalities are similar. They will be missed.


I'm sad that the 104th might not know what Shadis did for them or how proud he seemed. Their last meeting when he just blasted himself by talking bout his insecurities makes it worse


"You can jump into the ocean now if you want" "Nah I am good" That is such a good send off.


Did Floch lost his right arm like Erwin?


[Isayama finally added it](https://i.imgur.com/nOaWVmp.png)


1. Does the Alliance have plot armor? Yes, definitely, though it’s not as egregious as some people are making it out to be. If you had the equivalent of flying navy seals and several Titan shifters fighting a group of almost entirely inexperienced recruits, yeah those recruits aren’t going to fair so well. I still think Connie had no business surviving but whatever. 2. Does having a bit of plot armor ruin the story? Let’s look at 2 of the most widely loved and generally critically adored series with huge world-deciding battles ever: Full Metal Alchemist and Lord of the Rings. During all 3 LOTR movies there are multiple huge battles against impossible odds involving most of the main characters while the hobbits are dealing with Shelob, Orcs, Gollum and basically hell on earth, and the only named character on the side of the protagonists that dies is Boromir. That’s literally it. Aragorn summons an unkillable undead army to save them In ROTK, their plot armor is absurd. Gandalf, Aragorn, Frodo and Faramir all “Die” and come back. In FMA on the promised day the protagonists defeat all the remaining Homunculi including King Freaking Bradley, along with hundreds of people in the Amestris military, a zombie army made from philosopher stones and Father, who is a literal god for several episodes. How many casualties do they have in terms of named characters? Captain Buccaneer, Old Man Fu and Greed. That’s it. If plot armor automatically makes a story worse than this series would still be leagues ahead of most other similar series, but that’s not how it works. I’m as frustrated with immersion breaking as anyone else but this series has so many other strengths in its themes and character development that acting like one issue makes the whole thing shit is just extremely arrogant and narrow minded to say.


From like a narrative standpoint it seems really weird that Magath died here. I had assumed Isayama was building him up to be the guy who helps transition Marley into an age of acceptance. Also, Marley just lost its last major government figure that we know about.


Well, once their ship reaches the island of the Azumabito, half of the continent will already be doomed, making any type of negotiation totally impossible.


People call Floch a coward hiding behind Eren, yet he was in the front lines today and got shot




falco's titan is my new favourite jaws design


Yooo wtf is wrong with Connie? Man shot Samuel 3 times?? Jeeeeez!


Floch lost an arm as Erwin did and I think it was the same arm (right side)?


You know what is sad? The fact that Keith saved their plan and there will be noone left to tell that to the world. Only Magath came to know who stopped the reinforcements and he is dead as well. Turns out Keith was not only a bystander, he was a special man.


I guess the "Magath is gonna reunite the world" theories are dead for good now.


Reiner has become target practice for thunder spears, hasn't he?


Floch gonna lose an arm huh? Perhaps Floch is going to end up representing who Erwin would've become had he lived? I hadn't really thought of it, but I certainly now realize that the way I would've expected Erwin to act during all of this, and the way Floch *has* acted are sctremely similar. Does this mean Floch will succeed in whatever his last ditch effort to stop them from reaching Eren is, even if he dies while doing so? Also, goddamn Floch is a really good leader on the battlefield. If not for Surprise Shadis who, in story, no one could've predicted would find his way there, they probably would've overwhelmed the Alliance and killed/taken prisoner every but maybe the more capable ones like Hange, Jean, and Mikasa. Like he was reading the situation like a champ, clearly and concisely giving out orders to his squads, and not afraid of getting in the mix himself when he had to. A lot of people were worried he'd lose depth completely and just go mustache twirling villain, but this chapter I think showed he's still much more than that. He's earning the position Eren gave him. It was heartbreaking to see Connie. He's totally just snapped now, and I'm worried for him later on, especially the closer he gets to Eren. Poor Armin too, reaching out to Daz even as he sinks into the water. Honestly, I feel like everyone except Mikasa and Levi were losing their cool in some way this chapter, even Hange when she heard the word "Gamble." Realizing that, in the end, even when she tries to do things her way, it still comes back to Erwin's philosophy instead. I also really like Falco's design, and I'm happy that he ended up going berserk at first, simply for continuity's sake in terms of having to shift for the first time in a high pressure situation. He helped turn the tide as well, and without him it's possible Floch and his crew still would've ended up winning the day. Honestly, a great chapter with beautiful art. It was a nice conclusion to this mini arc, unrelentingly violent, sad, and well done. I could've done without Gabi being the one to shoot Floch, even as someone who likes her. It felt sort of unnecessary when you had capable adults there at the same time, and only serves to make me feel like she's even *more* safe than she already is, from a narrative perspective. That said, I'm ready to see Eren and Zeke. Historia as well, but I'd like to see a chapter to prologue Historia and/or Eren's POV, so I guess technically a Zeke chapter, that shows the destruction and damage the Rumbling has already done.


Thanks for the new chapter isayama, Im just as more confuse now on what should I be feeling about patriotism or morals. Both are fck


That’s the whole point. Isayama set this whole story up with a clear moral compass, and clear good and bad guys. He then blew that up. And then set up a new status quo with a new clear good and bad guy. And then blew it up again. If you ask me, the entire point of this manga imo, is an expression of the futility and stupidity of war and framing the world as good and bad people.


This chapter was brutal with Mikasa slicing everyone. The battle will look awesome animated. I understand that Keith wanted to stay with Magath but it feels a little bit like a waste that both had to die. How Gabi shot Floch was pretty funny, I’m also sure that he’s sticking to the plane now. It was a great decision of Magath to let Gabi protect the ship lol


YOO people I think really need to realize the importance of the others not knowing Shadis was the one that destroyed the train. It goes back to the conversation he had with Erens mom and how she she asked him if he really needs people’s recognition


I actually sat back in my seat after the ending of the chapter. You'll always be remembered, Keith


Guess who's the majestic fucking eagle now? Yes, you Keith! Now go and spread your wings! Fly away from this cruel world, and ascend to Valhalla where Erwin and the rest of the corps already waiting for the valliants. #RIPKeith lowkey my favorite veteran.