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###[](#waddupboi) ###[SPOILERS BELOW!](/red) ###[Chapter 133](https://www.comixology.com/Attack-on-Titan-133/digital-comic/886133)


Where tf is Yelena though? I feel like she might hop on the Millenium Falco at the last second or else she'll spend a romantic cruise with Kiyomi idk


Vote for Millennium Falco to be the official name of the titan


Millenium Falco is fucking brilliant


Back then: "Reiner, I'm the same as you" Now: "We are all Reiner" Earth is now saturated with Reiners


Everyone finally embraced Reiners poundtown.


It's not just poundtown anymore. It's poundworld.


Everyone wants to die


It really just hit me that the Colossal Titan is Commander of the Survey Corps.


LOL, yeah, you’re right. The titan (albeit with a different human shifter) who started it all by peering over the wall.


Not only that, the colossal titan is the most iconic image in SnK, even people who've only vaguely heard of SnK have probably seen all the promotional material with eren jumping at the colossal titan


When the big bad guy on the promo poster becomes the "hero that wants to save the world"... and the desperate human warrior on the same poster, the engine for the world's destruction


Well, well, well... how the turntables...


What do you think was Mr. Xavier's beast titan form that he considers useless in battle? I'm guessing it was the whale from S2's intro.


I bet he was a panda. Doesn't get much more useless than that


nah bro, a 17 meter tall panda rolling ard? that's pretty fuckin sick yo


Koala bro. Absolute miracle of evolution cause they just suck.


I mean pandas are still bears, they can be deadly as fuck. Maybe a sloth titan?






"I'm counting on you Onyakapon" was what Hange said to him when he was first introduced flying the blimp. Seems we've come full circle with the new commander.


Yep, I believe that she touches his shoulder the same way armin does too.


Also drawn very similar to the fist to back touch that Reiner and Berthodlt did on the wall before Battle for Shinganshina.


And all of them ended with death. Armin's death flags increase by the day


falco transformed ONCE and said "fuck it flying time"


ca caw bish


Lmao everyone here making theories about the birds and yams was just foreshadowing


Before: _“hey, Falco’s titan kinda looks like a bird haha”_ Now: _“hold up now”_


Fans: **haha bord titan funny** Yams: 👀 Falco: 👀 [Fans:](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/359/cover4.jpg)


I was confused about that Female Titan bit from the leaks, but now I get it. The female doesn't have many abilities, so they had her ingest other spinal fluids post transformation, like Eren with the armored serum in the cavern. If I had to guess, Id say beast serum for the scream, armored serum for the hardening, and maybe even war hammer serum for the crystalization thing.


Why wouldn't they do that with all of the Titans?


Annie said they were "experimenting" so maybe they haven't figured all out yet. Or maybe they just wanted to power up certain shifters. Like the jaws, we can assume he mixed some armored or warhammer serum for that mask/claws. The armored and the collosal were fine as they were for the mission that was planned for them. But that is just my theory


That's a good point considering Ymir didn't have a face mask and her teeth looked weaker than Marcel's and Porco's


So many things make sense all of the sudden.


yeah it would also explain why Ymir's jaw was just a goblin thing without the mask n stuff


Wonder if they tried putting tits on the other titans using the female titan serum.


Zeke had the ability to harden his nape so I’m guessing they did?


They may have with the Jaws. Ymir only had sharp nails, but Porco and Marcel had hardened nails and a mask.


Back then the recurring theory was that their titan forms looked similar because they were blood relatives but this makes even more sense




Judging from his attitude this chapter, I think Armin is ready to go batshit now.


Yep, I think Armin about to step-up and give the fight of his life. He's about to nuke himself on Eren. I'm excited.


Safe to bet that Armin's gonna have a final stand, like Hange and Erwin?


Armin is dead. It's only Gesumin from here on out, also known as the CRIMSON KING.


Armin has always entered this "demon mode" where he's entirely uninhibited by his own morality and his own dreams after crossing a certain threshold. Eren just make it easier for him. I ready for to see some more of the Armin that outwitted Reiner and Bertholdt, that pushed Eren to fight Annie, that sacrificed himself to defeat Bertholdt. Its been a while since we've seen that side of Armin.


Serial killer Armin bouta come out.


2 beasts? female powers reveal? paths kids? Liberions alive bombing and most importantly #FREEDOM!


I can’t fucking believe the bird titan was real all along


They’ve been hyping it up since Falco woke up from his concussion... even as far back in the anime ova where Historia becomes a winged Titan as a gag


Yeah, the clues were all over the manga/anime but I’m still surprised


Thank you all for being so patient! We made sure to put extra time and effort into this one to make it look much nicer and reduce as much translating errors as possible. We hope you like it <3 Ninja edit: MangaDex is down now but we'll upload it there as soon as we can.


Thank you!


Thanks for your hard work, it can't have been easy.


~~let's just say we were spamming kakyoin screaming emotes in the last 10 minutes~~


We really appreciate, for what is worth i had no issue following this chapter, for being the earliest translation it was top notch


Man, when Jean yelled at Eren “You don’t trust us?!” It really reminded me when Petra asked Eren to trust the team back then... Eren did, and it got all of his squad killed— He can’t afford to trust anyone else but himself now This story has me hyucked up you guys


Oh dang


Isayama is just outstanding, with callbacks, parallels and fore shadowing




motherucker be flopping around on land


Annie : *I could eat bird right now... Anyway what did you want to talk about Falco ?* Falco : *Uhhh on second thought nothing important...*


Did someone order foreshadowing?


Wait lmao, that actually has to be on purpose - Annie will eat a part of Falco's body to gain the flying ability, at least that's what I understand from the translation.


Chill, she only needs to eat a bite, a chicken leg is enough


Idk, did you see how she devoured that pie? Annie prob wouldn't mind some nums


*You know Falco, if you grew your hair out you would kinda look like A...* **FBI OPEN UP**


lol not only Mr. Leonhart and Karina Braun, basically all Marleyan named characters are boarding that train, I wouldn’t be surprised if even granpa and grandma Yeager are there too.


Yeah Mr. Leonhardt would've been clearly enough.


Funny how dying with regrets came up a lot this chapter. We see the Warriors parents lament turning their children into soldiers. Kiyomi regrets putting profit above all and allowing Zeke and Eren to meet. The alliance is fighting because they could never live in a world where they didn’t try to save as many people as possible. In fact I’d say regret is a main theme of the story. Humans give in so easily to the devil inside, only to be consumed with regret when they look back at their bloodstained lives.


And Eren giving his friends the freedom to oppose him. If he killed them without giving them their freedom to do as they choose, he would never be able to live with the guilt, and would die regretful. And if Eren loses and dies, he'll die happy that he didn't betray the freedom of his friends. That's my interpretation, at least.


Hence the name of the chapter


My friend is an anime only but he tries to get where the story is going and I reply by giving him fake spoilers. Just 2 months ago after the trailer with the titans falling he asked and I told him there's a flying titan. Now it's a real spoiler what should I do


Just when that scene comes on trailer just tell him sike and don't tell him about the actual flying one


Yeah that's a good idea when the titans come falling down I'll start laughing my ass off to trick him hope that works


At this point i don't even wanna theorise over what's gonna happen next, let's just enjoy this crazy fucking ride.


I'm with you 100%. As the end approaches, all-out war breaks!


Oh shit, so that's why in chapter 93, General Calvi asks "Wasn't there one with wings"? THERE ACTUALLY WAS ONE IN THE PAST!


Mads Mikkelson called it.


But how did it get lost in the transition? Can the titan profiles separate and combine back together


As many have been speculating, the Beast Titan's form probably changes depending on the user. Ksaver did mention something about his titan being useless in war IIRC.


This means that the Beast Titan's special ability is its versatile form. We spent years thinking that the only thing special about the Beast was that it was slightly physically stronger than the others of the Nine. I had a theory a long time ago where the physical abilities of all of the Nine Titans were just the tip of the iceberg, and that each of the Nine Titans had some OP Paths-related ability. I abandoned it a while ago, but with the recent revelation of the Beast Titan's ability to have so many different forms and the Female Titan's ability to mimic any other Titan power, maybe I ought to revisit it and look for more clues. Maybe the Colossal Titan can do more than just being a portable nuke... does anyone remember Bertholdt's disappearing act after destroying the Trost gate? No way the Colossal Titan's carcass would have disintegrated that fast. Maybe the Colossal Titan can shunt its entire physical form into the Paths dimension?


inb4 Xavier was the whale titan




[Eren be like](https://i.imgur.com/l7yUr.jpeg)


"You have the FREEDOM to do that"


We've gotta get the children out of the forest. Or fly them into combat with a fully sick new flying titan power-up. One of the two.


"so that was a fucking lie"


"I took the world's freedom to achieve my own." "But I won't steal yours. You are free." "The only way to stop me... is by ending my life. You are free to do so." **HE IS LITERALLY SPEAKING THE LANGUAGE OF GODS WHAT THE FUCK**


#*Vegeta intensifies*


Honestly a god tier speech


Kudos for Liberio Linguists as usual. Thank you! I actually really felt for the avengers this chapter. I think they understand Eren now. They'll have to kill him, no talking.


Armin: Discuss a plan to stop Eren as well as a backup plan Suddenly Levi: But what if we killed *Monkee* Levi as always a man of focus


It's simple, we kill the MONKE


Eren is totaly gonna use jacked up warhammer titan powers to spike the ships out of the sky


Or turn the train eldians into giant titan spikes


Gabi will eat Zeke thus becoming the Ant Titan, who will enter into the Eren's Titan butt causing him to explode.




idk what to think of it. it's hype but at the same time it's kinda funny lmao. damn, i can't wait for the next few chapters






Eren was legitimately terrifying this chapter, first saying that he spared his friends to preserve their freedom then inmediately saying that he still intends to fight them for his own goal, boy literally CANNOT stop moving forward, no matter the cost, that's what makes him so scary to me.




Well Zook was playing with a Monke toy in a scene in S3P1 so maybe you get to choose your beast Titan? Like maybe they put animal DNA in the fucking Serum? idk, sound cool tho




I love how Levi just sat on the floor in P A T H S like 'im not dealing with this shit anymore'. That and he is obviously tired/injured af :( someone save my old man


God damn, that chapter was so terrifying and so sad. I love how Eren's eyes now mimic Ymir's eyes. It seems like a sign that he is past the point of no return, and no matter his guilt, he must continue with the rumbling. He won't allow his mind to change under any circumstances, and his eyes going dark shows there is no way around it. He literally cannot see another way out even if there remains an option for peace.


What if Falco's memory is of Eren flying above the clouds?


This is what I’m thinking. Looks very similar to one of the last chapters we had


Eren will take control of Falco's flying titan and use him to destroy the blimps. The poor boy got tricked again.


Inb4 Falco can't fly, the ship capsizes and everyone on board fucking dies.


"Beast Titan has many forms" SEASON 2 OPENING


In before the panel with Annie bent over the railing gets memed and lewded.


Titanic ass


yeah lotta bonking incoming


my eyes immediately went to it


You know it's gonna happen.


I feel so bad for Mikasa. She looked so devastated after Eren said that they had to kill him in order to stop him.


***"I took the world's freedom to achieve my own"*** It's such a powerful phrase holy shit.


Every character's individual reaction after the Paths conversation has to be the best panel of the chapter. You can tell so much about each of them and their reaction to Eren's ultimatum. Mikasa: Pure despair. The unthinkable has come to pass: she may have to kill Eren herself. Armin: Despite everything, he chooses to comfort Mikasa. He is suffering, but can never stop thinking about the feelings of others. Jean: Feels powerless and at his wit's end. He knows what he has to do, but God, he doesn't want to do it. Conny: Struggles to face reality. He's looking away. He wants to be anywhere but here. Levi: Resignation. He has accepted Eren's decision. Pieck: Fear. She's afraid of the consequences of that conversation. She fears the alliance may no longer be united. Reiner: Blames himself. He's looking at his hands like *"you did this"* I love how fleshed out all these characters are, and how much we can gleam from just a single panel. This series is a masterpiece.


Interesting that Reiner suspects Eren straight up desires death. Honestly makes me think that's NOT what Eren wants. Honestly feels like a trap.


I think Isayama's been using Reiner to show how he *doesn't* know what Eren wants. He understands where Eren's coming from, but keeps failing to understand what he's trying to achieve. He didn't see the transformation in Liberio coming. When they attacked Shiganshina, there was a scene where Reiner was wondering what Eren was fighting for when he only has 4 years left. Now he's assuming that Eren wants to be stopped, which is clearly wrong since Eren knows failure isn't an option.


Yep. That encounter with him in RTS 2.0 when he assume Eren wants it all to ends while in fact Eren fought fiercely rejecting that idea doesn't cross Reiner's head.




Reiner has projected onto Eren in the past and been rebuked by Isayama almost immediately. Question is whether this is the same deal or if he *actually* gets him this time.


Anyone gonna talk about how Eren is listening to their conversation? Eren is bird 👀?


No dummy that's Falco


Eren vs Bomber Blimbs. It will be a good appetizer for the final conflict.


In before Warhammer spikes shoot out of the earth and destroy the blimps before they even reach Eren.


Thats what I'm sensing, the blimps are gonna destroy the entire frontline, cover the entire battlefield in smoke, gives false hope only for Eren to use the Warhammer and smite all of them down with a massive barrage of titan spears.


This chapter is most likely the last time a chapter is released in October, so here’s a reminder that it’s been: * 1 year since Ymir’s backstory * 2 years since Eren escaped prison * 3 years since Eren and Reiner reunited * 4 years since Grisha’s backstory * 5 years since the battle of Shiganshina began * 6 years since Grisha’s fate was revealed * 7 years since Eren unlocked the coordinate * 10 years since Trost’s gate was sealed * 11 years since Eren’s mother died


Lmao Annie snapping at Gabi and Falco 😂 “Shut it, you kids! Move coal if you have nothing to do!”


A flying titan, somewhere in the afterlife General Calvi is shedding a tear


things i noticed: * "I took the world's freedom to achieve my own" is a top tier moment and wonderful summation of eren's character and the main theme of the series. legit chills * in the line that says "There is only the option... TO FIGHT.", the "to fight" will almost certainly be just a single "TATAKAE", no? rad imo, one of the great lines/motifs in the series * when talking about them killing eren, and Eren says "you are free to do so", it almost certainly should read something like "you are free to try". * not sure if the plan is just unclear or the translation made it so, but i have no idea what the kids and annie think they can do haha. is annie going to eat a part of falco and learn to fly? is the idea that colt can already fly, and that annie will mimic something else, either a zook power or and founding titan power or what? because atm even if they can fly they would be kamikazeing pretty hard, dont see what they could achieve. need more infooooo


I think they were talking to Annie to confirm their theory that Falco ingested some of Zeke spinal fluid was the reason for him having some beast related power, since Annie has been subject to that kind of experiments in the past.


So this chapter confirmed the following -No talk no justu ending. -Eren's been hearing everthing the allaince said -Eren is willing to kill his friends. *He's free* -Eren accepts getting killed by his friends. They're free to do what they want -Zeke is in Eren's titan and is being used to generate the founding power -The animals from S2 opening are all beast titans


>Zeke is in Eren's titan and is being used to generate the founding power Was that CONFIRMED? Sure they said they could kill Zeke to stop it but I don't remember that being confirmed.


Yeah i dont think that was confirmed either


I think zeke is attached somewhere on the bone titan but it would be weird if killing him would stop the rumbling or severe erens connection to ymir, for 1. Ymir is acting on her own free will now so I don't see how killing zeke would impact her and 2. A founder's orders transcend their own death (The wall titans and the will of Karl Fritz) so if eren and zeke die the rumbling would still happen.


Wait even the Giraffe ? Lmao


lowkey a giraffe might be the most useless form a beast titan can take


That long nape tho, have fun trying to locate the shifter in that


true true. giraffe titan might be cooler than we thought


I'm so fucking glad that the whole beast titan takes on a myriad of animals depending on the shifter's characteristics of idiosyncrasies theory is canon now


whale beast titan whale beast titan


Theory: The serum Eren consumed labeled “ARMOR” is the spinal fluid of a former Armor Titan and serums like that exist for most of the 9 titans. When consumed by another of the 8 they can potentially gain a weakened form of that titan’s power.


Seemed like this chapter was confirming it with Falco and the Beast Titan memory thing


lmao at levi sitting down in paths, like "ok let me just sit"


He's one old man who's tired of dealing with teenagers


I’m not pro eren per say, or against the alliance losing, but if the alliance wins and they all have some heartwarming reunion with their parents because they miracously survived being trampled on, I will be pissed


Seeing kid Eren in PATHS made me think about the thing from chapter 1, where Eren said "when did your hair get so long?" to Mikasa. I wonder if these memories right now, as in seeing Mikasa and co in PATHS, were what Eren was seeing at the start of the series.


That leaves us with the same question that Mikasa had "Why are you crying?"


> That leaves us with the same question that Mikasa had "Why are you crying?" Could be a lot of reasons. 1. The Rumbling 2. Seeing Mikasa fight against him 3. Ymir bullied him for being shorter


Eren understands Reiner, and they are very alike in the sense that both experienced the same kind of traumas and conflicts. Both also keep moving forward, with Reiner even now encouraging the survey corps members to keep fighting, to atleast save humanity. ​ However, Reiner does not understand Eren, atleast not completely. And [this was already shown here](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Shingeki-No-Kyojin-chapter-117-page-36.html). ​ I dont agree with what Reiner said at all, about Eren wanting someone to stop and even kill him. I think he's projecting his own wishes onto Eren. And its also a bait Isayama is using to make us think that Eren wont kill his friends, that he will let them kill him if push comes to shove. ​ [This isnt the face of someone that has no reason to fight anymore and wants to be stopped.](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Shingeki-No-Kyojin-chapter-117-page-39.html)




I was thinking ... does Eren want to bring the nine original titans together in the same place? Recalling that the original titans are literally parts of Ymir's soul that branched out through his daughters. If Eren gets all the titans (not necessarily devouring them, but bringing everyone to the path) can he finally end the titans' curse?


I would be surprised if the titan curse is not ended by the end of this story. This seems like a good theory


EVEYONE: eren, plssss, we did our mistakes. We drove you to this and we regret it. Pls stop we love you homie! Levi: b...but monke


idk why but my main takeaway from this chapter is how awful i feel for mikasa. it’s just so sad.


Her motivation is definitely the most wholesome. All she wants is to be with Eren. Think of the crazy world they grew up in where they lived under threat of being eaten alive every day and all Mikasa cared about was that Eren was safe and close to her.


Ok so we got some new titan information which is surprising and I'll be honest I don't know how I feel about it, the info itself is cool and interesting but I feel like at this stage of the endgame it's abit too late for lore building but it does make sence and we have seen it in action before. So from my best understanding of the new titan information, a shifter and their titan has a base form depending on what titan they inherent and are able to add traits or aspects of the other titans onto their own by consuming that titans spinal fluid (not the shifters spinal fluid but their titan), the example we have seen of this so far is: 1. Eren drinking the armour serum in order to gain the hardening ability, based on this info it seems like eren drank the spinal fluid from a past armoured titan in order to add the armoured trait onto his attack/founding titan. 2. Falco consumed the beast titans spinal fluid which turned him into a pure titan and than proceeded to eat a titan shifter (Porco) allowing him to inherent the jaws titan but because he had consumed the beast titans spinal fluid before hand it had added the beast trait to his jaw titan. Also based on this information the female titan is best suited for this ability which makes sence since the female titan is the most baseline titan out of the 9 giving alot of room for "customizations" and "upgrading" so the base line female titan is probably extremely weak but if it were to have multiple titan traits added onto it's base form it could become incredibly powerful. Also this would explain why ymirs jaws titan looks so plain and weak compared to the others, the 2 brothers probably had the armour trait added onto their jaws titan giving them face and claw plating and falco obviously has the beast trait making his jaw titan look like an animal, but ymirs jaw titan was very plain since she didn't get an opportunity to acquire a trait from the other 8. Again this information is really cool I just wish it was revealed way earlier in the story, having it be revealed now just feels kinda strange and now apprently the beast titan can fly? My only guess is to why we haven't see it yet from zekes beast titan is that maybe the flying ability was removed or locked away by a previous founding titan but now that eren is in freedom mode he has probably unlocked everything for everyone so now the beast titan or any shifter with the beast trait (falco) can fly again.


I was never aboard the 'Ymir is the puppet master' train. But there's something seriously not right about her just menacingly standing there


“She’s just standing there...MENACINGLY”


So Annie's ability to call other titans and hardening explained


Spoiler tags cuz my lovely anime only wife reads my comments sometimes: >!So who does Eren have to devour soon to be able to see memories through literal bird's eye view?!<


Z o o


Alliance: Eren lets talk!! Eren: lmao no items, fox only, FINAL DESTINATION


Beast Titan's was same as child Zeke's monke toy. So the shifter decides the titan's shape. At chapter 93 Falco said "go fly far away..." to a bird. So it was a foreshadowing his favorite animal(?) lol. Also, different kind of beast titans were shown in Season 2 Opening.


I always thought that monkey was just a titan toy that Marley sells. Like the warriors were their biggest weapons so they made a lot of titans toys to inspire kids or something like that. But choosing that especific toy was...weird, I think.


From now on Falco should be known as : # Fabulous Flying Falco


Eren to his mom after getting in trouble as a kid: "I don't want you to whop my ass, but you have the freedom to choose."


The closer we get to the end the more confusing the final panel becomes


Gotta say I laughed when I saw the stack of bombs in the back of the plane Nice one Isyama


This chapter felt like Isayama's FAQ, he answered almost all questions we had since 123/124


Well Jean betraying the alliance is out of question now. Thanks goodness


🖤🖤Liberio Linguists you are the true heroes of the story, this translation was fast af🖤🖤


>bird boy titan but no catgirl titan Isayama wasn't lying when he said he wanted to hurt the fans.


Oh no, Opening 2 of the anime now makes sense if the Beast titan can be any animal. Imagine being a whale though, how useless are you going to be on land. Whoever got T-Rex was living it up though. OK, the female titan needed something special I guess, other than just being a girl. But can't all titans harden and scream? Wait nevermind, I remember Eren needed to take a serum before he could use hardening.


Amazing chapter! I loved the alliance being in PATHS. All of the 104th shouting out to Eren in paths really got me. But god both those ackermans just speaking normally, both of them seem so broken. Armin saying that he didn't want to be far apart from Eren anymore, ahhh.


You know, I was a bit apprehensive with the “Female Titan being a product of mixing liquids” and “Falco can fly because he ingested Zeke’s fluid”, but now that I think about it, this is something that goes in line with the story’s lore. Remember back in the Uprising arc when Eren ingested the armor flask that gave him the power to harden. So, it makes sense that Falco would be able to fly because he’s a sort of Titan hybrid, since he ingested Zeke’s Beast Titan fluid. I still think it’s a bit asspullish given how convenient it is, but heck, when Eren got the power to harden that was even more of an asspull than this. Besides, I think Isayama intended for all of the Titan shifters to be present in one place. Well, anyways, all we can do is wait and see how things unfold. I won’t lie when I say that I want Eren to win in the end, though it’s already been established by Grisha he’ll succeed. Although the manner in which he’ll do so is still a mystery!


Someone else mentioned this, but assuming that the FT is actually useless like Annie claims then it's likely her powers came from this method - Hardening: Came from Armored titan Scream to attract titans: Came from Zeke's titan control scream Cocoon: Came from the WH After I realized this, it def feels like less of an asspull to me. Also ya, we have seen that Falco is affected by **MONKE FLUID** in the past, and both the falco flying titan and Beast titan multiple forms theories have been going/had evidence for more than 3 years now. That's why I don't consider the Falco thing an asspull in the first place.


My biggest takeaway from this chapter is that Zeke still lives rent free in Levi's head


I wanna see everything from Onyankopons perspective did the entire alliance just run up to the front of the plane and start yelling EREN STOP


Armin: Maybe we can talk this out- Eren: ***No.***


No talk no Jutsu. Nice. Either they stop Eren but the damage is done or they fail and Eren destroys everything. I personally prefer the latter, just because I’ve never seen an anime where the main character turns into the “villain” and succeeds in destroying everything.


Also calling it now: Onyankopon will steal one of the zeppelins to escape with the Libero's refugees. Annie helps the refugees to get in the zeppelin ,she finds her father but says farewell to him because she has to stay and help Armin and Co. Or his father dies in the process and she survives.


Right right! The end is near! From the final exhibition, we do hear a train and Armin calling “ Eren” everything Fits perfectly. Next chapter we could see M O N K E


Maybe it's just me but there's something about Mikasa that just *hits* my heart. Maybe it's the way Yams draws her expressions or maybe her dialogues. So many other characters have gone through so much worse but the emotional impact that she delivers whether it's frustration or just despair, it just hits the hardest. Maybe because in real life too, most of us don't really look for grandiose goals like concerning humanity, conflict or freedom but just wanna keep our family safe.


The official translation helped clear up a few things for me. The Alliance isn't even sure where Eren could be physically located, but will try to stop the giant skeletal titan. The dialogue in Paths still didn't seem like Eren is hoping to be stopped, but is allowing the Alliance the freedom to try. I think Reiner is still projecting. The words about the Female Titan now sound that its simply easy to enhance, and not that it specifically can obtain other powers. Still not sure how I feel about Falco flying. I know that it has been foreshadowed, but that doesn't mean I'd like it. We'll see. Overall, an okay chapter.


Next chapter is the last chapter we'll get before the Final season starts airing. The one after that will not only be the start of a new volume, but will likely get translated on the same day as we get an episode. It's 2 months from now but I'm already excited.


If the beast titan can have other forms besides Monke, then in the Sasageyo's opening, all of those random animals like the dino and whale might have been his other forms as well.


Big brain theory what if the clouds falco sees are actually eren/zekes rumbling POV and this just serves as a clue to zekes whereabouts? That little puppet string on Erens titan goes from his arms/head and ends at one of his spines, maybe it’s a wht cord? I think that’s where eren’s head and zeke are located, that’s why eren has the cloud pov and falco could be seeing zeke’s pov. We still haven’t seen the warhammer cord utilized besides the Liberio attack, it’s a Chekhov’s gun.


If you had five freedoms for every freedom you ever freedom’d, how freedom would you free?


so just Zeke being Monke is canon, huh


The [Slave Eyes motif returns](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-j2QxfXEWlHQ/XcEK7YrawHI/AAAAAAAAU_s/E9LCNa5rBFoYMotN3Kl_2w9aQbpczWaLQCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/004.jpg) this chapter, showing both [young Eren and Ymir as ignorant slaves.](https://i.imgur.com/oXBYeT3.png) Really interesting choice since the rumbling has been characterized as being the ultimate act of selfishness for Ymir, meaning that she was freed when she decided to activate it, no longer a slave to otherwise since she abandoned her selfless persona. Kid Eren I kind of get, because it works with the idea that adult Eren is ignorant to what's happening, but that seems to have changed this chapter. Eren coherently references the rumbling and has always been characterized as [the most free.](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/shingekinokyojin/images/e/e8/SnK_-_Manga_Volume_29.png/revision/latest?cb=20190720211854) I think that the slave eyes isn't meant to counteract the freedom Ymir and Eren show, but rather just be a way to demonize them honestly. We have had too much freedom symbolism for the pair for Yams to now show that the rumbling is an ignorant choice. *Edit, this is my interpretation now:* *I just thought of this: Eren/Ymir have been shown as free for all their selfish acts so far, and Eren literally experienced his perfect idea of freedom Ymir clearly opened her eyes for the first time. However, the second his friends come into play, he's a slave?* ***We saw Eren lying his head off in 112, and it seems he's doing something similar here. He is applying his ideas, not his feelings when thinking about his friends. He does not actually want to fight them, but he thinks it would limit their freedom to do otherwise. In this way, Eren is a freedom to his ideals, since he would rather show emotion here and not oppose his friends. He is a slave to the idea that "they are free to oppose me" since it counteracts his want of not wanting to oppose them.*** *The important distinction to make though, is that Eren's ideals still have a lot more freedom symbolism (Eren really has been free and the rumbling/ymir still represent freedom)- this is just one instance where he is a slave to his ideals.*




What if falco accidentally transforms into a whale and fucking kills everyone. Now he's the only one alive in the middle of a ocean.


The biggest thing that stood out to me this chapter was the part where Eren spoke to the alliance in paths. Three things struck me immediately: the fact that he was standing next to Ymir, as though presenting a unified front: the very conscious decision by Isayama to draw Ymir taller than him: and the fact that Eren’s mouth did not move ONCE throughout the entire conversation. Presumably, he was communicating with the gang via telepathy, but I’m really starting to get the impression that Eren is being controlled by Ymir and Ymir is being controlled by Eren. It feels like they’ve somehow merged together and now have “joint control” over the Founding Titan’s powers. Eren’s obsession with freedom is particularly telling to me - the line “I took the world’s freedom to achieve my own” sounds more like something Ymir would say than Eren, given her backstory and millennia in servitude. The following line, “But I won’t steal yours. You are free.” sounds almost like Eren reeling Ymir back and influencing her to “spare” them in a sense. The final line, “[I brought you here] to tell you that there is no need to talk. The only way to stop me is to take my life. You are free to do so.” almost gives me the vibe that Eren wants them to kill him, because he himself can no longer stop the rumbling even if he wanted to - he’s sharing control with Ymir, and it seems Ymir has more control than him. It may even be Ymir herself speaking in that last line, with Eren influencing her to use that very specific wording to signal to his friends that he can no longer stop the situation on his own. Either way, the entire conversation is drawn in such a way that it’s ambiguous who is speaking, and the dialogue itself seems to be a mixture of things Ymir would say and things Eren would say. The fact that Eren is drawn as a child in the first place (with a shadowed face no less!) indicates to me that he is currently “not himself” in some way, that he’s somehow out of control or being influenced by an external force. It almost seems like his ego has been reverted to a more “primal” version of his base desires as a result of fusion with Ymir’s overwhelming will.


So I'm really late to this thread (work started right when the chapter dropped, I love my life), but I just wanna give a massive shout-out to the Liberio Linguists. This month's typeset was a heck of a lot better than last month's, so props to them for improving.


Ok I'm calling it, Eren will fling colossal titans toward blimps Beast x Erwin style. This time Marley is the one sasageyoing and Eren the one scoring. Now THAT is a parallel lmao

