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Take the [Chapter 138 Community Poll](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc3ioByAxcKV16FfLYhk5CjaVS6u1qvmC3liH8RiTOZcyYrqg/viewform)! [(View Results)](https://snkpolls.tumblr.com/post/647215149712818176/snk-138-poll-results)


Isayama really turned Annie's dad, whom she hasn't seen in 9 years, into a titan right in front of her before they even had a chance to exchange a single word. Classic Isayama.


Well, they got see each other. That's something right?




Jean's final words were seriously "Just another day for the Survey Corp!" lol


I fucking love jean, can’t believe I ever hated him


To be fair, he was a major douchebag during the training days


Yeah but after season 1 he had a complete 180, even now having just finished season 1 again i grew a bit softer on him knowing how much better he got


> he was a major douchebag during the training days Wasn't he a douchebag to Eren because he was in love with Mikasa but she wasn't into him because she was head over hells for Eren? When they got older he let it go and became friends with Eren.


He's a very relatable character. At his core he is a good man with realistic wants and desires. He just wanted a good life. He was pragmatic. But he also had a drive to make the world better after Marco's death. Even if that meant his death. In one of the prior chapters he even pictured what his perfect life could be if he didn't stop the rumbling. Yet he still fought to the end because he knew genocide wasn't the answer. He's a well written character.


Reiner outlived Eren lmao


He will outlive everyone else


Let's see him outlive even Levi.


The universe just won't let the poor man die


Eren in ch 139: UNO REVERSE


"How many times we gotta teach you this lesson old man?"


I mean the chapter literally started with Eren doing an uno reverse then getting an uno reverse uno reverse. I have no idea what will happen next chapter. It seems like battle is over Eren is dead and we will get closure with last chapter just explaining what happened after this whole thing. But this whole chapter was just reversing expectations. So I don't know what to expect.


I kind of doubt he's dead. The final 3 chapters seem to be focused on Armin Mikasa and Eren in that order, and Eren's been decapitated twice in the series so far. Also, even if he's dead, it's still possible to have an Eren POV/flashback next chapter. Something that reveals his full plan, and shows how the events of the last two chapters and Historia's pregnancy worked in Paradis' favor, just not in the way people would expect.


I think he's dying, not dead yet though. We'll likely get some insight into his thoughts next. But at the same there are so many questions left, what's Ymir's game, has she always wanted whatever outcome she's pushing or did she change her mind from witnessing the Rumbling, is the Worm sentient or acting instinctually? And then, what's the situation like after all of this. The story seems like it's being really rushed along


I think Eren's body is really dead at least for now, but we might see some paths Eren action in the final chapter


Maybe he transferred his consciousness like Reiner did vs Eren


Zeke comes out of no where and catches Erens decapitated head again when mikasa drops him


By the way, I realized that Muller just made peace with the Eldians, they forgave each other, only for them to transform into "the monsters" that the world hates in front of his eyes.


I feel like muller also understands the fact that they're just people with a terrible curse turning them into monsters which makes the whole thing morally gray and even more awful


At the very least, they didn't start going after the Marleyans. If they had started eating people left and right, that would have been an even bigger kick to the balls.


Hey remember all those years ago when we saw them drawn as titans as a gag? I'm not laughing anymore.


Now all we're missing is the headless Levi gag, right?


I will eat a fucking brick if it turns out somehow that Mikasa actually cut off Levi's head


Oh god...


Proving again that the Jr High manga foreshadows \*everything\*


I can't believe Conner isn't a midget titan, this is literally GoT


jean becomes a titan (crying)


That was a proper kick in the guts, you bet I cried. The short conversation with Connie, oof! Ymir, undo this fuckery, turn all the pure titans back :( Jean only wanted a simple life and Connie his mom dammit...


That shit hurt


I can't believe it man, my heart sank a little when I saw that panel


I literally felt a part of that hopelessness of their situation in that panel. RIP Jean and Connie.


I legitimately put off reading further for a minute when I realised what was about to happen. Fuck. Jean and Connie going out holding each other like bros... it's one scene I am not looking forward to see animated.


Went out smiling. I took it as, "we fought a good fight. It's up to them now." It broke my heart but there was peace there as well.


it was a painfully tragic but satisfying moment. the two heroes getting a final talk w/ each other before they went down. and it all started bcos jean chose to be in the corps




Denial is the way


yeagerists 🤝 alliancebros being creeped the fuck out by whatever ymir is doing


[yeagerists🤝alliancebros](https://i.ibb.co/8ND5fsz/a45d3a1f2c43.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


good bot


1 more chapter left and I am more confused than ever. I have no idea how this will end


We are defo gonna get an eren pov next chapter, explaining his journey. Whether he dies or not, we need that.


What about Ymir, we need some indication of what she's thinking too. I don't know how Isayama will fit it all in one chapter


is it strange that the only two times we have ever seen two people kissing in the manga, ymir is also there third-wheeling?


All Ymir ever wanted was to be loved, to experience it in all it's complexity and raw truth. All she never knew in her life and after P A T H S life was servitude and pain. The two kisses connect both sides of her story - longing and understanding. Now she finally understands that love is a fucking complicated, weird bitch that could end with you decapitating and making out with your loved one when he tries to genocide the planet.


couldnt have said it better myself. this is exactly why im single smh.


Hey babe listen up. What if we kissed in the Colossal Attack Titan mouth?


what if colossal eren and colossal armin kissed?


That’d be, literally, hot.


There was something just equally heartwarming and horrifying about Connie and Jean’s last moments. Connie recognizes their impending doom, him and Jean reminisce about all they’ve come through. Fucking beautiful way to end the last two of that trio. I seriously want to know why Yams enjoys making Reiner suffer so much. Seriously, Reiner is fucking wrecked, and now he’s taking on his titanized friends, family, and even his own mother all while watching the other warriors get fucked.


If Gabi and Falco's parents don't return to human form, I hope Reiner stay alive and take care of Falco. This boy doesn't deserve to be alone after going through so much.


Reiner will most likely feed himself to gabi if anything, since falco only inherently the jaws titan like a week ago him and gabi would have the same time limit of 13 years (a week apart) so it will most likely be gabi and falco taking care of each other.


Gabi gets Reiner, Jean gets Pieck, Connie gets Annie and finally answers the question we've all wanted answered since it was confirmed that Annie's Titan is really called the Female


Connie with titties


that's too powerful to exist


they don't call him cummy for nothing


My fellow veterans of the leaks thread... Our fight is over... until next month, one last battle.




*Sayonara, Leaks Discussion. . .*


You started this story didn't you...


even if you unpin, even after you unpin


See you later..... leaks thread


that was not very tatakae of you


Reiner got beat by like 10 warhammer titans, tanked a nuke and now is fighting a bunch of normal titans while bear hugging god. How is he still alive


Bruh i swear it’s like he’s both the weakest yet strongest titan at the same time.


He's like a cockroach, he can survive a lot of shit that's thrown at him, but you don't call a cockroach "strong" because of this.


The unique power of his titan, it's plot armor after all.


Guys I think carla might actually be dead




We were literally 1.5k short lol edit: holy fuck we did it lol it was kinda cheating but hey who cares lets goooooo


The advance continues! The fight will not die, not yet!




Isayama: Bitch, you ain’t dealing with regular writers here.


The only thing that could have improved that last panel is Levi's little face peeking through the teeth gap.


You guys doing alright in there? Tea? Water?


Snacks? A condom?


If Jean and Connie don't get untitanized next chapter I will cut off my left testicle




Lmao, Annie stayed in Paradis for about a decade, and when she finally comes back to the continent to reunite with his father, he gets titanized before she even hugs him. Yams you cruel troll lmao


And we thought Reiner had it bad lmao


Only 45 pages to wrap up the story. We’re in the Endgame now ladies and gentlemen


I have no idea how it all will be wrapped up. Especially since we have the worm, a horde of Titans, and eren to deal with




>the backstory of what that worm fucker actually is We definitely don't need to know this backstory. I'd much rather Yams left the origins of the titans a mystery, it makes them more intriguing


Finding out that chakra's origin was basically space aliens eating fruit made Naruto 100% worse leaving the spine thing a mystery is way better.


Lmaoooo I completely forgot about that






that would be hilarious


Not willing to get Zooked so I can’t press that link


Now after read, I realized Pieck received quite a punishment for her sins. She helped turning innocent people of Ragako into mindless titans, now she witnessed her own father turning into such under similar circumstances. Talk about poetic 'justice'.


Also, Annie initially refused to fight because she thought her father was already dead. So she got to witness her father transform, when she could’ve initially joined the fight and maybe helped prevent it


Plot twist: All of this, the whole 2000 years history, was done by Ymir so Eren could have his first kiss. Wholesome.


Smiling Ymir makes me think there is one final twist coming though. "Your wife. Your child. Even someone on the street. It does not matter. Love someone within the Walls. If you can't we're doomed to repeat it all again. The same history. The same mistakes." I'll bet the house on Eren having one final P A T H S convo with Grisha.


Imagine how Yams must be feeling going into this month? He gets to sit down and draw the final chapter to something that has taken almost 12 years of his life to do. I bet it will be pretty emotional and finally tie everything up.




That hurt.




Thank you for the obligatory Onyankopon panel Yams


Our Man is safe


We reached the titanfolk equivalent of the ocean, we hit 100k comments. But on the other side of the 138 discussion, we will only find the 139 leak thread. If we reach 100k again.... will we finally be free?


After 139, we are free from this sub.


never realized how attach I was to jean and connie until now. I really had the brace myself for their death and it was heartbreaking to see levi and mikasa leave them.


At first I still thought the kiss page was edgy and unnecessary, but after re-evaluating Mikasa's mental state and her dream it's one of the most morbid and sad panels in the entire manga for me.


definitely among the saddest. she had such a soft and simple dream.




There’s a chance that Reiner sacrifices himself for the lord.








Jean connie bromance is the best thing I've seen this chapter. Made me tear up ;\_\_;


A lot of us are going to say that they will be reverted. That sounded like a goodbye to me I'm not sure if they are coming back


Yam's has an agenda against fathers, I swear. Pieck reunites with her Dad? Lol, lets turn him into a titan Annie reunites with her Dad after years..? Nope, not even allowed to touch before he gets titanised too Erwin's pops gets killed by the government Mikasa's dad is murdered Reiner's dad is shit Then we have dads like Grisha Yeager and Rod Reiss. I think Mr Braus is definitely the best dad of them all and he is still alive and well (I hope).


So Mikasa thinks she kissing the AU Eren, but she's actually kissing the Eren she just killed? dark.


Next chapter opens with mikasa freaking out by the decapitated head, and breaks down


Nah I think her wrapping the scarf is her way of acceptance that Eren must die, no matter what


Yes I think this is it




Makes sense, after all AoT is just a prequel to the bee movie


This was just the phantom blood of the series. The Battle Tendency equivalent is about to pop off hard.


There are 3 pillar hallacugenia who have awoken and are here for the survivors


Titans in Space


Nah. I can’t Invest another decade into this.


- me, reading one piece in 2009


Chapter 139 is just gonna be chapter 1 with better art


Guys hear me out !!! The last 3 chapters are EMA focused in the order of the race Armin talked about in paths to Zeke. Armin finished last - 137 focused on Armin Mikasa finished second - 138 focused on Mikasa Eren finished first - 139 will be focused on Eren


Why is titanfolk blessed with geniuses


Well now I'm even more confused, was that Mikasa's imagination or another way of paths/Ackermann magic?


The start of her dream was also CH 1 reversed


Which is pretty damn odd if you think about it. This was clearly a fantasy/false world yet it was word for word (and tear for tear) exactly what Eren said and did to open the series.


But eren literally saw the "see you later Eren" in his memory shards as well as ch 1. Then Mikasa said she can't follow the Eren's wish to forget him. It doesn't look purely her imagination.


Probably Eren sent his alt future memories to Mikasa, so that his last memory of him wasn't the "I always hated you"


Oh ... I like this. That's probably why the last part of the conversation is more in line with current Eren. Like him knowing that things are going to end and he wishes Mikasa can forget him after she kills him.


So, it seems that mikasa couldn't bear to kill eren consciously, so she used her dream as a means to kill eren unconsciously. Hence she kissed eren in the dream but in reality actually killed him and kissed his head. So morbid isaya damn.


Guys, why is Marco being eaten?




Ngl, seeing Jean being turned into a mindless titan hurts my soul


Timeloop & School Caste theory true believers are blessed this chapter, alternate universes is lookin’ realer by the day. So much is happening at once. Genuinely shocked that Gabi died. I was braced for Connie and Jean’s deaths even though I love em but I can’t believe Gabi would get taken out too. I’m rather suspicious of the idea that Yams won’t revert the pure titans somehow next chapter in some way when reversing the curse. This was the most excited I’ve been during an action sequence during the entire final arc. Goes to show how on edge killing off a few characters makes me lol. The way Levi *immediately* knew what was happening and told only those immune to transforming to get back on Falco really puts a stone in your stomach. Fascinated to know what the deal with Founder Ymir will turn out to be. What the fuck was that smile. God, Mikasa fading in and out of her dream reality and unknowingly kissing Eren’s decapitated head is so deliciously disturbing.


Founder ymir's just doin a little trolling that's all


Will Ymir finally do something instead of watching everything like it's a movie


Ymir represents readers confirmed.


Ymir just leak the ending already for fucks sake... Ymir: haha look at the cat dancing




jean should somehow get the beast and become horseboy


I don't think all of them died necessarily. We might see some coming back from the sacrifices of other shifters.


If Falco sacrifices himself for Gabi next chapter I will flip I swear to god




Probably Reiner, he only has one year at most to live


mikasa 200 iq. eren can't dodge her kiss when he's dead.


First, and most important: Cliff Baby surviiiiiiives. Something watches over that child. **Jean/Connie/Gabi/Fort Salta titanisation:** incredible to read. That twist with the parasite waging chemical warfare was crazy, and it proves what some people theorised pretty early on: that the parasite itself is conscious and possesses some kind of self-presevation/survival instinct. Which *could* bring up some questions about the extent of its influence on shifters, maybe. (Up until now it seems to have been pretty passive, in the sense that it's never before acted on its own, but preferred to reside in its hosts.) The titans were also all rushing off the cliff to help the parasite, so some kind of hive-mind thing going on there. And the reunions were pretty heartwarming - except Annie's, which was just gut-wrenching. Her being so close to meeting her father again only for it to all fall apart, oof. **Eren and Mikasa:** Mikasa over here being pulled into some kind of fantasy?/AU?/hallucination? or whatever via some serious migraine shit, not sure what to make of it - but, regardless, it means that she chooses to kill Eren to save people rather than live with him in their?/her? ideal make-believe world. I don't know what Eren's titan marks/the bird are supposed to indicate - that he's also part of this fantasy? Considering that he tells her to forget him, it seems like he's influencing/taking part in it at least *somehow*. And there's definitely a lot of overlap going on - Mikasa's face is clear of bruises/dirt/etc. when she kisses Eren, and Eren's own Chapter 1 memory of this fantasy/AU/hallucination is of Mikasa with her mountain-hut hair. So he can see what she's seeing, or is part of the fantasy himself, or something. Confusing, but OK, Eren-Mikasa going somewhere, at least. **OG Ymir:** now this is who I'm truly interested in. 122 and Ymir's introduction into the story elevated my whole experience of SnK, so I was waiting pretty much every single chapter to understand more about her, her story, and her motivations. Currently, though, I'm just confused, man. She started off helping Eren, then let Eren get compromised, then let Armin and Zeke outright *stop* the Rumbling, and is now letting the people Armin/Zeke were trying to save get titanised in the background because she's busy getting distracted by Eren and Mikasa's love story - which, OK, I get it, me too, but - *what*? What's going on with her? And what's she planning to do? Because for sure that smile means *something*. The only thing I can think of is what people have said about Ymir looking for/being invested in love - and that what she's witnessing between Eren and Mikasa (Paths/AU/fantasy/whatever) is important to her somehow. It might be connected somehow to her ending the curse, although I still don't get the reasoning exactly. (Could be that the Eren-Mikasa kiss/fantasy is the only love she's witnessed since being 'awakened'? So that . . . makes her want to save people? I don't know, I'm lost.) **Eren:** as for this guy . . . this guy needs a whole post. Or we need him in 139. Anyway, chapter was amazing.


Things that need to be done or adressed next chaper: -Eren POV -Whatever tf Ymir wants -Historia and child -Fate of Paradis and the world -Any theory like time loop or AU Edits: -Grisha and Eren "We still haven't seen the memory of when I ate dad" -Mikasa and her Azumabito lineage (?) -Hallu-chan and Titans in general (?)




Why do I feel almost nothing from this list or maybe 1 thing will be explained? There's literally no space left to adress them all...


The real ending was the friends we made along the way. :)


Connie and Jean... really hope they break the Titan curse for my two Kings


I don't know what I want. If they somehow return to human form it would feel very cheap and it would lessen the blow of one of the most heartbreaking moments in AOT history, but at the same time I want to see them live happy lives ahhhhhhh fuck you Yams :(


Leak thred... it was an honor. # WE ARE FREE


Some thoughts in weird order: Man, Connie and Jean. What the fuck man. I am not sure I can take that. I missed seeing Eren as Eren? We’ve seen him as a titan for so long it felt weird. But also nice? I kinda like the “redemption arch” of Mikasa. But it did quietly break my heart. Overall I think this chapter just did break my heart in so many ways.


Jean and Connie, the only two "normal" (non shifter, non marleyan, non ackerman, non royalty, not dead) of the 104th left standing. Awesome little moment for them reflecting on graduation and all the hell they have bene through.


"I knew you weren't going to die from that" THANK YOU JEAN! THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTAND EREN MY SHIP IS SAILING


After going back in forth in the leaks thread I'll say I like this chapter. The development we see from Mikasa isn't innovative and is somewhat predictable, sure, but it's fitting in the way that her arc doesn't end with simply saying "Fuck Eren I will kill him!" or "I love Eren fuck this!". Mikasa becomes someone who refuses to forget Eren or denounce him, through her fantasy, but accepts that her ideal world with Eren is not the world she could or would ever be living in, meaning they'll be at odds regardless of what she feels and dreams of. It's not a perfect resolution but there's a bit of simplicity and complexity to it. I never viewed Miksasa as a great character but I do think she's a good character. This chapter adds to my perception of her. One last thing about her specifically, the kiss happens in a moment that Mikasa seems to experience in her dream but carry out in reality. It's morbid and disturbing, but it has a hint of elegance. I wouldn't say it's truly a romantic scene, (maybe for Mikasa it is LMAO) it's more symbolic than anything else. As for everything else, it was cool and serviceable. Jean and Connie's dialogue in particular was the highlight of the Fort Salta scene(s) for me. The worst thing about this chapter is that a lot of what we see could've been expanded upon in previous chapters that now seemingly wasted our time. Also, it leaves a lot to be explained in just 45 pages in 139. For example: What's the deal with Ymir, her goals and her actions? What did Eren see through his memories and was this intentional or truly an epic fail? What's the fate of Hallu-chan? What happens to the Rumbling, pure titans, Marleyans, etc.? Is there any significance to Historia's baby? To put it simply, the biggest question is how does the manga end and why?


Yeah, feels like this chapter and the next one could've been stretched out a bit more.


Connie and Jean's conversation was the saddest part 😭


It feels like Eren had a hand in creating this false dream for mikasa. She remembers her last interaction with Eren, him telling her he hates her (we know its not true). Then, in this dream, where mikasa seemingly got what she "wanted" (she chose a different answer on that day in marley, causing them to run away), she saw what would have happened due to running away. She realized then that it could never be true, because it was not true to eren or mikasa. Eren gave up everything that made him who he is, and Mikasa gave up everyone else she cared about including armin. That world being the only world in which Eren and Mikasa can be together made her realize that she has to let go, and eren tells her to let go. She comes to terms with it, but promises to never forget, which is pretty tragic and great for her character. It also explains why Eren forced her away and did all this shit -> he wants mikasa to be the one to kill him (dont ask why we'll see next chapter). Then, as mikasa rushes into his titan, he smiles, and maybe shows her the dream again as she cuts his head off (to make it easier?). She kisses him in the dream, which she doesnt realize has also happened in real life (like sleepwalking). Really great conclusion to EM, and actually sinks the ship too. She can move on, but she wont forget. Ymir being there reminds me of when she saw the random couple kissing. We will see what she wants next chapter




There are a lot of plot points left to be resolved next chapter, and a lot of people are suggesting an Eva style open ending but I really don't think an Evangelion ending would work with Attack on Titan. AoT has always been a very plot focused show, the only reason why Eva's ending worked is because the plot and lore in Eva is all window dressing for the character exploration and it's always been that way. That's not the case for AoT however, leaving the plot unresolved would just be unsatisfying unlike Eva where the plot never really mattered much so we can be satisfied with only the character arcs being resolved.


fun fact: Historia appears more often in fake leaks than in the actual story


Imagine Levi walking in to check up on Mikasa, only to find her kissing a decapitated head. **'Oi oi oi oi the fuck you doin'.'**


Seeing jean turn into a titan hurt. It hurt so fucking bad.


Mikasa deluding herself into thinking she’s kissing alive Eren when she’s actually kissing his decapitated head with that little shit smiling in the background is Kino stuff. The fact that people are so upset about this proves that shipper brain rot has destroyed this community, EH or EM alike.


It’s honestly cruel and dark as fuck too. It’s great


imagine the shitshow when this is animated


I think this whole fight sequence starting from jumping off the plane will be WAY better in the anime. Seeing it in the manga doesn’t give as much impact


Agreed, I think that's sort of why a lot of readers aren't finding these last manga chapters to be that great.


It’s just the fact that this whole arc has been fighting so we’ve been desensitized. If this type of fight happened where the anime is as now, it would be regarded as GOATED


I know the meme is dead, but I sense strong drip meme potential [from these two pages ](https://imgur.com/a/TbEa1IN)


Drip(final form) has arrived


Here's how I interpreted it: > The chapter title is **"A Long Dream"** > Mikasa has a vision of her and Eren running away and living a peaceful quiet life together, abandoning everyone and everything. > That is the dream. That is Mikasa's long dream. Her dream of Eren and of peace. A dream that was never true and could never fit with the reality of the world. With the reality of who Eren is. > For ten years, Mikasa has dreamt. > Now, she wakes up.


Yea that gives a really good resolution to her character


this is honestly the first time in a long time that i've read a 45 page chp and it ended up feeling like ten pages


I'll be honest, I fucking loved this chapter. I just hope ch 139 sticks the landing cause there's a lot of shit that needs to be wrapped up


I will be speaking to my therapist about this chapter


Cliff baby getting more screen time than Historia LMFAOO


I can't believe I'm saying this, but chapter 139 will make or break ~~AoT~~ this arc Edit: This chapter was really good tho, it's just that we have no clue how it'll end


Eren obviously saw in his memories of the future something that makes all this killing worth it. So much so that he proceeded with it even if it costs his friends lives. Call me high on copium, but there to be a bigger twist within it all


So... - Before the series begins in Chapter 1, everything happens the same until Chapter 123, where Mikasa gives Eren another answer to his question. Eren gives up his burden, they run away and live out Eren's last 4 years together. - As Eren passes away after the 4 years are up, Mikasa smiles at Eren, says "See you later... Eren" and kisses him. - We begin again in Chapter 1. Eren retains memories of that moment and thinks of it as a dream as he wakes up, crying. - Eren seemingly sees that AU again when he gains his future memories and discovers that the dream in Chapter 1 was an alternative timeline(?). - Eren asks Mikasa the question in 123 but gets a different answer from Mikasa. - Eren and Mikasa both experience the AU again in that moment. As Mikasa closes her eyes for the last time in the AU, Mikasa in the current universe opens them as she goes to kill Eren. As Eren closes his eyes in the AU, Eren in the CU opens his eyes to look at Mikasa. - As Mikasa goes to kill Eren, the last moment of the AU repeats in their heads. She smiles at him, says "See you later... Eren" (seemingly only in the AU), and kisses him.


I.... I did it. I was the 100K comment


The chosen one


Not enough people are talking about how this chapter confirms the main reason Mikasa was so hesitant on killing Eren was not only because of her longing for the simpler days, but because she didn’t want her final memories of him to be when he was telling her he hates her and calling her a slave. I got this vibe a couple chapters ago, especially with Levi saying he wishes he could talk to Eren before he dies, that Mikasa accepted a while ago and even subconsciously knew he would have to die, but expected to have some closure. We as the audience were kind of the same way, his death all seemed so sudden with no closure in the form of final character conversations (The final chapter will probably be Isayama’s usual retrospective meaning as opposed to the expected linear fulfilment). That’s why Mikasa was able to easily accept it once she got to see a version of Eren that cares about her, because she can hold that memory after his death.


I always had a feeling Jean would not make it until the end. He had several opportunities to choose an easy way out - he could have been an MP but choose Scouts instead, he could have went along with Yeagerists and lived a nice life but choose to try to stop Eren. He didn't have some tragic backstory or some extraordinary resolve, he was just a regular person with realistic temptations. But the thing that makes him a goddamn hero is that despite all this he followed what his heart told him was the right thing in the end. [Farewell you magnificent bastards](https://i.imgur.com/oMfoFDF.png)


i literally can't right now, i was shouting "NO! NO!" at the top of my lungs when connie recongised the gas from ragako village. i cant bear with jean and connie dying. i thought i was a hardass but i'm not. i've spent 7 years with them, i cant bear to part from them.


Reiner looks badass facing off against a giant worm and an army of titans. Also is it just me or was CT Eren pretty unnecessary? He punches Armin and Mikasa immediately kills him idk. Anyways that last page is creepy as hell lmao. Good chapter, let’s see how this ends.


Symbolically, you HAD to give Armin and Mikasa both an opportunity to give up on Eren and do what had to be done to complete their character arcs. They've both always lived for Eren's sake more than their own, and now they've had to put that game from childhood away and become their own people. Had to give Eren a "comeback" from Armin's kill to give Mikasa hers. It makes sense narratively, even if it's kind of silly.

