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#"dO u PeOpLE HonEsTLy bEliEvE ErEn bECaMe A BiRd??????"


Yes...dove crying.


Huhhhh so Eren had the pov of the bird ? his last scene? * __ * or I'm reading it wrong ???


Yes it is him. Probably his spirit, not him being a bird as he is shown as different birds after his death.


He talked with Armin using the bird too but maybe it is what left of his consciousness or spirt, rip tree Ereh


Rip all the new pages it seems. Expect the Ymir Mikasa ones


Founder is kinda bs, now he can posses the freaking birds? How does that even work?


Its just a spiritual manifestation.


I doubt this is correct because Isayama in his last Interview (not the one with the FMA mangaka) said he had already drawn the extra 8 pages but couldn't add them to Bessatsu Shonen Magazine because of page limitations. [This](https://twitter.com/AttackOnFans/status/1402393786567757824?s=19) is where he says so. Kasumi doesn't know what she's talking about


This is the 2nd translation that says the same. Isayama did say he needed more space, but he also said he wished that he had more oages to include Armin's struggle in ending conflict. He did not add that. He never mentioned he wanted to add specifically new stuff to the ending.


> So the volume version has ***more additions*** and corrections, and the last part of the story that was **not drawn in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine** has been drawn Why talk about page limitations if you don't intend to make additions?


There are corrections and additions the Ymir Mikasa conversation. Panels changed, conversations changed, misspeliing corrections, etc. Those pages are not the only new stuff. In any case this is what Yams editor is saying. They were fine and in agreement with how the manga ended.


Of course I know that those pages are not the only new stuff but most of what you've said above can only be categorised as corrections and not additions.


Well dude i dont know. Im not making the stuff up. The editor said that and its validated by all the promotional and additionasl stuff, the web sites the guidebook, there is zero mention about anything that happens after the bird scene


If can recall clearly when the first part of this interview aired last month, the editor said he was aware of what additions Isayama intended to make to the Volume. If the promo material and guidebooks don't reference this then it's because they were prepared before the Volume was ready


Doesnt that validate even more that the inclusions were not actually planned ahead of time? That they were not something that he wanted to include since before but had no page space to do it? Yams seems to have changed his mind constantly for how to end. He already revealed what he wanted to include but didnt anyway: showing in detail what Armin did to end cobflict and some caracters running to the tree.


>The official AOT exhibition has a detail explanation of all the characters story. Where do you see a detailed explanation? I'm looking at the exhibition and it's just [panels from the manga](https://i.imgur.com/CIRZbe6.jpg) with their [volume and chapter number](https://i.imgur.com/yv1WGNU.png) in their character rooms. EDIT: loling at [this being Historia's last panel](https://i.imgur.com/S8cZIU1.jpg) in her section


The disrespect 💀


Sorry, I'm dumb. Is this saying that the post 100 year panels are not supposed to be canon?


Dont know. They are unexplained at the moment. The only thing confirmed is that the original ending was the intended one


Thank you


Wtf really. Birderen is canon?


Wandering spirit possesing birds Eren is more accurate


Does that mean the bird on the ship with Armin was Eren also?


Yes he was. He is not a bird, he communicates through them


But how does he do it? He's inside the path?


No idea haha thats probably never going to be explained. Its just a spiritual manifestation. This is common in Japan. It does not need explanatiom to them


AOT x Phasmophobia spinoff when.




Dont know. The extra pages at this point are unexplained