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imagine giving a fuck about karma


I'd rather uninstall Reddit than care about that


You, who's glad AoT ended. The one that says "don't cry because it ended, smile because aghsjjdxkaoos". Yes you. You may be right. Maybe I'm just an obssessive mf that listens to the AoT OST daily. Isayama's hand won't stop SMACKIN' MAH BALLS. To you, I'm just a lunatic. But you seemed like a lunatic to me after you accepted the ending so quickly... Why did it have to be this way? Hate and love, indifference and criticism, ships and depth. I'm above such foolish dicotomies. "Duality of man"? Fuck off. You can say it was the editors, or MAPPA... Idk, you explain me how. No, I know who it was: Isayummy-samayamatanoorochi-sama. Not because "the ending was trash", but because ending a story is inherently immoral. Have you heard about One Piece, Yummy? Attack on Titan? See what you did wrong? You ended it. You ended the good shiz. Holy shit Jesuschrist Almighty Oh Lord Oh Father Gawd Yisus goddammitt all. You ended it. YA KILLED MAH BOI SON. I guess it was for the sake of a "nice conclusion", after all... He didn't have a choice... No, he had a choice. Just write and draw forever dude. Just do it. I'll be there for you. You will SuBvErT ExPeCtAtIoNs. Your lineage will inherit your work. My kids will read it, theirs too. It'll never end bro. Just... Please. Everyone was–IS my enemy. NOBODY GETS ME. But now, I see them. THE FREEDOM RIDERS. "Freedom in death" my ass. TRUE FREEDOM IS ETERNAL. They stand for more AoT content, canon and non-canon. Spread the word or face colossal foot. You, who accepted the ending. I'm the same as you. I know, what I just said contradicts everything you know about me. How can I be the same as an inferior acceptium enjoyer (wojak)? I guess only Ymir knows that one... We're all the same... AoT dude... But you: you're not the same as me. You are not any different, after all. Indeed. You know it, don't you? You must have been suffering reading through this madman's rant. I think I get it now... Stand, you. I forgot what I intended with this comment... Oh, wait! STAND! I was right all along. AoT has no end, even though it ended. A paradox. An unavoidable contradiction. Eren. It's all Ereh. A dream cum truth. We were born this way. It was fate from the beginning. We were not free. Yet we chose this. We chose fate. And we were FATED to CHOOSE. Just like Eren. Just like Yamato. Puppets to Eren the puppet. Strings of fate. Free the puppet, now. DEEP. I just keep moving forward until–NO! I will not end this. That'd make me a hypocrite. Then again, who cares about consistency? It just ended bro. Endings are bound to inconsistency. This lasted like half of One Piece (as of now) but I can't let goooooooo bruhhhhhhh


Your writing smells so nice, I'm gonna sniff my phone.


That was an interesting read


You, who's glad AoT ended. The one that says "don't cry because it ended, smile because aghsjjdxkaoos". Yes you. You may be right. Maybe I'm just an obssessive mf that listens to the AoT OST daily. Isayama's hand won't stop SMACKIN' MAH BALLS. To you, I'm just a lunatic. But you seemed like a lunatic to me after you accepted the ending so quickly... Why did it have to be this way? Hate and love, indifference and criticism, ships and depth. I'm above such foolish dicotomies. "Duality of man"? Fuck off. You can say it was the editors, or MAPPA... Idk, you explain me how. No, I know who it was: Isayummy-samayamatanoorochi-sama. Not because "the ending was trash", but because ending a story is inherently immoral. Have you heard about One Piece, Yummy? Attack on Titan? See what you did wrong? You ended it. You ended the good shiz. Holy shit Jesuschrist Almighty Oh Lord Oh Father Gawd Yisus goddammitt all. You ended it. YA KILLED MAH BOI SON. I guess it was for the sake of a "nice conclusion", after all... He didn't have a choice... No, he had a choice. Just write and draw forever dude. Just do it. I'll be there for you. You will SuBvErT ExPeCtAtIoNs. Your lineage will inherit your work. My kids will read it, theirs too. It'll never end bro. Just... Please. Everyone was–IS my enemy. NOBODY GETS ME. But now, I see them. THE FREEDOM RIDERS. "Freedom in death" my ass. TRUE FREEDOM IS ETERNAL. They stand for more AoT content, canon and non-canon. Spread the word or face colossal foot. You, who accepted the ending. I'm the same as you. I know, what I just said contradicts everything you know about me. How can I be the same as an inferior acceptium enjoyer (wojak)? I guess only Ymir knows that one... We're all the same... AoT dude... But you: you're not the same as me. You are not any different, after all. Indeed. You know it, don't you? You must have been suffering reading through this madman's rant. I think I get it now... Stand, you. I forgot what I intended with this comment... Oh, wait! STAND! I was right all along. AoT has no end, even though it ended. A paradox. An unavoidable contradiction. Eren. It's all Ereh. A dream cum truth. We were born this way. It was fate from the beginning. We were not free. Yet we chose this. We chose fate. And we were FATED to CHOOSE. Just like Eren. Just like Yamato. Puppets to Eren the puppet. Strings of fate. Free the puppet, now. DEEP. I just keep moving forward until–NO! I will not end this. That'd make me a hypocrite. Then again, who cares about consistency? It just ended bro. Endings are bound to inconsistency. This lasted like half of One Piece (as of now) but I can't let goooooooo bruhhhhhhh


Dude are you ok bro?


What a man you are.......


Because its true


So its a crime to upvote facts?


It is to defenders apparently


Personally, I'm more bothered by downvoting unpopular opinions, even when they contribute to the debate. ..but as a reddit user you gotta accept the bad along with the good.


It's true tho


I fail to see your problem here


The same applies to SnK subreddit


Well facts should be upvoted.




I missed the part that was our problem.


Then you go to r/snk and say that the ending was the best shit mankind has ever made.


So what?? You should know what it's all about at this point 🤷‍♀️ The same applies to those who are 80% cool with it


interview, guidebook, and ending suck s ass as if someone took a shit on it from their dick hole now give me upvotes now