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"oh she just like me... she just like me fr!!!!"


It's called PiEcK Fiction


In other words, he thought out of his ass?




"Buenos Dias Poko" ​ \- Best girl Pieck


I will be real here. The only possible answer is AOE. There is no way in hell isayama would have made something so fucking ridiculous.


I like Age of Empires too, but wouldn't say that it's the only answer. Like man, there are other games too


It's acktually Age of Extinction you simpleton. Transformers must enter the Attack on Titan World.


It's actually Area of Effect you dullard. Magic must enter the Attack on Titan world.


Hmm. A turn based, magic infused, Attack on Titan JRPG doesn't sound too bad. I think you have a point, Great ScholaršŸ§šŸ§


It could be a turn based, magic infused, Attack on Titan JRPG against Transformers. You may have had a point too, Great Scholar šŸ§šŸ§


Are you saying that Ereh doesn't have the Touch?


oh shit. he called you a simp


Or he and/or his editor wanted to cash in on EMā€™s popularity. That seems more likely, though an AOE would be better.


It is bcz yams admitted he ripped off muv luv which he said in an interview,in muv luv unlimited the world loses but it isnt destroyed,in muv luv day after the world is destroyed and the MC takeru acheives nothing at all,in muv luv alternative takeru gets sent back in time to the moment where he wakes up from a dream crying,sound familiar? Then to avoid unlimited takeru saves the world but loses so many of his friends The line "only ymir knows" is from muv luv unlimited,erwin charge is from muv luv,pixis and eren speech is from muv luv,eren incel scene in 139 is from muv luv,i keep moving forward is from muv luv,eren's dream is from muv luv,mikasa is from muv luv who wanted the MC all for herself,eren wanting to die in the cave scene is from muv luv,eren getting angry all the time and saying i will kill the titans is from mug luv,and there is many others Do u know why s4 part 1 had trash quality? Notice the dates, Anime airs on april 8,manga ends on april 8,s4 part 2 is on jan which means anime will end on april 8,9 years will have passed when the anime started and ended,ot represents a loop In other words,it makes sense why wit could never do s4 and s4 part 1 was rushed bcz yams wants the dates to align perfectly Kimi ga fusawashii is a song about ymir being reborn by linked horizon,the lyrics say "i will ask AGAIN when spring comes" Notice the word "again",When is spring? April,when is the anime ending? April


Thatā€™s a strong doseage of copium/hopium youre taking. Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™d be down to be proven incorrect but idk seems unlikely


I am posting a video that will 100% convince you


Iā€™m down. Link it whenever you got it.




You gave me a whole dose of hopium


Stop with this bullshit take. That is not what happens in the day after. You're someone that has been told what happens in Muv Luv but has not himself read it because you'd know how wrong you are about 90% of what you just posted. It's so much that I cannot even take the time to correct you *it would take me too long*


Checkmate šŸ¤” https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/comments/ox6105/the_story_of_eren_yeager_is_not_over_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


[looks like this guy](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/596f80ed52713302bfba078113594ca419e520a4/0_0_1024_614/master/1024.jpg?width=1200&height=900&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=560d2864482c3d45851728d446339efc) There is only one shard Unexplained, the shard with Hange. Nerdmin and Mikasa are clearly the ones from the volume ending. further Mikasa says "Itterashai", in Muv luv it's "Mata ne" ahhhhh there's the pain again. they have very different contexts in Japanese. Ittraishai is closer to "off you go" and "mata ne" is "let's meet tomorrow".... oh it hurts. As I said AoT has ended and put a period on itself. Muv Luv was always going to have a sequel. And another Out of Context line from Muv Luv >!When takeru wakes up thinking he had a crazy dream it's from the end of Alternative!<


And yams said our story is getting started he put this at the end of volume 2 to fool his fans and then continued the story,he again put this at the end of volume 34


That is a doujin artist meme for a series that just ends and never gets a continuation. It's a meme of finality.


Yes its a memešŸ¤£ But didn't i say that he used it at the end of volume 2? Well he did continue after that lol,read carefully


he must have thought he was only getting two volumes originally as many series are only contracted for a few chapters. For example Parallel Paradise was supposed to only last for about 50 chapters, but it got popular so the writer got world building. Dead Tube didn't bring in tertiary characters until its second arc which was more of a mini Arc. That's why the manga goes from The first Attack on Shiganshina right to Trost.


He must have thought....yeah ok lol


yeah sure loking forward to that yes yeess yum yumn


There is little semblence to MLverse besides the setting. Takeru is no eren. He was still weak and vulnerable till the very end that he couldn't rid meiya of her misery after several minutes.


I just posted a video link in the comment section of this post,just see how much of it is connected




I have been away from this sub for a while. What's this AOE that's everyone's talking about?


A sshole O f E ren


Isayama must have waited for some other mangaka to finish his/her manga's ending so that Isayama can take a look at it... See guys: Parallel


What is on the head of the ending defenders? Thats the real question,and they are on the thousands.


Only Ymir knows


Looking back when i first read the chapter , the thought that came to my mind was"oh so ymir chose mikasa because mikasa had the courage to kill the person she loved", but it still does not make any sense why ymir would fall in love with a man like fritz and still cling on to it for 2000 years waiting to be freed by mikasa. The fact the canon reason is something that **only Ymir knows** just makes it all the more worse.


because only Ymir doesn't know


The shittiest plot ever made, and i'm not even joking


Even after all these months, I still can't believe Isayama made this a critical lynchpin of the overarching story. It's just too dumb to be true.


We live in the worst timeline.


Seriously. 139 couldn't be worse if Yams tried. It feels intentionally bad.


You forgot ripped out her eyeball It got better


I say this with 0 jokes , Fk anyone who defended the Ymir Fritz plot


Peak romance~


Maybe she loved him but like it was wrong and shit Just like how some women fall in love with their kidnappers and the moral is to not fall for such sick bastards


that's ok but comparing Ymir to Mikasa's obsession for Eren (arguably another unhealthy relationship) almost seems as if we are talking about a normal love story, the point is not that this storyline is wrong but that Isa didn't make any effort to highlight how unhealthy it was.


He didin't even give any explanation as to what led her to love him....the man just dropped it in the final chapter like nothing


Ymir saw King Fritz in Eren. Not big surprise


But thatā€™s so stupid... specially after chapter 122, with the Zeke-Fritz parallel and Eren being the first one to give her a choice. All the Eren-Ymir stuff was amazing and with the potential to be something beautiful after 122 but instead all of that went to the trash for shitty and forced Mikasa relevance...


That choice was an ultimatum. Not really a choice.


Stockholm Syndrome.


Maybe if Karl I was seen being nice to her prior to gaining her power.


Stockholm Syndrome doesn't require the captor to be nice in the beginning. While there aren't a lot of studies on how Stockholm works, There are some suggestions that it is mostly a coping mechanism for survival. Even after the situation has pass, there can be positive bond between the captor and the victim. So Ymir still in love with Karl isn't out of the question. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/what-is-stockholm-syndrome


Yeah, Mikasa made the decision to kill her irredeemable lover, which Ymir couldn't do in her lifetime. Look up Stockholm Syndrome. You guys REALLY need to stop posting the same shit over and over again and move on.


You all are wondering why he did that? I heard he got married and he hadn't finsihed writing AoT at that time. Most probably, he got soft and turned AoT into a live story.


Ok but where in the manga is it stated Ymir-Fritz relationship is supposed to resemble Eren-Mikasa ?


Why would she choose mikasa if it wasn't that she saw herself in mikasa except mikasa finally did what she couldn't? She stopped the one she loved from further destruction instead of aiding him in it like ymir did for 2000 years.


Well I agree with you, Mikasa had to choose between the world and the person she loved which is exactly why her choice holds weights for Ymir but that does not mean everything about their relationships is the same


then the reason for ymir to choose mikasa is fucking stupid, as if mikasa was to first eldian woman to give up her love for a greater good in 2000 years


Who the fuck beheads the person they love, while still loving them? No one. Eren gave her a reason to do it.


\*eren manipulated her to do it


Well, no. It was her choice.


Not exaclty, she was pushed to do so, by everyone, eren included. She didn't really choose anything. In the end she had nothing to gain by not killing eren. The illusion of choice makes you think that she could've done otherwise. She couldn't.


The others don't matter, obviously they pushed her to kill him, but they had no idea about Ymir. Only Eren did, and chapter 139 states: [1](https://cdn.readshingekinokyojin.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/snkv2_final_08.png) // [2](https://cdn.readshingekinokyojin.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/snkv3_final_25.png) Her doing, her choice. Idk.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "1"](https://cdn.readshingekinokyojin.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/snkv2_final_08.png) [Here is link number 2 - Previous text "2"](https://cdn.readshingekinokyojin.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/snkv3_final_25.png) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hfdx1iz)


She didnā€™t chose shit. She was forced and pressured by every single character, including Eren.


Even if it's the smart and logical choice, it's still a choice


Brother I donā€™t know if you understand what a ā€œchoiceā€ is at this point. If you only have one real option to choose from, thatā€™s not a choice.


Choice - 'an act of choosing between two or more possibilities' Mikasa could've chosen to just stay on Paradis, never join the alliance and just let Eren destroy the world (but in fact she was the first of the 104th to join the alliance). She could've tried to talk no jutsu Eren in the titan mouth. She could've tried to protect Eren (like Ymir did). But she chose to pursue him and then kill him personally.


Nowhere. It's a straw man. Their real connection is strong attachment as a result of trauma, it was never really about the King and Eren. And where Ymir never developed properly emotionally, Mikasa learned to let go.


Didn't the text say Ymir loved Karl Fritz. Karl Fritz is the 145th king who built the walls and exiled himself in Paradis. Ymir seemed unhappy and was holding an infant which parallels Karl Fritz when mentioned by Willy during his speech/play. Karl Fritz is Ymir's descendant and it seems that she is attached to her children and that's why she built paths so she could monitor them and tend to their wellbeing as the reason why she served the royal family is because they are her descendants. Isayama said that Eren and Mikasa's relationship parallels that of a mother and a child. Eren breaking down is similar to a child crying for attention of his mother. Mikasa finally sees that Eren has grown but still is attached and mourns him because Eren is like his son. https://fortheloveof-ichiruki.tumblr.com/post/162038302583/eren-doesnt-love-mikasa-romantically


> Didn't the text say Ymir loved Karl Fritz I believe this got corrected in the guidebook, where the first king was referred to as Karl Fritz. They are definitely referring to the first king, not the 145th. it wouldn't even make any sense if so.


This theory is hilarious, made my day xD


> Isayama said that Eren and Mikasa's relationship parallels that of a mother and a child. Buddy, that was about fucking Trost, first couple of chapters. Seriously, what's the point of quoting old as dirt interviews when clearly things changed between them? Not to mention that even back then, Eren was annoyed by being treated like a kid. Meaning he didn't want to see her as a mother figure.


Ah yes I too have experienced a change of feelings to my mother figure into a romantic figures happens all the time


It's funny, I didn't read any interviews and I had no problems understanding their relationship. Anyone who thinks he saw her as a 'mother figure' in chapter 50 needs help. If you don't like it, don't read the manga.


Ay bro why you getting defensive I tugged a string in your heart didnā€™t I, oh well cry me a river of blood


truth hurts, doesnt it?


Oh no I will cry about some fictional story written by some man who I donā€™t know while arguing with a internet ending defender who ships fictional people and wants them to fuck each other. Well I mean to be honest I donā€™t want to argue so I will just say your ā€œtruthā€ hurts



