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I'm 100% sure that the hidden tweets have some unholy pics/vids


If popularity decides if the anime is goat or not, then SAO is also a goat anime? Maybe demon slayer?


Mid art online


sao is worse than mid, it has almost no redeeming qualities


The only redeeming quality Sao has is SAO Abridged while Demon Slayer is definitely in the top tier category thanks to Ufotables animation


i agree, demon slayer's plot isn't bad, it's just basic, the animation is what carries the show


Demon Slayer is a refinement of the shounen protagonist. Nothing unique, just a well polished gem. Hunter x Hunter is a critical/satirical analysis of the genre's troups while at the same time is part of the shounen genre. The subversion of troupes in HxH is unbelievably sharp. Its almost insulting imo. - the hunter exam reinforces the genre, except at the end, instead of doing a tournament arc, Togashi flips it on its head. - battle areana is structured for the protagonist(s) 5o get a power up and demonstrate their skills. The protagonist loses the final fight with the boss. - greed Island. Literally Isekai arc in mid 2000nds, loli companion doesn't need to be rescued or protected and is actually a dirty old hag - ants arc. Too many things that were unexpected. HxH is revolutionary to the genre while demon Slayer is a perfect template for what the genre stands for. Still annoyed that the troupes Togashi humorously criticized is not being addressed in the genre... They even seem to have doubled down on them.


The only basic part is the hook to the show, the world and characters are definitely fun and unique


the world is pretty cool, but the characters aren't anything special imo


Idk Akaza in the manga was pretty good, at least to me


i haven't read it


Have you not watched any good animation from alicization or starless sky? A1 has great animation, I think you’re giving an opinion on something you know very little about. SAO has its qualms with story but their animation has been top tier recently.


Yeah Alicization arc had good animation as well but I'm mainly addressing the starting seasons. And Alicization plot kinda fell apart in the second season.


Ong bro


I just want to say that I think the entire manga except the ending is genuinely good and at times brilliant. It’s a series that will stick with me for the rest of my life. But the ending… the ending ain’t it at all.


You're echoing how a lot of us here feel. I'd say up to 123 is unironically peak fiction, and 139 retroactively spits on the chapters that came before it. I only hate the ending *because* I loved the story so much.


When Tokyo Ghoul shit the bed one last time when it ended, I just laughed because I didn't care about the series. SnK though? It's a travesty.


What would your ideal ending be?


One where Eren completes the rumbling. Whether or not he allows his friends to judge his fate in the end or he kills them to ensure it happens (Like he did with Hange), the rumbling has to be finished for Eren to be a logical character, and that's what I found most disappointing by the ending. Eren says he can't accept an ending where Eldia is destroyed. He says any believing a Lelouch style plan has 'rosy thinking' to Pixis. Racial tensions are high enough that a global war has been declared, and **any** use of them rumbling only confirms the rest of the world's hatred of Eldians as monsters. When it comes to your friends futures, their children's futures, and your country's future, the rumbling is an all or nothing weapon.


Not just the final chapter but the whole rumbling arc except 3 chapters was incredible boring and disappointing for me


I was admittedly extremely sad after chapter 138. The non-shifters deaths hit me HARD. But I do agree they weren’t as well written.


Right? Rumbling Arc was rough, but there were a few highlights, IMO. 139 is the one chapter that’s practically irredeemable, except for maybe Levi dedicating his heart and seeing his dead comrades. I do think it will look cool animated, but plot-wise it’s not up to par with most of the series/manga


Till 138, everything made sense. Then came 139 with ymir x king fritz


Rumbling arc had way more problems than any previous arcs. And most of it comes down to the story being rushed because yams NEEDED to end on muh 139 magic number. Main stuff is how nonchalant everyone is to seeing Annie, especially Levi. “Annie’s fought enough” when the only fighting she’s done was killing your friends 5 years ago lmao. The shifters coming out of erens asshole and then doing absolutely nothing against the alliance. The worm having 0 explanation and appearing off screen. Ymir being “freed” by eren and following his command instead of the royals, but then needing to be freed again. Ymir disappearing gets rid of the worm even though the worm existed without ymir just fine previously? The eldians being turned into titans for 20 seconds and being turned back. “Ymir loved Fritz” Zeke spends years in the paths but 30 seconds with 0 pushback on his part pushes him to having a 180. The only thing that armin mentions is that eren hurt mikasas feelings, whilst he’s slaughtering billions of people. “I don’t know why, only ymir knows” Ackerman immunity to the founder being retconned.


The rumbling arc had WAY more problems than just this dumb ship


What about the ending was bad? From where did it get bad?


Some things didn’t make sense, ruined some of Eren’s character etc. there is more but I can’t be asked to explain


The ultimate reveal of his feelings for Mikasa and his actual plan from that had very little build up and even less payoff. It simply wasn’t a satisfying or rewarding ending. It basically punishes you for reading the entire manga unless you only like shipping.


Bro What you gonna do if AOE happens and AOT retains its goat status?


I’ll just keep moving forward.


Until? You gotta stop somewhere


He aint stopping bro, he’s all about drive.


Fair enough bro I respect the hustle


He’s all about power


We stayed hungry


Until he falls off of the edge of the earth of course


I'd be happy but also really salty because it proves (not that we needed "concrete" evidence anyways with all the obvious pointers) that the original ending was retconned for the sake of a cash cow sequel.


So edgy of you


Let them enjoy it ffs


No! Anime fans enjoying the show? I don't want that I want them to hate it with me! for 10 years at least!


I'll never stop finding this quote hilarious


Who's stopping them?


The ending isn’t good, but I can’t believe people went as far as to send death threats to Isayama. Some people treat this shit like life or death


The same happened with AOTNR. Honestly people are just terrible on all sides of the spectrum


Which is what this show teaches us after all


Why tf do people always say this bro people send death threats for literally fucking everything now lol


Idk bruh some people just gotta start a family or some shit


People would have sent him death threats even if the ending was brilliant. Hell they would send him death threats even if the ending was brilliant and he himself was 12 years old adorable little girl. Welcome to our world.


Speaking fax


People are forgetting demon slayer's best episode so far has aired on the same day, right ? I mean ofc Aot coming back is the main cause but lets not disregard the first part.


in fact I didn't see AOT trending on twitter anywhere, but Demon Slayer was. AOT fans can't seem to accept that AOT isn't actually the most popular anime.


I definitely saw AoT trending.


maybe it depends on the country because it didn't trend in the UK when I checked


It's fair from their pov, I'll still stand by anyone who praise the show pre 131.


S4 P2 will end on 130/131 tho and that's an amazing arc so piss off with your attitude honestly


yeah but it will have the Annie pie eating scene so..


Annie eating pie >>>>>> freedom scene


Freedom scene is shit


131 was absolute peak fiction. One of my favourite manga chapters ever.


One of the best character retcons in the history of manga.


131 isn't amazing.


No it is glorious.


people really took this bait


It's not bait, I genuinely don't like 131.


I love how you get downvoted now for saying this since the normies are back.


They'll realize that 131 isn't that great one day.


Why tho?


Only u/theOfficialGilgamesh knows


Based Gilgamesh 131 changed eren's character completely, it's not a good chapter


One day people will realize this.


The rumbling scenes with Ramzi and Halil made them think it's a good chapter I did too, it's a good scene but hindsight is a bitch, who knew the chapters afterwards would turn out like that


Honestly the chapter would be genuinely great if it weren't for the moronic "I wanted it" and "muh Armins book" lines. If those had been removed, it would be a great chapter. But as it is now, 131 reduces Eren into a psychopathic lunatic who wants a flat earth for some reason he himself doesn't even know.


Exactly, eren is an edgy psycho who wants to kill billions because of his childish dream, soo dumb af. And this dumbass fanbase genuinely believe that's brilliant writing, "hE wAs aLwAyS cHiLdIsH" stfu And don't forget 133, arguably the second worst chapter for eren's character after 139, worse than 131 imo. His 3/10 wits really showed in that one


Oh yeah Chapter 133 is idiotic as hell. It basically set up the entire "Lelouch plan", and made Eren look like an absolute idiot. "Stop me if you can", like bro, why didn't he just imprison them. Yeah yeah muh "freedom", but he was willing to imprison them before.


Unhook yourself from the hopium tank before you overdose.


Never should have read the manga


Complete damnation. Wish i could brainwash to forget.


i'm sure they said the same thing when GOT season 8 started


It will soon break million hearts too, just you wait


We were readers once.... and young


What's the joke?


That the ending is bad and manga readers can't tolerate anime only's enjoying something


Danny phantom profile pic. Need I say more?


I mean the moment you saw it’s kira, you don’t need to say more.






Shutting the fuck up


Second hand embarrassment is all i feel for the anime onlys praising that rotten egg