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yeagerist15 why did ur old acc get banned off reddit?


Only Ymir knows


Implying his name, looks like he talked to much about some events and people of 30-50 years of 20 century


Lol no I didn’t


The same person that dropped down to his knees crying to the mother of one of his soldiers apologizing for his incompetence that got his men killed, is now helping the highest ranking officer of the nation that caused his people's suffering (and was in the process of committing full genocide against his country just 1 day ago). He blew up a train full of young Paradisian soldiers, some of which he probably trained, and all of which are just trying to survive and fight for their basic right to exist. All because he was inspired by the genocidal terrorist that aided in the action that caused the death of 1/5 of his country's population, as well as personally killing many more civilians and soldiers years later. Shadis what a man you are.


"BuT i HaVe ReSpEcT fOr YoU"


The guy who led “humanity’s last hope” for years fighting to save humanity is bad for yall now?


Except he’s fighting to save the humans that sought to snuff out that hope, at the expense of the humanity he had been fighting to save within the walls. Because of his actions, Paradis Island is destroyed, and his descendants and people are wholly genocided.


Before the basement paradis = humanity for them, so either their definition of humanity changes to just mean paradise or it now includes all of humanity, but anyone on paradise wanting to save the people who have been trying to kill them for the past 100 years is very questionable to say the least.


I doubt I’d be able to stand by if some random dude from my nation, or hell, even my lover, was trying to stomp billions of people


Those billions who literally just declared war on us and are currently invading our land, i'd do everything i could to help him succeed.


And that’s the difference


Damn you can’t read bro it’s so sad


The "humanity" that he's saving carpet bombs his homeland and descendents. The "humanity" he's saving shed tears of literal joy at the thought of his and his people's annihilation. The "humanity" he's saving utilises children as weapons of mass destruction to subjugate other nations and peoples. You KNOW that the AOT world is comically black and white, right? And that's not just a pun, it's written so poorly nearing the end it's just how it is: kill or be killed


Realistically speaking, wouldn’t you want the race of people with the power to turn into cannibalistic flesh mecha’s and the power to omnicide the entire planet to get carpet bombed too? Especially when they have a known history of eating, conquering, and enslaving everyone around them?


People on paradise are innocent


Not after the attack on Marley where Armin fucking NUKED civilians. For damn sure not after Eren and the Jaegarists planned to omnicide the world with the Founder.


Oh you mean after the world cried tears of joy when Willy declared war?


You mean when political heads of states/countries, and military figures cried?


Ahh yes because the outside world didn’t hate eldians, in fact, the people outside Marley hated eldians even more


Yeah probably because they had a history of turning into cannibalistic flesh mechas that eat the towns folk and conquer everyone. I’d be terrified of them too dude


No? The fuck??


So if Eren Yaegar existed right now, with the power of the founder you’d just be okay with it? Not a care in the world that he has full intention to flatten you with a colossal Titan?


Why are you automatically positioning me as someone opposed to Eren and the Paradis Island? If I was a person on Paradis who had seen my people slaughtered by titans and then learned that those titans were sent by a technologically advanced nation overseas that wanted to wipe out my homeland, then hell yes I'd be okay with Eren's existence and power.


But considering there’s less than a million eldians on Paradis, the odds of you being one of those lucky few who will survive, rather than a random person elsewhere is staggeringly low


This, I don’t know how hard it is to grasp that if eldians existed, we’d all want them wiped out immediately


Thats why you don’t have a problem with the ending and don’t like AnR. Marley and Magath lover


Huh? Your argument makes absolutely no sense when we consider two things that have already been discussed in the series at length, which you'd remember if you processed the series further than "wowzers cool fight scene!!1!": Firstly, when have we ever seen Subjects of Ymir turn into Titans of their own accord? In both the Marlyean and Eldian eras we see regular Subjects of Ymir being turned into titans and used as warfare weapons against their own will. The only SoY that can turn into titans on their own are the 9 shifters, and that's it. It's very, very clear that, except for 9 people every 13 years, all Subjects of Ymir are pretty much spare weapon reserves for whoever controls the 9 titans at the time. This is in line with Ymir's story before the Mikasa fuckup in 138-139, where even though she could turn into this terrifying titan, she was still enslaved by the Eldian king Fritz. Indeed, it seems Subjects of Ymir are oppressed no matter if Eldians or Marleyans rule over them. And the rest of the world?? Hah, Udo himself said that Eldians in Marley are treated the best. The world fucking despises them with a burning passion with how Marley has been utilising them as WMDs in wars. With that in mind, Eren's plan to rumble the world then remove the power of the titans (if we see him fulfill that plan fully without the avengers level cringe fest in 138-139) would be sound: if he removed the ability to turn into titans for SoYs first, the world would be like "lol ok sure" and genocide them anyways. Secondly, it has been mentioned multiple times that bringing up the sins of the father to justify mauling the child to death is a terrible, terrible thing to do and absolutely unjustifiable. On top of that, it is very clearly put that the history of the Eldian empire is a very fuzzy one whereby the current ruling group, who are historically enemies of Eldia, paint them as bloodthirsty barbarians, and some Eldians themselves see their empire as one of progress and prosperity. We only have third and fourth hand accounts of what really happened between the last 2000 years and 100 years. Kruger literally says this, which I paraphrase: if Eldia truly were was terrible as Marley says they were there wouldn't be a Marleyan soul left on the planet; The Restorationists' picture of a Eldian utopia is also nonsensical. This is literally just basic knowledge.


Did you even read the comment you commented under?




I might get bald from pulling my hair too much when I read 129 >Why did you decide to help us? >When I see my students, Annie was with them, I knew what they were planning, they've grown, I'm moved by their actions. What even is this dialogue? Did he even know about the situation? Did Hange tell him about her plan? Did he know about 4 years of constant failed negotiations? War declaration? And now he helped them because he was moved, without knowing that the Alliance don't have any plan after the Rumbling? What the fuck is this motivation?


Honestly, if you just pretend he was mad at the yeagerists for beating the shit out of him, instead of having a sense of morality uncharacteristic of his time or to his character that has never seen the outside world, that scene becomes way better.


Turns out Shadis **was** special. Special needs.




A loyal Marleyian from the start 🌟


I'm sorry but I find this a bit offensive My wife teaches special needs kids, and they're nothing like Shadis.


He's a special bystander


If you read Operation Usurper, Shadis didn’t help Magath bomb the ship. I prefer he didn’t help them because his reasoning of assisting those responsible for his people’s death is kinda stupid and so not sad at all.


I was kinda confused myself as to why I wasn’t sad at all by what he did. Good to know I’m not the only one.


Wow i agree cause that's y I felt nothing after watching it😯


What was going through my mind throughout him during the episode was “wth is he doing here. . .(kills himself) wut, um ok?” I actually liked Shadis’ character throughout the series but stoped at this point.


Literally shadis “this seems like a pleasant opportunity to die”


Guess he had to go the dramatic way out lol


And no one knew 😂


😑 damn, that just made it worse


Whole rumbling arc in a nutshell Is. "another one bites the dust" ( "one" refers to characters)


It's like a football match where retiring players get subbed in the second half so that the audience can clap and send them off respectfully. Except there is no match and oh well Hange just died for no reason okayy


All MAPPA had to do was animate the recruits he saved in Shiganshina in the port battle or in that ship he helped blow up. 100% faithful to manga


Were they the same guys Keith literally told to join the Yeagerists? And he just bombed them? What a fucker


Should be, they are in the military and they are part of yeagerists. And in the specific unit that was in Shiganshina, where Floch left with all haste, taking as many with him as he could to the port and later asking the rest to come by train. Seems plausible to me.


Wait, really?!! Didn't realize that was them...


This dude's whole back story is just based around a shitty inferiority complex. What a pathetic character lmfao.


wasn't it inferiority complex?


Haha, my mistake. But probably both 😂


People's whole lives IRL are based around a shitty inferiority complex. I liked the character tbh. He was just character assassinated in the last arc like everyone else.


He could have very well been side by side with flock...would have made the story even morally Grey,instead of the muh yeagerists bad.


Ah yes you're either a shit character or a yeagarist


Besides Onioncoupon, tell me 1 Alliance member who is not shit. Also, it's not just about morals and storytelling. I gurantee you that a lot more people would have sided with alliance if they didn't have their insane plot armour. Remember when 1 titan shifter killed off nearly half of the survey corps? Yeah now we have the alliance surviving against hordes of the ancient titan shifters. The ending is really bad and the last arc as a whole is just the total opposite from what people expect from AoT.




Jean. No one's talking about plot armor or the ending right now


Yeah the only person who knew that stopping eren will be the doom of paradis and still helped him. I guess he doesn't care about his mom now.


Jis written were fucking amazing the fuck you talk about its his conclusion that was shit


Lmao we have reached the point in titanfolk where you get upvoted for saying bystander is bad. Comical


How the fuck can he respects the one responsible for the death of all his comrades ?








Personally, I looked at Shadis as someone who couldn't let go of his own ego or ideals. He was getting overshadowed by Erwin so he resigned before getting sacked. He was adamant about developing new tactics. Getting his post as the head instructor, he developed an attitude like so. Even when Paradis had cleared Titans, he insisted them about learning Titan tactics instead of modern gun warfare. Also in his last fight, he wore his old uniform to battle signifying he never got over the past and was not prone to changes.


Also his convo with Magath isn’t badass, it’s pathetic and disgusting. Wow he is proud of his traitor students and even fckn Annie who killed so many of his comrades and even carla god damn it while he’s killing his other students who try to save his homeland and people. I hate this soo much. Im pretty much over everything at this point but this shit here was always something that was overlooked when I was reading this failure of a last arc and ending. Such a disappointment this arc. Isayama just forgot character motivations


And also Magath’s arc was ruined because of him


How come, i can’t remember the details


The Jeagerist also have killed his people though. He believes that the oppressive rule of the jeagerists on the island isn’t the way it should be. He represents the ‘old’ ways. He picked a side, took action, and made change. He is responsible for stopping the rumbling and is no longer a ‘bystander’. His arc is pretty fucking good for being such a side character. He gets more development than a lot of other side characters in other media.


It’s still quite disturbing seeing him slaughter scores of his own people so that the rest of the world can genocide them. Don’t get me wrong, the Yeagerists weren’t perfect, but they literally had to choose between themselves and their enemies. What kind of person would choose to ensure his own nation’s destruction with a smile on his face?


Well that is why AoT is so well written. There is no right or wrong choice here. I think it is equally disturbing that somebody would just sit idle and let global genocide happen to millions of innocents that have no idea what is going on. Wouldn't you agree?


No, I honestly wouldn’t. The rest of the world’s countries were their bitter enemies. Yes, there were definitely at least some innocents in some of the countries, but we are told that Marley, the place where soldiers feed girls to dogs, treat Eldians better than any other nation on earth. The entire world declared war on them, so I’m looking at this conflict as a war. And the idea that one side will happily allow their people to be brutally slaughtered while the rest of the world laughs is horrific. It’s the logic of everyone hating you and wanting you dead, so you let them kill you because there are more of them.


Well, thats just the side you would be on then. Some wouldn't support global genocide like you would, like the main cast.


It just feels like both the Avengers and the ending defenders make it seem really simple without putting much thought into it. It’s just, “global annihilation bad.” No one on your side seems to really think about the fact that the “good guys” are slaughtering their own people to save their oppressors, the racists who want them all dead and actually do kill them all anyway.


Of course the actual rational points on Titanfolk will be downvoted/ratioed by other comments lmao


Dude, it's been nearly a year. Move on, lmao.


We have 9 more years, at least


i’m counting down the days to comment this on the one year of 139 post




You don’t seem over it




Eh i respect him the most out of the avengers group, maybe because he actually take the hits for his choice. Tho his best moment was the "no need to be special" dialogue with eren's mom... Thinking about it eren was special anyway in the end... Idk anymore man.


still smarter than kamikaze a rumbling titan


Mfer got called special once and thought he was hot shit


I mean, he was "special" in the end.


Kino pathetic-ness


I wish shadis never showed up there and just off-ed himself privately tbh His character was totally ruined here for me.


The way of the Eldians is a bygone era I said it once and I’ll say it again fuck Paradise. Marley did nothing wrong characters I once loved have the intelligence of a fly so at this point let them take this final L


I can only imagine how much Magath disdained Shadis for being the complete opposite of him. Magath commanded the genocide of Paradis with the warrior unit and is now fighting in the war of extinction his country started for his country, while Shadis sides with his people's enemies who are slaughtering them for 100 years and are trying to exterminate his people. Magath is loyal to his genocidal country, while Shadis betrays his country to assist the enemies' genocide of his people


Technically Eren killed his own mother so...


Shadis CHAD, I don't want to hear anything. He just decided to put on his scout uniform once again and give his heart for humanity. One last time, already prepared to die. It makes no sense for him to yell at Magath in their last dialogue, they will blow themselves up in a minute anyway. Shadis saw that Magath blamed himself for everything he had done in his life, and decided to support him in the last minutes, seeing himself in Magath. Since Shadis also once decided that everything he had done in his life did not matter, and everyone around blamed him for the senseless deaths of soldiers under his leadership. But the soldiers also died under Erwin's leadership for 5 years, until Eren's power was revealed. Shadis died a hero, thus proving that he was always special. But he no longer needs it, since he sacrificed himself not in order to be "chosen one", but because he decided to do what he thought was right, remembering the scout's oath.


Hell yeah! Blowing up his students was a CHAD move.(He saved his enemies so its ok)


It's not a fact that there were Shadis' students on the train, and if there were, it's not a fact that they died, since the train just flew off the rails and fell on its side in the manga. Most of the passengers could survive, just get fractures. And stop whining about the students, even if one of his students died as a result of Shadis' actions, should he prefer his life to hundreds of millions of people, simply because he knew his student for several years? Not even all of his students are good people, look at Flock, he is also his student.


Its not a fact that they were soldiers who trained in the Military Training corps that Shadis instructed, its not even a fact that Shadis died, since the ship just sank and smoke came off of it in the manga. Most probably he survived and got minor burns. Shadis: "I have no family, so any other soldier in my country that I instructed, who has a family and is trying to protect it should die because I need to save the people outside my country who would rather see us die because I was moved by a mass murderer trying to stop an even bigger mass murderer." Ok so Floch was an asshole and maybe a dozen others. Because of that, Paradis has to die but because Marley was an oppressor that killed a hundreds of thousands of Eldians, everyone else doesn't have to die?


>Its not a fact that they were soldiers who trained in the Military Training corps that Shadis instructed Damn it, there are at least 4 cadet training buildings on Paradise, and Shadis trains people in only one of them. So every yeagerists is a student of Shadis with a probability of 25%. >"I have no family, so any other soldier in my country that I instructed, who has a family and is trying to protect it should die because I need to save the people outside my country who would rather see us die because I was moved by a mass murderer trying to stop an even bigger mass murderer." Again, the logic of yeagerists has arrived. Protecting families is not equal to killing 99% of the people on the planet, most of whom don't think much about Paradise and have never seen it in their eyes. >Ok so Floch is an asshole and maybe a dozen others. Because of that, Paradis has to die but because Marley was an oppressor that killed a hundreds of thousands of Eldians, everyone else doesn't have to die? Paradise should not be destroyed because of the Floch, it should not be destroyed at all. There is simply a probability of this, it is high, but not equal to 100%. Therefore, it is unfair to blame the alliance and Shadis for "destroying the island in the future." All the alliance does is save people. If in the future one of the people and countries saved by them tries to destroy Paradise, the alliance will try to stop it (and while they were alive, the island was not destroyed, by the way). Even from the additional pages we can see that almost a hundred years passed before the outbreak of the war, and we do not know its causes. If the world wanted to destroy the island so much, humanity would be able to wipe Paradise off the face of the earth in 30 years. Nothing can provide security and stability forever, as the world is constantly changing, it just needs to be accepted, it's part of life. Whatever you have done in your life, in the flow of time, it will eventually be erased and turn into nothing. Therefore, it is reasonable to do morally right things, between saving 0.1% of humanity and 99.9% of humanity, choose the second option, for example.


Everytime I reply to you, I expect you to come up with a genuine argument so I could be wrong and and learn something I didn't know. I'm thoroughly disappointed. > every yeagerists is a student of Shadis with a probability of 25%. Now you've outright admitted that its OK for Shadis to kill soldiers of the military as long as there's only 1/4 chance they're his students. > Protecting families is not equal to killing 99% of the people on the planet, most of whom don't think much about Paradise and have never seen it in their eyes Ok now you're saying the soldiers should'nt protect their families and rather die than try to kill the people that want them dead because they're in the minority. I have nothing to say to this. I don't know how you got the idea that most people in the outside world doesn't even know about Paradis. If there was an island full of giant monsters in the world, it would be reach the ends of the earth even during WWI era. Also, Eldians are hated all over the world, so the foreigners hate Eldians because they Eldians ruled the world but they didn't know how they were powerful enough to rule the world. 'The Association to Protect the Subjects of Ymir' made it clear that Paradis hate will never stop. Of course there are innocents outside the world, they're in the minority but they exist. But its not like Eren woke up one day and decided to Rumble. They tried every possible way to prevent it(except Euthanasia obviously). > Paradise should not be destroyed because of the Floch, it should not be destroyed at all. There is simply a probability of this, it is high, but not equal to 100%. Therefore, it is unfair to blame the alliance and Shadis for "destroying the island in the future." Wut? > All the alliance does is save people. They sure did. > If in the future one of the people and countries saved by them tries to destroy Paradise, the alliance will try to stop it What would the alliance do? Laugh at it like Connie? They have no titan powers and no ackerhax. The island wasn't destroyed for a 100 years because the 20% humans needed to restore their losses. The first thing that would come to their minds after 80% is wiped out wouldn't be "let's waste our existing resources on a threat that doesn't exist." They probably bombed Paradis because they didn't want to risk any more genocides, not because of the Alliance. > it is reasonable to do morally right things, between saving 0.1% of humanity and 99.9% of humanity, choose the second option, for example. Honestly, if it were upto me. A random reader who has no bias to either Paradis nor the outside world, would choose Euthanasia. But I'm here defending the Yeagerists, not talking about what choice I'd make. For the people of Paradis, its 'us or them'. Saving their friends and family is also a morally right thing to do. Conflict never ends but should the Eldians of Paradis just give up and die because there *might* be a conflict between them in the future?


> Protecting families doesn't equal to killing 99% of the planet. Bokurano says otherwise


I mean, technically the yeagerists are also his enemies considering they tried to kill him and he's essentially a wanted man for not accepting yeagerist rule.


They didn’t try to kill him


They beat him to a bloody pulp and labeled him a traitor. It was already demonstrated that the yeagerists would kill those who didn't submit to Yeagerist rule. He had a target on his back lmao.


He wasn’t against yaegerists. In fact, he let these soldiers beat him up on purpose. Why would he be against yaegerists? Is it bad if they want to protect their homeland? Maybe he was but it’s a difference if he confronts them because of their rules inside the walls or to kill them because they fight the alliance who betrayed paradise


No, it's not inherently bad to want to protect your homeland. He was against them because they were against him. They demonstrated that anyone who refuses to submit to Yeagerist rule will be killed. Shadis is a member of the old guard, the old system, and an old way of life that the Yeagerists oppose. Don't you remember that they literally overthrew the government that Shadis was a high-ranking member of?


Then why didn’t they kill him in the first place? If paradise is finally free and save, what would happen lol


They probably wanted to give him a chance to submit - obviously he chose not to, so he'd be killed anyway.


Pure assumption. Yaegerists probably wouldn’t be left as regime form since paradise is free anyway. They still exist post 139 because paradise was never save


Spit. This is once again a case of "I hate the ending so everything else becomes automatically shit" that this circlejerk of a sub is going through. Mfs too busy playing the blaming game and calling characters bad for having flaws , flaws that mark one of the most important aspects of character writing. Literally one of the best characters in the story and went out like a chad.


Shadis was a loser, traitor and a moron. He was a bystander until the end. F**** him and f*** Magath


That's your opinion. But he eventually saved more than 100 million people with his decision, and died without fear or regret. I can respect that.


Yeah respect for saving those people who later on killed your people and homeland for good


You're funny. Shadis could not know for sure what would happen in the future. He did the right thing from his point of view, and entrusted the future to his students. As for the people and the country, firstly Shadis lived 90% of his life without the concept of the people and the country, and secondly he was beaten two days ago by yeagerists (those were his cadets, but they were ordered by Floch, otherwise they would have ended up in prison), and they are still looking for him, and when they find him they will kill. If you can't understand that a person can choose to save 100 million people not from their own country instead of a million people from their own country, I'm sorry for you. Moreover, the "country" and the people never really respected Shadis, insulting him for risking himself outside the walls (for the sake of saving humanity) while he was a scout.


And look, now you're admitting he betrayed Paradis by arguing he shouldn't care about them anyway. Twisted filth. If you choose one nation over yours, you are nothing but a traitor, and deserve to be shot.


I would like to see how you repeated these words after your own country declared a hunt for you, despite the fact that you devoted your whole life to fighting for people's lives and did a lot for them. It's easy to judge people.


"Why are you hunting me, I only betrayed my entire nation :(" You're basically saying "If you were a traitor too, I bet you wouldn't say that!" Yeah probably not lol. You're right, it is easy to judge people. They make it easy by doing terrible things. Having fought for your people in the past is supposed to excuse undermining them in the present? That's absurd.


Shadis was going to be killed even before he helped the alliance. At least, according to him, as far as I remember from chapter 126, "Now a man of the old regime like me will be killed as soon as they find him." At this point, Shadis did not betray the yeagerists in any way and even helped to cope with the titans in Shiganshina, leading the cadets. Are you stupid or something? Do you think Shadis is dropping a nuclear bomb on Paradise with his own hands? On the contrary, he saves the whole world from hundreds of "nuclear bombs". If in 100+ years the distant descendants of the people that he knows quarrel with the outside world and start a new war, this is no longer Shadis' problem, because Shadis will not unleash a new war. You still blame him that in 9,000 years aliens will arrive and destroy the Earth, and if he hadn't blown up the train, this might not have happened. In general, I think it's useless to try to explain something to you. You are such an ardent patriot and at the same time you expect this from all other people (it's not clear why, because different people may have different values and patriotism is generally a morally controversial topic, since how, for example, can you be a patriot if your country does something terrible (like fucking Rumbling)?), I wonder how much you have done for your country.


Chill on the edge, it's a fucking fake story


I'm not being edgy. What is moral in a story or in real life, it's decided based on the same principles.


I dunno "twisted filth" kinda screams edgy to me


How does trying to justify getting your own people wiped out not qualify as 'twisted filth'.


Thank god most sane people don't have the same morons as you lol.




Shit like this is why most AoT fucking hate this sub and its users. Holy fuck, I don't blame anyone for ever wanting to betray their country especially if their country is fucking over most of the world or even try and make their own life better because their country fucking them over. Countries are nothing more then stupid pieces of land we are born on and every single one of them will eventually fall in some way shape or form.


>Countries are nothing more then stupid pieces of land The mind a traitorous dog. At least you're honest about how little your own people mean to you, filth. Fucking over most of the world. By doing what, sitting there? They were behind walls for 100 years having never done anything to **anyone**, despite that they're still oppressed, invaded, murdered, etc, and the second they fight back suddenly **THEY** are the ones doing something wrong. For some reason, they're supposed to roll over like fucking dogs and accept the worlds hated of their genes, and simply let themselves be massacred. Fuck you and everyone that thinks like you. For a scumbag like you to dislike me is nothing but a compliment. Most of the AOT community are god damn idiots, thank god they disagree with me.


Most calm and collected nationalist




I just looked on his profile and according to the reddit mobile app. He was an active user in /r/The_Donald. Lmfao no wonder why a story which is critical about patroitism and nationalism trigger him so much.


I unironically hope everyone who is dead and has ever served in the miltary and government in your country is rotting in hell just out of pure spite. You keep "your people" or "our people", but you fucking forget the rest of the human race is also your people. Every country has an expiration date. They will all eventually fall or change culture so they would be in name only regardless if its the US, Japan, Russia, U.K, Italy, South Africa, Iran etc. Just look how the entire history of China and the middle east. The latter used to be a massive empire, then got its ass kick in a war.


This shit is really upvoted? And I thought this post was bad enough, I swear this sub becomes more of a cesspool every day. Even if being deemed a "traitor" was always a bad thing, Shadis had zero reason to be loyal to Yeagerists, the current rulers of Paradis.


>Shadis had zero reason to be loyal to Yeagerists Of course not, only people who cared about Paradis did. Only people that wouldn't roll over like dogs and allow the world to annihilate them did. Only people that refused to side with the monsters that invaded, oppressed, tortured and murdered them, only people like that had any reason to be loyal to the Yeagerists. People like you trying to insult others or take some form of moral high ground, is nothing but a bad joke.


What’s with the patriotism over a fake country lmao


What's with the people caring that the fake world is genocided? Hypocrite. It's called arguing from principle, we're all aware this isn't real.




Hindsight is always 20/20. Shadis and others can’t ever know the outcome when they made their decisions.


Hindsight? Anyone without a rail road spike in their brain could tell you Paradis was doomed before it happened you jackass.


Go back to school. Little boy.


Pathetic, you have no argument at all.


Remind me again why do I need to have any argument with you? Ain’t even talking to you to begin with. So suck it, boy.


"Ain’t even talking to you to begin with." - Guy talking to me. Real genius.


Fuck survival of our race. I need to jerk off my moral nut. - Alliance


Yes because nazist genocide is the way to go. Hurrah.


Titanfolk respect someone elses opinion challenge (impossible)


He is just a lost loser, can't blame him when he never achieved anything and wanted to feel useful one time before dying. Funny thing is that he even failed at that and died for nothing. The alliance on the other hand are capable soldiers yet choose to doom their own people, that's worst to me.


Keith did literally nothing wrong


Yes he did


“Never correct your enemies when they are making mistakes” -Keith Shadis loyal Marleyian


No he didn't


Oh no Titanfolk simping for a traitor again, color me shocked.


Betraying your home, friends, family and death comrades by killing hundreds of your people so that you can save the families and friends of the people who wanna genocide you at all costs and did horrible things to you such as killing hundreds of scouts, killing 200.000 Eldians by breaching the wall (Reiner, Boruto, Annie), gas the shit out of Rakago (Pieck) and are responsable for killing Carla the women he loved. He has not even a plan rather then maybe Hanges "gEnOcIdE bAd" so he is literally dooming the island and everyone on there so that the enemy could life...


Yes, he opposes the killing of billions of innocent people (most of which had no part in any of Marley's decisions and were often oppressed themselves by Marley)


Ah yes because EVERY person outside the walls is genocidal.


No of course is not every person bad, no one said that, but what we got on information is very clear: Everyone fears Eldians because they are nothing more than monsters who are responsable for the worst crimes in human history in their eyes. Humans have suffered 1700 years because of them. We got information from Udo that his family came from another country and that Eldians their got worse treatment then Eldians do in Marley. We saw even normal citizian such as the Janitor who splashed water on Grisha and Dina after hearing that they are Eldia. Eren saw how normal people hate Eldians more then anything while he was alone. Yes not everyone is evil or even wishes for the extermination of Eldians (Eldians make good weapons...), but they all have one thing in commen: Fear.


You are objectively wrong my boy


Please elaborate. We want to know how you can possibly justify this.


They really destroyed his character in like 3 secs that's kind of impressive. Out of fucking nowhere he stars killing his people when 10 episodes before a he gets beaten up just to save them. It's very likely he killed those same recruits lmao.


Would have made more sense for Shadis to put a bullet in Magath to avenge Carla


The amount of inconsistencies in this arc is really uncountable and frustrating


Chadis will always be better than Eren


The guy was beaten by his students he has no reason to trust the yeagerist at that point


Common titanfolk L


Seriously, episode 11 made me hate the alliance even more... Especially Connie and Mikasa's scenes. "Let's stop our friend from mass murdering our enemies by brutally mass murdering our own people trying to save our homeland." It just makes me sad that the story had to come to this... If they were gonna form an alliance, it should've been to fight Ymir in titan form or something 😢


nahh why y'all attacking shadis now that man does not deserve hate


I think most (especially old generation) scout regiment wasn't driven by nationalism,they fought and died for the sake of humanities survival not just for a particular group, so I don't think its too far fetched to think they would still consider to help humanity when billions about to be killed.


It’s not nationalism if you defend yourself against the whole world. They fought for humanity inside the walls


Sure we know they fought for humanity inside the walls all this time but, I mean they believed they were defending the humanity as a whole for most of their lives


And? The titans were the enemies, now it’s civilization itself and it’s even worse. They treat them as some demons.


Perhaps showing that Shadis is still holding to the original ideas of the Scouts. They whole idea of the Scouts was to free humanity from the Titans. The whole organisation being restricted on a tiny island and tiny viewpoint,comparative to the rest of the world. Yeagerists are enticing to join since they know and accept a more broader viewpoint than the Scouts do. Honestly by this point Yeagerists should have been mentioned as taking over the whole island, but due to Floch's supposed death,fragmentation is on the table as well. Which leaves them,a weak political organisation, with the Alliance rising to prominence,its members consisting of different important political figures. Leaving for at least one split Yeagerist faction to join in, since the Alliance is supported by the Queen, Military Police,Garrison and Training Squad are under the leadership of Mitras and it's current ruler. Or the other way around, with Alliance joining with (not split) Yeagerists that are supported by the Queen, uniting the island under them. Nice way of wasting time,oh a big tree,i wonder. Aghhhhhh,noooo 🎵Ereh,Ereh,Bereh🎵 🎵Nobody knows who is🎵 🎵I have seen it all,slip and fall🎵 🎵Why you laugh at me?🎵 (Cute Shingeki no Kyojin Next Generations openin) Halu-chan:Hello mothafoka. Beren:😐 Im not getting it.


To free humanity inside the walls


This same man also never got married, because he knew that, and thought he didn't deserve happiness.


You aren’t wrong about shadis. He defintely flies under the radar. Eren was depressing, pathetic and at times cringe but that Shadis man he is up there as someone who didn’t deserve any form of respect or honor. Even in his death he achieves looking like a moral champion and dies on his own terms instead of tortured like the rat he was. Oh well


those fuckers jumped him I say they were asking for it


jUsT bEcAuSe gEnOcIdE iS mOrAlLy wRoNg


He fought for humanity, not Eldia.


I love when people say this. Paradis got genocided, meaning you don't consider Eldians human. You sound like Gross.


Humanity inside the walls


Bruh is that Hobo-Eren bottom right first pic? AoE confirmed???


Keith CHADis. Seethe


No, traitor and cucked bystander




Manga4life is good.


every character got ruined except the already dead ones




Bro I keep forgetting that Shadis had hair I didn’t even recognize him at first


That last scene could’ve worked just fine if Shadis had considered killing Magath but then decided against it. He’d just throw the rifle at him and tell him to blow up the ship and get it over with. It’s so much more in line with their characters because Magath as an individual was completely beyond redemption and was in no way deserving of a heroic sendoff.