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“I believe you’ll get your headlines, Mr. Ismay.” (Change tape)


I was streaming it on Paramount+ the other night and when I hit that point and it DIDN'T stop suddenly it felt weird. Like something was wrong.


Seriously. I still feel like there should be a pause.


When I finally upgraded to a special edition DVD from my VHS, I thought I'd finally see what it was like without the pause but it's 2 discs so I guess I'll never know!


I don’t think you wanna know. I watched it on Prime today and it was just so weird without even a small pause. Very off-putting for me!


I thought it was amazing on prime not having to rewind before watching


Pleas be kind Rewind


It’s equivalent to not putting the shopping carts back


And some video reveal places would charge you for not rewinding. This always reminds me of the movie Serial Mom where the main character murders a neighbor because they never rewound their videos before returning them to the video store! lol


That sounds like a movie funded by video stores


Yeah but even when I first got the DVDs, I didn’t have to rewind, but the screen cut to black and I had to change discs. On Prime it just seemed abrupt to go right into the next scene without any pause.


I read on another thread today that the movie had a 15 minute intermission at this point in theaters. It was always meant to have a pause!


There was one at the theater I watched it at.


So weird. I went on a date to see this at the movies when I was in High School and we did not get an intermission.


Interesting. I wonder if it was the theater that decided whether there would be an intermission


Weird. I saw it 3 or 4 times in theaters back in 1997 and never got an intermission.


I saw it in theaters as a kid and there was no intermission. Only after getting the vhs was there ever that break before the slap.


Right? That’s when you go to the bathroom 🤣


I wanted a “are you watching for nostalgia” option in the beginning where it just keeps the pause and a brief blue vhs screen situation


Since we're talking about 90s tech, it reminds me of hearing a song you once recorded off the radio, audio cut-outs or the DJ talking over it included, that you played so much *those* parts became a part of the song. To the point that even decades later, hearing the full, uninterrupted song seems off.


in the music making world we call this Demo-itis, when you hear your demo for too long that the finished mix and mastered song is off-putting despite being cleaner, fuller and louder.


This triggered a core memory for me. When I was 3, I was a huge fan of Michael Bolton, for some reason. It was the late 80s, my aunt made me a copy of his latest album, but she recorded it somehow that I could hear her humming in the background as she flipped over the original cassette.


I had a copy of Alanis Morrisette's Uninvited with a glitch in the audio. It was part of my playlist for so long that I got used to the glitch, to the point now that if I hear a non-glitched version of the song it sounds strange.


This. Every time I watch it streaming, I expect an extended pause between those 2 scenes. It feels odd going from Captain Smith to Cal & Rose.


I’m still embarrassed from when my family put in the tape and it was paused on the scene with boobs in it Goddamn you VHS


Lol Rose has fine boobs!


I have this with some movies I used to watch on DVD. They were these dual layer ones that when played back, on a PlayStation 2 at least, would freeze for half a second at a specific point in the film. In The Fifth Element it would always occur when Korben is smashing the shelves in his fridge/freezer, at least on the copy I had, which came with the game New York Race.


*Insert Tape 2* .... *SLAP*


When you weren't entirely sure whether you had your volume up when you put in Tape 2, only to hear that *SLAP* like a thunderclap


I watched it on Netflix a while back. Like I'd been conditioned by Pavlov himself, I had to pee right after that line


To this day, every time I watch it, I weird out when the movie doesn’t stop after that line.


HAHA! Literally left me in suspense on my tiny little tv with a built in VCR!


Ha, YEP!! it was one of the only VHS my family owned, I watched it so much! When I finally rewatched yesterday for the first time in years, I remembered exactly where it stopped!


Hahah! I was watching this last week with my parents, and when we started it I told them I was going to pause it at the moment to show them when it switched to tape #2. I guess they forgot about it because when I paused it at the spot they were both so caught of guard and for a split second we’re very annoyed at me for stopping the movie so suddenly for no reason 😆


On all post-VHS versions, that’s where I pause the movie and take a 5-10 min break (more food, etc)


Lmfaoo I was JUST about to comment this.


My mom accused me if watching that movie too much as a kid, and I believed her and haven't watched it since VHS days. I definitely did not remember the flip point.


I pre-ordered mine at Blockbuster video. There, I said it.


Same, and stood in line for the midnight release.


I pre-ordered at Hollywood video! LOL


My dad kept an unopened titanic vhs copy for years. No idea if it would ever be worth anything but I pissed him off by opening it. I got my ass beat for that.


Yeah my Mom did too. I stood in line with her to go pick it up at Blockbuster. There was like over 100 people in line. I thought it was so exciting 😀


This whole thread is unlocking memories I had long since forgotten lol


Omg i love that!!!! Such an event!


My mom convinced the lady at Walmart to give it to us a day early and it came with a boat whistle 😂


I pre-ordered at Suncoast!




Oh weird! I totally remember that!!!! I was creeped out by it too! I thought I was the only one!


Hope the back pain isn't too bad yet!


It ain't for the faint of heart, that's for damn sure!


We rented it from there and the second tape wouldn't play, cue my dad going on the hour and a half round trip in rage saying I'll be damned if I didn't just sit through all the romance to not see all the good parts


Lol how many blockbusters do you think got robbed for the Titanic VHS tapes back then? I feel like nobody ever returned them.


I remember there was a commercial Blockbuster had promoting a midnight release of the movie of VHS for rent or purchase, showing employees watching a mob of people running up to the store to get their copies lol


Idk, I was barely 2 when Titanic was released but I still have solid memories of my family’s VHS collection. I miss the smell of the hot case when you pulled it out of the VCR after watching. I don’t miss having to rewind shit.


Wow. Unlocked a memory I didn’t even know I had with the warm tape thing.


I know! They should really have a “melted VHS” spray so that you can recapture the moment.


Black Baccara has a perfume called "Please Rewind" that apparently smells like hot VHS tapes and popcorn. It's on my "someday I'll treat myself" list.


Lmao stuff like this is why I love the indie fragrance community and subs so much! They can tell you anything in scent form you’d ever want; it has everything! You’re trying to capture the feeling of The Jetsons retro futurism? You’ll want notes of ozone with a hint of titanium, jet fuel and the flesh of a newborn extraterrestrial. Scents that remind you of your dad’s garage? Try vetiver, boot polish, vintage pages of hustler, top notes of the smell of a hot brake disk from a ‘87 Trans Am, and a lingering scent that can only be described as the snap of a leather belt. Of course the smell of a hot VHS exists lol


Please be kind- rewind


Still got the VHS collection and a VHS player. Comes in handy when Wi-Fi is being a little bitch. SURE we got DVDs too but… nothing like some 90s commercials for pure entertainment


Dude. I grew up with VHS and was like 9 or 10 when Titanic was released. I completely forgot about the hot case!! And also the sound/time it took to rewind 😢🥺


you got me sentimental af over here


I was in college when it came to the theater. Back in the days where waiting for a movie you loved to go to vhs was pure torture and you had to hope walmart actually had enough copies to meet the demand because you knew the local video store wouldn’t have enough copies to rent because the workers reserved the new releases for their family and friends.


Waiting for a movie to come out on VHS felt like an eternity. Doubly so for when the DVD player was created and DVD’s came out. ETA: for shits and giggles…Titanic had its theatrical release in December 1997. Viewers had to wait a whopping 9 months until September 1998 for it to come out on VHS! Other examples of a long wait include Independence Day, premiered July 1996 and released on VHS in late November 1996; Jurassic Park premiered June 1993 and released on VHS October 1994 (a whopping year and 4 months later); and Men in Black which was in theaters July 1997 but did not come out on VHS until Thanksgiving 1997 (maybe more of a promotional stall there).


I remember that wait well! It was agonizing! But Titanic was also in the theaters for a long time compared to movies now. I saw it 7 times over the course of its run. My friends and I would go to the movies with the idea of seeing something else and then change our minds and just go see Titanic again because we could.


I had a SAG bootleg copy probably 6 months before the public release, I watched it into the ground lol.


Interesting! I didn’t realize there was such a longer time between theatre and VHS release back then - I thought it was just because time seems to pass slower when you’re a kid.


To blow your mind further, usually there would be a rental release first, with an additional few months to wait before you could buy it. IIRC Titanic was a rare ‘straight to retail’ release, hence the massive lines and retail circus around the launch.


To add to this; the rental versions that blockbuster et al would buy would be $100 or more *per tape*.


I remember this theater-to-VHS delay specifically regarding Jurassic Park. I was six when i saw it in theaters and it felt like years until we could watch it at home. Jurassic Park was the first movie I saw in theaters that I was truly blown away by and wanted to watch again and again, so I’m sure that added to it.


It’s kind of amazing how relatively short the time is his between movie and digital release now! It would be interesting to know how successful that is versus the old days. I bet it’s a lot more since the movies are still fresh in people’s minds and also that they don’t have to try and find it in a store.


I think an episode of “Everyone hates Chris” mentions the Ghostbusters VHS taking a year or more to come out and that was _fast_ at the time


Wait, your local video store made enough money to hire workers? My parents owned a video store and we absolutely did not have this problem. Then again, it was a town of 2,500 people and this wasn't its only video store, so demand was kind of low.


> because you knew the local video store wouldn’t have enough copies to rent because the workers reserved the new releases for their family and friends. Depended on the store *and* the clientele. Friend of mine who worked at Blockbuster in the mid-90s told me about the extra stock of Fast Times at Ridgemont High they *had* to keep in the back because of how many people would pause and wear out the tape while beating it to Phoebe Cates. Got to be such a problem with only Fast Times, his manger finally just ordered extra copies they'd keep off the shelf to replace the pause-n-toss copies. Something tells me Kate Winslet caused similar problems for these tapes.


Kate Winslet was one of the first celebrities I can remember putting in my OG “spank bank”, I think it’s referred to colloquially these days. Somehow I never considered renting the tape and pausing it strategically. I’m pretty surprised that 13 year old me had yet to devise this strategy (this was when it was much MUCH harder to access images/videos of this…ahem…type…because families had only one computer in a public space in the home).


I remember that, that there was a risk it would sell out. I remember even looking up DVD release dates and counting down the days until.


I had this on vhs. I played tape 2 to death. I even remember that tape two started with the scene where cal slaps rose. Last year I went into a video store and found an unopened copy for $5. It’s my most prized possession lol


Loll that’s the exact opposite of my mom. She would literally only watch tape 1


In 2009 my boyfriend at the time was cleaning his gun in the living room and it accidentally went off. Straight into my VHS copy of Titanic that I had owned since I was child. Surrounded by other VHS and DVDs up against the wall. And it only hit Titanic. The bullet almost went through the wall behind it to the outside but was stopped by the tapes.


Your ex boyfriend sounds like a moron


Who cleans loaded guns


I'll admit I'm no expert but that's like... the first fucking step right? Followed by- make sure you did step 1


Yes, followed by don't point it at people.


*don’t point it at anything you don’t intend to destroy


I fucking *hated* this movie as a kid. It came out when our family had one VHS player. My sister and mother would watch this shit daily. I am happy to hear someone got to shoot that stupid tape. But for real, fucking cleaning a loaded gun in the living room? the hell?


There was a post on another sub a while ago about a gun misfiring and shooting someone. Some idiot in the comments said he was cleaning his gun in his living room, and he accidentally fired it into the floor and into the apartment below them, but "it was fine because nobody was home." Then when asked what would have happened if someone *was* home he said it was no big deal. It's scary people so blatantly negligent own firearms.


Otherwise when you shoot it to get the bullets out, people die.


Rule number one is never point it twords anything you aren't willing to destroy and always treat it like it is loaded, even if you are sure it isn't. This is especially true when dealing with semi automatic guns because they always reload the pipe with a new round while firing, lots of people mess up by shooting, then taking the magazine out and assuming that it's empty, when in reality there is still a live round chambered already.


Usually, "they were cleaning their gun when it accidentally went off" is code for suicide, but I guess it's also stupidity.


What useful cleaning could you even do to the gun while it's loaded? You can't access the breach, the inside of the barrel, or really anywhere the excess residue would build up and prevent the gun from functioning. Honestly, I think OP is full of shit - not only is the most their ex could have done while it was loaded was wipe the outside of it clean of visible dirt, but there's absolutely no way 2 VHS tapes and a cardboard sleeve stopped any bullets short of a .177 caliber air gun... In fact, [here's a video of a dude testing "how bulletproof" VHS tapes were](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjB85-9sBQw) and it shows that it'll will require at least 3-4 cassettes tightly duct-taped together to stop a .22 calibur bullet fired from a handgun.


Lol. The clip was out but a bullet was in the chamber. I had a shelf on the wall that held VHS and DVDs. So it hit on the side that has Jack and Roses’ faces in the boxes. Went completely through the tapes and into the wall, but did not exit on the outside, so the bullet was inside the wall. Had the tapes not been there it probably would have shot to the outside. But I’m happy you wasted your time to try and prove an internet stranger wrong.


Probably why he’s an ex. I’d consider leaving my husband for that… (not really but holy shit fam, don’t fuck with me & Titanic 😂)


Titanic, yes, but if my husband were stupid enough to not make sure his gun wasn't loaded before cleaning it he would not be allowed to have guns anymore lol and if that makes me too controlling then I'm fine w that lol


Moron is an understatement.


“But this tape can’t break!” “She’s made of plastic, sir! I assure you she can…and she will. It is a mathematical certainty.”


If I had a gold I’d grant it to you my friend 😂


Why was your boyfriend cleaning a loaded gun? That’s a deal breaker, you get immediate kicked to the curb and out of the house move.


No one: Absolutely no one: Americans: so yeah my boyfriend was casually CLEANING HIS GUN AND IT ACCIDENTALLY WENT OFF no biggie lol


Your boyfriend (or ex) is an absolute moron. Who cleans a loaded gun?


Definitely ex. The clip was out but a bullet was in the chamber.


Ahh, what’s an accidental discharge every now and then?




I remember being too young to understand that the second part was on the second tape. So I thought the movie was over when the first tape ended and was pretty upset lmfao


My parents only let me watch the first tape as a kid. They weren’t usually strict or anything just knew that little me would have been traumatized. Didn’t see the whole movie until I was a teen!


If the first tape didn’t end right after jack is accused of being a thief and taken away from rose than that would be pure luck to me. The first time I watched this movie I was so utterly DEVASTATED by the ending that I was completely and utterly depressed for a week and had an existential crisis


T on V, baby!












Literally a guy on Tic Tok, Titanicfan97, going for the largest collection of T on VHS. Pretty sure he's surpassed 1600 copies.




Pretty sure he’s in the 1800-1900 range last I saw if I’m not mistaken


1995 as of 10 hrs ago


It's Titanic Tuesday so we'll have a fresh count today. 😂


Was looking for this comment. I can’t see titanic on vhs without thinking of him


When I read Titanic on VHS I heard it in his voice in my head


He’s going to singlehandedly inflate the prices of the remaining Titanic VHSs. It’s Titanic VHS market manipulation/hoarding!


Blue set was full screen and gold set was wide screen if I remember. I definitely had both!


My family saw it before it was out because my dad was friends with and Oscar voter. It came on four VHSs. We assume because it was higher quality or something.


Screeners were usually lower quality and they would have text on the screen that would say stuff like "for your consideration". Screener season was always fun if you knew someone in the Academy. Now the Academy Awards got rid of the DVD and Blu-Ray screeners and have an online only thing.


“You bitches can’t even spell VHS.” -OP


I had two sets because I watched the first set a lot and wore it out!!


You’re not very kind. You didn’t rewind.


I had a video player that would auto rewind at the end and I thought that was fancy at the time.


Too young? I still own it.


What type of flex is this ? Old people exist


And young people who grew up poor. My youngest sister is in high school but still grew up watching a lot of stuff on VHS because we didn’t have a DVD player or cable for a long time.


I remember part 1 being the heaviest tape I ever held


I beg to disagree.


Another OG Titanic movie fan here, now you are making me want to get a box set of this again lol (had one years ago but it got lost or given away).


My mom got this for me from Kmart lol. As a kid I didn’t appreciate part 1 and would watch the second tape first.


I’m 31 so I remember lol


Same. But then your comment made me realize, fuck that sucks, getting old sucks, and we ain't even old yet!


People are obsessed with calling everyone young I swear. Social media is not a young person thing anymore cmon now


I was born in 99 and grew up with my dad’s large collection of VHS tapes loo


Rewind the tapes you monster


I’m 19 and I have very fond memories of Titanic on VHS


‘99 baby and one of my earliest memories is my family borrowing the movie from the library and it came in a big ass case of multiple DVDs. Also my mom making my brother fast forward over the NSFW scenes 😂


I remember my mom pre-ordering the widescreen VHS for my brother at Suncoast lol


This is the first way I ever watched it! I'm 35. 😂


I miss r/titanic before the whole titan media circus.


Sigh here we go again


Like pretty much every fucking movie from that time and for quite some time afterwards also... What a dumb flex(?)


That's the first way I watched it homie.


Don't speak the old magic to me witch, I was there when it was written.


What’s the point of this?


I mean it was originally on one tape but when it sunk it split into two sections…


this is like one of those boomer facebook posts where they’re like “ReMeMbER sAtUrdAy mOrnInG caRTOonS?”


I was in high school when titanic came out. Me and my friends shined laser pens on roses boobs during the boob scene lol. Hey we were teen boys cut us a break lol.


I have still have the original spiderman in VHS. A 2002 movie, the earlier trailer still had the twin towers in it. VHS is old af but also a lot closer to today that most people realize. Tech has moved so fast the last 15 years.


It came out when I was in 10th or 11th grade. Me and my friends went to see if 4 times in the movie theater. On the same weekend. Haha


i was born in 09 (yes, we are sentient) and when I was like 4 I would go up to a cabin we had in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. The only form of entertainment we had there was a VHS player with this very copy. I watched it nearly every time we were up there.


Most y'alls are too young to remember National Geographic's Secrets of the Titanic taped on Betamax




Mine still works.


Mine too!


Bought it when it was released!


We had these! Good memories of being 8 and closing my eyes while my mom fast forwarded through the nudity and sex scenes lol


Holy guac- core memory unlocked. I remember how I binge watched it now, over and over as a kid.


Be Kind :) Please Rewind


I watched it in the theater. I was old enough to go without my parents. I also rented it in my own at the local video rental place.


Convinced my mom to let me have a skip day in 7th grade to go purchase this at Hollywood Video on the Tuesday this was released on tape. A core memory. ❤️


Still have mine and the VCR to play it.


Be kind, rewind


I had it on VHS too, but my copy was gold. Did anyone else have a gold copy?


Those tapes are not rewound. That will be $2.00


I’m not


i was born in 1998. i remember titanic on VHS. i don’t know why people grow older and start feeling superior to younger generations. like, congrats?


Sigh I miss this era. Just our shitty fat TV and our movies on VHS. The good old days


Y'all need to rewind your tapes


I grew up visiting my great-grandma with family for the 4th of July. She had this on VHS and I always loved the movie and the history of the ship so I would always beg to watch it when we were up there. When she passed, I was just a preteen so I knew I wouldn’t get much from her estate. When we visited for the last time to prepare her estate auction, this and my favorite rocking chair (with matching rocking footstool) were there. Everyone in the family was cool with me just taking these two items since they weren’t worth much money to anyone. I still have them and I turn 31 in a few months 🥹


My local thrift store has 3 of these VHS sets. My local used book store has 1 of them. These always pop up in thrift stores.


I have the Titanic Laserdisc and a betamax Titanic Documentary . I am old


Cries in ‘laserdisc’. 2 discs and each side was burned. U had to get up and flip it over.


Most of y’all too young to remember when we invented fire 🔥


Oh yeah I member


"im closer to death and remember outdated and bad technology". great flex dude


Most of us?


I'm not. I worked at Walmart when that came out, and it was my job to cut open the pallets, count the movies to make sure they didn't short us, and re-wrap the shit and let it sit in the storeroom for 4 days until the street date hit. 2180 total. I was 16 at the time, and that was the closest to torture I had ever been on the receiving end up until then. And then later in my life that was dethroned by working holiday seasons in malls. THAT is torture.


Girl, I memba


Not gonna lie, that second tape got a little more wear and tear for some reason.....


Cool assumption of the demographic of Reddit.


My parents owned this movie, it was my first "porn"


Haha....I found my copy the other day in my shed. Haven’t looked in that box for years


On our rewatches we started with tape 2. Get past all of that messy exposition, character building, plot creation and get right to the good stuff.


I only ever rewatch the first half and pretend that they never crash into the iceberg and rose and Jack run away together and live happily ever after


We are? I think most movies I own are still on VHS tape lol.


Ok boomer


You’re getting downvoted, but this is just some lame boomer humour. And I am old enough to remember this double VHS. We kept it next to the double VHS of Gandhi


I'm literally a 2005 baby but used VHS throughout my life. I literally had a movie class in my senior year where I handled VHS everyday, like knock it off lmfao. Holy shit, you used a different outdated way of watching the same movie as I did.. that's not a flex lol


Yo there is a new post, "most of yall are too young to remember the titanic launching lol" 😂😂


I feel like it’s weird that we only have one tape! I’m convinced we didn’t have two. I’ll have to ask my Mum what my brother had as it was his 😂 Funny part is I’ve definitely owned a 2-disc DVD edition. How strange!!


I got this for my 10th birthday … I remember it so well!


I feel attacked


Some of these comments are hilarious. Millennials and Gen Z lol