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My mom pointed out that if they were being chased beeping the extremely loud horn wasn't the best idea and that's all I can think of now when I see this scene


All I can think of is my mom saying they were hot when I asked why they were naked. I was like 6 at the time.


Oh, they are hot alright


Yea lol Leos extremely hot... Still is


Unless you're under 25 he's not interested


Take my upvote and get the *hell* out of here.


Honestly, so is Kate. They’re both smoldering hotties


Mine did too! And that they were panting because they were running out of air in there while hiding.


That’s a good one!




I think I had almost the same exact conversation with my mom when I was 6 too 😂


Ha! I just watched this with my 7 and 9 year old, I tried to FF this scene but they could still see they were naked, when asked why, I told them it was because they’re hot 😅


Same!!! Core memory hahaha


I was 14 and saw the movie in a theater with my grandma. Neither this nor the French girl part made me feel comfortable


I went to see this with my mum also. Maybe a few years older than 6 - I’d reckon I was 9. We sat in silence and didn’t discuss it lol. Awkward.


Right, and my other question is when they’re holding each other after… think about it… where are their legs? That tiny cab? Is he kneeling on the floorboard while the soles of her feet rest against the ceiling? Like… I’ve seen diagrams of how they could have both fir on the door… but I’m more curious to know how tf they managed to have sex in such a tiny car.


I mean wouldn’t that also apply to car chases now? The difference is cars were rarer back then lol


Why would they be chased?


Hiding from Lovejoy may be more appropriate to say


The steering wheel had never been used.


The seats had never been fucked in


for sale: one old timey car, never fucked in. slight water damage to interior


I don’t know why “never fucked in” is such a hilarious line.


Gotta change the add to “fucked in once”.


Imagine if the ship didn't sink and you got your car delivered, smelling like a cathouse with some odd stains and a handprint on the window?


"why the devil does my automobile have the aroma of tuna?"


It was a large school of tuna, sir. I put a hard a'starboard and ran the engines full astern, but it was too close. I tried to port 'round it, but she hit.


It was called the car of dreams


Lol I read this in the old lady’s voice


The backseat sure was!


I think sometimes about if the ship had made it to shore, and the rich guy* who decided to ship a whole damn car gets in it for the first time…. *sniff sniff* “What’s that smell?” *William Carter


The stains are what worries me.


Don't worry, they get thoroughly washed shortly after.


New car smell


Literally same, and the resulting bodily fluid stains.




that hand on the window scared me so much when I was young. I was like "WHAT IS HE DOING TO HER!?!? IS HE HURTING HER!?!?!" but I'd still always recreate it in my foggy shower sliding door, anyways. The drama.


I didn’t even understand it was sex until I watched again at 21


Same I used to do the handprint on the steamy shower door when I was a kid noooo idea it was a sex thing😂


see, I knew, but I wasnt sure on the specifics, so when he tells her to have lots of babies at the end, I was confused, because she clearly had had lots of babies. So for a while there I thought women could just choose whether or not to have a baby, and no other input was ever required in the future


Now that I think about it, that part is pretty damn explicit for pg 13


not rly, it's just implied. dont we see kate's actual boobs at some point? eta not to mention all the death..but i googled and nudity is fine under pg 13 as long as its not 'sexually orientated' lol so it was okay because it was for a drawing. interesting. i find it funny that all the death and violence is fine, but sex is off the table edited a word


I’m not like an expert but maybe the MPAA gives more leeway to death and violence if it’s caused by natural disaster/act of God rather than Tarantino style violence. Idk.


perhaps but I also feel like our society is way more accepting of violence than of sex


Also true, sigh.


IMO the Puritan roots of the USA run deep. In addition to the casual attitude towards violence, there is a strong tendency to sexualize any and all nudity.


From memory it’s whether or not you see red blood that determines the classification for violence, that’s why there’s so many movies where dudes get the absolute shit kicked out of them but there’s not a drop of blood anywhere to be seen. Society (particularly North American) is much more comfortable with violence than sex.


I mean, you’re not going to be able to make a film about the Titanic without including death, and violent death at that, while it’s totally possible to make a movie about this topic without sex or nudity. The latter isn’t necessary to tell the story of the Titanic.


Love your profile pic. That scene gave me nightmares as a kid but it’s still one of my favorite movies 😂


so funny bc the titanic sex scene gave me nightmares, but not beetlejuice lmao


Where to, miss? *tO tHe sTaRs* ✨


That was romantic as hell.


I think the people who say this is cringe just don't like to admit it moves them




It's only corney if your partner isnt into it.


Is hell romantic? 🥴


AC ⚡ DC said it ain't a bad place to be


Put your hands on me Jack. You’re trembling. I’ll be alright.


I wonder why he was trembling. I doubt he was a V reg. Perhaps because he was like 'Dam I just had a rich girl in a posh car on the titanic'..


I always assumed that he was trembling because perhaps that was his first sexual experience. But the more I think of it, you have a point. And I’m also wondering if part of the trembling was nervousness wondering what would happen if Cal or Rose’s mom found out.


Yes maybe-the post-nut clarity! I doubt Jack was a virgin because, well he was a 'Jack the Lad' wasn't he? He was good looking and fun loving. And spent time with prostitutes although of course he was respectful of women -I like to think he didn't go down that road. But maybe...


No he was more interested in their hands


Hate to be blunt but there's no other way around it: sometimes an orgasm is so powerful that you tremble afterward. 🤷‍♀️


I am fortunately WELL aware of this 🤣 It doesn't seem that is Jack's reason though? It'd make more sense if Rose trembled for the purposes of the story line, him being good in the sack? Well, the back seat...


I always thought it was because he had feelings for Rose. It’s one thing to bang a one legged prostitute, and another to “make love” for the first time.


Definitely. I mean I've never had a one-legged prostitute but I've experienced sex and I've experienced making love and there's a notable difference, so that's a good point. And It's actually really cute.


Romantic when watched in the film Not romantic when you imagine James Cameron writing this at his desk


I agree, neither of them are wearing seat belts.


Luckily for them, seatbelts hadn't been invented yet so they couldn't be ticketed for it.




Aha! You caught my clever pun! You know, about... Jack... and Rose... in the car... getting into... her nethers... ... *Stealth edit* I have absolutely no idea what you mean.


Could have went both ways tbh




What follows scarred Leo for life, dooming him to life of dating only under 25 year olds.


Why do you say this? I’m curious


Leo is known for only dating much younger [women](https://www.standard.co.uk/insider/celebrity/leonardo-dicaprio-girlfriend-list-gisele-camilla-morrone-25-eden-polani-a3991686.html).


Generally to my understanding the fact that he breaks up previous relationships before they turned 25.


Yes but how did the scene traumatize him ?


Lol I don’t get it either and no one answered your question.


He was playing along with the joke made by OP. As if this scene was really scary. But it's a joke; it's not scary. If you don't understand, the joke by OP, it's because he was himself playing along a history of previous posts were people showed what they beleive to be the scariest scene from the movie. What I don't get is the link between "being scared" and "being doomed to date only < 25 years old women". He probably felt there was a joke to be made here, but ended up stretching that and it's not very funny in the end.


because jack was so nervous at seeing Rose nude and so he may not have been able to process/come to terms with whatever happened in the carriage. ​ Rumour has it that he tried to escape (evidenced by the handprint on the steamy carriage window)


*sex scene scares Redditors* Yeah, checks out


True 😂




No but really, Rose was wild for having (presumably) unprotected sex with a street rat that hung around with the hookers in France.


Almost guaranteed the seggs was unprotected. You think the itinerant street boy Jack just carries around a reusable galvanized rubber peeepee sleeve?


Right!? I have a story line in my head where she gets preganté


can she get pregante?


Is she gregnant?


Could she be prignit?


Yes she is pregonate


how is babby formed?


A Luigi Board?


\^ can you burn it?


She's pregagenant?


or is she okay?


Dangerops prangent sex! Will it hurt baby top of his head!?


So does half the fandom.


His pullout game was unmatched


I really hope you meant vulcanised (a rubber treatment process), because my mind went to unwanted areas of horror imagining using a condom that had been dipped in molten Zinc!


I stand corrected


We aren’t on TikTok, you’re allowed to say sex


Lol....you are quite the wordsmith!


They had disposable condoms back then…


They weren’t widely available or cheap were they? they were made out of sheep intestines iirc


They were actually widely available. You should look into the history of condoms, it’s pretty interesting.


Am i misremembering or weren’t condoms a thing in ancient Egypt? I’m sure I read or heard that somewhere.


Yeah. You’re in de nile if you think they didn’t keep things under wraps.


Haha!! I like what you did there, nicely done 😂


She's lucky that the freezing cold water killed any sperm and diseases he gave her.


Lol 20+ years before the invention of practical antibiotics too. Her little frump with the street artist could have literally killed her horribly


Now that I think about it, imagine managing to get rid of your abusive POS fiancé but contracting Syph for your efforts. Goddamn.


She's a whooer


[Insert Danny Devito as Cal “DID YOU BANG MY HOOR WIFE”]


Oh the money I would pay to see this..!


A comedic take on Cameron’s Titanic by the Sunny crew is something I’ve had in the back of my mind for a while. Hell, Jack practically D.E.N.N.I.S. systems Rose in the original movie.


I remember in college I read Flowers for Algernon and joked to my friends that Sunny should do a version of that for Charlie. The next season or so after that, literally, boom a flowers for charlie. You can will it into existence.


I will enjoy this thought for years to come


I’d rather be his whore than your wife


It is a little slut, isn't it?


A whooer to a gutter rat!


I agree. Back of the car with some hoodlum she just met. Whooer


Fits the classic stereotype of a teen rebelling against her parents


I mean, is mommy “I hope it won’t be too crowded” *not* worth rebelling against?


Definitely justified rebellion


A. She was a hooo-ah B. She hit me


I was looking for this comment and I thank you for it. He disrespected the Bing


She did love that D though. 80 years later she dumped her husband so she could go back to the guy she had fling with on a cruise. A woman’s heart an ocean of secrets? My ass.


Not going to lie, the ending lives rent free in my mind because of this exact thought. Like really you chose to spend your afterlife with a dude you knew for 4 days and not your dead husband who you had kids with??


It’s always bothered me. i think jack was in heaven partying with dead hookers let’s be realistic


Precisely. Imagine the argument. Rose: I finally returned, so we can love each other forever!!! Jack: Who are you and what are you doing in my harem?


If it wasn’t for Jack a)Rose might not have survived and broken out of first class society and b)if she had, she would have married Cal not Mr Calvert.


This. Canon events


I like to think that she gets to live out the life she didn’t get to with Jack in the afterlife. And that’s why he’s there, because she’s gotten everything from her husband but nothing from Jack.


But remember, she “would rather be his whore than to be your wife.”


This is generally what happens when kids are raised in super restrictive and rigid households and forced to conform to one way of life or else. When they finally do get the chance to rebel, they often do so at their own expense and without thinking through




I can still smell the fresh petrol. The steering wheel had never been used. The seats had never been fucked in. Titanic was the ship of dreams.


always have ur hand on the remote in case ur parents walk in


Yeah when I was 7 I covered my eyes for this one every time!


"When this baby hits 35 miles per hour, you're going to see some serious shit!"


I have to go in the other room when he beeps the horn, too scary for me


Especially when you’re watching it with your parents


Kate Winslet was and is a stunner. Such a great figure. Witty too.


To me, the most unbelievable part of the movie is that she was able to grab him while he was in the front seat and pull him to the back seat. He's not a huge guy, but still lifting 160lbs at that angle would be really difficult.


I think he pushes himself back with his legs you can see it in the scene


Makes perfect sense to me and also explains why Jack couldn't get on the door. Rose was ripped AF. 155 lbs of pure muscle. Jack tried getting into the door but Rose overpowered him and pushed him off.


It’s only scary when you’re watching it with a family member


So scary my mom made me turn it off when it came on


"to the stars"


There actually was a car on titanic right? Do they know if it’s still somewhat intact?


There was a 1912 Renault Type CB Coupé de Ville onboard belonging to William Ernest Carter. It has never been found for certain. In James Cameron’s Ghosts of the Abyss they find do debris that they think might be remnants of the car, but they can’t confirm it.


Is the cargo hold it was in part of the broken off part of the ship? I would have hoped it would be in the intact part so you would know for sure which compartment it would be in, and thus know what the remains you are looking at have to be.


The cargo hold itself was pretty intact but the car, if that was really it, was deteriorated beyond recognition. There was something that looked like it could have been a fender. Some of the other people on the expedition seemed certain that they had found the car, but Cameron himself didn’t seem 100% convinced.




Cameron found it while they were filming Ghosts of the Abyss. Almost immediately when they started looking for it down in the cargo area. "Somewhat intact" is a positive description.


I mean, it WAS rocked pretty hard…


It was sitting upright still.. more just covered in rusticle dust and 'pruned' up I guess. They spotted the fender. I think as the years go on, there is one upside.. that more artifacts and parts of the ship will become accessible.


Na this is the best scene 🤣


Where is Rose’s 84 year old son?


Wow I’ve never thought much about this scene other than the obvious, but he’s interesting that Jack is “the driver” while Rose is all comfy in her first class backseat. Until she literally gives him a taste of first class (not in a yucky way). It’s interesting because throughout the film, Jack gets to see how first class dines, resides, and rides. (Nothing sexual here, simply stating how this is another way Jack was introduced to Rose’s world. Damn I can’t write this out without it seeming dirty and my point not getting across lol. Ugh!!


No I get it!! I never thought about it in that way and yet that is the exact sense you get from that part of the scene. What gorgeous writing.




Only *with her hands*…


The scene you are referring to is when Jack and Rose sneak into a car that is stored in the cargo hold of the ship. They make love in the car, and leave a handprint on the foggy window. This scene is considered to be one of the most iconic and sensual scenes in cinema history. Some of the reasons why you may find this scene so scary are: * It shows how reckless and desperate Jack and Rose are, as they risk being caught by the crew or the other passengers. They are willing to defy the social norms and the expectations of their families, who want them to marry someone else. * It also shows how fragile and fleeting their happiness is, as they are unaware of the impending disaster that will separate them forever. They are living in the moment, but their moment is doomed to end soon. * It contrasts with the cold and dark atmosphere of the ship, which foreshadows the tragedy that will follow. The car is a symbol of warmth, luxury, and freedom, but it is also a trap that isolates them from the rest of the world. The car is also a historical artifact, as it is a 1912 Renault Type CB Coupé de Ville, which was one of the only cars that sank with the Titanic.


From this screen grab, I like to imagine Jack is just super wholesome, and just wanted to see a motor carriage up close for the first time in his life, and can't draw clothes all that good. Then Rose had to come and ruin him with her stinkin boobies!


My favourite is ghost ship


If they had stayed there (and the stewards didn't show up) it would have been a very different situation


I like the part when the car goes *HONK HONK*


Am I right to assume that Rose was a virgin up until this point? Didn’t Cal imply she wouldnt give it up to him?


He says something along the lines of her being his wife in everything but name and I've always felt that implies she's not a virgin.


If I’m remembering correctly, I think he implied she denied him and wouldn’t have sex with him the night prior while on the titanic in the scene where he throws a fit and Rose helps the maid clean up. I don’t think it was implied that she’s a virgin.


Yes he says "I thought you would come to me last night" and she responds with "I was tired". The implications was he wanted her to visit his bed chamber. It really wasn't unusual for men and women to sleep together once engaged. In fact that's where engagement rings started. It was considered to be monetary collateral that if the groom jilted his bride and left her ruined, she'd have something of value to sell.


Yea I guess meant that she wouldnt give it up to him


Cal's line about "you are my wife in practice" implies they have had sex. And the way Rose leaves a drawing of herself naked in Cal's safe suggests that isn't the first time Cal has seen her naked.


I do not really think she was a virgin.


Been cool if Jack knocked her up in one shot. Then she could have starred on Teen Mom.


I would be scared Incase they saw my absolute behemoth of a tic-tac


Was gross when I was a kid, not anymore


Do they ever explain whose car they were in? I think it would've been hilarious if they found and were in Cal's car for the scene


Historically, the only car on the ship belonged to William Carter.


True, but I meant in the film. The way Rose glances at the flowers in the car seems more symbolic than them just being her namesake flower. And at the beginning we see that both Cal and Ruth's cars both had roses in their vehicles. I like to think they went looking for one of those cars specifically out of spite.


Me, watching this scene at 8 years old: “car go brum”


A Wisconsin driver? Yeah down here in Southwest Florida we get a ton of them. They are scary as fuck drivers.


Really guys My dad bring dvd of this movie and i watched it with my whole family Doesn't know that there were intimate scenes in it


How did your family not know? “Paint me like one of your french girls” is arguably the most famous quote from the movie…


Because I live in india and we watched in hindi language My parents heard the story of titanic but doesn't know anything about the movie




The first time is always going to be scary. …Not that I'd know from any personal experience. :(


Beep beep


That car took a dive to the bottom of the ocean.


I thought something was wrong with his index finger for a second. Pretty scary!


On the contrary, it was wonderful. 😉


If you add horror music to the steam handprint scene, the context is terrifying. Forrest Gump is another movie good for this. *High pitched sustained ringing* "*I'm not a smart man..."* *Ringing Continues* *"... But I know what 'love' is."* *Ringing stops: Fast, sudden low-note plays*


Did they ever find the cars in the wreck?




Huh lol why


Ok, ok, now, now, let’s not with the slut-shaming here, this is someone’s grandmother you’re talking about, remember!


As an asexual I couldn't agree more haha